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Dominion Swords of Imperialism: NIO dom of Maridun





Wild and untamed, the vast frontier world of Maridun lies in sight of the Imperial tide. Once home to testing sites that rendered the great green plains in a sea of fire, it now lays abandoned and forgotten. Or is it?


OBJ1- It can be said that Maridun is many things, a safe haven to some and an ideal testing ground for others. Maridun boasts a decent sized settlement of furry four-legged bipeds known as ‘Lurmen’, once unknown to the wider galaxy and hidden in relative obscurity. This planet has since been through several administrations, with it’s grassy plains being the site of CIS weapons testing and it’s mountains home to Imperial mining. The Hutts were far less benevolent and enslaved much of the Lurmens. See to it that this planet is once again under Imperial rule and do away with the remnant unlawful presence that haunts this planet.


OBJ2- In the wake of the late Ravraa of Shili’s death, the Imperial assembly convenes once more to discuss matters and to find a solution to the disturbing trend of their own being murdered. Will this meeting prove fruitful in it’s goals? Or will it once more devolve into a squabble between warlords.


OBJ3- Though it’s beautiful rolling plains hold host to many a wild fauna and variety of flora, the CIS of old saw fit to test experimental tech on both the environment and the Lurmen colony. Now abandoned to the vigors of time and decay, the CIS test facilities lay somewhere in the wild depths of Mariduns forests. All Compnor and other personnel are expected to retrieve the contents from the old facility, and see fit that the old confederacies research and experimental tech see good use in Imperial hands.


Self-explanatory, do your own thing.



The Iron Ring was to be left alone. The territory would acclimatize to its newfound rulers in the form of the New Imperials, or it would suffer the consequences of Sith loyalty. It was a lesson that he had learned from his Master a long time ago.

One opportunity to change your ways. If you failed, then the full weight of the most extreme consequences is what you would suffer.

Hutts had sought to lay claim to backwater worlds after the defeat of the Sith Empire. The looming Imperial nation was all the warning the enslavers needed, and still, they persisted. By the end of the day, they would be erased from this planet.

Raijan's hand stroked across his jaw as he eyed the holoprojector in front of him. The enslavers compound was situated close to the peak of a mountain. Historically the site of an Imperial mining facility, re-adapted for their criminal uses. Preliminary sensor readouts gave way to industrialized tunnels within. There's likely an escape route in there. I'm sure of it.

"Intensify scans on the eastern and northern ranges. There's got to be a hidden landing pad out there."

The Spectre traced his finger along a path through the mountains that led directly to the compound. The road was winding and from observation alone likely prone to ambush. "Vehicular units can mount a main assault on this road, allowing for airborne units to deploy in the confusion."

"It'll be hard for the wheeled and tracked vehicles," one of the analysts said.

"What if there is hidden AA?" said another.

"Then they will land under fire," Raijan answered drily.

His only pressing concern was the mountain pass. An easy route to defend. If the mercenary forces were of any worth - they had to be if they were willing to oppose of the New Order - then it'd be heavily defended certainly. It was possibly a trap. And the Spectre hoped that it was.

The military operation was opportunity for gained experience. Both for himself, as a leader once more, and other units that were both out of touch from the field, and fresh in their armour.

He left out much of the enslaved workforce. Lurmen. There was some resemblance to the Squibs of Skor. Any that died were irrelevant collateral. He only had sights for the mining facility.

There were no orders to slaughter the populace, and he suspected the diminutive species was prone to flee from both them, and their captors at the soonest possibility.

"Deploy all readied units."

The holographic projector in the FOB Command Room already alighting in a bright green to highlight the active forces.

