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Dominion Take it With a Grain of Sand [Galactic Alliance Dominion of Jakku]

Scene: Training room at the Jakku jedi enclave.
Starring: Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken | Aldric | Vexander Graves Vexander Graves

Kisaku heard the door slide open and felt a pang of alarm. Ordinarily, he would have seen someone approaching even before the door opened. As it was at the moment he'd been too fixated on the rat and the shame, guilt and pain that coursed through him after taking its life.​
"I apologize if I'm intruding, but I heard someone who seemed to be in distress. Are you alright?"
The question made him want to break down. Completely. No, he wasn't alright. He didn't know if he would ever be alright. He could feel the anxiety and concern the stranger had over the situation and it only made him burn with guilt.​
"I-i'm fine." The words left his lips quietly as he clutched his side, shaking visibly. The blade of his lightsaber extinguished itself with a hiss. He shuddered, unable to keep silent no matter how hard he tried. Especially when someone else appeared at Aldric's shoulder, peering into the room.​
He knew how it had to have looked to them.​
"I didn't mean to do it. I just... I..." Kisaku's voice failed him. How could he explain what had just occurred? What kind of Jedi killed small animals at random? He didn't see any excuse that would be justifiable for taking its life. What had become of him?​
Objective 3

Equipment: REC-LA/02 Combat Armour HG-54 "The Vora" Verpine Hand Cannon REC-DC/01 "Thunderwasp" Particle Blaster Rifle C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife B-11 Greitis-class Combat Boots

Allies: GA

The squad that Barr was a part of took it is time moving forward the graveyard into the star destroyer, making sure that nothing were to “surprise” them in a way that would not be good for them. So far nothing like that has happened but as Barr knew, and hopefully to Barr, the rest of his squad knows, anything can happen.

And it did…or almost did

One of the troopers in front leading the way stopped in her tracks, Quickly and instinctively putting up her hand and stretching it out thus signaling everyone to stop. Within a few words, the tension that was building would finally reach a breaking point when she other these works in a silent and yet heard words:

“I see them, there up ahead.” She spotted the cultist and just like that, the tension reached a breaking point. Barr knew this and did his very best to calm himself down. Tightening his grip on his hand in hopes to help him calm down while looking over the trooper leader, who was now at the front of the squad. Using his right hand, he lifted his arm and did motions. The members of the squad understood this and quickly make silent movements around the cultist. Soon everyone in the squad was set up in position ready to fire.

Unfortunately, one of the cultists caught wind of the squad and quickly told the rest of them.

“Halt!!!” said the Trooper leader, as he quickly acted by saying a few words and being screen behind some cover as a precaution just in case the change for peace goes out the window. “This is the galactic Alliance drop your weapons now or we will be forced to shoot!!!”

The cultist quickly responded with blaster fire, causing the squad to return fire.


Time had past and Barr wish the fighting did not happen. But a part of him knew it was going to happen with the news Of the scavengers getting hurt by the cultist and him and the rest of the troopers being sent to deal with them. The squad troopers themselves health varied, no one was killed thank goodness Barr thought, was a few were injured from the attacks by the cultist while some of the cultist members retreated deeper in the ship.

Soon everyone heard a voice on the commlink, the same woman who now warms them that the engine room is now on fire. “ Thanks for letting us know.” The trooper leader responded to her through the com. “Everyone were pulling out, there no telling how many more are their and how much damage the ship will with the fire going on. To all of you that are in fine condition, help out those that are needed aid”
Training Room - Jedi Enclave
Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken | Aldric

When Vexander entered the room, he inmediately noticed two Jedi... a tall one and a small one... both talking to each other. You didn't have to be a force sensitive being to determine that the mood around the room was quite thick... however, for someone trained in the ways of the Force; the source of such conflict, distress, that thickness in the air... it poured from the young miraluka standing right there.

Giving a quick glance around the room, the man noticed that there was a cut crate... a small rat cut and the boy had his inactive lightsaber in his hand. By the time Vex got inside, he just heard the last words that the boy mumbled.

With his right eyebrow slightly lifted, Vexander knew better than to start asking questions right away... he was another type of Jedi and didn't like to jump to conclusions... the particular way he saw life and his time in exile actually made him think twice about things and he knew other ways to capture information to actually do something:

"Well well well" He said opening his arm and spreading them wide hoping to distract the young adult, his tone was quite cheerful and positive "There is a rodent problem in the Enclave" Vexander walked a few more steps and kneeled to where the crate was and where the rat's dead body was standing.

The brown bearded man looked at the miraluka who was close, he knew that it was likely that he wouldn't see the smile that was in his face, but through the Force he would feel Vex's intentions and his lack of ill towards the scene... and perhaps even how Vex was trying to move him through the Force to ease his mind with a subtle touch of Force Whisper "You did well... you caught the little being while he was trying to snatch some food?"


