Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sunburns & Hyperdrive Troubles

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He smiled at her. Fishing wasn't his thing, hunting? Hunting he could do. Despite what many people thought Tatooine did in fact have native wild life. Of course most thought that it was just limited to bantha and Krayt Dragons, but the reality was that Tatooine was actually rather diverse. He doubted that there would be much wildlife on this planet, especially the islands that they had landed on, but if they spotted something then Kurt would have no problem taking it down.

"Well, that's probably a good thing." Kurt mentioned as he looked up at her. "What with there'in bein no sandy fish here."

He grinned at her. "Ever hear of sandy fish?"

Kurt of course completely made them up, but while he had this persona going he figured he might as well keep it up, specifically because there was a slight delight in selling bantha poodoo to someone who was willing to listen.

In another life he could have been a merchant.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

"A sandyfish?" her eyebrows rose, and Kaile gave him a once-over. The corner of her mouth twitched, and the Lorrdian gave him a narrowing of her eyes in scrutiny. A lopsided grin darted over at his direction. Oh Kaile knew he was full of it, but she enjoyed the banter. The way Kurt's brows would wag, and his expression shift with growing mischief in this persona endeared him to her.

He made her laugh.

"N-ooo." she would reply, emphasizing it with certain wryness, humoring him to continue on with his tale. One hand would grab at the hydrospanner, an she flipped it with ease before catching it. "I reckon I ain't heard of such a fish." Her eyes would sparkle with certain impish delight, as if saying, go on Kurt. What can you pull out of your ass now?

"Do tell, what makes this sandyfish so important?" she would query, moving to adjust the panel one last time before she was satisfied.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Oh the good ol' sandyfish ain't importan' no Ma'am." He shook his head as thought she'd gotten it completely wrong. "No No. The sandyfish, of fishysan's as they be'in a called down South are parasites really, obnoxious little thing if'in you a Krayt Dragon."

He spoke with genuine authority in his tone. "You'see'in, they latch onto the underbelly of the Krayt Dragon."

Kurt made a comping motion with his hands, one palm "Swimming" across the air while the other came at from beneath it and chomped down on it's stomach. How he managed to keep a straight face during all of this was simply impossible to tell, but as Kurt went on his eyes apparently became more and more focused, as if he were talking about the gravest threat that the galaxy had ever seen. Worse than mynocks, worse than the Neimoidian plague, worse than Sarlacc's!

"They make'in the Krayt Dragons 'ornery you see." He nodded. "Then when the Dragons get too mad they seek out sentient beings and attack'em then a sign that they want the sandyfish off of em."

He nodded again. "'Course, they're delicious to eat."
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Oh he was haming it up.

He was really going for it. Right to the end. Kaile had to bite her lip, all the more to make sure she didn't burst out laughing again. It was difficult, and she attempted to distract herself by securing the panel in place. Yet that all went down the drain when the courier began to act out his charade. How he managed a straight face was hard to tell, Kaile had to give him credit.

What would he be able to do if he was trained? she mused, her eyes laughing at Kurt's elaborate tale. Shoulders began to shake, and she had to bite her tongue. No, no. How far can he take it? Kaile really wanted to know.

Another bolt down and a tightening of the panel, "How.." breathe Kaile, breathe. It was difficult to keep her bearing, especially when he had such a serious expression on his face detailing the dangers of this 'Sandyfish'.

"How does one hunt for this Sandyfish then?"

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kurt smiled, his eye half wandering off towards the corner as though it were lazy. The look on his face could really only be described as dopey, though there was something there that still retained his original charm. He was a lovable goof as he always was, even when he was acting like a man missing half of his brain cells.

"Oh!" He said, practically shouting. "That'in be easy."

His hands came up again. "You put down a biiiiiiig sail barge in the middle of the desert, then you drag it around on the sands, moving and wavering like one of 'em big 'ol Krayt Dragons squirming around in the sands. The sandyfish see 'em, and then chomp! You got yourself a horde o' sandyfish."

