Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.

Race: Riben-Jin Energy Vampire
SJO title: Knight Yumi
Sith Alias: Shinigami
Age: 36 (starting age 18)
Sex: Female

Occupation: Freelancer/Member of the Silver Jedi
Rank: Jedi
Relationship status: Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Home Planet: Dantooine
Planet of Residence: Atrisia

Height: 167.24 cm
Weight: 69,7 kg
Eye Colour: Dark Blue
Skin Colour: Fair slightly pale
Build: Slender/Average
Hair Colour: Black/Blue

Strengths +
Athletic: Athletic and force training makes Sky'ito light on her feet and nimble, perfect or fast combat
Martial artist: Training in hand to hand combat from a young age has made Sky'ito a decent fight with many CQC moves and styles.
Historian: Traveling with her archeologist father created a natural leaning environment for galactic history and she has accumulated much knowledge about the force for someone her age.
Technician: Studying and experience while traveling has made her proficient at dealing with technical and mechanical problems as well as making her an okay slicer
Weaknesses -
Blaster inept: Sky'ito prefers to use her light-saber and is not very skilled with most blaster variants besides pistols.
Suspicious: From past experience she does not trust Sith, Mandolorans and other certain aliens and makes her fairly bias towards people who don't earn her trust.
Sadistic Darkside: When drawing from the darkside of the force for to long her personality changes and she becomes very sadistic taking pleasure in other peoples suffering.
Other Performance Factors & Traits
Grey Force user: Sky'ito draws from both the light and the dark side depending on the situation but does not give into either side full, this can be for better for for worse depending on company.
A Bit Of Blood: Sky'itos vampire heritage means she is able to take hits easier and keep fighting, but if she take enough damage will start to experience weakness and will need to feed.
Adept pilot: Travel and odd pirate encounters has made her a decent flyer though not near as well as military trained one.
Honor Bound: Often adhere to the Riben-Jin code of honor ans will fight fairly in a duel, not using underhanded tactics on an opponent, which may or may not result in a good outcome.
Variety: Sky'ito a reasonable amount of lightener combat style, thought this might give her an edge because sh can change up style, in mean she in not a master in any style which experience duelist can exploit.
Novice- Adept- Proficient- Expert- Master- Perfectionist
[SIZE=11pt]Skill Scale: [ IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII ][/SIZE]
Light saber combat styles
Shii Cho: Master[SIZE=11pt] [ IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII ][/SIZE]-Your simple basic
lightsabre form, used often for disarming opponents, mainly
uses long stroking swings and is the basic form all lightsabre
using fighter learn first.
Ataru: Master[SIZE=11pt] [ IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII ][/SIZE]-The offensive and
aggressive form of light sabre combat aimed at overpowering
your foes, though Sukai often uses it to try in conjunction with
fast and prices light attacks in attempts to off balance an
opponent to deliver short debilitating strikes.
Niman: Expert [SIZE=11pt][ IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII ] -[/SIZE]The all purpose light
sabre art which Sukai mainly in the use of a sabre staff, but come
in handy when Sukai chooses to used more then on blade at a time.
Ken Kōgeki O Tomeru (Custome Style)
Expert: [SIZE=11pt][ IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII ][/SIZE]-A style focused on intercepting
an opponents attack in the middle of a swing with a counter attack,
combining Soresu and Ataru into an aggressive defense formed,
aimed to unbalance an enemy and get a opening more quickly, then
waiting for them to make a mistake, conserving stamina. (A sword
play version of the real life marital arts 'Jeet kune do').
Vampire/Race Powers
- Enhanced Sense: Energy vampire had a heightened ability that
targets down, though not as heightened as a full blood vampire, Sukai
had a slight and natural edge over others of herskill level.
- Enhanced Strengh:
is still much stronger then someone of her same build.
- Regeneration:
or critical, though very much feels their pain and does not heal as fast as
her mother of other vampires.