Jakku Enclave, Training Room

Padawan Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken
Master Vexander Graves Vexander Graves
Master Aldric

The distinctive smell of ozone filled the room, underpinned by charred, ferric odours that only heightened Aldric's discomfort. It lingered even after the lightsabre's blade faded back into its hilt. He'd never favoured Lightsabres. They rarely brought about good in the galaxy, unlike words. Both were powerful tools, but one routinely proved much more destructive than the other. It seemed like the Padawan learned this lesson as well, or would as the day progressed.

"I-i'm fine," the Padawan said.

Aldric furrowed his brows mentally, but his expression remained impassive. The Miraluka was trembling, clutching his side. He seemed to be anything but fine.

"I didn't mean to do it. I just... I..." he tried to continue, but more words couldn't escape him.

"Well well well," the Jedi Master behind Aldric began. "There is a rodent problem in the Enclave."

Aldric lingered by the doorway as the second Master moved to comfort the Padawan. He didn't want to make the young man feel even more cornered than he might already be, staring down two Jedi Masters after seemingly having committed an act that was irreconcilable with the Jedi Code.

"You did well... you caught the little being while he was trying to snatch some food?" the other Master said, kneeling beside the dead rat. Subtle ripples went out from him within the Force.

Aldric was familiar with the technique. He figured it made sense to employ it, but there were risks associated with unannounced attempts to alter another being's mood, especially another Jedi's. He took in a quiet, sharp breath and his eyes widened ever so slightly as unpleasant possibilities and memories began to race in his mind.

"Hrm, I don't know about fine," he added quickly to the Master's question, "your side, are you injured?"

Jakku Enclave, Training Room
Aldric | Vexander Graves Vexander Graves
"You did well... you caught the little being while he was trying to snatch some food?"
Kisaku felt his stomach tie up in knots at Vexander's words after a brief stun subsided. He'd been tendered an excuse free for the taking. He didn't know what was worse, the truth or the alternative that was offered. He'd never so much as hurt an animal intentionally before this very moment. The idea that he could be excused for killing something because it was being a nuisance made him feel physically ill.​
And yet it was posed to him as something acceptable. Which was worse? To claim it was intentional and be praised for taking its life, or tell the truth. He killed it because it moved. Because he couldn't control himself not to kill it. That for a moment the darkness that had been planted like a seed deep inside of him had won. That every time he reached out to the Force that darkness was there, waiting to reach out to him in return.
There was this strange placating feeling that had started to wash over him as his attention was suddenly drawn towards Aldric. A knee-jerk reaction that something was wrong was quickly suppressed, tranquilized, sedated as if buried beneath the waves of a gently rolling sea.​
Being smothered softly.​
"Hrm, I don't know about fine; your side, are you injured?"
Kisaku could smell a coppery scent that was too familiar to him now even as his body throbbed in aches and pains from the exertion he put it through. His side instead deciding to send sharp, stabbing pains with his breathing.​
"Yeah..." He murmured numbly, "I think I reopened a wound from Ziost..."
Hazy memories of ripping his own muscles and ligaments asunder with the force as screams left his throat - nostrils filled with the smell of his own burned flesh - flashed through his mind before being quickly suppressed by the pressure that the gentle force provided, fathoms submerged beneath its waves.​
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Each shot that pelted the young Knight left a darkening bruise beneath his armor. Though he could not see the effects of the blasts, he could feel them. Fortunately, most of the shooting died down the hotter the corridor grew. Most of the remaining cultists abandoned their fried counterparts, with very few making an attempt to drag them away. Those smart enough to put distance between themselves and the quartet did so behind a stream of blaster fire meant to dissuade the Crestfallen and his allies from giving chase.

At the sudden tug on his body, Errant found himself ripped off his feet and pulled away. A metallic screech thundered outward as the entire corridor gave way and collapsed where they'd been only seconds before. He looked to the spot he once stood, buried in jagged shards of durasteel, and frowned. His dark gaze shifted to the commando when they turned the corner away from the fighting.

"If there is a point in the future where we work again, soldier, keep your hands to yourself," Errant shifted, his hand falling to his black blade's hilt. "Your concern for my safety, though admirable, is misplaced."

He looked from Aaris Kolden to Cotan. "I do not mean to overstep my boundaries, but I believe it is high time you take your apprentice from here. Death on this scale for one so young is... well, I would not wish that anyone."

Errant looked around them, gauging their surroundings in silence for a moment. The collapse had created a chokepoint ahead of them that made pushing closer to the group an uncomfortable affair. If not for the thinness of the air, he would have considered pushing through right then and there to act as their defensive buffer.

"I must still give chase. I believe the cultists can lead me to their leader, but I deem it unwise to push on further. Perhaps, Cotan, we get these two to the surface, and I can return once we've finished."