Daina Bragg


Lieutenant Bragg
Maridun's Surface, above Confederate Research Facility

Objective #3: Abandoned Confederate Facility

The Gunship's port-side door slides open in a metallic hiss, Lieutenant Daina Bragg clad head-to-toe in a vacuum black suit of exquisite armour stands on the precipice of the cargo bay's floor, Maridun greets her with a surface of forest canopy so thick that Lieutenant Bragg couldn't see the forest floor through her smouldering lava visor. Daina thought the canopy was too thick for normal soldiers to rappel safely through; more than likely, their lines would become tangled in the complex web of branches below, turning her gaze back towards the interior of the Gunship's other occupants. "Suggestions?" The Lieutenant asks, their helmet giving their voice a quality that sounds like burning coals rolling around in an iron kiln.

Ziare Dyarron
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent
Objective: Abandoned Confederate Facility
Location: Maridun's Surface, above Confederate Research Facility
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Druetium Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tag(s): Daina Bragg | Open
[ See me fight ]

It was finally a task that seemed more peaceful than before. There is no war, just standard reconnaissance. I’m not going to lie, but I feel like I really needed a mission like this already. I looked out the window from the floating Gunship. I looked through the green landscape and then glanced at the forest. I haven’t been able to be in a place like this much in my life, I’ve lived in a place where there are no more forests, just a planet-sized city.

For now, we’ve been floating in the air, though we’re probably going to leave soon. I raised my weapon in front of me. I didn’t know much about what animals might be in the woods, but it was better to prepare for the worst case scenario. Not to mention that I even counted on droids because of the CIS. It may have been old facility, but the CIS is the CIS. Droids are eternal in their case.

"I think, Ma'am, that no matter how old this facility may be, the security system can still work, not to mention the droids. A solution should be found to disable security systems remotely before we break in." I suggested.

During my insurgent years, I was “lucky” to see what devastation a situation like this could cause. Of course, a soldier may think differently than I do, and he won’t be nearly as careful as I am. But... after all that’s how I had to fight at home, we had to take care of each other because an insurgent cell rarely gets new people. Maybe it's time for me to get used to not being home anymore, in an infinitely hopeless situation…



Daina Bragg


Lieutenant Bragg
Maridun's Surface

Objective #3: Abandoned Confederate Facility

Lieutenant Bragg, severe and challenging, narrows her eyes, irritated by the Agent's questioning. Daina hated spooks; she thought their loyalties went to the state alone. Daina was convinced her companion might shoot her own family if the order came down from upon high. The Dark Trooper felt insulted by the Agent's question the implication she had not considered defences; of course, there would be security. "I doubt, Agent Dyarron, that we'll be able to access their local area network before entering the facility." Daina's voice cannot entirely conceal the sneer that tugs at the lines of her face.

"I am certain you will be the first to bring any information to the contrary to my attention." Daina peers around the bower of a great tall gum tree and spots an unsealed road leading deeper into the jungles of Maridun. "I'm concerned that path may be mined; stay off it." A short time later, following adjacent to the gravel lane. Daina spots a pair of towering and heavy-looking textured Quadanium doors set into a metallic facade that rose from the soil of the Jungle floor. This was their entrance; Daina crouches down, sweeps the scene with a blaster rifle, and keys her comlink.

"Agent Dyarron, hold your position. Evaluate Radionic and Hyperwave transceivers for anomalies." Daina's hawkish focus was fixed on the facility's apparent entrance up-ahead. Daina's ears bristle suspiciously at the sounds of the forest filtered through her helmet's sensors; it was drowning, and she thought could be used to conceal hostile tactical movements just how Daina was consciously using them to obfuscate her team's own.

"Wow, they're just dropping like flies, huh?"

Cotan continued scrolling through the news articles on his datapad. He'd finally given in to the suggestions—and at times thinly-veiled demands—of Lief Lief that he take a break from his higher profile workings on the galactic stage. A vacation, essentially; the denouement of the Stygian Campaign had already been set in stone, people across the galaxy able to read the writing on the wall and foresee the fall of the Sith Empire.


It got a little fuzzy at the end there.

It took most of the first week for him to get comfortable with the idea of not being present for what was happening, either front and center or doing some other work on the sidelines. He'd been diving head-first into it all back with the Outer Rim Coalition since not long after the fall of the previous iteration of the Galactic Alliance, when he'd gone and fought Darth Carnifex atop the Jedi Council Spire. His last vacation was...