Other Skills
Cyristal making: Adept [SIZE=11pt][IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII][/SIZE] -A new skill she obtained
from Janick as part of a learning course, though still in the early days Sukai
is eager to progress this skill even further.
Stealth: Proficient[SIZE=11pt] [IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII][/SIZE] Though not her strong suit, being
one to seek opponents in combat Sukaihas learned a thing or two from her
mother in the art of stealth. As suchif needed can slip away from the enemy,
but can still be caught with ease.
Hacking: Proficient [SIZE=11pt][IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII][/SIZE] Again not a huge strong point but
know how to slice basic computers and some types of security devices, though
not very quick and may set off the alarm.
Flying: Expert [SIZE=11pt][IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII][/SIZE] Maybe not an ace but constant travel
as a kid and the odd dog fight has made her more then good enough to handle
most craft and aerial combat.
Marksmanship: Proficent [SIZE=11pt][ IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII ][/SIZE] Not really a gun person by was
kind of forced to learn it by her mother. not a crack ship but if need be able to
pick up a blaster and zap some baddies.
Force Powers
- Telekinesis: Master [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIII[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]I IIIII[/SIZE] Basic lifting and moving with your mind, has under went extensive training under Kight Wu Yeoh and thus has reach a much higher level of use.
- Art of MovementArt of Movement-Master [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIII[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]I IIIII[/SIZE] Got to go smooth
- Force Leap: Master [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] IIIII IIIII[/SIZE] Almost second nature by this point, but still lacking in precise control that other have
- Force Hearing: Master [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] IIIII IIIII[/SIZE]
- Force Sight: Master [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] IIIII IIIII[/SIZE]
- Force Strength: Master [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE]
- Sense: Master [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE] Being naturally good due to her race Sukai and many past experiences, Sukai had become decent as sensing others.
Empathy: Expert[SIZE=11pt] IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE] - Precognition: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE]
[*]Memory Rub: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE]IIIII IIIII-learnt from Jacink Beuchamp through her use of Memory Rub
[*]Drain Knowledge: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE]IIIII IIIII-Used Memory rub to learn from Jacink Buechamp
[*]Force Conceal: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII[/SIZE] IIIII
[*]Breath Control: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII[/SIZE] IIIII
[*]Persuasion: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIII[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]I IIIII[/SIZE] [SIZE=11pt]IIIII[/SIZE]-Sukai may not uses this skill often but has a good understanding of how it works as well as practical use.
[*]Alter Environment: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE]- Sukai understands the physics behind altering the environment and how it works, having now practice the art more fully in her off time.
[*]ShadowVision: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE]- Proficient Low level knight vision it good, make hunting prey easier
[*]Kenisis: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE]- Similar to Alter Environment but for more combat means then anything else, the art of making atoms move to create combustion or create sub zero temperatures.
[*]Tapas: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE] Kind of the same as Alter Environment but for the body
[*]Choke: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE] Not a skill she likes to use, but never the less know.
[*]Force Shield: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE]
[*]Lightning: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE]- A skill she was taught by her mother which Sukai has put to good use in the past but never got around to properly training in it.
[*]Force body: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE] Being a vampire allow Sukai to use this skill without much damage, but has not used it much
[*]Tutaminis: Expert [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE] blocking stuff with your hand
[*]Force Cloak: Proficient[SIZE=11pt] IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE] learnt the basics from her Sith teacher
[*]Battle Meditation: Proficient[SIZE=11pt] IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]I[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]I[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIII IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE] learnt fro Master Ayumi
[*]Force Stun: Proficient [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]I[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]I[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIII IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE]
[*]Force Weapon: Adept [SIZE=11pt]IIIII [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]I[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]I[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IIII IIIII IIIII IIIII[/SIZE]

Appearance-Sukai is quite and average build, not being to slender but not to muscular, has fair skin and long black/blue hair reaching down to a bit below her shoulder. She bears a burn scar across her left eye from a Sith acolyte she faced when she as younger usually not making any attempts to cover it up. This is partially due to hiding her vampire heritage as such a scar would have long healed. In addition she now bears a scar just above her waist also of the left side from a force infused Sith sword attained during the invasion of Mirial.
