Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Sword of Reclamation | Galactic Alliance Invasion of Brotherhood-held Empress Teta

"Master Thio has deceived you."

The Dark Lord swept His right arm back, open palm now facing towards the falling pillars careening towards His back. Not only did they stop dead in their tracks, but they also started to move in the opposite direction until they crashed against the wall with a great rancorous clatter. The shadow, which had pilled Dreidi to the ground, relinquished its grip with a youthful giggle and slipped back to curl beneath Carnifex's feet. Part of the shadow seemed to coil up the Dark Lord's legs, an intimate embrace.

"Into believing that he was a Jedi."

With a crackling snap-hiss, Carnifex's blade burst back into existence, a pillar of hateful rage that cast a dark red glow against the surrounding masonry. He pointed the weapon at both Jaxon and Dreidi, indicating from one to the other as He spoke. "He's weakened himself, struggling against his true nature for so long. But not for much longer, the Dark Side will overwhelm him any moment now. Let the shadow in, my son, you cannot deny it any longer."

While His blade remained fixed towards Jaxon, Carnifex's open hand rose and extended towards Dreidi. "You will take that final step, Jaxon. Your choice to do so is no longer your own." Lightning leapt from the Dark Lord's hand, hungry and violent. The bolts, the same color as spilled blood, danced through the air and along the cracked stones. Wherever the electricity struck, the stone vitrified into glass from the heart. The air itself became polluted with the odious stench of ozone, haze with the intense heat of the Dark Side's power.

"Watch now as all that you fight to protect dies."


Ariana Du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Empress Teta, Resistance Hide-out
Action: Escaping Dyans Keto and the Throne Room


Ariana’s eyes widened in confusion as she felt her punch connect, through the shield surrounding the throne and directly into the body sitting on the throne. The shock caused her precious moments, Dyans Keto’s hands wrapped around her right arm. It was a vice-like grip, and the slightest tug took monumental effort and as the ceiling began to collapse, large chunks of debri cascading downwards upon them, a voice entered her mind.

“Die for Teta?” Ariana asked, if not rhetorically. She wasn't exactly sure if her response was just in her mind or spoken out loud.

Her mind raced past the question, her instinct to escape consumed her, Ariana then raised her left hand to generate a Force shield to block the crumbling pieces of the ceiling. Larger and larger pieces were collapsing, several pieces battered against her Force shield and with each blow it weakened Ariana’s focus to keep the shield up.

Ariana winced as another large piece of debris slammed against her shield, threatening to break her Force concentration. She then turned to face Dyans Keto, holding her arm in a vice-like grip, and with taking a moment to breathe she relaxed her right arm. The white burning embers that were emitting from her right arm disappeared. The sweat of her brow lessened thanks to no longer needing to keep her offensive Force abilities fully powered.

“My Father died for Teta.” Ariana spoke, finally answering Dyans Keto’s question. “-So that I can live and serve Teta.”

Ariana’s left arm glowed brightly with the white blossoming embers, and with her hand knifed out she violently slashed down. Her hand severed her right arm clear off from her, now fully from her right arm she twisted her body around and launched herself out of the throne proper and away from Dyans Keto.

She cried in pain with a few steps, but Ariana knew she couldn’t succumb to her injury just yet as she dodged another large piece of the ceiling. The Throne room was appearing more and more like several of the buildings in the city, just a pile of rubble. She desperately continued to run, looking for the Alliance Soldiers and Rebel Militia forces, shouting “-Get out now!”

Ariana grimaced with every passing second, the pain pulsed with increasing intensity and her body threatened to collapse due to the pain.




Location:Empress Teta System Orbit
Allies: Open
Enemies: Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager Open
Equipment:Equipment In Bio
Capital Ships​
  1. ANV Screaming Dragon New Imperial Class I Star Destroyer Shields 80% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  2. ANV Defiant Wyvern MC81k Liberty Kai Type Star Cruiser Shields 0% | Armor 80% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  3. ANV Harpy’s Den Stalwart Class Carrier Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  4. ANV Griffin's Roost Stalwart Class Carrier Shields 90% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  5. ANV Silver Banshee Valiant Class Star Destroyer Shields 80% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  6. ANV Brass Hydra Valiant Class Star Destroyer Shields 80% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  7. ANV Sapphire Cyclone Arlionne Class Missile Destroyer Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  8. ANV Emerald Hurricane Arlionne Class Missile Destroyer Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  9. ANV Broadsword Inceptus Class Assault Ship Shields 80% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  10. ANV Saber Inceptus Class Assault Ship Shields 100% | Armor 80% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  11. ANV Cutlass Inceptus Class Assault Ship Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  12. ANV Falchion Inceptus Class Assault Ship Shields 80% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  13. ANV Mace Prosecutor Class Planetary Assault Ship Shields 80% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  14. ANV Morningstar Prosecutor Class Planetary Assault Ship Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  15. ANV Nik Sant Valiant Class Frigate Shields 75% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  16. ANV Trapper Wolf Valiant Class Frigate Shields 90% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  17. ANV Chirrut Îmwe Valiant Class Frigate Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  18. ANV Baze Malbus Valiant Class Frigate Shields 75% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  19. ANV Jan Ors Valiant Class Frigate Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  20. ANV Carson Teva Valiant Class Frigate Shields 90% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  21. ANV Wes Janson Valiant Class Frigate Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  22. ANV Wedge Antilles Valiant Class Frigate Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  23. ANV Mustafar Vandal Class Corvette Shields 75% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  24. ANV Ibaar Vandal Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  25. ANV Yavin Vandal Class Corvette Shields 90% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  26. ANV Hoth Vandal Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  27. ANV Endor Vandal Class Corvette Shields 90% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  28. ANV Coruscant Vandal Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  29. ANV Jakku Vandal Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  30. ANV Kashyyyk Vandal Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  31. ANV Kuat Vandal Class Corvette Shields 80% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  32. ANV Squall MC25c Stormsinger Class Corvette Shields 0% | Armor 80% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  33. ANV Tornado MC25c Stormsinger Class Corvette Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  34. ANV Blizzard MC25c Stormsinger Class Corvette Shields 0% | Armor 85% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  1. 24x Squadrons 384x Fighters
  2. 14x Squadrons 168x Interceptors
  3. 4x Squadrons 32x Bombers
  4. 10x Squadrons 30x Craft
  5. 7x 84x Star Fighters
  6. 5x 60x Interceptors
  7. 5x 50x Bombers
  8. 1x 12x Bombers
  9. 4x 4x Craft

Just as she felt they finally moved into an uptick in this battle the battle cruisers at the center of the enemy formation made a SLAM assisted charge straight though the tip of the triangle she was using for her half of the double envelope dragging two of her Stormsinger corvettes out of line by harpoons of all things.

