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Surgical Precision [Taking Borosk: Mandalorians]

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
@[member="Mia Monroe"]

The Bard's head whipped around as Mia bailed out an office window to save Verz. He grimaced and snapped his focus back to the console, where eighteen kinds of security whatnot were attempting to counter his lockdown -- including some rather tasty coding from someone with Inquisition hashtags.

They couldn't stop the Moff's expert lockdown protocol, but they could sure as heck find a way to lock this console down, too. He scrambled to download the dossiers into a mobile drive, without bothering to sort through them. These were the Moff's private dossiers on the people he worked with, the top people.

They were, largely, blackmail. And so, although they had addresses for houses, those addresses weren't for primary residences, but for things like...favorite brothels. Mistresses' residences. The locations of illegitimate children. That sort of thing.
@[member="Mia Monroe"]

The shockwave from the grenade, however, jarred Verz's injured shoulder, along with Mia dragging him, caused him to nearly yell again. He tried to sit up again, finding this time, he wasn't dazed enough to stop him. He propped himself up against the wall, seething for a moment before the pain passed. At least he was feeling pain. Otherwise that would mean he had damaged nerves. That was infinitely worse.

He fumbled with his helmet for a moment, trying to take it off with one hand.It took a minute, but he got the buy'ce off.He took a deep breath, fighting the instinct to hyperventilate. He the started fumbling with the shoulder plates, trying to get a look at the wound. "Cutting the entry team *cough* in half would have *groan* been too risky. Gotta put the mission above myself. Whole invasion probably depends on this squad. And I'll be dar'manda before I fail Mandalore and my people. And my *groan* friends."

Jorn Mair

@[member="Rach Kol-Rekali"]
Jorn followed the Dark Jedi to the hatch. It was thrown open by the force. he rememberd when he used it out of instinct. Now he just hoped that it fully developed. Jorn fired into the hatch himself. and heard a few cry's of pain as they hit someone. He prepped a Frag grenade "Fire in the hole!"He threw it down the hole and fired a few more shots to make sure they didnt try and grab at the fallen grenade and throw it back. He hunched down out of the opening of the hatch as the little ball of explosives blew up.

Jorn pulled up quickly and trained his pistols down the hatch. to see anyone that could be there.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Jorn Mair"]

"You've got some Force instincts; trust them. Don't peek around corners if you can learn to sense people through the Force. It won't work on droids nearly as easily, so it's not infallible."

Rach stepped into the hallway and sprayed the place with his wrist flamethrower. Counterfire drove him to take cover in a side passage.

He armed a thermal detonator and tossed it up. Its magnets stuck to the metal ceiling...and he rolled it along with powerful telekinesis. The detonator rolled on the ceilling, out of his line of sight, and blew up, taking the next batch of enemies with it.

Jorn Mair

@[member="Rach Kol-Rekali"]
Jorn nodded his head at the Dark Jedi. The flames licked the hallway and stairwell. He moved back into cover as the blaster bolts came back at them. "Im not so good in the force it just happened in a skirmish." Jorn looked to see that a Grenade was thrown and got back in cover. he cleared his head of all thoughts and wanted that stairwell to be cleared. Jorn didnt care any more. the Angel Blade came from his back and replaced itself with the Delta pistol. He went down toe stairs two at a time to come face to face with two men. They went down easily as two strokes of the gunsword hybrid sliced their chests open. another farther down the stairs fired at him. Jorn sidestepped to the blaster shot and fired one of his own from the gunsword. The shot hist him in the exposed neck. He watched at the unarmored man fell to the ground in a slow motion.

Jorn yelled up at Rach "All Clear!" The door was right infront of him and he had eyes on the opening. And it wasn't moving. They were possibly holding up in the back of the room with guns trained on the door like he was.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
The Bard finished packaging the data -- blackmail files, complete with addresses of mistresses and such -- onto a small portable drive. He'd have preferred to transmit it to Mia, but she was, apparently, busy. He'd see her soon enough, though, right?


Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Jorn Mair"]

Rach paused outside the door.

"Before we breach, Jorn...stretch out with your feelings, focus on your battle rage, and see if you can sense how many are in there. Focus on the differences between their minds; otherwise a group will just feel like a single person."

Jorn Mair

@[member="Rach Kol-Rekali"]
Jorn looked at the Dark Jedi behind him. He didnt know what he was talking about but he gave it a try. Jorn cleared his mind and let the battle fuel his thoughts. he tried to feel all that was around him with out touching anything. Jorn felt slowly at first of a mass group of people. then they thinned out to be in his mind little specks of light behind the door. He focused on the men to try and count them. As the process went on he could feel sweat drip down his face and neck. the men he counted were about a good 2 dozen. maybe more. It was exhausting him because this was his first time using the force on command. Well maybe his first time.

