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Dominion Take it With a Grain of Sand [Galactic Alliance Dominion of Jakku]

Kaska Arden

black holes, solid ground


Thalia Senn Thalia Senn | Viers Connory Viers Connory



A shot rang out from nearby. Judging from the lack of a hole blossoming in either of them, and the muffled sound of an explosion from up ahead, she had to assume Viers was handling herself better than her friend here. That eased some of the worry that was settling in between her shoulder blades.

"Gift is not the word I would use to describe it," She shot back as two more skiffs pulled along side them and deposited yet another fresh wave of goons on the prow. Armed and ready to exact revenge for their fallen comrades. "'Curse' seems more apt."

The hum of the vibroweapons arrayed before them being activated seemed to be in agreemeent.

The Nyriaanan couldn't resist a faint derisive snort as the padawan slid into an Ataru opening form in response. She supposed she should have expected that. Form IV had always held a certain flashy, visceral appeal to the more brash and reckless padawans. It had taken a full year before her own Master had convinced her to learn a different form.

Hopefully Thalia would learn a similar lesson here about the shortcomings of Ataru.

Watch your angles this time." Kaska whispered as she fell into her own variant Niman stance, saber low and grip reversed. "There is no room to maneuver here, so you will be at a disadvantage, but their numbers will work against them. They will bottleneck if they try to rush us."

"Oi! Luv, y'gorra brass pair on yous, eh?" The ugly looking human with what seemed like a mouthful of marbles chimed in, leveling his polearm at the Jedi in what he clearly thought was an intimidating pose. It was obvious from the way the goons either side of him seemed to roll his eyes, he wasn't the one in charge here, however. He was just running his mouth, trusting that strength in numbers would make a difference where the previous skiff had failed. "Go'n ter pay fer wa' ya did ter our Trev, so ya will."

The Jedi allowed a purposeful beat of silence to fall between them before cocking her head to the side, raising her voice louder this time as she addressed Thalia once more. "You understand any of that?"

Marble mouth turned a vibrant shade of red as the other goons guffawed at his expense, sweat beading on his brow as suddenly felt very alone after being singled out, his gaze flickered uncertainly away from the Jedi. His guard momentarily dropping with his chagrin.

It was a a lapse that Kaska was quick to capitalize on.

Her lightsaber sliced upwards as she abruptly stepped in, closing the distance with a similar movement to the one she'd shown back in the corridor, the green blade cleaving the top of Marble's outstretched vibroweapon with a sea of sparks. A wave of telekinetic energy barreling into his face as he staggered forward, his feet completely leaving the decking as he was thrown back the way he came, tumbling ass over heels into the goons that scattered to avoid being taken down along with him.

"I do not know if any of you speak basic," she called, not even bothering to hide the grin of self-satisfaction that blossomed across her features. No more immune to the heady thrill of combat than the padawan she'd sought to chasten. "But this is the part where you surrender."

Oddly, they didn't seem to agree.


"I walk a path charted only by the winds of change."


At Cotan's direction, Errant took the lead in their trek down the shaded halls of the sunken star destroyer. He kept an even pace, his focus split between caution and the hunt. Had he been alone, the Albino would push forward room my room, blade in hand, carving a bloody swathe through the denizens of the ruins. Their current situation did not allow such an approach. Auraya was an amateur at best, ill-equipped for a grueling push through the depths. From the brief clash earlier, he knew Cotan could be relied on in a fight. The not-Jedi handled a lightsaber with the precision of the exile's master, Rurik Fel. And while their latest addition was an enigma to Errant, the commando's armored shell would make up for any difference in skill between him and his assailants.

Errant paid no attention to the light behind him. He didn't much care what Cotan, or the rest of them, looked like. If this journey saw them slain, their lives claimed in some great battle; then Errant would take time to commit their faces to memory. Until such a moment, the details of his allies were irrelevant. The bastard's purpose loomed closer—no reason to delay their fated meeting.

And yet, delayed it was.