One of the corvettes, The Blizzard, her captain reacted quicker than the other bringing it’s fast tracking guns quickly firing on the cable severing breaking free. The second corvette The Squall was dragged along with the charge.

“Coms get Th’Squall oanline tell em ti get ‘at battle plate aff afore th’maw take em home with em”

“Aye ma’am”

“Move th’formation A want em surrounded in a crossfire.”

Per her command the two halves of her fleet encircled the enemy. Coordinated waves of fire Turbo laser, Megamaser, and finally followed by Ion struck in. Followed by thousands of missiles Ion, Flak, and Smoke streaking towards their targets. She intended to bleed the three battle cruisers decapitate their leadership and the smaller ships will break. The fighter craft that launched from the enemy ships would find that the bloody melee they had hoped dissolved as a prospect as the alliance's order of battle refused to break, sending them sprawling into dedicated anti-starfighter fire and interceptors.

That’s when she felt it, fear like she had never felt before. Something… Something else though under a voice chanting in a language she did not know. It was nearby that she was certain where she did not know but whatever was telling her this made her certain. She looked out unto the faces of her bridge crew stalwart people all seeing fear in their eyes. Then she looked out at the enemy formation and realized it was force trickery at play.

“Comms broadcast fleet wide secure.!”

She grabbed ahold of that same feeling and pushed it out into her words.

“Th’enemy intends ti break us wi’ force trickery but we shall not fear. A ken ‘at sum o’ ye ur new here but today ye ur Goidel! Fur any who sheds blood wi’ us shall be o’ oor blood. Th’enemy cannae win ‘iss battle wi’ tactics, wi’ skill, wi’ numbers, or wi’ technology so they resort ti force trickery. We shall no’ let ‘iss galaxy fall ti howling savages oot thir; we ur beyond ‘em. They shall meet the disciplined fury o’ th’Alliance an wither away. Today we retake Empress Teta!”

  • Two of Caoimhe’s Corvette’s get snagged in Akuz’s charge
  • One Corvette frees itself
  • Multiple ships took shield damage in the charge
  • The triangle formation of Caoimhe’s Main body turns into bowl
  • The second have of Caoimhe’s fleet closes the gap to create an encirclement
  • Fleet launches coordinated waves of fire
  • Fighters coordinate with anti-starfighter frigates to handle the launch of new enemy fighters.




Location: Empress Teta
Equipment: Traveling Garments, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic , Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Jax found himself face to face with the cave once more.

He stared at the cave stone faced, feeling afraid of 12-year-old boy back on the main Island of Ahch-To being beckoned by the voices calling out to him. He couldn't make out the voices, but one of them sounded like a girl her voice full of fiery fury. She called Jax a: "poodoo head" questioning how he became a Jedi Master. "I'll be honest," Jax replied taking a step forward towards the cave. "I don't know, I don't why I was made a Master despite my baggage. At first, I thought I could embody what it means to be a Jedi Master but..... I can't. My heart has been tainted my soul has been poisoned by my father."

Another voice spoke into the void, a deep, booming voice. It sounded vaguely familiar, but Jax's mind was too much in a haze to focus. "He's weakened himself, struggling against his true nature for so long. But not for much longer, the Dark Side will overwhelm him any moment now. Let the shadow in, my son, you cannot deny it any longer."

The young boy stopped in front of the entrance of the cave. The dark tendrils slowly enveloping himself around Jax. He shuddered at their cold touch at first, but he found himself feeling at ease. Jax always thought that if he truly gave into the darkness, it was going to hurt him. Force Jax to do things that he didn't want to do. But this felt..... different, the dark was generous, understanding, all it wanted was for Jax to commune with it. The shadow began to envelop itself around Jax as he closed his eyes.

A figure emerged from the cave, a man who looked like Jax but older the mark of Carnifex His yellow eyes gazing upon the young Jax. "Wake up." He whispered.

Jax opened his eyes as he craned his head. "Are you......"

The man smiled. "Carnifex is going to unlock your true nature Jax." A maniacal laugh escaped from his lips. "We're so fracked Jax!"

Tears came out from Jax's eyes as his older self came closer to Jax. "Come on what are you waiting for." He whispered. "Pull the trigger."

The shadowed continued to envelop him as Jax's lower lip trembled. "Come on Jax!" His older self became more agitated. "PULL THE TRIGGER! LET'S GO DO IT! END YOUR FRACKING MISERY! EMBRACE WHO YOU ARE!"

Jax screamed to the heavens back, willing himself back into the physical plane. The Dark Side of the Force began to flow through him, a maelstrom of darkness exploded creating a violent shockwave that blew back Dreidi and perhaps Carnifex. There was no use fighting the darkness, the darkness was within his heart now spreading its influence through his body. An unknown power coursed through Jax's body giving him a greater understanding.


"CARNIFEX!!!!!" Jax shouted his soul now embracing the Dark Side of the Force.


Location: Empress Teta, on the ground
Outfit: Beskar armour with tattered robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Naga watched as Caltin sent the young Knight flying back, not wanting them out of commission yet. He guided them down to a gentler landing so that they could spring back into action. Caltin might want to end this fight with the Jedi friend still alive but Naga was never going to let that happen, even if Wallgof's body was killed, Naga would ensure that Yoni saw Caltin kill the Jedi Knight. It was the glorious part of all this, there was no winning for Caltin, he was going to lose. Just depended on how he chose to lose that mattered now.