Yep, right after then. While he was still wearing bandages and drinking bactaid every morning to heal, with Asha, understandably, being horrified at the state he was in once they'd run into each other again. Soon enough, though, it'd been back to work on Pantora, and then more work on Mustafar and Zonju V, and more work, and more work...And drinking whisky in an armored personnel carrier in the middle of work...

"I'm sure, somewhere in the galaxy, I could spout off the names of all the places I've been and the people I've fought, and they'd just look at me like I'd sprouted two extra heads from my shoulders, but whether due to how insane it all sounds or the insanity of the work load, I'm not sure." One thing they could all agree with, though: Too much work is bad for the sleep cycle. Arguing with the girlfriend/wife/significant other/red-headed-woman-who-has-laid-claim-to-your-soul is bad for survival.

Just left him with a lot of news to catch up on once he got back, like finding out that Irveric Tavlar and Ravraa of Shili had both died. Or that Omni had apparently showed up again, and he'd missed it. Also that Csilla was...gone. That explains the migraines and heart palpitations. Probably a good thing he wasn't there for that one, truthfully. Coruscant had been bad enough.

He reached over to his glass, lifting it up to his lips while continuing to read, only to find that it'd already run empty. So, he sighed, setting it back down, reaching into a pocket for his credit chit—

Glancing back as the glass, alongside many other loose items in the run-down little cantina, started to vibrate rapidly—

And then, finally, turning to glance out the window, where multiple speeders, personnel carriers, and the like with NIO insignias went on by down the main thoroughfare of the small settlement he'd stopped in, engines drowning out his conversation with himself without any effort needed.

"Huh." Cotan started rapidly scrolling through the news articles on the datapad, watching for any other familiar names. "I wonder if Erskine will be around at all. I bet he'd like that brandy I found in Firefist."

Jaryg Syn

Objective: 1
Tags: Raijan Sol Raijan Sol | Open
Equipment: In bio

Commander Jag stood by the holoprojector with his helmet under one arm. He studied the map along with the other officers as he thought about the situation. One officer mentioned moving the armoured column up the narrow road right up to the front door. A rather exciting choice, he had to admit. "Someone will have to tell the tractor drivers they better button up. That road's gonna be a killzone." he chimed in with a smirk. "This mission is going to be fun. I'll get some bats together, drop in from above." he continued as he slipped his helmet on.

Turning on his heel he made his way to the landing pads. The forward base was a buzz of activity, with soldiers readying up and vehicles prepped to move out. He felt a pinch of empathy for the defenders. They had no idea what kind of hell would be coming down on them. But then again, they wanted to come and enslave arguably the worst race for slavery in existence in Imperial space, so they were going to get what was coming to them. All he wanted to see was the armour knocking down their front door. If he had the opportunity, he would join in at the drop of a hat.

Coming to a halt by a bunch of crates, he removed his helmet and lit a cigarette. There was still some time for a quick smoke before they rolled out. After all, the armour was a glorified distraction. A very loud and obnoxious white hat to draw their attention while the drop troopers came from above.

He took another drag and glanced around him. There was something about the rumbling and howling of engines getting warmed up that he found irresistible.

Salvor King



I Feel Like A Millionaire


One black boot planted itself firmly against the base of a hydraulic door. Momentum forced the metal shape from its threshold, warping with leaden groans as it careened through the interior of a facility gatehouse. King stepped in, shaded eyes scanning over the equipment. Movement. Droids. King snapped a hand forward, pulled a clanker by the neck to use as an impromptu shield.

"I think, Ma'am, that no matter how old this facility may be, the security system can still work, not to mention the droids."

<"Affirmative,"> King called through the comms, butting into the conversation whilst swatting oncoming blaster fire with the limp body of a near-ancient B1. <"Point Dorn is crawling with grandfather clankers... One second."> Not once was King told or authorized to advance to the perimeter. Then again, when was he told or authorized to do anything he does? No man living had dodged so many court martials.