Whatever report found its way to the commando saw him halt their progress through the universal sign for stop: a closed fist lifted head level. Errant paused, never taking his gaze from the shadows just ahead of them. The revelation as to what awaited them surprised the Imperial. Oil? The Sith and their cult thought to trap the very halls they desecrated with their presence?

"Disgusting vermin," he growled out. "This plan does not seem wise. By putting yourself in harm's way with the expectation of needing saving, you are only-" he stopped speaking when he noticed Aaris had no intention of stopping. "Very well."

He turned back to Cotan with the intent to speak, only for Errant's words to stop well before they left his throat. The Albino couldn't believe the sheer recklessness displayed by the commando. The Crestfallen understood a sense of duty that transcended one's own life. Only moments before, he was prepared to throw his life away in a battle against the Sith. Death meant redemption. Success meant another victory on his long road to atonement. Either outcome was preferable to doing nothing.

Whatever the hell the commando thought to do seemed insane more than anything else.

Errant hurried forward a split-second before the explosion rocked the lower levels of the star destroyer. He caught sight of Aaris soaring through the air, only coming to a halt in a resounding crash that saw much of his surroundings come tumbling down on top of him. Blaster fire roared from behind the wall of flame between the cultists and the collapsed soldier. An already terrible situation somehow made worse.

Aaris would find the steady stream of impacts halted as a shadow loomed over him. Metal creaked, a groaning protest as it prepared to give way to an even greater collapse just over the commando's prone form. Errant reached up with both hands, fingers splayed against the cool, eroded durasteel in defiance of the inevitable.

"Perhaps," Errant forced out between gritted teeth. "You will allow us to plan the assault properly next time."

Through raw strength in the force, Errant enhanced his physical capabilities well beyond the norm. Hundreds of pounds of durasteel pressed downward on the Imperial Knight. He reached beyond his body, taking hold of the metal through ethereal bonds woven into the very fabric of space and time. His mind expanded, his body mimicking the movement. Slowly, he straightened, lifting the collapsed hall to allow the commando time to crawl aside, all the while, the cultists pelted his body with poorly placed shots.


Auraya Irath-Ur

She clenched her jaw shut as her body began to heal under Cotan's touch.
It wasn't so much that it hurt, there were no bones to heal or joints to set, but it was strange and uncomfortable feeling. The skin itched something fierce, and for a moment it felt as though it was burning all over again. But it was over almost as quickly as it started. A true testimony to the Force.
She let out the breath she had been holding throughout, and opened her eyes. There was still a very dull throb where the wound lay, a small amount of scar tissue, but all of that could easily be managed even by her. She allowed herself a moment longer on the floor, to clear her head and adjust to the change, before pushing up to her feet.
Even the shock she had been experiencing seemed to have eased under the effects of the crystal. For now her mind was clear, and though she did not dare look upon the corpse she knew that she could deal with the fallout of what she had witnessed later. At a safer place than this.
"Thank you, Master," she breathed, stretching out her legs and approaching Errant soon after. "I'm glad you're... awake," she informed the man, not really having had much of a chance to express as much earlier. It was good that he had accepted the healing, she decided. She owed him her life, one day she'd see fit she returned the favour.
Onward they ventured, until the sound of static across comms was heard at their back and the soldier among them decided to take matters into his own hands. Auraya glanced between Cotan and Errant as Aaris overtook them all in his haste to deal with the situation. Something deep within her twisted and churned uncomfortably, a sense of pure dread gripping the girl as the commando stepped into the trapped hallway.
"No, wait, don't--"​
She made to move around Errant, before a shockwave rocked the ground as the explosion shook the core of the ship. Had she not been prepared for the worst, she might have been flung back too. Instead she planted her feet firmly on the ground and reached out to hold onto something which jutted from the wall. The heat which radiated forth from the room was suffocating, and for a moment she was disoriented.​
That moment passed when she saw Errant push on ahead toward the fallen man, taking blaster hits which were absorbed by his armour and holding up an insurmountable weight. She blocked out the sounds of the cultists screams, the scent of singed hair and flesh, the oppressive heat of the residual flames, and pressed forward herself, lining herself up behind Errant so as to avoid any direct blaster hits and reaching out to help pull their fallen comrade out of the soon-to-be-wreckage.​
Through the Force she could feel the devastation beyond, the countless lives which had been snuffed out in that moment, cultists or not, but she forced herself to focus on the commando. He was drifting between consciousness, but she couldn't glean much more than that. She didn't know how to look, where to look, what to do other than drag him should he not be able to stand, or help him to his feet if he tried to.​
Look buddy, I'm an engineer...

