Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"You's can come up for air, y'know."


Persephone was amused overall as she ate her bubble waffle concoction. It was sweet but had just the right amount of fruit, kind of a more refreshing dessert for her. She would have happily given Iko Vel Iko Vel more, but he was very intent on giving himself brain freeze, chugging down the frozen dessert as if he was still hungry. See? This was her entire point. Bottomless pit.

"At home? We has a blender. Betcha I can make yous one. Anytime yous want too."

Persie hadn't excelled much at cooking yet. Makky and My-rah were trying, having her help with prep work and small things. However, she could read and milkshakes didn't seem very hard. Instant noodle packets, toasties, reheating...if she could do those things she could easily work a blender with the help of the holonet.

"Ready to dance after this?"

Iko kept drinking as much as he could, though he shook his head at the mentioning of a blender. He'd have spoken up but he was still busy drinking. So instead he jabbed his finger towards Persephone's waffle, trying to imply that he meant that was what they should make back at the house. He could make a milkshake easily himself, it was one of the things he had been expecting to do back at home...The home that was gone now. Okay. Better not dwell on that.

At the mentioning of dancing though, Iko took another big swig of his milkshake to finish it off, before slamming the empty cup straight onto the table and jumping up to his feet!...Before stumbling slightly as he rushed up to his feet a little bit too fast. Okay...Okay. He was fine. He wasn't going to pass out. At least he assumed so as he turned over to face Persephone and reached his hand out to her.

"of course I'm ready to dance! It's the main thing I've been looking forward to.!

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
Persephone had been in no rush, happily eating her waffle, watching the goofy Iko Vel Iko Vel chug the milkshake. It kind of made her stomach hurt to even watch, let alone wonder what Iko was experiencing. How he didn't have stomach problems at this point was beyond her. She wondered if he would vomit later, and prayed that wasn't going to be the case.

Delicately, she wiped the sticky strawberry cream that had dripped with a fresh napkin off her hands. Trash was collected from their table,stuffing it into Ikos cup and taking it with her to toss in the trash. She squeezed his hand as they moved to the wood parquet they had placed down for dancing. Persie was nervous at this point. Never danced before. It looked difficult. Plus,she didn't want to be seen as a total idiot.

"I hope you knows what yous is doin'."
"Oh no. I've never danced in my life. But I'm sure we can just make it up as we go along"

Spoken like a true guy who just didn't care. Iko just squeezed Persie's hand as they headed over towards the parquet, as he shook his free hand a little bit. Trying to stretch at the same time, so that he wouldn't pull a muscle whilst they were going through the dances. What dance? He still wasn't entirely sure himself. He was just going to dance like he didn't care because well...that was the truth. He didn't care. He just wanted to have fun alongside Persie.

As he prepared to just move about with Persie, Iko felt his stomach grumbling ever so slightly. His milkshake was almost going to make a reappearance...but Iko managed to regain his focus and keep his attention onto Persephone instead of letting his drink cover over her. This was going to be a fun little time for him! At least that was what Iko felt like.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"So we're just two idiots that dunno how to dance?"

Music was lively enough, it wasn't a slow song. Persie almost preferred it was a slow song, at least they could have just sorta...swayed? Thats what she had seen in all those teenage drama holofilms anyways. Seemed easier to do than bouncing around on the dance floor but there was no choice. She looked around at the others for guidance and began with slower, uncertain movements. No doubt she looked like an idiot.

Note to self : beg her guardians for dance lessons. Maybe something she and Iko Vel Iko Vel could learn together.

"'s this? Stupid, I know."
"No. You're a pretty idiot who can't dance. And I'm a handsome one."

Iko grinned to himself, and whilst Persie was going with slower movements, Iko was...well, being Iko. Jumping up and down as he bopped around. He had a boundless amount of energy. Did he look like he was cool? No. Did he look like he actually knew how to dance? Also no. Did he look like an idiot? An astounding yes. But was he having fun? Hell yeah!

"You're doing great Perse! Just have...a big more energy! Imagine it's just you and me! Ignore everyone else around us!"

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell

Persephone wasn't sure how much of Iko Vel Iko Vel 's advice she should be taking. Jumping around everywhere? Ignoring everyone around them? It was a recipe for disaster as was only confirmed moments later. Moving around like an idiot, she got way too close to another dancer, only to over correct before hitting them. Over correcting lead to her her tripping over her own feet and stumbling off the parquet dance floor, where the momentum carried her to sorta 'land' on a temporary trash can.

Luck was on her side that she didn't get hurt, or knock over the trash can, but it was embarrassing. She was a teenager, and she was still growing. Despite trying to be elegant, she still had a small clumsy streak despite her best efforts. This was one of those moments.