One arm of his shield-droid was torn off by his free hand. With a great heave, he flung it through the air. It whirled like a sawblade, splitting one attacking droid down the middle. Next, a leg. It pattered and whooshed like a heliblade before bisecting the final two. What remained of his artificial meat shield twitched, grumbled some inarticulate robotic noise.

"Sorry about that, champ," he offered before discarding the rust bucket onto the floor.

<"All units, this is Lieutenant King. Point Dorn is clear-"> There was a sizeable pause before he spoke again. <"I don't uh- I don't think I tripped any alarms."> Somehow.

Strutting toward one of the consoles, King produced a data transceiver. Its scomp-link extended eagerly, oscillating quick calibrations. With a click, King plugged it into the first port he spotted. All data the link could probe would transmit over New-Imperial channels. <"Can anyone work with this? It's all scrambled bullchit for me.">



TAGS: Izoshi Izoshi Rika Hiro Rika Hiro

Maridun sure beat the usual fair of crap holes in the Sith Empire, plain, rustic and yet ever so peaceful. If you could be bothered to believe that description on the holonet, in reality, it had held its place in galactic affairs as a dumping ground for weapons testing, most notably during the Clone Wars. Funny how that worked; most intergalactic governments were slimeballs contrary to whatever droll the Confederate worked up or whatever their dearly loved comrades in the alliance claimed. At least Belkora wasn't one to deny he was a slimeball agent of the police state.

With archives left abandoned in the face of the Imperial onslaught after the collapse of the Sith Empire, intel directed the ISB and other Imperial units to the attention of several facilities leftover from the times of the clone wars. Weapons research was instrumental in the ever-changing dynamic of the Imperial war effort and expansionism; whatever lay in those rotten and rusting bases would do well to be in the hands of the Imperial war machine. Several COMPNOR teams were posted to the surface, with Belkora, Izoshi and Yubari comprising one of them. Though they didn't expect much in the way of danger, something stirred in the depths of the base.



Post #1

Maridun '69
Objective 1

Tags: Jaryg Syn Raijan Sol Raijan Sol Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor
'Gyah! Gies that stim o'er, Alun! Quickly!', Lord-Colonel Gowrie groaned as he winced to the nerve pains on his brow, temple, forehead and cheekbone, still not quite right from his duel against the Mongrel on Korriban. The warm weather always brought a prickly feeling to his head that always resulted in skin-deep discomfort, and to near-maddening extents when exposed to humid, tropical environments, so there would be a fair amount of painkillers and other soothing medications brought along with him for the Wildcats' first deployment in almost two years. The deployment itself was necessary, and even whilst in constant pain, the Kellas would have no difficulty in understanding the NIO's need to bring the SIth-Affiliated worlds into their sphere of influence, injecting the stim himself as the Woad-born Captain turned to check the top-down display. Tossing the stim out the front viewport, the device itself would be ground to pieces under the tracks of their ACV, popping at high-pitch before the Tuath-born Colonel continued,'One more month, Alun. One more month an' the surgeons finish the job on my face - maybe then we can discuss wilder deployments, eh?'

'I hope so, Milord.... Oh, we have friendlies ahead. Fresh blips fewer than four klicks in total.'
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Ziare Dyarron
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent
Objective: Abandoned Confederate Facility
Location: Maridun's Surface, near to the Confederate Research Facility
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Druetium Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tag(s): Daina Bragg | Salvor King | Open
[ See me fight ]

"If they have wireless access to the system, I will be able to connect to it from here, ma'am!" I offered.

I had a feeling I hadn’t scored good points at her with my words so far. And to access the network, it was necessary to get something for this and the secret communication. And the biochip was perfect because even Nite was available with it. Not to mention the NIO network or anything I needed. I didn’t need any tools; here was the nano chip in my head. I looked at the ground in confusion, and then looked back to the lieutenant.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't intend to question your competence or offend you!" I said quickly, in a little confused tone.