The ion engines of the XS Light Freighter went screaming through the atmosphere of Jakku. As a recent acquisition of the Galactic Alliance, the planet was sure to get more traffic from all sorts. At least, that's what one enterprising contractor was hoping. Kicking up a boot and a prosthetic leg up on the console next to his chair, Ezekiel rest a lazy hand on one of the flight sticks. He reached a hand under one of the consoles, fishing out a six pack of Bad Motivator IPA's. He grabbed one of the cans as he lay it on his lap, pinching another with his thighs as he twisted and struggled to pull one from the plastic collars necked around the cans.

Drinking and flying? Well, why not. Not like his gramps was here to stop him, god rest his soul.

As he entered into Comm range with the Jakku capital hologrid, he traced a hand to the terminal, pressing a key. An automated script immediately punched in an entry into the Jakku classifieds:

:://CEC_248258-222 connecting to PubGrid...
reply from Gateway_234.221.00.1 time=423 ms

:://access PubGrid subdirectory://classified advertisements

"Starship troubles? Droid acting up? Blaster losing bolt cohesion, or do you just need a lift?"

"Whatever the task, Graenge Armament and Industries LLC is here for you."
"Send all quote inquiries to holonet address CEC_248258-222"

"What do you think Cutie? Waste of time?" Zeke grunted, cracking open the IPA and bringing it to his lips, sipping loudly. He glanced at the altimeter, making sure they were levelled out.

Bwee-pop-pop! Zeke's eyes strayed to the spherical astromech that currently was nestled into an astrocomp socket just to his left, the ocular array fixing on him in return.

"Hah! I dunno about that... Women on Jakku probably aren't exactly... Well fed. You never know though."

"Still... Hopefully there's something." He murmured, mostly to himself as he stared at his holoconsole waiting for a call.

As the Queen Amelia screamed through the air, Zeke took a long sip from the IPA in his hand only to glance from the corner of his eye down at the horizon ahead from the cockpit glass. He sat up quickly.

"Kark!" He hissed as he spilled his drink on himself, removing his hand from the flight stick to brush at his tank top, setting the can into a cupholder near the controls. He grasped the sticks as he took a closer look, red brows now knitted together in frustration.

Were those... AT-AT's? He passed them so quickly it was hard to tell. He was piercing through the air going several times the speed of sound. His eyes glanced over to QT, and he reached over to give the little droid a pat. "Hold onto your butt Cutie, we're circling back around."

He reached for the buckles of his flight harness, sitting up straight as he secured himself to the seat. He pulled back hard on the sticks at the same time as he slammed the throttle forwards. Maneuvering thrusters kicked on to arrest the ship's forward momentum. He felt himself being pressed back into his seat and a wild grin came over his face as he twisted upwards into the air, rolling into a 180 reverse of his original trajectory but now upside down. The six pack of IPA's fell towards the ceiling, busting one of the pressurized cans open and spraying beer all over the cockpit.


A quick twist at the sticks rolled them around to level out, and the beer fell too. He pinched the bridge of his nose with a hand, drawing in a deep breath of aggravation before opening his eyes again. He pulled the nose of the ship down and he slowly began decreasing speed to do a fly-over of the beastly walkers, straining his eyes to see what was going on below.

Objective 3
Jakku Landing Path

How could this be possible? Vexander was quite sure he was following the right directions and that he had arrived to the coordinates that were given to him in the NJO HQ in Coruscant, he was certain that this had to be the place because it was the only place where anyone could notice something like a landing path.

The robbed man caressed his beard a bit, a particular trait that he had developed through time while pondering about his next course of action. However, the main issue at this very moment is that there is not enough actions possible seeing the options ahead. There had to be a way to go down and to get to the facility below.