He could feel their emotions of fear, pain, anger, and hatred. Jorn let go of the energy he felt and came back to his own mind. "About two dozen plus men spread out evenly throughout the room. Though 5 stand all together near the back. That is where the controls must be." He only said what he knew. He was not divulging what may be in there. there could be droids but it was a strain for him to feel the living beings. "Ready when you are." Jorn pulled out into his left hand one of his Pistols and kept the Gunsword hybrid in his right. He didnt know what may happen because Jorn had never fought more than 7 men at once. last time he fought that many men. He almost died.
@[member="Verz Horak"]

"Blah, blah, blah." Mia concluded to Verz's hero speech as she left him, climbing up and over the rubble with surprising agility she took advantage of the dust and took the barrel of her gun in hand cracking the butt across one troopers head. Spinning the gun back round she twisted to meet the second firing three rounds at point blank range into his chest. The first began to rise again and she silenced him with a shot to the back of the head.

A deathly silence settled over the building entrance and Mia listened intently for the footfalls she was sure to come but there was nothing yet. Scrambling back over to Verz she brushed his fumbling hand aside, pulling a small med kit from her waist. "Just a flesh wound. You'll live." she slid a bacta patch between the plates of armour on his shoulder. "That's the best I can do for you. Now get up Rally Master, because we're going back upstairs and this time through the front."

Getting to her feet she offered him hand and opened a comm link to the Bard "How we sitting, Bard?"
@[member="Mia Monroe"]

Verx hissed as the bacta patch first made contact with his charred shoulder. But soon the microorganisms in the bacta started their job, and the pain faded. He would still have to see a doctor, but for now it would do. He took Mia's offered hand, and with her help got to his feet. Everything was spinning for a second, but it passed. He probably just got up too fast. "Well Initiate, let's get going then. WeWe don't want to miss the rest of the invasion, do we?"

Verz picked his way through the rubble of the shop, seeing bits of stormtrooper armor. It took a few minutes, but he managed to get out the door. He waited for Mia to make her way out.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
@[member="Mia Monroe"]

"Copy, Mia. I've been locked out of the controls, but the shields are down for good, and nobody else can coordinate planetary defenses. I've got a file full of blackmail stuff -- you wanted addresses, I've got no home addresses but I've sure got locations for mistresses, illegitimate kids, favorite knocking shops, that kind of thing."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Jorn Mair"]

"That's too many," said the Dark Master decisively. "Too many for two of us. Got any smoke grenades? 'Cause I sure don't. The instant we open that door, blasterfire everywhere. We need an alternative plan. What are you carrying?"
Above the planet of Borosk the Mandalorian fleet unleashes their gunships and transporters, carrying thousands of Mandalorians to the planets surface. The imperial forces, while unprepared for the attack were well trained and soon the sounds of battle echoed across the whole planet and the mandalorian's fought to seize control.

@[member="Verz Horak"] @[member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"]
Mia scowled at being called Initiate. Her skill set matched that of Verz's but her time as a prisoner had set her back in the promotion scale of things and as such she remained a lower rank. "I look forward to the day you can't pull rank, Verz, I really do." Slipping though the open door the Verz held, she led the way into the facility.

"Nicely done Bard. Start heading downstairs we'll met you on the way." She opened another comm link to Rach.

"Rach, its Mia. What's the score?"
@[member="Mia Monroe"]
@[member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"]

Verz chuckled at Mia's response. It was true she was just as good, if not better, than him, rank was rank.The chains of command had to be followed. "Don't worry Mia. I was just messing around. You and I both know we are equals. Now, we have a planet to conquer." Verz ran into the building after her, smile still on his face.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Mia Monroe"]

Mia would hear nothing -- no static, nothing. With the expanded cloaking field jamming the top levels of the bunker, Jorn and Rach were still inside the field.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
@[member="Mia Monroe"] @[member="Caedo Kel"] @[member="Verz Horak"]

"On the way, boss. Come on, Caedo. Out the window."

The Bard scrambled through the window and down the side of the building, wind plastering him to the brick. After a couple of tense and fingertippy minutes, the Bard reached ground level.

He dusted himself off and darted inside to meet Mia and Verz from the opposite direction they would expect. "Stairwell's blocked with troops, had to come down the other way. Here." He tossed the data chip to Mia. "Addresses. Closest one is like two blocks away."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Jorn Mair"]

As they rushed past Rach, the Dark Master extended a tripwire. He didn't have a tripwire -- his armor had a flamethrower and that was about it -- so he used lightning as a tripwire.

They fell in a really gigantic clatter.

Violence ensued.

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