Yoni was still attacking Caltin, with every aim of killing the Jedi Master. "Oh, but all I have done is warp his mind to switch places. I haven't forced him to kill you, no, that is just this Jedi's way of handling Sith. Not healthy or very enlightened I would argue. Just straight trying to murder me, he made no attempts to understand me. Seems you Jedi are slowly becoming Sith, perhaps we should do nothing and just let you all slip to our side." Naga laughed deeply as he thought about the righteousness of the Jedi just fading into history as these people rejected that way of life and embraced things that were making them more and more Sith in their actions. Could be one day that Jedi and Sith will be interchangeable terms for the same kinds of people and that was deeply amusing to Naga. The greatest failings of the Jedi was to just willingly become their enemy. Not even try fighting it.

"Oh, is this why you wanted to get to the palace so badly? Because one of your Jedi Masters is failing to stay true? Are all you Jedi just one bad day from permanently becoming Sith? Did I miss the massive turning of Jedi embracing Sith ideology because if a Jedi Master can be turned so easily, we have won." Naga laughed deeply, not even attempting to attack Caltin as Yoni continued his strikes. No this was too amusing. A Jedi Master, a beacon of Light, dedicated to the saving of people and shining example of the code, supposedly, flipping sides with ease. It showed Naga everything he wanted. The Jedi were flawed and self-destructing. "Oh, this is good. So good. You Jedi are ready to crumble, self-destruct without us intervening. We can just sit and watch you kill each other." Naga continued to laugh boastfully, the Sith had won, there was no redeeming this.

Smirking, "Wallgof only has any skill and power because of me, so of course we fight similar. If you think you can bring me down by saying you are just fighting him, then you are wrong. But then again, I am tempted to leave, because that palace has one weak Jedi and two Dark Side users in it now from what I can feel. Seems your Jedi Master friend has fallen to the truth." Naga's smile was unnatural but genuine, the Sith Lord was loving this turn of events. Even if he didn't break Caltin, he was seeing proof that the Jedi were at the tipping point. He still had the Jedi Knight pawn to attack Caltin as well, his grip on Yoni had never faltered during all this.

"Jedi Master, please. Being this crass, it is demeaning for you. I thought you Jedi wanted to show how much more civilised you were, how balanced in the Force you are. But this aggressiveness, it shows nothing but the fact that you need the Dark Side, you need emotions and you need to be Sith-like to win." Naga sighed, he was disappointed in how easy he was seeing this victory, it seemed Caltin was beyond words now and ready to attack. Naga was ready for this. Yoni was his meat shield, no matter what happened, Yoni would see his friend, his mentor kill him for no reason bar he got in the way. He would see the fury and anger of Caltin before he died. Naga was certain to make that happened if nothing else.
Last edited:

Ashes to Ashes

Sergeant Agent ██████ - 'R U S T Y'
GADF Army Strategic Intelligence Agency

Location: Royal Palace, Cinnegar, Empress Teta
Objective: Eliminate Maw forces Exfiltrate
Equipment: Marine Armour, Custom type, DC/02 Blaster Carbine, 2x DC/04 Blaster Pistols, C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife

Ariana winced as another large piece of debris slammed against her shield, threatening to break her Force concentration. She then turned to face Dyans Keto, holding her arm in a vice-like grip, and with taking a moment to breathe she relaxed her right arm. The white burning embers that were emitting from her right arm disappeared. The sweat of her brow lessened thanks to no longer needing to keep her offensive Force abilities fully powered.

“My Father died for Teta.” Ariana spoke, finally answering Dyans Keto’s question. “-So that I can live and serve Teta.”

Ariana’s left arm glowed brightly with the white blossoming embers, and with her hand knifed out she violently slashed down. Her hand severed her right arm clear off from her, now fully from her right arm she twisted her body around and launched herself out of the throne proper and away from Dyans Keto.

She cried in pain with a few steps, but Ariana knew she couldn’t succumb to her injury just yet as she dodged another large piece of the ceiling. The Throne room was appearing more and more like several of the buildings in the city, just a pile of rubble. She desperately continued to run, looking for the Alliance Soldiers and Rebel Militia forces, shouting “-Get out now!”

Ariana grimaced with every passing second, the pain pulsed with increasing intensity and her body threatened to collapse due to the pain.

"Go!" The soldiers turned and ran, many of them flinging themselves through the exit as rubble rained down on the throne room. They were too far to confirm the KIA on Dyans: all they had left to do was run. Fortunately, most were near the exit. Unfortunately, Ariana was not one of them.

Rusty saw Ariana struggling to run, her arm severed and falling behind. He stopped to help, but Carmina barreled past him. The noblewoman grabbed Ariana and lifted her off her feet, then dashing towards Rusty and the exit. Rubble fell around them, and Rusty raised his blaster, blasting apart a piece of masonry that threatened to land squarely on their heads.

The air was thickening with dust and smoke, but they could still see the light of the exit. Some of the other soldiers were firing from the exit, aiming at the largest pieces of debris, causing a shower of fine sediment onto the trio.

And then they were through, the exit archway collapsing behind them. Carmine set Ariana down, her ornate powered armour creaking and hissing.

"You can live to serve Teta now, ma'am..." Carmina panted, before collapsing. Rusty dropped his blaster, moving over to check. A piece of rubble had pierced her back armour, though he could not tell how deep into her it went.

"Medics! Seal off Lady Ariana's wounds now, and someone get a triage station for Carmina now!" Rusty pulled Carmina's helmet off, he hair falling out. She grimaced as the harsh light reflected off her face.

"You're not dying on my watch, Jayan," Rusty said, rolling her over to help pull the shrapnel out.

"Heh, who's breaking protocol now," 'Lady' Carmina, undercover SIA agent, coughed. Slowly, the medics pulled the shattered masonry pieces out, applying bacta immediately to the wounds. That crisis dealt with, Rusty moved back to Ariana, medics already applying first aid on her severed arm, staunching blood flow.