Vexander looked around the whole place, he just focused his sight a bit more and tried to determine inconsistencies in the surface and the walls of the wrecked slightly modified to be a landing path. He walked slowly and began touching the walls. His hand hovered over the surfaces while his fingers grasped the small imperfections and gaps in the structured that would actually give him a hint... and after a few seconds, his hand come on top of one that just felt where a blast door would be. Placing both hands on the area, he just put himself in front of the surface and pushed a bit to see if something would move and at that moment, the surface yielded a few centimeters... and a hatch slid to both sides from the center revealing what clearly seemed a turbolift.

"My my... someone wants to be as hidden as possible" The Jedi stepped inside the turbolift and inmediately pushed the button down... actually, the only button available... the whole structure where the Jedi Enclave was seemed to have a single main level where the turbo lift would go... no detours about where he would end up but a single place... it was good enough to be honest since it was an enclave and not a whole temple filled with different rooms and archives along with the amount of people and resources needed to maintain it... so far it seemed like a safe haven to just dwell in the ways of the Force as it's main purpose.

The turbo lift went down for a few seconds, it felt like it was going fast but seeing the amount of time it took to go down it was definetely underground. And it made a lot of sense since he couldn't see anything from the canopy of his ship from above. It was definetely a safe haven. Many things came to Vexander's mind about the nature of this place and the exact intent... why the Jedi would come all the way to this place to build this hidden place and if it could relate to his visions... but things would have to wait until he could meet to one of the Masters of this Enclave... and perhaps this wasn't the day he would meet them.

The man known as the Cyan Blade took a deep breath, he knew that he wasn't expected at all, and he suspected that most of the hosts of this enclave would be attending other guests, other Jedi that wanted to meet and train, and learn, and listen to the history of this place... he was not the only one after all. "Well... at least I'll get to know this place in great detail at my own pace" as soon as he finished the sentence, the doors of the turbolift opened and light poured in bathing Vex. At that moment, the man just headed outside with a steady pace to see what the facilities had to offer to the Jedi.


//: Caravan //:
//: Kaska Arden Kaska Arden //: Thalia Senn Thalia Senn //: Ezekiel Graenge Ezekiel Graenge //:

"Uh oh." Viers looked up from her scope as she noticed more raiders jump onto the skiff that Kaska and Thalia were controlling. She took aim once more, hoping to help thin the pack that was attacking them. Both Jedi moved and blocked the shot for the Padawan. If she couldn't get a clear shot, there was no reason for her to take it. The last thing he needed was to wound either the Knight or the Padawan.

Cursing, Viers collapsed the sniper and looked towards the AT-TE that followed them. It provided another vantage point, which would hopefully not have a pair of friendly bodies blocking her shot. Viers stood and slung the sniper over her shoulder and jumped down from the perch onto the observation deck's railing. The droid Thalia had brought with her was making quick work of anything that climbed up. Keeping her balance, Viers ran along the fence and stopped seeing the obscure airship randomly in the air above them. It moved and then returned.

"Aliha Uhl Frink?! Who are you?" Viers scanned the airship the best she could and didn't recognize it as a friend or a foe; it hadn't fired upon the skiff yet, which meant it was more than likely with the raiders. "These guys are getting pretty high tech." It was far, but the Padawan was sure she could board the craft quickly enough. Feet danced in place as she prepared herself, drawing the Force into her, muscles tightening and prepared for launch.

"Corellians are meant for the sky, right?" Viers questioned herself as she began to doubt her course of action, but it was all she could think of at this moment to hopefully avoid having to scrape Kaska and Thalia off the skiff. Bending at the knee, the Padawan jumped. For just a moment, the Padawan felt the freedom of the air, but in reality, she didn't jump very far, and the ship was still very far away. Her body began to plummet, and panic began to register as she passed the droid and the observation deck.