I was raised on the street, at least if we look at the combat experience, the other, the civilian half, is encrypted; sometimes it was difficult to get used to the military and being an agent. It was time to plan here, you had to improvise many times before. Many years of habits were hard to leave because of the new ones. I just sighed to myself, so much about the action, I seem to be staying here with a task that can be done from afar. I definitely offended her, I was sure now.

"Roger that, ma'am!" I replied.

Meanwhile, on the communication channel, i.e. in my mind I also heard the voice of a man, the droids had a good intuition. Not long after, the same man, Lieutenant King, sent another message. I looked at the transceiver data, for now everything is calm and quiet. In terms of the task, a calm and boring task would have been best, although I don’t develop and practice much there. Never mind that the mission is important…

I watched the monitors and listened to the communication channel; I couldn't do anything else yet.






Carlyle felt it in his veins. Blood chilling as he marched forward, his white cape flagging behind as Fleet Admiral's Anastasi Braisley and Karlist Rax followed, garbed in their far more conservative greatcoats and tunics. The arrival of such an esteemed guest was something which guaranteed the height of attention. As Carlyle briskly crossed the deckplating, he passed by them. Dozens of formations standing together at attention as the Sovereign Imperator's shuttle finally entered the hangar airlock. Even from the distorted vision through the airlock, one could see his command vessel, the Dissident Aggressor menacing the horizon, flanked by a cadre of vessels which rivalled even the Tregessar's expansive escort of Prefsbelt loyal naval commanders.

Carlyle passed them by. Naval personnel, with their sleek, shiny black helms. The Prefsbelt Auxiliaries, with their flat caps, and grey parade tunics. The Stossjaeger, lined up row by row, with their sleek white plastoid shells. The Prefsbelt Starfighter Corps, attentive with their specialised helms. And finally, the inner circle. Prefsbelt Officers, in their taut black and grey tunics. The crimson emblem of their Command emblazoned upon shoulders. There was a stillness in the hangar, an anticipation one could taste. It was palpable, the rigidity of the ceremony. Even Carlyle, still scarred from the assassination of the Sovereign Imperator's predecessor, managed to hold himself high. Somehow, as the docking ramp extended, and the decompression of the executive shuttle hissed, Carlyle stood even more to attention. He watched as the new Imperator, Rurik Fel disembarked, and as he reached the end, Rausgeber got down on one knee. Bowing his head in reverence. Braisley and Rax did the same.

"My liege," Carlyle began, voice low, but there was an unmistakable tremor to it. An uncertainty, "It is my honour to have you aboard the Tregessar." He lifted his gaze to the shined, metallic face of the Imperator, and slowly rose. His heels snapped together, and he raised a clenched fist. It was a First Imperial style salute. "Hail, to the Imperator! Long may he reign!" He then slammed the fist to his chest. There was a brief paused, before the defeaning click of a thousand boots clicking with one another, followed by a simultaneously mirroring of Rausgeber's salute with near one hundred percent accuracy.

"Hail to the Imperator! Long may he reign!"

Daina Bragg


Lieutenant Bragg
Maridun's Surface

Objective #3: Abandoned Confederate Facility
Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Salvor King

Agent Dyarron's voice took on what Daina interprets as an extraordinarily servile tone; she had understood the Lieutenant's mood without exchanging words. That pleases Daina; at least the Agent was not daft. Daina could not say the same for Lieutenant King, whose presence in Bragg's night-black helmet is punctuated by the shot of blasters and whine of battle droids. "Agent Dyarron, from our conversation, I can identify that you are inexperienced." Lieutenant Bragg says with all the bluntness of an engineer's hammer.

"Apologies won't be necessary, but don't do something like that." Daina uses a subtle crane of the helmeted head from her crouched position, indicating Lieutenant King standing in the centre of a circle of fallen droids. Rising from her position Daina lowers her blaster rifle, holding its' length curtly across the breastplate and sweeps the clearing with her shimmering red visor. Daina cut an imposing figure, standing several inches taller than King and in the sleek night-coloured armour of an obscure and secretive Black Ops unit.