"Can she move?"

"Depends how fast we want to move," the chief medic responded, looking up at the ceiling. Though the destruction inside was confined to the throne room, the rest of the palace was not looking good either, with sounds of creaking walls reverberating the halls. Rusty's comms were sounding off that the palace had been cleared of most hostiles, though roving Mawites outside and Darth Mori herself were still in the vicinity.

"Alright, we'll retreat back to the exits we came in from. They should still be held by friendlies. Lady Ariana," Rusty knelt down to speak to Ariana, laid out on the ground, at close eye level. "We'll need to exfiltrate you out of the danger area. The place should be cleared of hostiles, but we don't want to chance a possible counterattack or physical collapse of the place. There's a proper medical station back at the exit, and we can bring you there now."
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Location: Spaaaace! (Heading to Empress Teta)
Outfit: Padawan Garb
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
The shadow released its grip on Dreidi and she sighed relieved as she flipped onto her feet and looked over to Jax, hoping that he would see that she was fine and that they could win this without having to lose themselves but Carnifex was still talking. Mentioning that Jax was lying about his true nature and she faced Carnifex and let out a cocky giggle. "Oh, for a Sith Lord, you are very naïve about the Force, you know that right? Fighting true nature, that isn't how the Force works. If you want, we can spend some time sitting down and I can actually educate you on how it works. See, it is a choice, a choice we make." Dreidi was still believing that her words would reach Jax and that they could both school this Sith Lord on the benefits of dedicating themselves to being Jedi and remaining on the Light Side of the Force.

"If Jax was to ever embrace the Dark Side then he will be weakening himself, his nature is to help others and defend the innocent, if he was join the Dark Side, join you then he would always be in conflict with that side of himself. Your son would be weaker as a Sith than he ever was as a Jedi, so if you want a son you can be proud of and is strong, you really want him to be a Jedi." Dreidi shrugged then realised a little too late that Carnifex was targeting her with Lightning, her Lightsaber blocked the first couple of strikes before it was thrown aside as she struggled to keep her grip on the Lightsaber. The Lightning then came, as she attempted to use Tutaminis, she felt the blood red Lightning strike at her skin. The pain was searing and she could feel the burning of her flesh against the hot electricity as it struck at her body.

Collapsing to the ground, she writhed. She was in pure agony as the Lightning struck and forced her muscles to contract. "AHHHHH!" Dreidi screamed in agonising pain, tears freely falling down her face, there were no more quick remarks aimed at Carnifex. Pain. All there was, was pain. Unbearable, intense pain. Part of her wanted to die it was so much. There was nothing she could do against this. She was going to die in excruciating pain. It was torture and her skin was going to look like it had been burnt in fire.

It only ended when she was blasted hard. Pushed out of the way of the Lightning and into a pillar. Dreidi wasn't even aware of what had pushed her away. She was taking a few breaths, she was in a bad shape, the pain was still there and she couldn't think of what to do. She had hoped briefly that Jax had pushed her out of the way and was back to normal but hearing the shouting from him and her senses slowly coming back, she could sense the truth. He had surrendered to the Dark Side. Groaning and wincing hard as she tried to moved her limbs, she reached down and grabbed her comms. "This is Dreidi Xeraic. I need help in the palace. Master Jax Thio has fallen to the Dark Side against Carnifex, I need help." Dreidi hoped someone could come and save her from this. She didn't know how Jax would be if Carnifex left or if he would team up with the former Emperor now and she would be tasked with fighting them both. The situation was bad and Dreidi knew she failed in keeping Jax true to himself.

Wincing hard, she rose to her feet and pulled her Lightsaber into her hand. She was in bad shape, barely able to fight but she knew she had to. To fight the pain and stop this. "You might have corrupted him. But Jax will realise his errors and return. Because he is a good man. Might be an idiot and poodoo head, but he isn't evil." ​

“A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention.” ― Proverbs 15:18

Either Sadow was that far gone in the Hubris, reading from a script he did not understand, or just plain overblown in the history texts. Caltin Vanagor had seen all of this before, all of it. The mental attacks were so old and predictable that it was becoming a personal game for the big man to figure out and predict which one would be next. This was not to say that the Sith Spirit was not still incredibly powerful in what he could do, the hybrid was of legend for a reason, but his disadvantage was in that he was in the history texts before Caltin might have been.

The massive Jedi Master did keep his mind guarded, naturally and consistently, this is just who he was. However this is from invasions, and it took a large amount of focus in its own right. In order to be able to spread his accuity to other aspects, the big man had to leave some things open. That meant that these verbal assaults which could over time wear down even the most stalwart of guardians fell on deaf ears with him. The reason why was simple, his time spent as a Knight and early days as a Master was spent experiencing them but almost willingly. They got to him, make no mistake, but his will kept his body from being overtaken. In a manner of speaking, Vanagor was developing a tolerance for them, like someone ingesting small amounts of poison on a daily basis to better handle it.

Yet still this yakhead wanted to talk.

You know, you’re right. Too many of them today think that they have to be a Jedi. They don’t realize it’s our choices that make us what we are. How I don’t have to be a Jedi, I choose to be a Jedi. I choose to show those watching us fight just how overblown and disproportionate you were. I choose to prove that anyone could stop you with barely a flick of the wrist. I’ve never been afraid of emotions. I just do not let them define me. The truly powerful don't need to use any emotion, especially something as useless as "hate." That is the definition of "weakness."

So yeah, you’re right. Jedi who fall to the Dark Side just don’t have the stomach for it. They can’t handle the power of being a Jedi, so they take second best. They go for the crumbs of what is in those dark corners. Like rats. They beg for anyone to notice them, to follow them. They can’t do the work themselves so they get others to do it by proxy.

He laughed as he reached out and put Bucket’s entire body into a state of Force Stasis.

Sounds like you!