Sukai's clothing varies considerably, though the one thing that remains constant is its dark colour, usually in the from of black, grey, bark blue and purple. Her main attire is a short skirted long sleeved causal outfit in navy blue, a form of clothing fashionable on Astrias, this may often be accompanied by a flak jacket or vest of sorts. For combat she may often use her custom combat suit as it is able to deflect blaster bolts and lightsabres with ease, though recently she has put aside said suit in favor for a black Yukaka robe made from Skylar, attained from her master Wu Yeoh.
Notable Characteristics
- Scar across left eye from a light saber
Light/slightly pale skin
Sword Scar above her left hip

Sky'ito is a clam and confident but sometimes come off as a bit arrogant person to those she has just met, though is willing listen and show respect to those older and more experience then herself. When someone has gotten to know her a bit more Sukai is generally kind and outgoing willing to help those in a tigh situation when needed and loves a good adventure. She enjoys teaching others of the force and sharing her knowledge of the past with others as well as words of advice/quotes for those that listen due to her historical now-how.
Despite this when drawing from the dark for extended periods of time or in large amounts much she embrace a more darker personality often being mean and sadistic towards others, not hesitating to put them through immense pain, both physical and mentally. Or when going for long periods of time without feeding can be affected by her vampire hunger and lash out at others.

Alignment: Sukai is considered by many to be a grey, though this is not fully true as she often sways between dark and light, drawing on wither side depending on the situation, not really trying to find balance as most grey do.
View on the Force - Sukai views the force as an all powerful ethereal being which is sentient and know everything that is happening in the galaxy, but cannot directly intervene and thus allow its power to flow through those that are force sensitive. She does not believe the dark or light can assume total control as the force will away try to find a way to bring balance, through whatever means necessary, mainly war .
Cultural and Traditions - Sukais link to her Riben-Jin father and culture is the strongest out of her many influences, the main points that have stuck with her throughout the years being the tradition of honor respect, focus on creating ones own weapon, fashion styles and way of speaking. Her second most influential ideology is that of the Jedi and the code which the live by, though not one to follow this code it still influence Sukai in many decision making events and help keep her from slipping into the dark. Though not a general fan of it Sukai still studied the Sith code and is meaning, despite not agreeing with most of is she understood that emotion were a major part of using the force and how Love and passion where technically emotion that used the darkside.
Governmental Views - Sukai from looking at the galaxy has a view that the most effective form of government is that of a constitutionality monarchy, the form of government still giving power to the people and allowing the to choose their leader. At the same time having a higher power that can assume control if said government become corrupt or in emergencies.
Life Goal and Self Purpose - Sukai does not believe that the galaxy will be achieving peace anytime soon, not with the Sith as an ever constant threat and other fanatic force sects, Light and Dark alike. As such Sukai has dedicated her life in the pursuit of knowledge, from both sides of the force, hoping to protect them against destruction so that people in the future are able to learn and perhaps avoid making the same mistakes as their ancestors.
Code - Despite being a 'Jedi' Sukai often puts Bushido before anything else, often using as a way to distinguish herself from other Jedi as she often calls herself a Samuri more then a anything else.


Her hand made sabre staff with a Dartari crystal and a purple blade
Her Fathers Azura Light Sabre, her secondary weapon.
Shi Sa'ku: The red crystal light saber which she trophy-ed off the Sith acolyte she killed.