Aaris Kolden

Objective 3: Your Enthusiasm is Palpatinable
Tags: Bastard Bastard Auraya Irath-Ur Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor

@Cotan Sar'andor said:
"Well, at least that thinned the numbers," he grumbled, turning back around to the others. "Next time, if there is a next time, let's plan. No heroics, all right? If we're getting to the bottom of this—or even getting out of here at all—we need to think, prepare, and actually work together."

"How badly did that rattle you? I can't see anything with all that phrik in the way, and unless you're still good to go in there, we're going to retreat back to a defensible position and stop so that you can recover.""

The commando lifted himself to his feet slowly as he assessed any damage that might have occurred. His ears were still ringing from the explosion, and he had a significant headache... but that was understandable since he had been slammed into a bulk head by the blast. In general, he did not feel great... however... there was no reason not to continue.

He was about to respond to Cotan's remarks when the other force user spoke;

@Errant said:
"If there is a point in the future where we work again, soldier, keep your hands to yourself," Errant shifted, his hand falling to his black blade's hilt. "Your concern for my safety, though admirable, is misplaced."

Aaris, although confused at the mans words regarding his concern for his safety being misplaced, respected that he did not like being touched. He made a mental note to be more careful around him. It was very apparent that the group did not appreciate his actions. Having been in continuous chaos and life or death situations for so long, he had to keep reminding himself that he was not on the front lines of a war anymore. He needed to stop acting like he was... for his sake, and for those around him.

He looked to both Errant and Cotan,

"I... apologize. It won't happen again." His gruff voice was returning to its normal tone as he was steadily getting the oxygen he needed now. He reached down to check his side arm, but only touched the charred and distorted metal that had once been a blaster melted into his holster.

"Huh..." He grunted as he reached down and tore off the belt, tossing it away from the group. He then checked the blaster rife that had been strapped onto his back. As he pulled it in front of him, it appeared severed in multiple locations and loosely held together. He held it out in front of him, holding it up by the barrel, looking it over with a sense of humor. He then wiggled it slightly with his hand, making the blaster rifle grind and groan against itself, until it finally snapped in half and the latter half clanging against the floor. The commando chuckled to himself as he tossed the rest of it away. It was official... he was weaponless. But anything could be transformed into a weapon, so it was of little concern to him. Besides, with his Phrik armor, he could probably get close enough to anyone in order to beat them to death with his bare hands if he needed to.

@Errant said:
"I must still give chase. I believe the cultists can lead me to their leader, but I deem it unwise to push on further. Perhaps, Cotan, we get these two to the surface, and I can return once we've finished."

Aaris immediately took a step forward, responding to both Errant and Cotan's concern regarding his condition,

"That won't be necessary on my behalf, I am able to continue." He looked back at the younger girl, agreeing that it could be difficult for her. "Perhaps I can accompany you to find their leader..." He said, looking back at Errant. "...If the girl needs to be evacuated... As far as I'm concerned, my mission still stands to help remove the sith's presence from this planet, and I will not stop until that is accomplished. However..."

He looked at Cotan,

"I am more than happy not to blow myself up again. I will follow you and function together as a team from here on out, Master Cotan... that is... If we are all to continue."

Auraya Irath-Ur

Caught in Cotan's gaze, Auraya lifted her head and looked right back at him. There was a slight faraway look in her eyes, one she was contending with as much as she was the stench and heat in the air. Even away from the heart of the explosion it still lingered oppressively.
"I... Uh..."
Before she could really respond the others in the group were saying their piece. Talks of continuing on formed, though each were understandably concerned about the part she might play in it. Or not, as the case might well have been. She hung her head a little, unsure of how best to proceed. Did she pretend that everything was okay, continue on?
No. That was foolish. And her foolish actions had already gotten them into such a bad situation. A slow exhale of breath.
As much as she did not wish to abandon the task at hand, leave them with less than they had entered with, she knew that she would only further burden them if she remained. She was a Padawan armed with only a training blade. A Padawan who had never before witnessed anything even remotely close to this. Not only would it be dangerous for them, and for the fate of their mission, but it was dangerous for her future.
It is not a fault to know when to step away, she told herself.
"I don't wish to be a burden to your cause," she finally said, though there was no self-depreciating tone accompanying it just clarity. Certainty. "I don't think I can continue, Master. I'm sorry."
Her head lifted some, settling back upon Errant.
"Don't let your duties lead you to an unnecessary end, friend. No amount of honour now is worth losing the potential for a lifetime of it later."
Her words were said with an uneasy tone, however, a tremor shaking her core now that she had decided her own fate. Like the adrenaline keeping her afloat had decided all at once to vacate. Which was a problem, because she still had to get out of there in one piece first.

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