Kurt offered a nod.

It was really that simple, easy really. Catching Sandyfish was practically one of the simplest things that a person could do.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Oh my stars, he was actually doing it!

"And, afterward." Don't laugh Kaile. Don't laugh! "How would one prepare a Sandyfish?" the pink tip of her tongue went sweeping across her lower lip. She had to bite down because it was getting more and more difficult to keep her laughter in. Kurt was well aware of it too, and he was feeding off of it like a youngling to candy.

Scooting forward on hands and knees, she tried her best to not glance over at Kurt's direction. If she did, she knew she would catch his laughing blue eyes, his serious expression, and that would be the end of it.

Don't give in, Kaile! She told herself, latching down another bolt to secure the panel. So far so good. Originally, she thought she would need both of the spare panels, but after reinforcing the one she was securing, she was satisfied that it would just need one.

"What way you reckon will make it fingerlickin' good?"

She tossed out, unable to help the slight snort of laughter that followed at that.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Fry 'em." Kurt said simply.

He had really only had fish that way before, fried. Manaan was rather famous for it actually, though Kurt hadn't really liked it. Fish tasted...well not good to him. He had tried it in several places, always fried or seared in a pan, something along those lines. The taste simply never settled with him though. He supposed that was because of where he came from, fish simply wasn't something that was meant to be in his diet, wasn't something that he was meant to eat, not at all.

"Cut em up." He continued on. "Flay 'em, then stick 'em in a bot oil. Oh an you can'in forget about the batter, no ma'am. You gotta dip 'em in a special concoction before they'in any good, it's key actually, otherwise you risk spoilin' the flavor!"

He assumed thats how it was anyway, Kurt wasn't really an expert in the cuisine.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

That was it!

Shaking her head, Kaile turned to glance at Kurt, "You are sooo full of it!" she told him, mirth dancing in her eyes and bathing her face. Kaile's laughter came bursting out of her with an avid shudder of her slender body. She ended up falling back on her rump, looking for something to throw at him. She couldn't rightly do so with the hydrospanner, but she was awfully tempted to whack him with the pillow.

"Sandyfish, my ass Kurt!" she yelled out at him with amusement. "You think you're sooo good don't you?"

Oh he did. The resulting ear splitting grin he was sure to have would prove it.

"Get out of there before I make you regret it!"

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He grinned up at her.

"Had you going there for a while didn't I?" The drop of the accent was almost instant, the odd droll of his tongue disappearing as soon as he opened his lips. Arms came sweeping out, his hands pressing against the metal as he pushed himself up and out of the small space between the hyperdrive and the starships other components. Stretching slightly as he stood Kurt could hear a crack or two, his ears ringing as he cracked his neck and grinned.

"Krayt Dragons are real though." He winked at her. "I can promise you that."

Sandyfish weren't, but the Dragons certainly were, the same could be said for Sand Demons, Bantha, and of course Womp Rats.

Kurt could hunt, he couldn't hunt sandyfish but he could at the very least go after actual animals. Fishing? No, she would be the one to have to handle that one, Kurt didn't even know how to swim, fishing was entirely out of the question for him.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

"Surrrrre you did. Had me hook, line, and sinker." Kaile rolled her eyes, shaking her head. Rocking forward, she began to gather up her tools. The new panel would do for making sure that neither she or Kurt fell through and hurt themselves in the middle of the night. Laughter would continue to bubble forth from the young woman. He was good.

"You could almost fool a Lorrdian." she quipped, flashing an impish glance over to Kurt. "Almost." a wink went his direction, and the young woman drew herself up to her feet.

"I knew all along though," she sashayed over to him, a bit over exaggerated, crinkling her nose at him in mock spite. She used her hydrospanner to poke him on the belly in emphasis. "Can't fool me, I'm on to you Meyer."

Another poke of the hydrospanner.

"Watching you. Allllways watching."

