The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

Character Stats and InventoryVerz Horak
+4 Small Arms, +2 Melee Weapons, +2 Tactics, +2 Leadership, +2 Slicing, +2 Intimidation, +1 Dodge Rolls,
-3 Sniper Rifle, -3 Persuasion, -3 Resisting Taunt, -2 Search, -2 Spot, -2 Lore
Inventory: High Quality Power Armor of Striking [-2 Dodge, 71 Damage Reduction, +2 Unarmed], Chipped, Broken Blade [1d10 Physical Slashing or Piercing Damage per turn], Tattered, Worn Cloak, Damaged Assault Rifle [2d16 Physical Piercing Damage, 2 turns before reloading] with 5 Magazines, and 110 caps.
Triam Akovin
+4 Engineering, +3 Small Arms, +3 Dodge
-2 Persuasion, -2 Barter, -2 Resisting Taunt, -2 Lore, -1 Intimidation, -1 Leadership
Inventory: Revolver Parts and a Long Sharpened Metal Pole (2-2.25 meters length, Scrap Metal Quality) [2d20 Physical Piercing Damage, or 2d10 Physical Blunt Damage per turn], and 25 caps.
Adenn Gra'tua
+4 Unarmed, +3 Small Arms, +3 Spot
-4 Persuasion, -3 Leadership, -3 Damage Reduction Against Chemical Weaponry
Inventory: Dried Up Plank [1d10 Physical Blunt Damage two times per round, after each hit roll a 1d20-1d20, if the result is negative, the plank broke in half.], and 50 Caps.
+4 Small Arms, +2 Melee Weapons, +2 Tactics, +2 Leadership, +2 Slicing, +2 Intimidation, +1 Dodge Rolls,
-3 Sniper Rifle, -3 Persuasion, -3 Resisting Taunt, -2 Search, -2 Spot, -2 Lore
Inventory: High Quality Power Armor of Striking [-2 Dodge, 71 Damage Reduction, +2 Unarmed], Chipped, Broken Blade [1d10 Physical Slashing or Piercing Damage per turn], Tattered, Worn Cloak, Damaged Assault Rifle [2d16 Physical Piercing Damage, 2 turns before reloading] with 5 Magazines, and 110 caps.
Triam Akovin
+4 Engineering, +3 Small Arms, +3 Dodge
-2 Persuasion, -2 Barter, -2 Resisting Taunt, -2 Lore, -1 Intimidation, -1 Leadership
Inventory: Revolver Parts and a Long Sharpened Metal Pole (2-2.25 meters length, Scrap Metal Quality) [2d20 Physical Piercing Damage, or 2d10 Physical Blunt Damage per turn], and 25 caps.
Adenn Gra'tua
+4 Unarmed, +3 Small Arms, +3 Spot
-4 Persuasion, -3 Leadership, -3 Damage Reduction Against Chemical Weaponry
Inventory: Dried Up Plank [1d10 Physical Blunt Damage two times per round, after each hit roll a 1d20-1d20, if the result is negative, the plank broke in half.], and 50 Caps.
[member="Verz Horak"]
Among many announcements and personal notices, Verz would be able to notice six notifications that would be useful to him and their party, bounty and job notices they could follow in order to gain more funds, and with that, better gear.

Verz would probably even get away with taking one of the notifications with him, in case he would forget what was written on them.
[member="Triam Akovin"]
The man reached to take the pole Triam was talking about, weighting the makeshift weapon in his hand. The Gunsmith shrugged then, looking back to Triam,
"I'll give ya 10 caps for that pole, there not be much of it. So if you want yer gun repaired and another revolver, that'll be 15 caps if you'll give me that pole 'ere."
The gunsmith turned around briefly to take one of the revolvers he had in stock, a grey gun of good steel, without any specific markings or signatures.
"We have a deal, little lady?"
He looked to Triam
[member="Adenn Gra'tua"]
"Maces be cheapest actually."
The blacksmith shrugged slightly,
"Don't need ta sharpen them or anything, just swing away. If ye want something really cheap, I do have a metal bat in the back, it be just glorified metal pipe, but it will do some damage, I'll take 10 caps for it I suppose."
The Smith offered with a nod, turning to his shop to grab a simple metal bracer and one of the daggers he had laying around, turning back to Adenn he offered,
"So that will be 40 caps, 50 if ye do want that bat I've mentioned. We have a deal here?"