The big man was now almost doubled over laughing as he pointed at Waldow or Sagof or whatever he was at this point. He could say whatever he wanted, but there could be a total of one Jedi left in the galaxy and the galaxy would survive, he knew this, any Jedi did. There was nothing that the ancient Sith Lord could do to change that. He was still falling to old “Not very Jedi-like” tricks, that translated into a very clear picture that his arrogance was blinding him to what was that of someone grasping at straws. It takes power to hold true to yourself and not give in to the easy path.

No Sith truly understood what “power” was, they only thought that they did.

Jax Thio Jax Thio , I am going to kick your tail.

Yeah, he was aware.

Tags Allies: TEAM LIGHTSIDE! / Anyone wanting to interact! Jax Thio Jax Thio
Tags Foes: @
Darth Wallgof Dyans Keto Dyans Keto / TEAM DARKSIDE!


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

Location: Empress Teta, on the ground
Outfit: Beskar armour with tattered robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Watching Caltin freeze the Knight, it didn't matter to Naga, he could drag body wherever he needed it. All this prevented was Yoni from attacking Caltin which was fine since it would make the betrayal all the more sweeter when it happened. "Oh. Oh. You are a fool. You don't even understand how wrong you are about the order of things." Naga laughed deeply, it was brilliant to see how after centuries, the galaxy had tricked itself into believing that Jedi could be anything, that choice was all that mattered. "No. Choice does not play into this, see you are just thinking you are levelling a playing field by tapping into the Dark Side, that you can control your actions and do good with them. But you are becoming us, you are becoming cruel, aggressive, mean. You are becoming more and more Sith and you can't see it. You are trying to be callous and cavalier about the deaths of your comrades, pretending that even this Knight's life doesn't matter any more because he is under my control. Soon enough, you will be happy to kill innocent lives because the ends justify the means, you'll destroy worlds, eventually the lines between Sith and Jedi won't just be parallel, they will be a single line. We have won, because you are becoming us." Naga sighed in sweet delight at the thoughts.

"See, you are freely insulting and putting down the efforts and beliefs of your friends and fellow Jedi. How is that any different to how the Sith acolytes and Lords view weakness, Jedi?" Naga smirked widely, all this Jedi was doing now was just proving his points, just proving that the Jedi were failing and becoming Sith. "Act righteous all you want Caltin, but your actions today prove to be more Sith than Jedi. Call yourself what you may, but your actions are speaking louder than your weak attempts to get into our mind. Takes more than a brute, a simple bulldozer to get inside this mind." Naga stated in a dark mocking tone, dismissing Caltin as nothing more than a brute with nothing special going for him.

Naga sighed, "alas, you truly don't understand the Sith. You take a code and think that is concrete evidence for all you need. Do you truly think I have been able to do all I have, with all the power I have just purely based on hate? No, of course not. I don't carry enough hate to do all this, I barely know you, if anything, pity is all I have felt this fight. A pity that there is no decent Jedi to fight it seems, our emotions break the chain, they free our thoughts and let us be as strong as we are. We are not limited by our emotions, they just guide the young in how to control the Force and bend it to their will, once you do that, then emotions are just flavour." Naga blasted the frozen Jedi Knight with a strong Force Lightning, torturing him in the frozen pose that Caltin forced him to be in.

His voice was nothing but a bored, disappointed man. "Display your ignorance all you want Caltin. Just means your friend suffers." Naga crush the arm that Yoni was not proficient with. "Or, you can try and see if you can actually kill Naga Sadow." Naga laughed deeply.

“The chains that break you, are the chains that make you. And the chains that make you, are the chains you break.” ― Anthony Liccione

Still pointing and laughing at the Sith Lord like the petulant attention seeking child that he was, Caltin was more and more certain of the folly that this had become. He could see the look in Bucket’s eyes, he was in there, Sadow had not completely taken over, no matter what he hoped. He wanted the unlucky Jedi Knight, his friend, to be safe but knew that there was only a matter of time. This was still the attention grabbing ploy that it was when it began.

Vanagor was done with it.

Pulling “Conservator” back into his hand, the big man just looked back at the Sith and shook his head.

I’ve made my peace. My friend wants me to stop wasting my time with you and leanve him here. So I am. I don’t want to leave him here, but he’ll be fine, no matter what else you do to him. You don’t matter.

Jax does.

Turning his back, Caltin went to walk away towards the Palace. The big man did not guard himself against anything, that did not mean he wasn't ready for it. He was.

Tags Allies: TEAM LIGHTSIDE! / Anyone wanting to interact! Jax Thio Jax Thio
Tags Foes: @
Darth Wallgof Dyans Keto Dyans Keto / TEAM DARKSIDE!


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

Location: Empress Teta
Objective: Ashes to Ashes
Other tags: Dyans Keto Dyans Keto
Post: #8

Intense flames chaotically moved around the Dark Lord and danced along to the rhythm of Valery's beating heart. Her strained breathing, the intensity in her eyes, and the fiery spirit that always forced her to keep going, all fueled the power behind it. But even then, she knew it wasn't going to clear this palace of the darkness she had unleashed. It was a fact she had accepted ever since the mask shattered, but her efforts were not in vain. Every minute counted for her allies, and she was here to provide it for them.

But she was determined that one day, she was going to come back for the Dark Voice.

With the energy of the flames dissipating into the void seconds later, she could feel the power of the Dark Side rising around her while its invisible strings tugged at her own being. It was only her strength in the Light that kept her from being consumed, but what she felt growing within Darth Mori was still worrying, not just for her own sake, but for anybody within this palace. Valery prepared herself by disengaging her weapons and turning to the Force for protection, but another shift in the Force drew her attention elsewhere

The cracks that had formed in the roof above their heads finally caused the structure to shatter completely, and as massive amounts of debris came raining down on the two paragons of Light and Dark, Valery kept eye contact and flashed the woman a brief and final smirk.

"Next time," she echoed before her hands shifted to shield herself against the collapsing palace. Within the darkness of the ruins, she disappeared, content with the lives she had hopefully protected against an otherwise unstoppable, all-consuming force of the Dark Side. A void she undoubtedly would face again in the future.


