Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arkhun Farm was miles away from the small village hosting the Three Moon Festival, named for when the three moons that orbited Orron III came into alignment. There was tons of food, games, a night market,agricultural exhibitions, and a tradition of writing down wishes when the moons were aligned and tossing those wishes into a massive bonfire to 'send up' to the universe. It was the hallmark of the early summer season, and the hardworking agricultural planet went all out for the events at the villages spread around Orron III.

Naturally, Persephone had wanted to go ; a chance to have a normal teenage experience.

Once the war on Coruscant broke out, herself and Rue were sent to the Farm to live for their safety. Centrality was safe, but no chances were to be taken with the young heiresses. Beyond the safety issue, the wedding was two weeks or so away, allowing time to acclimate to the environment where they would be spending a majority of their time. It wasn't long after they arrived that Iko Vel Iko Vel joined them, broken by the death of his father. Since then, he had been withdrawn, keeping to himself and spending a lot of time out in the workshops and fields of the Farm.

Yet Persie also knew, thanks to Judah, that Iko wanted to have normal teenage experiences, just like her. This is why as the sun set, an hour before the festival started, she and Iko were hand in hand on a cobblestone road that led to the village. It would take under an hour on foot, she wasn't that out of shape, but they were on a meandering pace. She wasn't going to push Iko to be his normal excited self ; if this was just a month ago he would have bounced all the way there.

Thirty-Seven offered to take them via speeder, but Persie wanted to talk to him, so it was settled that the protocol droid would pick them up late tonight. Despite it being an extremely safe planet, it wasn't wise for two teenagers to be walking on the side of the road in complete darkness. It was a very,very rural area and planet. Not a great deal of light pollution.

Persie squeezed his hand, head turning to look at him as they continued on their journey.

"How's yous holdin' up? Been spendin' a lotta time outta the house."

Numb. Cold. Depressed. Those were just a few words Iko could have used to describe how he was feeling to Persephone. He knew she was trying her best to cheer him up. Or at least be there for him. Iko had locked himself away as soon as he had came back from his home. Though he wasn't sure if he'd be able to describe a pile of rubble, debris and destruction his home anymore. In a way, his home was with Persephone and her family now. However it wasn't a thought that the young lad found any comfort in at the end of the day.

It would be somewhat apparent to Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell how Iko was feeling. Mentally at least, with how many extra bandages or plasters seemed to be wrapped around his hands. Unlike when he normally was in the workshop, Iko had no goal or plan since he had locked himself in there. Just bashing things together to keep himself moving, or at least to keep the status quo. Something to remind himself of how things used to be even though he had to realise that things had changed and not necessarily for the best. Life had changed for him, both in good ways and bad ways...

Thoughts ran through Iko's head. Did he tell Persie how he was actually feeling? It was...hard for him to explain when he had never felt this way before. Ignorance was always a nice way to experience life but now that he was aware of so many things...He let out a long sigh out at that, visibly deflating as his grip around Persie's hand tightened for a moment.

"I'm...I'm...not good. I know...I know 'e never really cared about me...but 'e was my dad...The only family I 'ad...Now 'e's gone. And I feel bad thinkin' that I could be 'appy with you, Makai, Mr Dashiell and the rest..."

Iko's voice wobbled ever so slightly as he spoke. A few stray tears starting to run down his face, but he didn't seem to be aware of them. In fact, apart from the voice wobble, and the tears, he didn't seem to be giving away any emotion. His eyes were strictly on the path ahead of them, not even taking a chance to look towards Persephone.

"I just...I can't stay still. I need to be busy. If I stop for a moment...I just see it again. In my 'ead. In front of me. Everytime I look down at my 'ands...Everythin' is gone..."
Persephone listened without judgement. She understood ; her Ma had died suddenly and she was left adrift with no family to speak of. Her Pa was..who knows where or who knew what. All she had was the surname Dashiell and a lead on the most famous one ; Judah. Through testing, she was a Dashiell with dubious origins. If anyone knew what it was like to really have no family and be lost in the 'verse, it was her.

She caught the tears and respectfully looked away, focusing more on the cobblestone road they were walking on. There wasn't much scenery beyond trees, the road, and fields of crops. At least they were alone, no chance of interruption from anyone on the Farm. Maybe just a passing speeder or tractor.

