Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SW style Hunger Games


Well-Known Member
Falon Azrakel said:

I'll be hunted, just to fully clarify.

I do have a limp, so this might be difficult. I'll also have to leave out my co-pilot... and walkers... and most of my tech. That leaves me as a man without any real strengths. Meh. I'll do it anyway :D
Weve workedtogether on the battle field. i got you lol

Shawn Drax


@[member="Zaiden"] I know that. lol If you didnt that would be pretty stupid.

Falon Azrakel

Subject 13 said:
Alright allow me to add you all to the list. Once i do i will start the thread. Remember, no tech no armor. This is survival, happy hunger games. And may the odds be ever in your favor ;)
Can I have my AT-AT pilot armour? It doesn't exactly provide much protection. It just looks cool. You've seen Star Wars. Stormtrooper armour isn't very beneficial.
That reminds me. You can all have armor, when i say no armor i mean no heavy armer like Mando armor. So if your a mando...hate to break it yo ya but your armor will be gone. You can have your pilot armor or military armor and helmet just nothing super powerful XD
Honestly only mandos and some mercenaries can be hunters XD if your force sensitive youll be a hunted :p besides think of it this way. When you were a Kid and you and your buddies played hide and seek did you like to be it? I know i didn't XD

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