Falling wasn't the plan, and she had to think fast. Unstrapping the sniper, she reached out and grabbed the rope, and slid down until she had the moment to hook the sniper over the rope. Whining softly, she felt the burn that the rope caused on her soft palm. Hanging on the rope, holding two ends of the sniper, she felt the rope begin to sag; her weight wasn't helping the weakened rope. Looking down, Viers gulped and tried to think of something, anything.
KJ-S0 stood, admiring his handiwork as a roar filled his audio sensors. Was that a freighter? What was it doing? He took a few tentative steps forward and raised his hand to shield his photoreceptors, the binocular software straining to see in all the wind and sand that the freighter had kicked up.

“Oh, Padawan –“ KJ-S0 scanned its databanks for information and found most of the information redacted or missing for this particular padawan. Strange. No last name. “Viers,” he finished awkwardly. “It appears as though we are in far over our heads we should-“ but before he could finish she was dashing off just like Padawan Senn and Knight Arden had moments before. Oh, sparks. By the Maker did Jedi lust love jumping to their dooms. He dashed forward, heavy droid legs trying to carry him quickly. He was glad he did because he found her dangling over the side of the caravan walker. He looked down at her, yellow combat mode eyes still active, and gave that robotic sigh he usually reserved for Padawan Senn in her most foolish of moments.

“Do not worry Padawan Viers. I will pull you up now.”


Thalia smirked at the Knight’s comment. That sounded like it had a little bit of bite to it, she mused to herself. Was Marble Mouth hitting on Knight Arden? He sounded like a lot of old sailors from Pamarthe, the ones that had gotten stranded on an island or one of the Trappers who survived a Pamarthen Lion attack. The laughter that followed the two’s exchange made her momentarily forget that she wasn’t about to fight for her life. She felt like she was at a bar back on Pamarthe, maybe on Pantheon where her parents lived.

And then Kaska moved.

She was like a flash, moving so quickly that it took Thalia a moment to register what had happened. She recognized the movement from earlier when Thalia had first met Kaska, but instead of a playful tap, she leveled a decisive slash of green, a spray of sparks flying into the air. It was what came next that made her jaw drop. The slash sent the man back into his skiff…Like a Force Push! That was almost like back in the Enclave where Quill had been teaching her projected fighting. Was this the same thing? She didn’t have time to think. Her offer to surrender was tossed to the side and they charged from both sides. Thalia jumped, using the Force to propel her farther and higher than natural and she landed in between the second group and Kaska.

“Yeah no, you’re not getting through me.” They laughed at the teenager. She dropped two of the four arms from the basilisk that stood at the front of the group. She shuffled forward, causing the basilisk to slink back in fear, but she didn’t let up. She sent a sidekick into his chest, her boot landing mere centimeters from him. It didn’t matter though. She’d been practicing her projected fighting and had concentrated some of her telekinetic power into her foot. Less than a second later the big alien was flung off from the skiff. She lowered her foot, spinning into a single-handed grip, slapping one of the vibro weapons brought down on her, ending its usefulness in a shower of sparks. With a sleight of hand, her other saber was in her off-hand, blade ignited and lopping the assailant’s legs clean off, sending him falling into the sands below. There was a light in her eyes, like that of a young sailor staring at her first big storm. She’d fought bandits before, smugglers even. But never so many. It almost felt like…She was finally being the Hero she told her father she would be.

Myiche Duloras


OBJECTIVE 3 - Somewhere in the Sinking Sands
Michye carefully opened the old field manual, flipping past several pages of instructions quickly, past his own writing as well, until he saw another blank page. He clicked open the pen, moving it to paper, his bedraggled fatigues shuffling loudly, pockets of sand falling off of his uniform as he did so.
I have finally gotten around to burying the dead. Flich, Tekker, and Commander Velosir. Force rest their souls. Soon I will join them most likely, as this tank will probably sink into sand, and I will be left without shelter, or something to scavenge for food and water. I just wish that we hadn't come to scout this godforsaken rock in the first place... No time for regrets now, I guess."

Michye put the pen into one of the brims of the pages, closing the field manual, scooping loose sand out of his pocket and casting it onto the floor, then he put the manual in his pocket.