DL-44 pistol as a backup weapon
Ion or thermal detonators, something her mother always insisted she carry
Shishio: A deadly Katana with alchemy enhancement
Combat Gear
Sky'ito's Combat Suit: Made again by Meran mechanics, though is very max min in the defense department
Boots: Loaned to her my Merna Mechanics, good in combat and climbing
H.T.E armor weave: Causal clothing made in the same fashion to the popular sailor suit from Atrisia
Some security slicers
Sukai's robes: Powerful and strong robes for any combat situation
Sukai's Nanban Dou:
Personal Items
Kimono she bought (latest SJO dom)
Healing Amulet
Fighter: From history she became obsessed with the Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor and has obtained one with a hyperspace ring included.
Speeder: Because of their reliability and long-term use she uses a 74-Z speeder bike though is currently shopping around for another.
Other: Na
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]: Brother, odd but fun loving a fellow Jedi and almost a twin
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]: Mother, rough and a bit stern but loving and willing to go to great length for her children
Takeshi Yumi: Father, wise and knowledgeable fun and easy to get along with
[member="Wu Yeoh"]: Master, a bit quirky though is a good master with a lot of tools ad her disposal
[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
[member="Karren Trask"]: Friend, a Jedi bud, a bit quick to anger but a good fighter
[member="Lady Kay"]: Met a few time in some rather odd location
[member="Lark"]: Fanatic Sith, thinks his the good guy, fought on Miral
[member="Sol Damerin"]: Grumpy old man, who I stalk funny, when he wants to be
[member="Jairdain"]: Taught some fancy things but other than that nothing else
[member="Koda Fett"]: Mando, auto not like, family grude
Unnamed Sith: The one whom she got the lightsabre from
Sith Troopers: It happens during invasion

Early Life
Sukai was born around 835ABY, daughter to Kurenai and Tekeshi Yumi, the oldest sibling in her family, being a year and a half older then her brother Tanasuki. During most of her childhood Sukai accompanied her family around the galaxy, her mother picking up mercenary work to provide while her father spent a great deal of his time studying ancient ruins/temples and other historical land marks and as such both Sukai and Tanasuki developed a fascination for exploration and learned quite a bit about past and present warfare.
Despite the relatively peaceful life, aside from their mothers work, Tekeshi knew that eventually the two children would be subjected to the war torn galaxy, and that sooner or later either would wind up in some sort of fight. As such he took it upon himself to instruct both children in the ways of the force, both light and dark, sometime with the help of Kurenai, both parent slowly passing down the knowledge.
Out of the two Sukai seemed to show a more natural amplitude for the force, as well as being older, and once 7 years old began lightsabre sparing and marital arts practice practice, learning the basics of Shi Cho from her mother, while learning about unarmed combat from her father. In time she became en-trilled with a faster style of combat, opting to choose Ataru as the lighsabre form to study the most, as well as being quite insistent of crafting a sabre staff for herself.
Around 10 years old, and in coordination with Riben-Jin culter Sukai set out slowly attaining the necessary parts to craft a lightsabre during the family travels. At first Sukai was rather impatient and annoyed by slow rate that she could attain said materials, but was constantly reminded by her father about patience and how Padawans from the old Jedi order had to past a test/trial before finally completing their sabre. Sukai took this to heart and over the next year eventually attained all the necessary parts to craft her sabre, even finding a Dantari crystal while back on Dantooine.
Despite the relatively peaceful life, aside from their mothers work, Tekeshi knew that eventually the two children would be subjected to the war torn galaxy, and that sooner or later either would wind up in some sort of fight. As such he took it upon himself to instruct both children in the ways of the force, both light and dark, sometime with the help of Kurenai, both parent slowly passing down the knowledge.
Out of the two Sukai seemed to show a more natural amplitude for the force, as well as being older, and once 7 years old began lightsabre sparing and marital arts practice practice, learning the basics of Shi Cho from her mother, while learning about unarmed combat from her father. In time she became en-trilled with a faster style of combat, opting to choose Ataru as the lighsabre form to study the most, as well as being quite insistent of crafting a sabre staff for herself.