"Sorry you had to see it all....that yous lost your Pa like that. Ain't right for no one to be losin' their parents like that. I think yous are goin' to take awhile to get over it....I mean, it ain't going to happen overnight. Can't go beatin' yourself the same time, maybe don't lock away your emotions. 'Cause, when folks do that, they explode, y'know?"

A deep breath, a small pause.

"I used'ta feel bad that I was happy with Makky and My-rah and my Ma was dead, struggled her whole life and wound up poor an' dead. Here's I am, living a good life now, y'know? I miss her a lot the same time, I ain't stupid. I know I got it reals good here. I was feelin' guilty about being happy or travelin' around but....I can't be sad forever....I can't be guilty that somethin' good is happenin'?"

Another pause, she didn't know if it was too soon to broach this.

"Judah goin; to take'a in?"

Iko Vel Iko Vel
"...But your Ma would be 'appy, that you're safe right? That you're cared for. And loved for. I mean...any good Ma would. I'd like to think that might would...but I can barely remember 'er. I can't remember anythin' good about 'ome or my family. There wasn't much good when I was with the Jedi either. Things started to get real good for me when I met you. For that dumb festival..."

Again, Iko's hand tightened around Persie. As much as he was struggling, the lad was grateful that she was there. Making sure he wasn't squeezing her hand too tight. He was just looking for reassurance that she was there. That she wasn't going to vanish and that this wasn't all some dream. It was real. He knew that. But he couldn't help but keep wanting to remind himself that. It wasn't a dream. Persephone and the farm was real. He shouldn't feel guilty. He knew that as well. It was just...easier said than done.

"...It's actually funny thinkin' back on it. The whole festival was about courtship and all that and I didn't even realise. Then you came along and made me realise it. I guess in a way, those silly ribbons did their job."

A more solemn smile snuck its way onto Iko's face at that. Though it quickly fell as soon as it arrived, the guilt slowly seeped back into his bones. Slowly but surely though, the lad was starting to feel things again, instead of just being purely numb as he rested his head against Persephone's shoulder.

"I think Mr Dashiell is gonna take me in...yeah. 'E even said before any of this 'appened that I could consider 'im family. That if no-one else was gonna be there for me, that 'e would be...But...'e's wrong. 'Cause...I'm always gonna 'ave you."

That was something Iko believed in, no matter what. Even if they fell out, or had arguments, Iko would never abandon Persephone. And part of him hoped that she felt the same.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"I only started talkin' to yous 'cause it looked like yous wash your face."

By now, Iko Vel Iko Vel knew all about her hangups of personal cleanliness. Teenage boys seemed to especially attract dirt and it had been off putting for her, even back in her old life it was more than disgusting. Now though, it was amusin' to see it was the only reason she talked up Iko was the sheer fact he had a clean face and his clothes were coordinated and matching.

"Then you didn't know whys you had on the ribbon 'cause it clashed with your outfit. See? If'n yous didn't wear it then we never woulda met. That'd be a tragedy, I think you're a great guy."

Persephone was realistic. Just 'cause they were dating now didn't mean anything. They were young, even Makky and My-rah had broken up for a very long time before getting back together. Not everyone was going to turn out like they did. Maybe her and Iko would. Maybe they wouldn't. Maybe they would just end up being friends and that would be okay too.

"Yeah, I ain't goin' nowheres. I ain't got many friends, best keep the ones I have."

Weight of his head was resting on her, it was a good thing they left the Farm early. Definitely was slowing down their steps, but she didnt mind. They were in no rush, just so long as they was off the road by sundown. Being it summer, there would still be residual light even after the fireball sunk into the horizon for the night.

"If Judah takes yous in, at least you'll be close. Since Makky and My-rah says we'll all be livin' together on another planet. Oh...I mean, I'm sure we will still come heres too, just I know we're movin' before the fall."

Selfish as it was, now she wasn't so worried about Iko leaving after his internship was done. 'Course, he still could go back to the Jedi in a year or two, but for now they wouldn't have to worry about going from one end of the galaxy to the other.
"Of course I wash my face. It's one of my best features. Same for your face!"

