[member="Ginnie Ordo"] | [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"] | [member="Ordo"] |[member="Arrbi Betna"] |[member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Evi Sohl"]
Anija still remained near the throne, watching the duel between [member="Mia Monroe"] and [member="Olivia Dem'adas"]. She wasn't sure what the outcome would be, but then no one could know for sure. As she continued to watch, she was jolted from her observation by the shouted words of [member="Preliat Mantis"]. While crude and abrupt, the man did have a point. Azrael was the one who had held them together on Teta. He had made sure that they got as many home to Manda'yaim as possible. Sure, a retreat may not have been what most of the vode wanted, but they could all see the situation.
She looked around the room, scanning the see if faces - or rather helmets. Many she recognized - and yet there were many she did not. She half-heard Ginnie's voice, and took a step back from the throne as she watched the duel. She gave [member="Azrael"] a nod. Of anyone right now who had laid claim to the title, she had to agree. He was the most qualified. As she took another step away, she looked around for Arrbi.