Daina raises her left hand away from her weapon and strokes her helmet's faceplate in thought with her knuckles facing outwardly toward King.
"That was stupid." The condemnation came filled with vicious venom. "Imagine you got hit, and we needed to casualty evacuate you from the forest floor through that." Daina gestures towards the dense jungle canopy with a pointed finger without breaking eye contact with King behind her visor.

"I'll invite you to take point when we enter the facility, Lieutenant".
Daina dragged out his rank in a subtle drawl; she was disgusted some knuckle-dragging meathead would be commissioned by the Army or Stormtrooper Corps. Daina does not hold a very high opinion of those who were not Imperial Cadets through their adolescence because, more often than not, they lacked the discipline to be good soldiers in her mind, and Lieutenant King has shown Daina he has the attributes she hates in a Soldier; stupidity and arrogance.

Daina's hazel orbs fix on the stream of binary data scrolling across the edge of her visor's holographic display and muse with a sound from her mouth, reading through the series of zeroes and ones. Whatever it told Daina, she doesn't vocalise immediately, no. Daina wanted to coax what talent Dyarron and King share between them; unsurprisingly, King possessed more brawn than brain, but Lieutenant Bragg expected more of Dyarron. Daina's helmet and visor swivel its' attention onto Ziare. "Agent Dyarron, can you make sense of that binary stream?"

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Jaryg Syn

Objective: 1
Tags: Raijan Sol Raijan Sol | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie
Equipment: In bio

With his cigarette done he tossed the bud to the ground and crushed it under his boot. With a sigh he twirled his helmet between his palms and slid it on his head. "Time to go to work." he grumbled as he made his way to the landing pads. Now it was a matter of finding his squad and likely arguing with them over why they didn't pack this or that.

He was caught in his own world as he dodged soldiers and vehicles moving around. He didn't even notice when a tank rolled up in the corner of his eye, nearly hitting him as he stumbled back to avoid the tracks. "Watch where you're driving, tin can!" he shouted at the driver with a rude finger pointed at the viewport. "Karking tractor driver." he continued as he walked around the vehicle to move on. He didn't have the patience to argue with tankers now. He wanted to get in on the action.

What he didn't take into account was the high ranking officer inside the tank he just flipped off...


Post #2
Maridun '69
Objective 1

Tags: Jaryg Syn Raijan Sol Raijan Sol Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor
'HOP IN THEN, DAFTY!!!!', Captain Reed shouted out from within, with an undertone of tinny (though quiet) chuckling at the close call. With the Thistle's slide-door opened on the left side soon after, the new face would be pulled politely aboard by the Kellas' second-in-command by the hand, using a brotherly grip in the process and ending with a slight shunt leftwards, then pointing out the distance needed to stay clear of the durasteel door itself as it closed. Once the new face found a seat opposite Lord-Aron's map-holographic plinth, the flamed haired Woad who helped him inside continued,'Consider yerself lucky we're the ones ye found, mate. You're with the right sort now, an' that's nae joke.', then Reed, with his old facial scars, would smirk as he revealed the Lord-Colonel sporting facial scars that were still quite pink and new. Nodding with a polite grin and a cursory nod, Lord Aron would silently return to staring at the top-down display of the area, with his eye-tic being lit up by the blips he was watching at the time.

'This, my new acquaintance, is none other than Aron Gowrie - Laird o' the Tuaths on Galidraan III, an' more importantly, Lord-Colonel of the Free-State's Wildcat Battalion.... So, I think it would be for the best if you sat in the seat opposite, an' especially if you want a quick way to succeed down here.'