Location: Empress Teta, on the ground
Outfit: Beskar armour with tattered robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

As Caltin turned his back on his supposed friend, Naga blasted him powerful Lightning, burning the body of Yoni. Forcing the Knight to scream out in agonising pain. Naga laughed and enjoyed the torture of the being, forcing every moment to be suffering. "Oh, Caltin, just remember. You caused this. You failed to stop me. You failed and will not save whoever is in the temple just like you did not save Holly and Yoni." Naga shouted over the pleading screams of Yoni, begging to be saved or helped. "You can pass the buck, say that he was dead or gone already but you barely tried to attack me. This body is still strong and healthy!" Naga laughed deeply as he increased the torturous blasts the Yoni so that Caltin heard every scream, heard every painful cry for help as he continued to walk to the palace.

Naga wasn't going to stop Caltin from leaving. He was done here, boredom had overcome the ancient Sith Lord, there was no fight and he was not going to waste time inhabiting a body to just be bored with the competition. No. Once Caltin was inside the palace, he cracked the neck of Yoni Bucket. Ending their life sharply as he released control back to Wallgof. Who froze dazed for a moment, unsure where he was or what was happening before things slowly came back to mind. No, Naga informed him of some of the details and informed Wallgof that he was done with the Jedi in this war now. That Wallgof could continue to hunt others or find others to kill but it was over in Naga's mind.

Wallgof sighed, the battle demonstrated he was far from ready to lead. He failed to kill his opponent and he had failed to demonstrate his skills as being the true Sith Emperor. No, instead he relied on Naga to fight and killed several meaningless Jedi. It was not the ferocious start that he had promised Naga, but he would have to work towards being better in combat. As well as designing better armour to combat attacks such as Caltin used against him.

With The Sleeping Sun

Final Resting Place:
Throne Room, Royal Palace Ruins, Cinnegar

You rise to power telling yourself you will do better then those that came before you. You swear you will protect your people at all costs. You will do everything to keep them safe and to make them prosperous. You will be above those who came before you that were tyrannical. Yet quickly find safety and freedom are opposite sides of the coin. Anarchy is absolute freedom, but it relies on the guidelines that your neighbor has the same moral values as you. If you want to keep your people safe you need order and law which easily becomes imprisonment. Freedoms must be stripped for safety to exist, and safety must be stripped for Freedom. Anyone who believes otherwise is blind, those who think there is a balance does not understand sentient nature once you slip even a little in one direction you begin to cascade.

It's interesting that is way of things that there is no balance much like in the force those that claim to find balance are fools who refuse to see how far they have truly fallen. The Jedi walk a very thin line and they never truly see their fall. Like psychopath or sociopath, they attempt to shed themselves of their emotions and attachments. They claim to only kill in the name of the greater good but deep down they like it thinking they are the hero vanquishing evil, purging the darkness. The Jedi fell a long time ago they are just too delusional to see it. Yet they continue condemn those who breach the nonexistent line into what they call the darkside.

Dyans sought power to protect her people, to push away the outsiders that tried to influence and change her people's ways and culture. She traveled to many worlds that could give her to the power to keep her people protected. She sought wisdom from Mandalorians, Witches of Dathomir, Shapers of Kro Var, Jedi, Sith, and Thousand other cults that saw their vision as the truth. In the end she embraced her worlds faith the one her ancestors brought and made that of the Krath. The Krath stole power from the sith and Jedi handed to them by the spirit of Freedon Nadd.

At all costs she would do everything to protect the Tetan people and the Empire her bloodline from Empress Teta herself built. Yet she had failed the Empire, secretly built by the sith took the world from her and her people. After twisting her body into the Vampiric creature, she was now and taking every step to gain as much power as she could her people were crushed. In all that she failed to see the corruption that had grown in herself she delusional thinking she was the one saving her people when she was no better then what came next.

As Palace broke all around her, she saw history repeating itself her people falling from her reign into another tyrannical fist. Another thought touched her mind words from her sister in law Santeria Decuir Santeria Decuir . "The Sith will always stab you in the back, their words are always lies. Then the Jedi Make promises they can never plan keep. Both are treacherous but at least one is predictable." Those words running through Dyans head made her smirk that same sister-in-law so notorious and despised by the Galaxy because she never backed down not even when her people were sold out to the Jedi and then later the sith by the same family over and over again. "I was willing to turn my own world into a waste land because if the people who with rightful claim could not have then no one could." Dyans admired that the willingness to do what ever it took to free your people and your world from the outsiders that did not belong. There were so few people in the Galaxy full of such conviction, to many will to sell their worlds out.

Rubble fell all around her entombing her under her ancestral home willing to die for this world and its people. Corruption may have ran through her veins and she may have fallen long ago to what they called the darkside but she always believed she was the one protecting and keeping her people safe. The sith like always stabbing their allies in t he back and wouldn't be long before they stabbed the whole of the Maw in the back. The Maw full of tribes and people who had long been neglected and forgotten to the Galaxy much like the world of Empress Teta and the Tetan people. The sith took advantage of that and seized control used and preyed upon them and offered them new life after this one ended. "War, Death, Rebirth." She mocked to herself. She had seen a new future for her people and path for them to thrive once more but the sith once again took it from her. "The Krath and the Tetan Empire may die here today with but they will rise again their crusade is eternal. Take word to my husband and daughters on Necropolis." The mental image sent to one her death witches. As it was sent Dyans sat up in her throne, knocking the severed arm of Ariana du Couteau Ariana du Couteau away from her. She took a deep breath focused inwards and closed her jade eyes.


A rush of energy buffeted Carnifex, but the Dark Lord only shifted His stance in reaction. It originated from Jaxon, who had appeared to finally embrace the darkness that Carnifex so insistently thrust upon him.

"So, you have accepted the truth."