Cheeks flushed bright red as she tried to compose herself.
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As soon as Iko heard Persie "land" onto the trash can, he snapped out of his little dancing foolishness and rushed over towards Persie, checking over to make sure she hadn't hurt herself. That was more important to him than looking cool or fancy. Carefully brushing some of her hair out of her face and making sure there wasn't any marks or scrapes on his girlfriend. There was a part of him that felt bad for this. It was his fault, he was the one that gave her all of that advice and it caused her to fall.

"Are you okay Perse?! Nothing's sore? You aren't hurt are you? Do you want to sit down for a bit? We don't need to dance anymore if you don't want."

It was clear that Iko was worried. Maybe more than he'd normally be. He wouldn't admit it, but the death of his father had caused Iko to be even more protective of the people he cared about. He wouldn't be able to admit it, since Iko didn't even realise it had happened really. He just couldn't imagine letting Persie get badly hurt.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
Persephone blinked as Iko Vel Iko Vel brushed some hair out of her face. She swallowed a hard lump in her throat, remembering when her Mama did the same thing. No one had done something like that for her since ; not that others didn't care for her. It was just the fact it hammered home she was gone in that moment.

Head turned away from Iko so he wouldn't see her eyes getting misty. Voice was a little strangled.

"No...I-I'm fine. Don't be worryin' none about me."

Shoulders straightened up, trying to shake the feeling she just got. She couldn't just give up now, in more ways than one. Hand took Iko's, already leading back to the parquet. Probably best to just keep moving.

"Come on...we can dance some jumping for me. How's about just weird movements?"
"...Don't worry about you? Perse. I've been worried about you since we first met. There ain't a day that goes by that you aren't in my mind. Every day I wake up, I want to make you smile, or laugh, or just...make you feel 'appy. 'cause you make me feel 'appy. 'appier than I've ever been."

Before they could fully head back to the parquet, Iko wrapped his arms around Persie, pulling her in for an actual full hug. It was the first hug he had given someone since coming back from Coruscant. It had taken a few days for him to feel comfortable with physical contact again. It had taken those days for him to stop looking at his hands, and seeing all the soot and dirt from trying to get his dad out...but that wasn't what was important right now. That was Persie. Right in front of him.

"...Come on. We don't needa dance to the music they're playin'. I can 'um somethin' for us. An old tune. Just don't worry okay? I won't let you fall."

With that, he gently lead Persie back to the parquet, keeping his hand wrapped around her's, as Iko tried to think of something to hum...There was an old nursery rhyme that popped in his head every now and then. He knew he had heard it when he was a baby, but he couldn't quite remember where. But that was going to be what he hummed for the pair of them.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"Still, you shouldn't worry so much."

Face flushed in embarrassment for Iko Vel Iko Vel worrying so much about her. Also because of what he admitted. She couldn't see how she made him happy, or more importantly why . Not the easiest person to get along with. However, she wasn't going to argue with him. There was no sense in it ; this is how Iko felt, one couldn't change the mind on such things.

"You make me happy too." Arms hugged him tightly back, trying to convey that feeling.

She couldn't articulate much right now, still feeling a little down because of the thoughts around her Mama. At least they weren't going to be dancing fast, Iko was going to hum something and they could go slower.

"I ain't worried about fallin'." Unless he meant in other, more proverbial ways. Then of course, she was terrified. "I think we's goin' slow enough now. Clumsy still though."

Death grip on Iko remained as they attempted to dance once again.
"But worrying is all I do. At least...recently...I...Erh...Let's not think about that. Okay?"

Iko didn't want to dwell on that thought. Mostly because the young lad didn't want to be thinking about his dad in a time like this. He was doing his best to not focus on that and instead focus on this little date. He was happy at the very least that Persie said he helped to make her happy. It was like his entire goal was achieved but he still had to get through the rest of the date before he could be thinking about that.

"Yeah. That's okay. Slow works for me. We can take our time Perse. I care more about you, than I care about dancing around like an idiot."

Mostly because he always looked like an idiot, heh. In all seriousness though, Iko was just swaying with Persie carefully, making sure not to let her get too far away whilst at the same time pacing himself. Looking down every so often to check on where their feet were before looking back up at Persie, giving her a bright grin.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"So's I rank just above idiot dancin' status? I guess a girl will take what she can get an' all."

A playful grin was they danced. Neatly manicured nails were slowly unraveling themselves from Iko Vel Iko Vel 's clothes and the death grip she had on him. Persie wasn't worried so much about falling as she was looking like an idiot and potentially hurting someone else. Iko seemed to be having a good time, and thats all the mattered.

The sun was set now and the three moons were visible in the sky. No where near aligned, that wouldn't be for hours, but the festival was as lively as ever. It seemed after dinner the streets were even more packed now that it was dark, the string lights hung across the street giving a magical glow.