Around 10 years old, and in coordination with Riben-Jin culter Sukai set out slowly attaining the necessary parts to craft a lightsabre during the family travels. At first Sukai was rather impatient and annoyed by slow rate that she could attain said materials, but was constantly reminded by her father about patience and how Padawans from the old Jedi order had to past a test/trial before finally completing their sabre. Sukai took this to heart and over the next year eventually attained all the necessary parts to craft her sabre, even finding a Dantari crystal while back on Dantooine.
Teen Years
With her sabre crafted and trail of patients complete there was not much reason for Sukai not to take a further step in force and lightsabre training with her father and mother, when she had time off your. As such she was able to dedicate more time to learning Ataru, putting her natural enhanced speed to good use, proceeding at a much faster rate then a regular human would, even if said rate of learning often resulted in quite a few bruises and injures from rash thinking and over exerting.
For the next two year both her and Tanasuki would train diligently in the cultural ways of fighting, speaking and customs while contusing to move from one historic location to another ever increasing the knowledge of both siblings, even if Sukai was the only one to show eccentric interest. In time her mother divulging many stories about the past as well as informing both children about their vampire heritage, delving deeper into both its strengths and weaknesses, teaching them on how to hide that side of themselves in order to escape those that would see them as a threat and fit better into normal society.
Unfortunately this peace among the family would not last as life took a sudden turn once she was around 15 year of age. During this time period Kurenai had to leave the family in order to save a close friends life, Sukai not understanding the whole situation, leaving her father to take care of both children by himself.
During the exploration of a old ruin that been used by ancient force users of some kind with her father and brother the family stumbled across a Sith acolyte who was also researching the ruin for his own selfish gain. Upon making visual contant the rouge Sith proceeded to engaged Tekeshi in combat in some sort of corrupted rage, blinding lashing out at the Trio for no reason.
During the fight Sky'ito against her father will join the duel and was wounded on the face when she failed to properly parry a swing from the acolyte. This distracted her father long enough for the acolyte to dismember his left leg, disabling him and almost allowing for said Sith to deliver the killing blow, but upon seeing her father loosing a leg Sukai and drew from the dark side of the force proceeding to literally dis arm the Sith, though it did not stop there. Blinded by anger Sukai continued to stab and mutilate said Sith, making him suffer excruciating pain, refusing to give him a painless death, making Sukai obtain a taste and likeliness for causing pain to other, the event being burned into her Memory.
After the ordeal they returned home to Dantooine where they met up again with their mother who felt a great deal of regret for being away from the family so much. As a result Kurenai retired from being a mercenary, dedicating the next 3 year to keeping the family safe and out of harms way, stepping up her training regime of the two siblings so such an event would not happen again. Eventually the with the rise of the Sith Ascendancy (now know as the Sith Empire after merging with the Sith Assassins) in the Northern Galactic Sectors the family decided to move to the core worlds, taking up residence on Atrisia.

For the next two year both her and Tanasuki would train diligently in the cultural ways of fighting, speaking and customs while contusing to move from one historic location to another ever increasing the knowledge of both siblings, even if Sukai was the only one to show eccentric interest. In time her mother divulging many stories about the past as well as informing both children about their vampire heritage, delving deeper into both its strengths and weaknesses, teaching them on how to hide that side of themselves in order to escape those that would see them as a threat and fit better into normal society.
Unfortunately this peace among the family would not last as life took a sudden turn once she was around 15 year of age. During this time period Kurenai had to leave the family in order to save a close friends life, Sukai not understanding the whole situation, leaving her father to take care of both children by himself.
During the exploration of a old ruin that been used by ancient force users of some kind with her father and brother the family stumbled across a Sith acolyte who was also researching the ruin for his own selfish gain. Upon making visual contant the rouge Sith proceeded to engaged Tekeshi in combat in some sort of corrupted rage, blinding lashing out at the Trio for no reason.
