Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Skill? Yeah,okay."

Being drug off to the strength test, Persephone watched as Iko Vel Iko Vel tested it out. It appeared to get about half-way to herself, maybe a little higher. It was still fairly impressive and she wondered how high she could get the little ball. Maybe it was rigged? Maybe there was a trick? Or perhaps it was just sheer skill.

"Not bad. Lemme try."

Persephone took the mallet and weighed it in her hands. Almost as if she was going through methodically, scientifically. Finally, she raised the mallet and smacked down with all her force onto the little leaver-like paddle to get the ball to ascend. It quickly went up, high, almost reaching the bell for a 'ding'. It was just shy of making it.

"Damn. So close."

Mallet was handed off to the attendant with a grin and a girlish skip back to Iko.

"Did ya see?"
Iko watched in surprise as the bell nearly managed to ding. That was a surprise if he was being honest. Persephone was a lot stronger than Iko gave him credit for. And part of that made him feel a bit self conscious of himself. He was meant to be the strong one, who was do all the carrying and princess carrying stuff like they did in the holovids he had been watching...but it seemed like Persie was the one who would be bale to do that to him...He shook his head however at Persie's question, breaking out into a grin.

"Yeah! You did great. You almost managed to beat it!"

He just had to ignore his own self confidence issues. He was great. That was why Persie liked him. She didn't like him because he was strong or anything like that. Iko tilted his head for a moment in thought, trying to figure out what to do next before looking up towards the sky. It was almost time for them to make their little wishes at the end of the day, right?

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"Just had to channel my rage."

Persephone wasn't joking. It was easy to just think about all that had made her angry over the last few months and let it out over the little strength test machine thing. A shrug of her shoulders as she thought further upon it. Either way, she was growing tired of the carnival games. It was a novelty but Persephone was thinking it was something she would maybe only do once a year.

They were leaving the little gaming alley and turned the corner to see the field near the city with the bonfire already lit. People were spreading out blankets and little portable chairs ; the alignment of the moons was about to happen.

"Come on, let's watch the moons and make our wish. Then we can call Thirty-Seven to go home."

Iko Vel Iko Vel
"Good. As long as you find an outlet for your anger...That's always a good thing."

Iko grinned at that. He wasn't really sure if he had that much anger in him if he was being honest. The young lad always thought he was relatively peaceful. Maybe a bit crazy every now and then but hey! It was just a sign that he was still a kid at heart right? He shook his head however, turning his attention over towards Persephone when she said they should go and watch the moons and he gave a short nod.

"Sounds like a plan. My legs are starting to get tired anyway. Guess we've been walking for way too long...or I'm getting lazy. one of the two."

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell

"No, your legs still are recoverin'. Makes sense you're tired."

Most of the festival was now concentrated on a large patch of grass in a park-like area. The bonfire was already lit, casting a glow and shadow across the space. With the grassy areas packed, Persephone finally found a place for herself and Iko Vel Iko Vel to sit. She had brought a small, thin throw that was now under Snacky in her bag. She dug it out and spread it on the ground so they could sit.

Persephone wouldn't stand to have her legs touch the grass.

As she sat, she pulled two small pieces of paper from her bag and two pencils, passing one each off to Iko. Not used to things being provided, she brought her own for the festival to write her wish down and toss into the bonfire. It just seemed silly and stupid, but she wanted to do it anyways. Just to be normal for one night.

For now her head craned back, looking as everything was slowly aligning, it wouldn't take long now.

"Also, I think yous supposed to kiss me when the planets finally line up." Persie grinned, clearly pulling his leg, obviously making things up now as they sat in relative silence.
"Yeah but my legs getting tired isn't an excuse. I should have the energy to keep going with you."

He raised an eyebrow at Persie putting something down on the ground so they weren't touching the grass. That was far too much for Iko as he just sat himself down normally, stretching his arms out and enjoying the bit of relaxation and relief that his legs were getting right now. It was honestly pretty nice to be able to relax with Persie as he looked over the pieces of paper and the pencil, a small frown on his face as he was already trying to decide what he wanted to make a wish for.

There were plenty of things he could have wished for but if he was being honest with himself...He was happy where he was. He didn't want anything extra for once. He didn't want to be stronger or smarter or faster. Nothing like that. Iko was happy to just be here with Persephone, looking up towards the sky though a small smirk spread across his face when she started pulling his leg.

"You know, we don't need to wait for planets to align for that? Right?"

As much as he was joking around with her, Iko did plan on actually giving Persephone a kiss once the planets did align. It would be...a nice thing right? Romantic. That was the word he was looking for. Romance was mostly lost on Iko but that didn't mean he didn't know that most people liked it.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
Persephone rolled her eyes at Iko Vel Iko Vel .First, she didn't expect him to keep up with her because of the injury. Besides, he was still in mourning, and she of all people could understand that. Sometimes she would get sad out of no where ; like eating breakfast or brushing her hair, so the fact that Iko was doing this well so far was great in her opinion.

"No, we can kiss anytime. That's a perk of bein' together right?"

Yet she didn't move to kiss him. Not right now. Paper and pencil worked in the dim light as she placed it on her thigh to write, hunched over, hair creating a curtain as she worked. There were three things written on her paper, three wishes she had planned on making come true. Maybe not a wish then, but a goal. Either way, she was sticking with it.

Done, she leaned back to see the stars and the moons now. They were nearly aligned, she didn't dare take her eyes off the event - although it would be visible for several moments. Planets just didn't wildly move after all.

"Thanks for comin' with me. You didn't hafta."
Iko was trying not tothink about his mourning. Right now, he was focusing on the happy moments. The reasons to smile instead of reasons to be sad or to be mopey. It didn't suit him to be upset. He had already been plenty upset before they came out today. And to be fair, he probably would end up being upset when they went back to the house, but for now Iko was happy to be with his girlfriend as he glanced over to see her writing away to make the wishes, and he bit his lip in thought.

Scribbling away at the paper, with his atrocious handwriting. It was a miracle he could even read it but then again he already knew what he was writing. That was probably the only reason why he even knew what the paper said as he looked down at the words, tapping his pencil against the paper, before turning his head over towards Persie, shrugging his shoulders.

"You didn't have to be here for me. So I appreciate it. And I appreciate you. You're one of the most important people to me now. So...thanks Perse."

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell


They stretched out, watching the alignment happen. Wishes were burnt despite Persie still claiming it was silly and goofy. Yet it was just what they needed after the trials and tribulations recently ; something goofy. Despite the fact once the planets were aligned, people kissed and celebrated with their close loved ones, it showed no signs of stopping.

Yet they had to return to the Farm. Thirty-Seven picked them up in a speeder, making the journey much easier. Unlike what lay ahead of them, the road was smooth and well traveled. Quiet stretched between them on the journey back, reflecting on the evening.

Who knew when they would have this type of fun again. If ever.


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