Iron Skin | Lightsaber

Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber


With much to do abroad, so too was there much to do at home. The New Order was in a state as perilous as it had ever been to this point. Even in its earliest days, it possessed an unbreakable unity in the shadow of a seemingly unbreakable Empire. Fortunately for them all...the latter broke before the former. And now, in his first one hundred days as Imperator, there seemed to be an unending fury of domestic crises one after the other. Thus, in the wake of sedition, Rurik needed to reaffirm who his allies truly were within the New Order.

The first he'd confide in would be the Admiral Regent, Carlyle Rausgeber. Ever the ideological crusader of Imperialism, Rurik knew his predecessor was always innately skeptical of the man's methods...but times change and with the Empire's back further against the wall. Desperate times call for desperate measures. In the reign of chaos that threatened to sow cataclysm across the Galaxy, Rurik needed to turn to those he relied on.

His shuttle, flanked by two TIE Interceptors painted with the gold finery of the Nova Commandos - the selected command sentinel regiment of New Imperial High Command, reinstituted by Rurik's precursor. The shuttle's boarding ramp gave way to the shroud of hydraulic smoke which eventually revealed the silhouette of the Iron Imperator himself, flanked by his truest knights, the Knights Sentinel, an esoteric group within the Order of the Imperial Knights responsible for the guarding of Rurik Fel and the execution of high priority assignments which veered away from the expertise of New Imperial Special Operations and the Imperator's Spectres.

In spite of noble upbringing, royal lineage and a legacy of command, this was the first formation directly in Rurik's honor. It was a humbling gesture, to be greeted as he now was. The heir to the Empire. All of this was lost in his ever ironclad expression. He waved his right hand up calling the formation to parade rest before he joined Rausgeber's side in their approach into the Tregessar, the proudest of the New Imperial dreadnoughts.

"The gesture is not unseen, Admiral Regent. The warm welcome is most appreciated..." He said, his cold grey gaze looking over each formation of trooper and officer as they eventually made way from the hangar bay and into one of the many corridors of the vessel.

"If only the matters of our Empire were so worthy of revelry...but I'm afraid we are nearest to the breaking point as we have ever been, surely that truth is not lost on you, Admiral." He remarks to Carlyle, his cold gaze drifting toward the Prefsbelt Commander.




Rausgeber rose, and looked to the man, he strolled, side by side. Inspecting the troops. Glancing over them. Both Braisley and Rax fell behind, flanking Rausgeber as his own sort of guard, contrasting greatly with the force sensitive commandos who now served as the Imperator's cadre. He was rather happy the new leadership had not taken ill to the greeting. Part of him had feared that perhaps Fel would take it as a little too earnest for his liking. Something that Carlyle would of course abhor. He was naturally a brown noser, it had of course kept his career going with the likes of Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan , but it was nonetheless a thin veneer between mockery and a threat.

But it was Rurik Fel's admission of the Empire's weakness which certainly roused Carlyle's intrigue. He pondered the statement for a short moment. This was eminently a test of Carlyle's character. And for the time being, some degree of honesty would be of course the best policy. "
My personal view on the health and stability of the Empire is a rather more... Positive prognosis." Rausgeber conceded, "But I cannot at all underestimate the shock the assassination of the our departed leader." Carlyle's hand curled into a fist as he remembered that cursed day. "But, I think should you move to solidify yourself as popular leader, that fallout can be mitigated. Empire's fall without clear successors. Palpatine proved that. But we already," He turned his head, and allowed a smirk, "Have found our Pellaeon in you."

There are of course," Carlyle returned to seriousness, "Other markers, of course. But if we're talking economically, war production and capacity, Prefsbelt Command has only seen minimal drops in output." The Admiral Regent elaborated, "I of course, could provide a document on the matter, submitted by my men. But I don't think two thousand pages on the fine details of labour maximalisation would really suit you." The door to the hangar opened, and into a hallway Carlyle lead.

I think, in the shorter term our stratagem should be to solidify our position within the former Sith Imperial dominions. And take the mantle as their victorious successor state." Carlyle continued, "These regions, the old core populace, the outliers, they are begging for a strong hand to reign them in. And as shown by the Sith Empire, they have the ability to provide." The Admiral Regent paused some, "So, we encompass. Accommodate them, and all the while see to fortifying the frontier worlds against the Maw."