The lightning subsided from the Dark Lord's fingertips, errant strands of electricity still dancing around in the air and on the ground before dissipating entirely. Carnifex's attention was now fully on Jax Thio, and the dark power emanating from him. In the end, when all the chips were on the table and everyone's hands were played, there was no escaping the darkness that burned within Jaxon's soul. The power that coursed through his veins also coursed through the veins of his father, the impetus for this grand evolution.

"The third eye opens."

As Carnifex watched His son sink further into the darkness, the tattoo on His forehead began to shimmer and writhe. The symbol of the Sith Eternal displayed in the center of a Sith sunburst opened like an eye, a burst of energy rushing forth from Carnifex to Jaxon. It struck Jaxon's injured eye, imbuing it with the power of darkness. Then the tattoo resettled on Carnifex's forehead, no longer moving.

It was then that His attention fell back on Dreidi, watching as she struggled to pick herself back up from His attack and the wave of energy that had saved her from it. She spoke to the Dark Lord, promising that Jaxon was a good man.

"Good and evil are simplifications, child. There are only those who have power, and those who do not."

Carnifex suddenly rushed forward, moving faster than He had this entire duel, and activated His lightsaber. In a single sweeping motion, He sought to bring His blade down through Dreidi's arms, attempting to sever both right at the elbow.

A single, cruel, debilitating strike.



Location: Empress Teta
Equipment: Traveling Garments, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic , Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Jax could feel his forehead burning, a searing pain as if somebody pressed an Iron Prod against it. The dark aura around Jax began to grow bigger as he continued to scream gathering the Dark Side energies around. He enraged at Carnifex, enraged at himself for finally giving into the Dark Side creating a cycle where the Dark Side began to grow and prosper. Yet the Dark Side felt good, intoxicating, invigorating. Jax had tapped into the Dark Side plenty of times in the past and even preached to his students that the Dark Side was just a tool that can be used. However, he never truly embraced the Dark Side the same way he embraced the Light Side.

"That makes me a bit hypocritical does it," Jax thought feeling the power flowing through him. Raw power, true power it didn't feel too bad. What was Valery Noble Valery Noble and Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor thinking?! The Dark Side of the Force is incredible! The gift that Carnifex gave to Jax could be used to protect the Galactic Alliance! It can defeat the Brotherhood! This is the power Jax needed to defeat Carnifex! Instead of rushing in to die, Jax has a chance that's all he needs to take him down.

"I have accepted the truth father!" Jax said a wicked smile formed on his face. "I've accepted that you've made a big mistake granting me the power to kill you!"

The large dark aura faded while Jax's body swayed from side to side, yellow eyes glared at Carnifex the wicked smile became bigger. A laugh formed inside of his throat begging to be released.

"I have become more powerful than any Jedi!" Jax said venom seeping from his words. "Thanks to you father! I have the power necessary kill you and the Brotherhood then bathe in the afterglow of your demise!"

He raised his arm, Jax's Lightsaber flying into his hand. "You're a coward father attacking Driedi first!" Jax laughed. "But that's okay because this fight will be over in a matter of seconds!"

With a single move step Jax moved so fast that even a Force sensitive would have major difficulty tracking him. The fallen Jedi leapt from behind Carnifex about to strike him from behind. "DIE!" Jax roared.


Location: Spaaaace! (Heading to Empress Teta)
Outfit: Padawan Garb
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Dreidi watched as Carnifex seemed to do some more crazy Sith magic involving Jax, it was worrisome, there was so much she didn't understand about the Force and there was no way in knowing what he was doing to Jax. Could it be implanting something? Could it be taking control away from Jax? Dreidi had no way of knowing what to do since her understanding of things was toe deep in an ocean of the Force. Carnifex was making sure that was clear. No, Dreidi had to figure out later what that was so that she could warn Jax and the people around him what Carnifex was doing to his son. Because it was clear to Dreidi, whatever Jax was doing, it was playing right into Carnifex's hands and you never played into the bad guy's hands. Never. Watching films had taught Dreidi that.

When Carnifex eventually turned his gaze to her, stating that there was only those that had power and those that did not. Dreidi only had the time to think of her retort before she watched him speed towards her fast than any normal humanoid could move. Her abilities in Force Speed were never going to be as fast but she used them to jump back, aiming to be away from where she was so he hit thin air. However, Carnifex was too fast, it was the story of this fight. He was too fast, too strong, too powerful. But she doubted you could be the Sith Emperor for years unless you were one of the strongest around. The Lightsaber's sweeping motion aimed to cut her arms did not hit the way it was meant to. In fact, it missed her arms completely, meaning she still had them which was a relief for her, the prosthetics were not pleasant from what she remembered of her father's. The Lightsaber did slice across her stomach. Not deep enough to be life threatening but enough to be out of commission for the fight.

The pain was searing and it felt like her stomach was on fire. The slice was right across her stomach and there was nothing she could do to lessen the pain or anything. Adrenaline was not going to help this wound, it was too much and she was in too much pain. With tears in her eyes from the pain, she watched as Jax focused on his revenge against his father. The man had become singularly focused, blinded to everything else that was going on around him. It was all about revenge and killing, was this how people became when using the Dark Side? Being around Sith, Dark Jedi and neutral Force Users, she had never seen a person get corrupted by the Dark Side in this fashion. It explained why some Jedi saw the Dark Side as a power that corrupted and destroyed people.

"Jax!" Dreidi called out pained, "I can't fight. Please. Help me!" Dreidi called out, all the sass and attempts at witty retorts were gone. She was just the scared teenager on the outside as much as she had been inside this whole fight.​


Issue #1 w/ Donne Toulemonde Donne Toulemonde

They locked gazes, each examining the other as if to etch their presences and appearances into their memories like carvings into a stone. Something brewed beneath the stormy skies of corruption engulfing her. There was something about the Echani drawing him to her, perhaps the unfaltering, sometimess naive, hope that she still carried a kindle of light beneath the wicked gloom; that there still was a vestige of the lady that once was.

