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Approved NPC T.I.C.S (Terminal.Information.Combat.System)

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Out of Character Information
Intent: To create an A.I. Companion for Daalin and make it a very Interesting Backstory

Image Credit:

Role: Artificial Intelligence (Data-Collection)

Links: A.I
Physical Information
Age: (Doesn't remember the age) We can probably assume that he's about 70 or 80 years old.

Manufacture: (Classified as what T.I.C.S said)

Production: Unique

Model: A.I

Appearance: (shown in the Image above) The data center is where the A.I came from, this large cube (10x10) is made from Trimantium
Social Information
Name: T.I.C.S

Loyalties: Independent (NPC companion for Daalin)

Notable Equipment: N/A

Skills: Be able to pilot the ship but only out of combat, be able to scan, Identify the objects through his databanks, be able to hack through droids (droid class 1-3, but not NPC's) and be able to craft weapons.


Curious and quiet A.I, this thing will tried to get knowledge of something new.
Combat Information
Weapon of choice: (Depending on what droid he was able to hack)

Combat function: It'll tried to take off and will tried to make it towards it's safe distance.


Expert at Knowledge: Knows 60% of what he knows (Materials, Weapons, History (some of them are lost in time), Planets, and Factions) according to his Database.

Expert at Creating Weapons: Can craft almost any weapons (Including a replica)


Datacore: If the Datacore blows up. Then he either dies or be able to transfer his memories to another droid but loses his strength.

Can't fight back: While in droid mode, whenever someone tries to hack or sabotage (inside of the droid like the sensors) he's weak at trying to fight back the hacker.

Historical Information
Not much is known about T.I.C.S, all he remembers was his master. About 15 years ago, his master was able to acquire his destress signal (he doesn't remember why he put a destress signal) and was able to find his ship, abandoned and damage. After fixing the ship, he gained his trust and explain what he is. After explaining, he and his master traveled by multiple system, gaining more information while hiding his from everyone. T.I.C.S doesn't remember what his master looks like, he believes that he was a Mandalorian exile because he upgraded his ship with "Advance Tech". If this wasn't right, then he would probably be like an independent assassin.
But 2 years before meeting Daalin, he doesn't remember anything about what happen next, all he does know is a final voice from his master. "Honor".
Just a quick note, I didn't realized that A.I's are Restricted so I'm gonna say that I'll write a thesis as soon as I can. Because I want to get this NPC up and I'm really excited for creating this. The Companion is complete for Daalin but the thesis isn't, if this doesn't go through then I'll create a droid companion and see what I can do.
[member="Daalin Garnive"]x

A.I.s are no longer restricted by the factory, nor do they require a development thread or thesis to be used. The current list of restircted and banned materials can be found here.
Good Afternoon [member="Daalin Garnive"]

It's always nice to see people subbing their NPC companions to the Codex, there are just a few points I want to raise with you as we go ahead to polish up the submission.

1) Image - The image credit you provided in the submission links to the image itself but not hte website you obtained it from. Please could you replace the link with a link to teh website itself so that we can see the source of the image properly cited?

2) The template - According to the rules of the codex, found here, "The entire template must be used in your submission. The template's base fields are not to be changed/removed/altered. Additional information and fields may be added if desired." I understand why you would have removed certain fields from the template since they don't really apply to an AI companion, however you still need to include them. I would instead suggest that you mark the fields with N/a rather than just delete them.

3) Age - Again, I can understand the appeal for slowly revealling information about a character during the course of RP, however the codex requires all it's fields to be completed properly. I'm going to have to ask that you complete the submission by including the age. If you want to reveal details about the AI during the course of your RP then you can do that since the codex is optional so you don't have to submit your NPC companion to the Codex immediately. You could always reveal the details and then put in a codex submission at that time.

4) Skills - AI are normally, at least initially, subbed through the factory where this would have come up, but when approaching submission like this it's preferable to avoid using absolute language. It's important to note here that while when telling a story you can have the AI slice into droids when you're approaching other people's droids and NPCs this is not guarenteed. Nothing needs to be done here, I just wanted to amek sure you were aware of this since you are submitting directly to the factory.

5) Stengths - Could you please clarify what you mean by the below strength?

Daalin Garnive said:
Expert at Knowledge: He knows about 60% of the entire galaxy.
60% of what? The wording is a little unclear.

6) Weaknesses - Please could you confirm what you mean by the quote below.

Daalin Garnive said:
Can't Fight: Not designed for fighting one on one.

Do you mean the AI itself isn't able to fight? Or the droid which it has taken over?

7) History - Much like the age field you do need to fill this out. You can specify that no-one knows the details yet, but we will need you to actually flesh out the NPC's history a little here.

I know that this seems a lot, but it is mostly several small things. Please read through the points I've raised and think about what you wish to do and then let me know.
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