A laugh escaped from Iko at that. It was a rare laugh. He hadn't honestly laughed for a while now. It was nice. He could trust Persie to get a smile and a laugh out of him whenever he needed it. It might not always work but right now? It was working. He rolled his eyes at the comment about his clothes clashing. As much as Persephone was all about cleanliness, by now she'll have realised that Iko didn't care how much his clothes looked, as long as it was blue or white. They were his favourite colours. Of course, he had always liked blue. The fact it was the same colour as Persie's eyes just made it better for him

"Mr Dashiell said you were great at makin' friends. Or at least said that I wouldn't 'ave to worry about makin' new friends...That reminds me, I'll need to tell my Jedi friends I left...I ain't really told them that I probably ain't gonna be comin' back. Just...waitin' to make sure I feel like it's the right choice."

A topic change was a good thing for Iko. Whilst he wasn't fully 100% himself again, a little bit of his sunshine was coming back. A small little glow coming back to his smile as he nodded along to what Persie was saying about the pair of them being close and he gave a sharp nod at that.

"Yeah! I plan on tryin' to do a lot of studyin' and do a lot of 'ard work. I was writin' a report for Mr Dashiell about the ship that crashed when we are the beach, for salvagin' and stuff. I didn't...finish it yet. 'ad to go...and yeah. That didn't go well...but it'll be nice to be close to ya. We can watch stuff together. Or play...board games as a group...Or...erh...I don't actually know what you're meant to do in a group, or a family."

That was a good point. What did families even do together? His view of a family wasn't exactly...the healthiest. And he highly doubted that they'd just argue with each other all the time.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"Funny...but, thank yous for sayin' my face is a good feature. It's the only ones I got."

Eyes rolled at the mention of her making friends. She supposed she did okay, only a few months here and she had three ; Rue, Casaline Ryiah , and of course Iko Vel Iko Vel . She wasn't sure if Rue counted though, she was like an odd psuedo-sister that she had to be friends with, not that Persie hated the younger girl in the slightest.

"I got two other friends than, I don't know. Still plenty of folks left'ta meet in the 'verse though. I've barely got started....Don't tell your Jedi friends you ain't coming back yet. You might, never know."

She was a little surprised Iko was already working on his first salvage assignment. She didn't know much about the profession and what it entailed, but she was smart enough to figure out that Iko was doin' a report on the size of the salvage or what materials were possibly there or maybe even how many workers it would take. She wasn't sure how far along he was in his internship.

"Oh...Family stuff? That's new to me too....lessee.... We got dinners together, breakfasts too. Uh, movie night is big...we always got junk food for that. Oh! We've been playing HoloNet games too...Super Nario Kart. Rue an' Makky watch gravball together...guess yous can join 'em...My-rah normally gets to listen to my fashion ramblin's."

Shoulders shrugged.

"Joiol is supposed'ta have some nice stuff. Includin' a wicket ball court. I wanna learn how to play? Yous know how? Otherwise we's can learn together."
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"Nah. You 'ave lots of good features. You can make me smile. You have a nice face. You're good with fashi-...Oh. That...was a rhetorical statement. You didn't...actually want me to prove you wrong. Oops."

He supposed Persie was right about there being more people in the universe to meet, but he didn't want to meet that many people. Well, that was wrong. It was more, he didn't want to care about that many people. It was strange to think that he'd have to carry about Myrah, Makai, Rue, Danger and the rest of them. So many people for him to try and get to know and help out with. He already knew something him and Makai could enjoy to talk over. Rue as well, since they liked gravball...

"Hm? Nah. I don't know 'ow to play. I presume ya just hit stuff with a bat? I might be good at that. I'm good at 'itting things. My 'and to eye coordination is pretty good."

Slowly but surely, his energy was coming back. Whilst he wasn't going to be all energetic straight away, and was probably going to be a bit more mopey when he was alone but this was time to have fun! He couldn't wait to actually see what they had in store to do now. A chance to be normal and try not to focus on the sadder things in life. He hoped he would still be in a good mood when they got back. He still needed to finish the report to Judah.

"Hey. Persie? Thanks for being here for me. I couldn't ask for a better person."

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"Yeah, I was jokin'."