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He let out a slight oof as she poked him, though other than that showed no visible sign of distress or even being bothered by her actions. A wide smile pulled at his lips. Kurt was no trickster, at least he didn't really consider himself to be one. He was good at making up stories, but that was a skill that he had gained during childhood in order to lie to some of the smuggler and bounty hunters that he ran afoul of in Mos Eisley. It had been fun, but not a natural gift for him.

"Guess I'm that good." He said with a smirk.

The Courier then side-stepped Kaile, puling off his shirt and throwing it at her head in one quick and smooth motion.

"Come on, lets go into the water." Kurt couldn't swim, but he could sit in the shallow bits. "I need some refreshing."
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

"Oh no you don't!" she laughed at him, pulling his shirt away from her face where it had smacked against. Her hair mused into all different directions, some strands sticking up and feathering down the sides of her face.

With the devil in her eyes and mischief running rampant. Kaile tossed his shirt to the side. She couldn't quite run, but she sure as heck could catch up! With a squeal Kaile gave chase. Bounding after him, careful of her toe, Kaile decided to use what little bit of the Force she had. Enhancing one's speed wasn't too hard. Kaile knew the basics of it. The aspects of alter, control, and sense. All of those she'd been taught by Rani in the Rebellion, with Major Hawk showing her other skills.

Okay... okay.. here we --

It was like when Kurt used the speed boosters. It wasn't a lot, but just enough to give her an advantage. Before Kurt knew it, Kaile's giggles caught up with him. Her feet bounded, muscles flexed and she shot up to get on his back in a rush of laughter, arms and legs.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He watched Kaile slowly get closer and closer to him, her feet moving faster than he had ever seen her move.

His eyebrow raised, his face twisted slightly.

Kurt tried to hang on, tried to keep himself upright and standing, but it wasn't all that easy when there was a woman barreling towards his back. Kaile didn't weigh much, in fact she was a tiny thing that hardly weighed anything at all, but the combination of their momentum along with the instability of the sand below them? Well it didn't exactly make a recipe for Kurt being able to keep himself upright. As soon as Kaile impacted with him Kurt's eyes bugged open to the size of saucers, his lips tore open and his eyebrows raised to his hairline.

"Kaile!" He called out as he went tumbling towards the ground. "Shiiii-"

The Courier called out as he went face first into the sand with a muffled thud.

The scene was almost comical, like an ostrich trying to bury it's head in the sand and hold it firmly in place. Kurt found himself dug into the beach itself, pushed forward with his hands and feet sprawls out about as far away as they could be from one another, his face dug deep into the fine white sands of the beach.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]


The ground rushed towards them, and Kaile’s eyes went bulging out in alarm. This was not what she intended, and as they both went face first in the sand, Kaile realized that this didn’t got as planned. She had intended to ride piggy back, have a few laughs, maybe splash into the water together where they could fight each other with a bit of dunking.

Not suffocate Kurt by smothering him face first into the warm sand.

“Ohmystars!” sand had flown up, some of it caught in her mouth and sprinkled on her face. That was nothing compared to Kurt, who took the bulk of the hit. Scrambling off, sputtering sand, Kaile blindly went groping for Kurt, tryin to roll him over.

“Kurt---pfft” she tried to blink through watery eyes. “Are you okay?!!”

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kurt found himself rolled over in the sound. "Agfagasgas."

Was his answer to her, a mix of words and him spewing sand from his mouth. He didn't like the taste of that, not one bit. He'd tasted sand a lot, however odd that sounded, but Tatooine sand was different. This was like...this was like mud. He frowned slightly, taking his hand up and beginning to lick it to get all of the residual sand away from his mouth. He half turned over and began to spit, trying to get all of it away so that he could actually speak.

"That..." Kurt said frowning. "Was a terrible plan of attack."

He looked at her, his face rather flat and unimpressed with what she had done.

No true anger of course, they were just being silly after all, but Kurt didn't really like eating sand!
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

“I’m s-oo sorry!” Kaile pushed herself to her knees, barely managing to blink away the sand in her own eyes. She scooted over to him, and blinking back the agitated tears from the sand, tried her best to dust off the sand he picked up.