Michye shifted in his seat, spinning around, and very slowly scooting out of the cramped interior of the tank, the door opening with a creak.

His boots crunched down onto the sand, sinking a little more with each step,
Michye having to actively fight the traction like someone trying to power through walking up a river.

Michye stopped, gazing over a particular section of ground, and he hung his head low in quiet sadness.

Three freshly marked graves lay in front of him.
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When it came to stupid. Aaris Kolden had just taken the cake.

The explosion had shifted parts of the Destroyer's interior and chaos and heavy metal was everywhere. When parts of the roof or walls weren't busy falling apart, Cultists in red robes were getting crispy-crittered by fire or flailing to their death down broken walkways. Those who survived rushed to the far doorway to bother shooting or cursing at Aaris, Errant, and Auraya. Though, some actually bothered to look up, realize everybody was mostly dead or on fire now, and quickly surmised to run away.

Alas. The secret tunnel at the back of the room was no more. They'd probably have to settle for running back topside I guess.

Meanwhile, Sam found the distraction at least mildly useful. She repelled down, snuck over to the secret tunnel, and cursed herself when she found it was already collapsed in. Not from Aaris' crazy stunt either. Rather, this appeared to have been done before her arrival. Whatever Sith Lord was in charge around here? Pfft. They had been smart enough to close the door behind them when they left. Smart little karker.

"Well. So much for figuring out where the fuel rods went. Damn."

She took cover from some retreating Cultists. I guess now everybody was looking for a way out.

"Smoke and fire does that, I suppose. Well. That and collapsing ceiling panels too."

She turned and used the Force to try and pierce through the fog of war. Scrying once again. This time, she aimed her senses at the collapsed tunnel. Looking for clues or whatever the Sith had left behind.

"Hmm. Cart tracks. Something heavy on a metal cart was pushed through here. Ah. This was an improvised mining tunnel. They had been salvaging here for some time. But why?"

She tried looking closer.

"Hmm. They didn't have to dig far. I can sense an old planetary irrigation tunnel back there. Similar to the system Romi used to hide her Enclave. Just, bigger? I guess. Oh, much bigger. Wow. It must be part of a network running through the planet's crust. Hmm? I wonder what else it connects to? The Observatory maybe? Some kind of, hidden mega structure or something? I don't know. Weird."

She didn't have much time to ponder. One of the Cultist's came running over near her hiding spot and started looking for a door. Luckily, the crashing sounds of a collapsing Star Destroyer and roasting bad guys nearby was always louder.

Sam disarmed the robed lunatic and sent him hurtling over the nearest railing with his own sword. He screamed the whole way down but? Pfft. She doubted his friends even noticed.

"Well. I guess that wraps up things down here. Exit's blocked with a mountain of rubble and my roof is caving in. Okay. Case closed."

She frowned and sniffed the smokey, chaotic air. Watching as another piece of the Engine Room's ceiling broke off and fell into the abyss. Bleh. The whole room was a mess of activity, fire, and smoke. None of it good. Time to find another exit and leave.

"Yep. Time to boogie. Let's get out of here fam."

She grabbed her repelling gun and aimed for the way she had come in. Luckily, her giant pipe was exactly where she had left it. The rest was history.

* * *

There was still smoke coming out from a nearby elevator shaft when Sam finally exited out onto the Destroyer's iron hull.

Ah. Free and clear at last.

"Well. That was, terrible."

She knocked the dirt and grime off her pants and undid her linen mask. Breathing fresh air again. Almost happy to be back into the smoldering heat of the day. Ahh. Yes. Sunshine at last!

"Ugh. Just glad to outside again. Gods, did it smell down there."

Sam reached for her com device. It had been a minute since the explosion and hopefully everyone down in the Engine Room had cleared out too. Better safe than sorry.

~ "Umm. This is Escort One to any Alliance Channel. There was a fire in the Engine Room and I had to pull out. ...Erm. Anyway. The bad guys seem to have taken the fuel rods out of the Destoryer via an improvised mining tunnel slash... Um, hidden irrigation network? I think?" ~

She couldn't make this stuff up but. Man. She couldn't make it sound good either. Ugh.