Persephone didn't expect Iko Vel Iko Vel to get get joke right away. He had been grieving, going through quite a bit, processing quite a bit. She didn't expect him to be his 'normal' Iko self, and that was okay. Things wouldn't be linear, up and down had been her journey of grief and sometimes things would just set her off and make her sad. Persie imagined he might be a little similar, but maybe not. My-rah said everyone processed things differently and she would know ; she lost her Daddy about a half a year ago.

"Its a net in the middle with a ball and paddle you hit back an' forth. Tryin' not to get the other person to hit it...I'm describin' it borin' but it looked fun, like intense once ya learned how'ta play. I'm willin' to try. Since yous good with your hand-eye coordination, I'm sure you'll have a good time."

It could be something interesting. Lots of heiresses and rich types seemed to play the sport. Maybe it would help her make a better connection to folks. Makky had his gravgolf,maybe she could have wicketball. At the very least she could wear one of those cute skirts that all the girls on ZikZok were wearing.

Although she liked the comment Iko made about her, she shrugged it off. This wasn't about her.

"You're welcome, yous would do it for me."
"Heh...Sorry for not realising..."

Iko rubbed the back of his neck at that, sighing to himself. Normally he might be able to figure out Persie wasn't being serious but his head was a constant cloud of thoughts right now. He wasn't even sure how he was meant to try and deal with all of this. Persie was telling him not to keep it inside of him all the time, but he couldn't figure out how he was meant to feel about it. He was alone but at the same time he wasn't. Persie had went through something similar to him...but at the same time they were still different.

At the very least, wicket ball seemed fun at the end of the day. Having a sport could be fun to get into. A lot of rich people got into sports right? At least that's what he thought. Not that Iko was a rich person. No, no. He was far from it but he'd at least be able to relax with people instead of having to worry about living on the streets.

"Of course I'd do it for you. I just...I wanted to thank you. You've reminded me I'm not alone."

He squeezed Persie's hand gently, before standing up straight taking in a deep breath. He didn't want them to take too long getting there. The sun was already going to be setting soon and he'd rather not have them wandering in the dark for too long.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"Course you're not silly. What'd you think, we's all abandon you?"

They were able to pick the pace up a little now that Iko Vel Iko Vel wasn't leaning against her. Persephone decided to change the subject to asking what Iko had to make a report on and how. Apparently he had a lot of ideas for ocean salvage, which she was pleasantly surprised by. Persie didn't expect him to think about such a thing since he wasn't aquatic like her 'big brother' was.

Soon, the village was in sight. The festival was already in full swing, clapping, music, and loud talking could be heard. The village had put up buntings, lanterns, flags, and lights everywhere, the setting sun providing a magical glow to the small village. Booths abounded and the smell of roasting meats and baked goods filled the air. Off to the side of the village in a large, recently mowed field, men of all ages were beginning to stack the logs for the massive bonfire this evening.

As she approached, Persie squeezed Iko's hand in awe. Such a thing to see was magical to her ; that a town would come together to put on a celebration. That never happened back home. It just felt foreign and magical and otherworldly all at once. Blue eyes lit up with excitement, looking over to Iko. She was trying to temper her mood for him but already she knew a good time was to be had.

"Okay, since yous my handsome date an' all. "
A teasing grin in his direction. "I guess you pick first. Food? Dancin'? Games? Walkin' around?"
"...Honestly? Yeah."

Iko answered honestly as he could, before they went onto the subject of his report. It was mostly just him rambling about the ideas on how to get the ship from Gala out of the ocean, how much resources they could get from it, the potential profits. As much as Iko liked to say he was stupid, when it came to plotting things out, he was always surprisingly effective at planning things out. It was also a pleasant enough distraction for him.

Though as soon as the young Lad could smell the meat and baked goods, his attention was brought straight over towards the festival instead, his eyes going wide at all of the colours. The sounds, the music. A grin slowly growing across his face. This was nothing like anything he had ever seen on Coruscant. He was so distracted, that the question from Persie didn't even go in at first before he shook his head, glancing back over towards her with a smile.

"Food! Then dancing! I wanna twirl about with you! Dance like I don't care about anything."

