Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SW style Hunger Games

Corvo Attano

I am force sensitive but I am more trained in normal weapons then with the force and lightsaber combat.

A 'den

The Demolition Expert with one brain cell.
I will join if able.

Subject 13 said:
This means unless you are a super badass like bruce lee your not running into a group of them with your bare hands.
Or if you are a Mando'ade.

Falon Azrakel


I'll be hunted, just to fully clarify.

I do have a limp, so this might be difficult. I'll also have to leave out my co-pilot... and walkers... and most of my tech. That leaves me as a man without any real strengths. Meh. I'll do it anyway :D


Well-Known Member

Lol Bruce Boxlietner as Tron. That's the guy from the second movie that played Alan? Lol in the original all programs loomed like their human programmer. As you know Alan was Trons.

So when we gonna start this?

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