During the fight Sky'ito against her father will join the duel and was wounded on the face when she failed to properly parry a swing from the acolyte. This distracted her father long enough for the acolyte to dismember his left leg, disabling him and almost allowing for said Sith to deliver the killing blow, but upon seeing her father loosing a leg Sukai and drew from the dark side of the force proceeding to literally dis arm the Sith, though it did not stop there. Blinded by anger Sukai continued to stab and mutilate said Sith, making him suffer excruciating pain, refusing to give him a painless death, making Sukai obtain a taste and likeliness for causing pain to other, the event being burned into her Memory.
After the ordeal they returned home to Dantooine where they met up again with their mother who felt a great deal of regret for being away from the family so much. As a result Kurenai retired from being a mercenary, dedicating the next 3 year to keeping the family safe and out of harms way, stepping up her training regime of the two siblings so such an event would not happen again. Eventually the with the rise of the Sith Ascendancy (now know as the Sith Empire after merging with the Sith Assassins) in the Northern Galactic Sectors the family decided to move to the core worlds, taking up residence on Atrisia.

Non canon Rps (may change)
http://starwarsrp.net/topic/112881-glorified-theft-of-darksaber-designs/(gaining a new master)
Kashyyyk Tournament Round 1
Re-acquainting with your roots. (Open to all Jedi, Allies.)
http://starwarsrp.net/topic/112881-glorified-theft-of-darksaber-designs/(gaining a new master)
Kashyyyk Tournament Round 1
Re-acquainting with your roots. (Open to all Jedi, Allies.)
Cannon Rps
View From the Fooftops/(fighting/complete/cringy)
I Explode Space Stations Open/(social)
Your Future is in the cards open(social)
A new hand touches the beacon open/(combat, noobs declaring hits)
weekend treasure hunt 29 choose your own indenture open(Week event)
dark side of the moon(character development complete)
cult of the krayt jedidark jediopen/(skirmish?)
galaxys faults/(Character development?)
on the loose/(character development)
forever a studentsjojedi/(Training)
vanity/(social/character development)
fnrp fracas at far harbor open to all/(Event)
in wild space are you a pirate or survivor open to all/(event)
the force in media res/(duel)
first visit to coruscant hopefuly not her last/(social)
variety on voss/(SJO initiation)
operation phantom fury/(skirmish/complete)
a heart in the storm/(training, grumpy old man)
sneaking around on dantooine/(don't know)
sweater weather/(social)
the crawl tse vs sjo/(skirmish)
Dystopia Dominion of the Chandaar Hex(dominion)
Operation Silversaber Silver Jedi Invasion Of The Mirial Hex(Invasion)
Swords At Aundown/(duel)
A Somber Homecoming Silver Jedi Order/(faction event)
After The Battles End/(character development)
Blocking Art/(training)
Crystal Crash/(character development)
Time To Say Goodbye SJO(faction event)
The Pointy End/(training)
We Didnt Start The Fire/(fighting)
Kashyyyks Morning Dew(social major rp)
We Used To Be Proud Of What We Do Silver Jedi Order(faction)
SJO Crystal Hunt (Faction major rp)
Mind Your Business sjo Dominion(dominion minor ro)
Come One Come All (Dominion minor rp)
An Offer You Can't Refuse [GA/ORC](Diplomacy minor rping)
Two for Flinching(Skirmish, minor rp)
Silver Jedi Order Dom of Charros (Major RP Knighted)
Needed Rest (major rp)
Sword of a Thousand Truths(crafting)
Silver Salutations [SJO] (social)
Alchemical Revenue (crafting)
Silver Blades [SJO] (training)
Dantooine Down-Under(social/Sith)
Legend of the Hidden Temple [SJO Dominion of Chalacta Hex] (Dominion)
Step into Samurihood+what About the Droid Attack on the Wookiees? (Knighting Thread)
Kokuhyo (Vampires/social)
[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fal (Coruscant blows up)
Pleasure Planet - SJO Dominion of the Zeltros Hex (Dom/training)
Dances with Wookiees (Skirmish)
The Feast of Summer (Open to SJO) (social)
A Place In Nature (faction training)
First Contact [Semi-Open To Outsiders] (faction to faction)
Back to Basics (character development)
SJO Dom of Surron Hex: Run away with the Circus (Dom/Social)
Student for the Sky (training/character development)
Jedi Dueling Tournament! Yumi V Starfire (duel)
Round 2: Jedi Tournament Xeraic V Yumi (duel)
Rangers Lead the Way - SJO Dominion of Antar (Dom)
Ill-conceived Desire (social training)
Beach Day [SJO, Allies, LS] (social)
I Explode Space Stations Open/(social)
Your Future is in the cards open(social)
A new hand touches the beacon open/(combat, noobs declaring hits)
weekend treasure hunt 29 choose your own indenture open(Week event)
dark side of the moon(character development complete)
cult of the krayt jedidark jediopen/(skirmish?)