His energy was slowly but surely coming back as Iko started to hop impatiently back and forth between his feet, his free hand shaking from enjoyment before looking back over towards Persie. Did she call him handsome? Iko blinked at that as he realised it, a small blush coming to his cheeks before he looked back ahead. Food was important!

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"Food sounds great to me. Dancin' too...not sure if I can dance."

Being a festival, who didn't want to indulge in array of food on a stick,barbecue, savory sausages, and whatever deep-fried amazements that had been cooked up. She looked around the unfamiliar village for a second, wondering which way to turn. The streets were shut down to speeder traffic to it made it much easier to get around.

A pack of kids walked their way with some type of meat on a stick, gossiping about some teenage girl they had seen at a refreshments booth. It was easy now : just go into the direction they just came from.

"I only been here's once, for ice cream with the girls. So 'cuse me if my navigatin' is a little off. We will figure it out, come on. I'm excited to eat some different foods."

It looked as if a lot of the food vendors had been set up on one street, in the middle were table and benches for folks to eat at no matter where they picked their fare from. Persephone was starving, they had skipped dinner to get a start on the road and move into the village to enjoy the festival at the very start, to do things like this ; eat before the activities.

"Whatcha goin' to eat? I was thinkin' a deep fried sausage or a barbecue sandwich? Somethin' where I can still stuff down those pastries I see across the ways from us right now."

Iko Vel Iko Vel
"And what makes you think I can dance? The most important thing is dancing like we don't care."

He didn't care if they got lost wandering around the festival trying to find the food. Everything was just so...wonderous for him. Iko wasn't used to all of the lights, the colours, the sounds and the smells around him. It was a nice mix up for once. A growing grin just spreading across his face as it appeared that for the festival at least, Iko was back to his normal self. At least slightly as he took in the different stalls. Various sweets strewn about as well, though Iko didn't care for them. He wasn't an overly sweet fan.

"A deep fried sausage in a barbecue sandwich. Best of both worlds!"

Iko beamed from ear to ear at that. He was pretty hungry himself considering he hadn't been eating too much even back at the house. He'd nibble stuff here and there, but the lad had been struggling to find the appetite to actually have a full meal at the end of the day. So now that he was actually feeling good for once, the boy was going to eat as much food as he possibly could. Though he had to pace himself as well. When it came to dancing, the idea of all of the food coming back up wasn't...well, appealing to say the least.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"I always heard fightin' is like dancin'. Didn't the Jedi teach yous how to fight? You ain't got no fancy footwork?"

Persephone wasn't worried about using the word 'Jedi' on Orron III. They might get some odd looks if anyone was bothering to pay attention but that was the beauty of a out of the way, quiet, agricultural planet. If someone was, it was more than likely brushed off. Persie had spent a good deal of time on the Farm when she first came into the care of the Dashiells, Force users didn't seem to exist out here. Or at the very least, no one cared.

"A battered, deep fried sausage in the middle of a sandwich?"

She was just talking about how much boys ate and here was Iko Vel Iko Vel with his idea of a snack, two entrees stuffed inside one another. Boys, really.

"I think....battered deep fried sausage. 'Cause that way I don't hafta worry about messin' up my outfit for the evenin'. Plus, seems really festival-like...or from what I've seen on ZikZok."

The only other festival she had been to was the Courtship Festival on Ukatis. That had been fun, but this Three Moon Festival had a different energy on its on. Everyone was partying, in a good mood, with so many varied activities. She still couldn't believe her luck! Warm summer weather, good company, plenty of things to do and explore.

Plus, stayin' out way past curfew.
"I mean...yeah. But I don't want to fight. Not anymore. I used to...but I don't want to get hurt anymore. And I don't want to hurt other people."

It was part of why Iko wanted to get out of the Jedi before the war fully kicked off. The idea of hurting people just didn't seem as fun to him anymore. He saw what kind of pain people can go through when they lost their loved ones. He was going through that pain now. It wasn't something he'd wish to put onto anyone. Life was important to everyone, he was slowly starting to figure out...Though that pacifism didn't spread to animals. Iko had to eat his meat, and he wasn't going to give that up for anything...Well, maybe he'd give up meat if Persie asked him to.