~ "Anyway. They got away with the goods. But lost a few fifty men in the process. Whatever those fuel rods were for though? It probably ain't good. A further survey of the underground networks here will probably bag us our man though. But. Well. I suppose that's an adventure for another time. ...Hmph. Escort One. Over and out." ~

She sighed and put her radio away. Grimacing into the hot afternoon sun.


She crossed her arms and looked across the wide desert.

"Hope soldier boy didn't die. But. I guess this is my exit. See ya peeps. ...Hey R2! Yeah. Fire up the X-Wing and come pick me up yeah. I'm all done here. Ugh. Need a, shower or something. Bleh. Gross."

Yep. Fire and roasting cultists. Phew. She was gonna call that a day.

Look buddy, I'm an engineer...

"Flippin' kark!" Zeke said with alarm as he watched a young woman jump off of one of the walkers, barely managing to catch herself half-way down. That was when he spotted the skiffs. There were still more, fast approaching the caravan from the rear, some of them diverting off towards the side with the woman that the Queen Amelia was quickly approaching. "Damsel in distress, Cutie. Take the sticks and bring the boarding ramp up beside her." Zeke said in a whole hell of a rush as he jumped up from his seat, fumbling his way out of the harness.

Zeke made it halfway down the hallway when he heard the ship's intercom and loudspeaker setup begin to play a song and he stopped for a moment, grinning to himself as he looked back towards the cockpit. Cutie. The only droid that understood how to set a mood.

. . .

The bass rumble of the F-31 drive engines purred harrowingly overhead with the starship passing over low and steadily. Over the roar of those engines could be heard a... song as it approached? It was much larger than what once might have been believed from a distance, utterly eclipsing the AT-AT it began to pull up beside. The ion engines popped and rumbled as it slowly descended, mere meters from Viers, a hydraulic hissed loudly across from her even as the song blared.​

"...Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed? Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need!"


A bulkhead just across from her slid open, revealing a man with unruly red hair whipping in the wind. He looked completely disheveled, a white tank top billowing around an athletic frame with black grease and oil stains marring it and the baggy cargopants he wore, a blaster strapped to his thigh and a thin, metal, curved prosthetic leg replacing his left from the knee down. He stepped out, touching a control panel on the side of a railing. The platform he stood on began extending out towards her, likely a hydraulic motivated gangway. "Hang on, I've got you!" he shouts over the rumbling engine and music.

And it looked like he was going to. Suddenly sparks flew from the back of the control box he was touching as blaster bolts fired up at them from below. He yanked his hand down, ducking somewhat. "Karking raiders! Alright, new plan!" He shouted as he drew a blaster pistol from a holster on his thigh, half crouching as he looked at her, holding his other arm out.

"You're gonna have to swing and jump!"

That's when he looked up and happened to notice KJ-So and visibly started. "Gah! The karrablast is that thing?"
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Aaris Kolden

Objective 3: Your Enthusiasm is Palpatinable
Tags: Bastard Bastard Auraya Irath-Ur Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor Barr Vexos Barr Vexos

A swirl of the sounds of destruction and battle dully drifted in and out of Aaris's subconscious mind. For a moment, it seemed as though he was living in a space outside of time... as if all the wars he had ever fought were somehow existing simultaneously inside of this one moment. He saw the faces of past comrades and friends, desperate in their last moments of life, the sounds of the dying cultists seemingly transplanted onto them as he relived their deaths once again, all at the same time. He suddenly drifted back into consciousness again, enough to be aware that someone was dragged him across the ground. Where was he? It slowly came back to him as he opened his eyes with blurred vision.

Oh yes... The star destroyer...

Although still very dazed, he did his best to assist the one who was saving his life by using his legs to create more momentum away from the hallway. Suddenly he became aware of a pain in his left shoulder... which had apparently become dislocated in the fray. He faintly heard Errant's comment about making sure to plan a proper assault next time. He looked up to hazily see the force user holding up an onslaught of metal debris that would have been destined to collapse on top of him. As Auraya pulled him clear, he quickly reached over and grabbed onto Errant with his good arm and, with a loud grunt that seeped out loudly through clenched teeth, pulled him away from the hallway with all of his strength. The wreckage that he had been holding up collapsed into the hallway where Aaris had been just moments before.