Don Belkora Don Belkora Rika Hiro Rika Hiro


Ahead of the others, the chiss had ventured, creeping through the darkness of the abandoned facility with her senses on high alert. Vermillion eyes shifted through the shadows, checking the corners she peered into before crossing thresholds entirely, securing each room she happened across. She wasn't sure what she was after, nor what she was to be wary of, as the intelligence of the entire operation had been minimal, and the purpose of this excursion was to fill in the gaps.

Radiation levels were high enough this deep beneath the earth for her to rely on her protective suit, and it was with rather bleak enthusiasm toward the entire situation that she had slogged deeper through the abandoned labs and offices to probe even deeper. However, now that she was so far down, the life sensors fitted into the tactical droid accompanying her flared across the visor of her helmet, revealing vital signatures somewhere beneath the floor she stood upon. It was enough to force her to pause and she glanced downward, head tilting with the consideration of what could possibly still be alive so far down without any interaction from either sunlight or external influences.

<"I've got something on my scans, unsure of what it is, though.">
her husky voice purred over the comlink entwining the three of them together, <I'll standby and await your arrival before we investigate. I've got six blips.">

The agent took a knee against the wall, hunkering down in the dilapidated hall, and waited.

<"Watch your radiation levels as you come down this far, though, the spread down here is even worse than up top there. Double-check your seals, I'd rather not have to explain to command why my allies are suddenly glowing.">


Jaryg Syn

Objective: 1
Tags: Raijan Sol Raijan Sol | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie
Equipment: In bio

Jag was taken by surprise when the crew opened up the vehicle and forcefully invited him in. He was dragged into the vehicle and they drove off before he could even attempt to escape the abduction. His squad wasn't going to be happy. His abductor continued to speak and Jaryg looked absolutely horrified by the man's accent.

He glanced up to the colonel and then back to the man, thinking of what to do for a moment. "I'd suggest you ask your colonel if you can go back to school and study up Basic again." he quipped with a smirk. "Squad, this is Jag. Proceed to the drop point, I'll catch up." he spoke after opening a comm channel to his unit.

With that out of the way, he looked to the crew again. "I would much rather be up there with the other parabats, but that's just me. Though I'll admit, I've always wanted to drive up to someone's front door in a tank. So this isn't too bad." he commented as he adjusted in his seat and got comfortable. "Never heard of Wildcat Battalion. What's it about?" he spoke up.


Post #3

Maridun '69
Objective 1

Tags: Jaryg Syn Raijan Sol Raijan Sol Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor
By the time Jaryg was done with his sassiness, a colonel, a captain, and a turret-loader were left raising eyebrows in his general direction. Corporal; Donaldson would even drop down the hatch to see what was going on, only to be shot a narrow-eyed glare that urged him back up the ladders almost as soon as he had climbed down from his perch, with Lord Aron softening his expression slightly for the new arrival. 'Next time you'll give right-of-way to the tanks, much safer that way.', the Kellas began, calling the other Wildcats off with their share of Gowrie-glares as he paused for effect. Turning his attention back to the new arrival a couple moments later, Lord Aron looked his new acquaintance up and down and continued,'We were part of a brigade, but our specific tribal breed from Galidraan III were always a tad more ambitious than the ones who blessed our parting. The only Blue-Heart among us dragged you inside an' kept that slide-door from cracking the back of your skull. A thankless job is that of a captain these days, or at least - it would appear that way at face value.', calmly appraising the overall demeanour that Syn was putting forth throughout.

'So much of what we come to know in training becomes useless to us from the moment we set out on our first deployments. Our youngest greenhorns will know this lesson more-acutely than most by now, and as you picked up on it, a lot of these such lessons are abandoned from the moment we stop going against adaptability's grain.... Predictability is horror for the inexperienced, heaven for the opposition.'
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