galaxys faults/(Character development?)
on the loose/(character development)
forever a studentsjojedi/(Training)
vanity/(social/character development)
fnrp fracas at far harbor open to all/(Event)
in wild space are you a pirate or survivor open to all/(event)
the force in media res/(duel)
first visit to coruscant hopefuly not her last/(social)
variety on voss/(SJO initiation)
operation phantom fury/(skirmish/complete)
a heart in the storm/(training, grumpy old man)
sneaking around on dantooine/(don't know)
sweater weather/(social)
the crawl tse vs sjo/(skirmish)
Dystopia Dominion of the Chandaar Hex(dominion)
Operation Silversaber Silver Jedi Invasion Of The Mirial Hex(Invasion)
Swords At Aundown/(duel)
A Somber Homecoming Silver Jedi Order/(faction event)
After The Battles End/(character development)
Blocking Art/(training)
Crystal Crash/(character development)
Time To Say Goodbye SJO(faction event)
The Pointy End/(training)
We Didnt Start The Fire/(fighting)
Kashyyyks Morning Dew(social major rp)
We Used To Be Proud Of What We Do Silver Jedi Order(faction)
SJO Crystal Hunt (Faction major rp)
Mind Your Business sjo Dominion(dominion minor ro)
Come One Come All (Dominion minor rp)
An Offer You Can't Refuse [GA/ORC](Diplomacy minor rping)
Two for Flinching(Skirmish, minor rp)
Silver Jedi Order Dom of Charros (Major RP Knighted)
Needed Rest (major rp)
Sword of a Thousand Truths(crafting)
Silver Salutations [SJO] (social)
Alchemical Revenue (crafting)
Silver Blades [SJO] (training)
Dantooine Down-Under(social/Sith)
Legend of the Hidden Temple [SJO Dominion of Chalacta Hex] (Dominion)
Step into Samurihood+what About the Droid Attack on the Wookiees? (Knighting Thread)
Kokuhyo (Vampires/social)
[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fal (Coruscant blows up)
Pleasure Planet - SJO Dominion of the Zeltros Hex (Dom/training)
Dances with Wookiees (Skirmish)
The Feast of Summer (Open to SJO) (social)
A Place In Nature (faction training)
First Contact [Semi-Open To Outsiders] (faction to faction)
Back to Basics (character development)
SJO Dom of Surron Hex: Run away with the Circus (Dom/Social)
Student for the Sky (training/character development)
Jedi Dueling Tournament! Yumi V Starfire (duel)
Round 2: Jedi Tournament Xeraic V Yumi (duel)
Rangers Lead the Way - SJO Dominion of Antar (Dom)
Ill-conceived Desire (social training)
Beach Day [SJO, Allies, LS] (social)
Character used Mina Hazuki, Yomi Iasyama
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