Confusion contorted his tired features as the Echani buckled under an unseen weight, as if an invisible avalanche had buried her. Uncertainty and hesitation evaporated when her plea touched his mind through the Force. He lunged towards her, saber extinguished as a large, supporting column exploded into pieces on a mezzanine above them, and the whole palace rattled as the wave of destruction gradually began tearing it apart.


Boulders of masonry rained upon them and the Knight halted to a sudden stop with his arms raising a Force barrier to keep the roof from collapsing on their heads.

"We... have... to go!!" Dagon muttered, squeezing eyes and teeth against the strain of keeping the shield alive. "Now!"


TAG Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

The Force compelled her. She breathed heavily, gasping for what limited air she could draw into her bruised body, the sinews and tendons screaming out in pain as the exertion of the fight began to take its toll on her. She paused, looking up once again, tears streaming down her face. They dropped onto the dust-covered marble, masonry and rocks beginning to make their inevitable way towards the floor, cascades of roofing and stucco wall showering onto them. The mezzanine level began to give way, bursts of the colonnade screaming in slow motion towards them.

She looked up in horror, determined to save herself from the impending...

She turned, surprised that the crush of masonry hadn't pulverised her. The Jedi stood, a barrier raised by his hands staving off any of the falling brick and stonework.

"We... have... to go...Now!"

He strained and fought to save them. A flicker of recognition caught her. The sacrifice of a hero. The truest act one could give to another. It reminded her of the Force's most noble qualities and what it could engender in a person.

She stood, looking to the door outside, still clear from falling debris. They would need to get through it quickly, lest the entire superstructure above them came caving in. She spoke under her breath.

"You're're absolutely...right..."

She slowly drew her own arm above her head, ready to collect the falling masonry in its falling pattern. She felt it grip, her own power now channelling it, determined to keep it from crushing them.


Crushing her.

She threw her hand downwards, slamming the precariously delicate remnants of the ceiling towards the ground, running as fast as she could towards the closing gap, the slither of light from outside beckoning to her.

She began to laugh to herself as she ran, no longer winded but alive with a rippling current, charged with a madness that only the Dark Side could nurture. She hoped with all sincerity that the weight of the vast masonry would bring down the structure above and finally bring down the Jedi that had sought to stop her.

She burst through the door and made good her escape.

Goodbye, Master Jedi.

The Dark Lord's blade did not deliver the debilitating blow He'd been seeking, but it nonetheless removed the young apprentice from what little battle remained. The other Jedi would be here soon, He could sense them coming through the Force; an ever-present buzzing in the back of His skull. Carnifex deactivated His lightsaber, returning the rod of cerakote back to its sheath. His attention was refocused back on Jaxon, who had fully embraced the Dark Side and allowed the Shadow to take hold in his heart.

An insect happens upon a shallow pool and believes it to be the great ocean." Carnifex watched as Jaxon unraveled, becoming more unhinged by the second as the Shadow coursed through his veins. Few could withstand the glacial might of the Dark Side falling down upon them at once, it was risky to throw someone into the deep end so soon and without proper training. Many would call Carnifex cruel for inflicting such pressure upon His own flesh and blood, but the Dark Lord would not listen to their words; their crude syllables were beneath His notice.

And if Jaxon could not balance himself in the Shadow, then he would be an unworthy instrument. He had to be tested, to the limit.

So, as Jaxon moved forward to strike out at his father, moving so fast that he appeared behind the Dark Lord in a fashion that appeared as quick as the blink of an eye, Carnifex acted. His hand reached out, moving as His body swiveled around to face Jaxon, and caught the blade before it could reach Him. Sparks crackled from where hand met plasma, the Dark Lord's entire hand sheathed in a glove of imperceivable energy. With His other hand, Carnifex stretched it out and placed it, palm down, against Jaxon's midsection. He then channeled the power of
hatred to blow out a chunk of Jaxon's torso, the wound immediately cauterizing as the flesh atomized beneath His hand.

Throwing Jaxon to the ground, the Dark Lord stood tall above him. "You've taken a drink from the chalice, but you do not comprehend your actions. I will forgive your insolence this time, Jaxon, but do not misinterpret my restraint as mercy. You will find little of it here."




Location: Empress Teta
Equipment: Traveling Garments, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic , Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Jax full of rage attempted to slash the back of Carnifex's head putting all of his hatred all of his rage into the attack. However, the Worm Emperor was as quick as Jax was and blocked his attack his hand grabbing Jax's golden blade. "WHAT?!" All of Jax's momentum was halted and he found himself falling back first onto the floor.

"That's not possible!" Jax struggled to get up, but it was an impossible task to do so it felt like gravity was pushing down on him forcing Jax to get on his knees. The Jedi Master craned his head at his father, there was no hatred, nor fury in his blood red eyes but displeasure. Jax's attack was ineffective his plunge into the Dark Side was all for nothing.

His yellow eyes had started to tear up, his gaze turning to Dreidi who was just as scared as he was. And it was then Jax knew that he had sealed his own fate.

Years of training, years of resistance, encouragement from Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Jairdain Jairdain , and Valery Noble Valery Noble and at the end Jax willingly fell into Carnifex's trap. The Jedi finally understood that despite the temptations by his father, despite the temptation in the cave, and his dark urges, Jax chose the Dark Side.

He did.

Only he.

Instead of relying on instinct, Jax relied on impulse and at that critical moment, he wasn't thinking of Dreidi, the Galactic Alliance, he was only thinking about himself. He made that decision based on his own selfishness. When Carnifex slammed his fist into Jax's midsection beginning to rip apart his very being, he cried out in agony.

"Dredi!" Jax communicated to her telepathically as blood splattered all over him. "Please forgive me for what I've done!"

The physical pain was nothing, only a numbness compared to the mental anguish that Jax endured. He tried to fight the shadow that grabbed him, but he was less of a man than he was hours ago. Jax is a swordsman without a hand, a Bird without wings. Jax was in the shadow's territory and the shadow took his very soul. As Carnifex raised his hand launched a beam towards Jax, he closed his eyes as the blast took him ripping his body apart.

"There is no death, there is the Force."

And in one blast, Jax Thio was gone.

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