"Thank yous...for uh, coming with me. I'm havin' a real good time, we ain't spent any real time together in awhile."
"I mean, I truly love dancing like an idiot. But yes, I suppose you do rank about that."

Iko teased back at Persephone as he just focused on swaying back and forth, trying not to dance too fast for her. He didn't really care that much about dancing like an idiot. He just wanted to have made sure Persie was comfortable with it all, and she seemed perfectly comfortable now as they danced. As her hands slowly started to leave the death grip, Iko raised his hands up to take her hands in his.

"You don't need to thank me...I'm the one who should be thankin' you. For gettin' me out of my 'ead. Gettin' me out of the 'ouse...It's nice to have fun. It's nice to be with you."

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
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Death grip from his sleeves finally coming undone, she took Iko Vel Iko Vel 's hands instead, being sure not to have a death grip on those. No, a nice, normal grip was fine as they moved, making sure she didn't step on his feet. At least she wasn't wearing combat boots today, so if she did step on him it shouldn't be too devastating. Wasn't like she weighed a lot.

"It is nice to get out. No need to be thankin' be either! Can't wait to see the moons align, I ain't never seen anything like that befores."

There was a lot she hadn't seen. Basics that most folks took for granted. Kind of hard to see the sky when one lived in the underground and barely emerged. At least her eyes were finally adjusting, it was so bright when she stepped into the sun, she wasn't used to such powerful lighting at all. Sunglasses and evening were still preferred, but she was getting there.

"Course, makin' a wish to send on up."
"I mean. I see my most important moon all the time now. It's nice."

Iko broke out into a bright grin at that. He felt like he was good at giving compliments. Mostly because he only ever gave them if he actually believed in them. Plus it was a reference to how Persie saw herself as the moon and he was like the sun. So it only made sense that he'd try to shine some extra happiness and sunlight her way, even if he was currently struggling to be bright for himself.

"I...I dunno what to wish for though..."

With everything that had happened to him recently, could anyone blame Iko for not believing in wishes being real? How could they be real, when all of this pain was going on in the Galaxy? When people were getting ripped away from their loved ones? It was just ridiculous in his mind but if it was something that Persie wanted to do, he'd try to do his best.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
Persie rolled her eyes when Iko Vel Iko Vel mentioned being his moon. It was silly and cute and she did enjoy it of course but she still couldn't help finding it a little cheesy. It reminded her of some of the romance novels Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell had, ones she shouldn't be reading but was sneaking them to her room privately either way.

"Oh, the wishes don't mean nothin', not to me. Writing down something on a piece of paper? Then burning it? Ain't nothing going to come of that. Just seems like somethin' fun, somethin' to think about in the future. Did it really come true? What was different? Stuff like that."

After the life she had lead, Persephone was happy to have fun. Just normal, plain fun that others her age would have. To think about nothing crazy, like where she would be stayin' or how she would eat. Didn't have to worry about that anymore, which meant time for fun such as this. To allow herself some frivolous things.
Iko's grin only grew at the eye rolling. He didn't understand the whole concept of stuff being cheesy. He just thought it made Persie sound important to him, and she was. Maybe he should try to read up on dating stuff...No. No. That could wait. He still had work he had to do for Judah. Learning how to date better could wait. Persie seemed to like it anyway, so he wasn't in a rush.

"I guess that makes sense. I dunno really. I'll just need think of somethin' to write down..."

He didn't really like the idea of writing any kind of wish, even if it wasn't a properly thought out one. Though he had to remind himself to stop worrying about that. Just to be a regular kid as he swayed gently with Persie. Going back to his little humming to give them something to step to, for a slower dance.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"You don't hafta write anything if you wanna "

Persephone shrugged slightly, it was all in good fun. Participate, not participate. She had missed out on so many regular childhood experiences she had planned on doing everything possible. Only made sense in her eyes.

They were slow dancing now. This was easier. Or at least seemed easier, she couldn't see what she looked like on the outside in.

Head came to rest against Iko Vel Iko Vel 's shoulder as they danced, not really caring what they looked like or if she was going this entire slow dance thing correctly.

"Yous always lived on Coruscant?"
"For as longs as I can remember, yea'. I know I didn't always...but Dad wouldn't tell me where else we used to be..."

Iko couldn't shrug his shoulder, mostly because Persie's head was against it but that was fine with him. It was nice to just focus on him and Persie. Imagining that nothing else mattered. Of course, other things did matter but for Iko, all that mattered was him and his girlfriend. Getting to be a normal teenager for a while.

"I wonder where else I lived...Maybe it used to be something with a lotta nature. 'Cause I like nature...I also like the beach even if I ain't the best swimmer..."

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell

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