"That's fine! If you can't eat it all, I can eat it for you. My stomach is nearly endless. Probably because I normally have too much energy..."

Iko frowned to himself at that thought, but shrugged his shoulders, as he held his arms out to fill the warmth around them. Everything felt so alive compared to anywhere else he had been. Not even the beach felt this enjoyable. Of course, there wasn't any sand to get stuck anywhere. It was coarse, and rough and got everywhere. So this was nice at the least. Nice, solid ground.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
Persephone didn't quite mean fighting. She meant more dancing is supposed to be like fighting. And vice versa. Yet she couldn't dance but had an okay right hook, so who knew.

"No, I don't want you to get hurt either. Still, can't really control that, y'know? Least you will not always be on the front lines..."

That had bothered her. Iko Vel Iko Vel seemed so young and innocent compared to her at times. Persephone didn't want his world shattered any more than it had been ; she knew Iko needed a chance to just be more of a teenager than a solider and emotionless machine.

"Come on, we can get you both..."

Hand in his, she lead him over to one of the main food stalls, waiting in line with the other villagers. There were all sorts of folks here and it was so different than what she had seen. Even the Ukatis Festival had been so different than this.

"Yous excited to stay here for a bit? With me an' Rue? I'll be here for awhile since Makky and My-rah will be off on their kissin' holiday."
"I can better control it, by keeping myself away from situations that will get me hurt at least. No-one is safe from getting hurt but...risk management is key...Oh. I'm sounding more and more responsible. I don't like it."

Iko grinned from ear to ear at that, joking around. It was true that he was so much more innocent compared to Persephone. He still believed in stuff like Heroes, and people that were kind out of their own heart. But he was slowly starting to realise those were more of a childish dream of his. Not that he was going to say anything about it. Instead he hurried off with her to go and get some food.

"I mean. As long as Rue don't tease me. I might...not be around too much anyway. Today is...just a rare day for me to be talking this much again. I want to work. I want to feel like I'm doing something important. Like...this is important to me. Talkin' to you. Havin' fun...But I feel bad for it sometimes. I don't right now. I actually feel good for once...but erh..."

Topic change. Quick. Topic change. Iko glanced around the festival, trying to figure out what would be a good thing to change the topic to. He just didn't want to dwell on what could be seen as a very negative topic.

"...Your hair looks nice. Have you done something different to it?"

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell

"Risk management? You's soundin' like a real boss now."

The line was slow to move, which was fine to her. It gave them a chance to catch up and talk. Iko Vel Iko Vel had been in such bad shape mentally when he returned it made sense that they haven't talked much. Or even really interacted. Persie had been very withdrawn at one point too, so she didn't force Iko to join her since he arrived. Until today, anyways.

"Why's won't you be around? What's happenin'? Where is you goin'?"

Brow furrowed, looking at Iko and ignoring some of his other words. At least for now. She was very concerned about that one. There was the wedding, did he mean to say right after he was leavin'? Persie herself was staying on the Farm and beginning much of her internship, Danger would be in charge of her while her guardians were on their honeymoon.

"So's you goin' to leave when to run off an' work?"

"Well...I needa be a boss now. People's lives are gonna be in my hands!"

There was no way that Iko was going to risk anyone life, if they were going to be put into his hands, he was going to try and make sure any workers wouldn't get hurt. Or at least manage the risk levels of their actions. But that was far too business orientated for him right now. He was meant to be focusing on Persie and the festival right now. Let himself be an actual kid for a little while as he squeezed Persie's hand, trying to reassure her at the same time. It was also clear to him that his attempt to change the subject by talking about Persie's hair...didn't work.

"No...No. I meant...lockin' myself into my room to focus workin' on the report. I'll do my best to try and spend more time with you but...I dunno Perse...I'm still not feelin' great. You're bringin' smiles to my face and everythin'...but I won't always be around you. I need to figure out how to stay happy, without you."

Iko was going to spend as much time as he could with Persie, like he said. But he couldn't rely on her. He didn't want to rely on her and be all clingy. No. He had to prove that he could stand on his own two feet. But once again, that was neither here nor there. It was far too responsible. Instead, Iko just rested his shoulder against Persie's shoulder, letting out a small sigh.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell

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