“I know this is hard, but close your mouth!” she told him, moving her hands to try and clean some of the sand off his face.

Granted the irony that he already ate sand meant that it didn’t matter if he closed his mouth or not. By two sweeps in, she was trying hard to not laugh.

Pearly white teeth bit at her lower lip, feeling the grains of sand there, the rough grit in her mouth. Oh it must be worst with Kurt.

“I… sorry. I just wanted to jump on your b-..” goodness she couldn’t help it, she began to laugh. “Sorry! Sorry! I was just trying to see if I was able to--” another laugh.

Oh he’ll get his kilo of flesh soon enough

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He looked down at the sand, wondering briefly if they had any water back on the ship that he could rinse his mouth out with. Surprisingly most of the sand had left his tongue, with only a few of the tiniest of grains still stuck in place. He shook his head slightly, trying to dislodge the thought of eating more sand. Slowly Kurt managed to rear himself up, pulling back slightly and sitting down on his butt so that he could better get himself situated.

"I need water." The Courier looked at his friend quite pointedly.

"You know." He said. "To get all this sand out of my mouf."

His words were interrupted by him spewing slightly more sand. "It would be helpful."

Kurt turned towards Kaile and gave her a look that said you better do this for me or else.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kaile managed to get herself together, both hands coming up as if to placate the pilot. Oh the expression on his face. Priceless!

She hadn’t meant to harm him. Just having a bit of fun. Things just didn’t seem to turn out as planned at all. Oh Kaile…

“I got it! I got it!” she told him, rubbing her mouth with the back of her hand to brush the stray grains off. “Be right back!”

She shoved herself to one knee, then pushed up. “Just.. sit there!” she called over her shoulder, on her feet. Bounding back towards the Messa, the Lorrdian went scrambling up the ramp. Sand grains went scattering everywhere as she entered the ship.

Water… water. Pitterpattering down to the galley, Kaile went straight for their fridge. She had set some water to chill here earlier. They had some lemonade packets she found that she figured would be nice to make for lunch - once she manage to catch it or find something to eat besides… waffles - although any small wild game likely would do.

Taking the jug, she brought it out, using her good foot to close the door shut. Searching for a glass, she poured it in.

That should be good, she told herself. Placing the jug back on the counter, the brunette went bounding back to Kurt.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kurt simply sat in the sand.

The taste in his mouth was akin to what he assumed rocks tasted like, not at all pleasant, but mostly neutral over all. The beaches of this world had an odd way to him, the sand being mostly white instead of the yellow and beige of Tatooine. He supposed that was due to mineral composition and the way that the beach was actually formed, though not being a geologist Kurt wasn't actually able to understand the finer points of any of it. He mused for a moment, shifting slightly then looking out at the ocean.

The scenery was beautiful.

It reminded him of the posters that he had seen as a kid, the ones that usually hung up within the cantinas. They had always advertised paradise getaways and things of that nature, places where one could escape to.

"Hm." Kurt said to himself. "I suppose it's a nice place to run to."

The Courier mused to himself as he looked out at the ocean, watching the waves swell and press against the gathered sand. Running had been his life for the past half a decade, every day, every hour, every minute. It had always been him running, never before had he run to a place like this though.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Bounding from the Messa, Kaile held the glass of water high.

“Okay, I have some!” she shouted out towards the man sitting on the sand. Sand smushed under her feet, it was a good thing her toe hadn’t been hurt too bad. With the midday sun now reaching its height, the heat was becoming stronger. At least the area wasn’t at all humid.

That would have been the worst. Kaile could take dry heat. Not so much humid.

She slowed her step as she came towards the courier. Warmth shone in her eyes along with lingering humor. It was good to see Kurt there. It filled her heart with joy. Taking a deep breath, and once again, feeling appologetic, Kaile came to a stop beside him just to his right.

“Here,” she would extend the glass.

“Sorry about that…” came her sheepish apology again. “I’ll make up for it!”

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