Aaris grabbed onto Auraya's shoulder as she helped him to position himself against the wall. Oxygen was finally coming back to him as he took in labored, long breaths. Yes, his actions could be interpreted as beyond reckless, he understood this. And honestly, he had not fully planned on the devastating explosion... from the intel that had been communicated to him, it was thought to have been oil, which would not have been nearly as dramatic. But still, the commando found a sense of peace in knowing that the flames had been intended for the deaths of the alliance forces. As he heard Escort One's update crackle in through his comm, he was relieved to know that no Alliance had been hurt... Only the cultists who had set the trap in the first place. For him, this was a success. The only factor remaining was the destabilization of the wreckage. Again, he had not planned on the cultists using a trap of explosive fuel... Otherwise he might have reconsidered his actions. But what was done is done.

He looked at the three force users, nodding in appreciation for what they had done for him. He let out a cough, then finally spoke...

"...That... wasn't... oil..."

He grabbed his arm and raised it until a popping sound was heard, placing it back in its socket. He let out a small grunt of pain. His body had been very beat up, but he felt like he could continue... albeit at a slower pace for sure. He leaned his head back against the wall, letting out a weak sigh.

"Sorry if I caught you off guard." He said to the force users, "I saw a window of opportunity to strike... before they were ready."

He noticed some smoke in his peripheral. Looking down, he realized that what was left of his cloak was on fire. He quickly batted at it with his good arm until the flames were extinguished.

Maybe it was because the commando had survived decades of battle, in some cases seeing his entire team completely wiped out, and yet he continued to survive, against overwhelming odds... maybe that is why he had begun to believe that he was called... even chosen... for some greater purpose. Whatever the reason, the commando had begun to believe that the force would not let him die until his calling was fulfilled.

He noticed that Auraya seemed very affected by the amount of death which had just occurred. Admittedly, the soldier had very different feeling related to death. If you are the enemy, then your death is a victory. That is what a lifetime of war develops inside of a soldier. As he did not know what to say to her, he simply remained silent... feeling a slight sense of guilt for any kind of trauma he might have caused her.
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Kaska Arden

black holes, solid ground

As reckless as she might have been in her movements, Thalia fought better than Kaska had anticipated based on her earlier display. Enough that the older Jedi allowed herself to focus on her own opponents, charging into the first group of raiders as they sought to recover from their earlier shock and their newfound one of being set on by the whirlwind that was Padawan Senn currently blitzing her way through their comrades. The exuberance she radiated in the force wasn't fitting for a Jedi, but it was infectious enough to place a grin on the older woman's face as she closed the distance.

"Watch you left!" Kaska called as she ducked under the wide swing of a weequay. The hum of the vibrobrade whining in her ears as it cleaved through the air scant inches above her head. A gargled yell joining it a moment later as the Jedi knight buried her fist into the side of his kneecap, the Force enhanced blow crumpling it like soggy cardboard and dropping him like a stone. Almost immediately the void was filled by another assailant hastily leaping to take the fallen man's place, his eagerness costing him as he was forced to stumble and stagger in order to find footing around the wailing form of his comrade. His guard scarcely offering a resistance as her blade cleaved his weapon in two, the return swing carving back along the same path it had just wrought to do the same to his face.

She whirled for a third target just as a freighter thundered in from above, her body reflexively dipping as it responded to memories of a similar vessel performing a strafing run several years ago. It took all her willpower to avoid raising her blade to ward off an imagined battery of laser fire. Instead she found herself crossing weapons with another ugly looking weequay with hot, rancid ronto-milk breath. His face pressing unbearable close as he tried to leverage his larger size and bulk against her.

"Senn, fall back." She twisted her blade aside just enough to bring her head forward, hammering the weequay heavily in the nose and forcing him to retreat as she did the same. Voice cracking like a whip. "Now."

She liked the look of that freighter about as much as she liked the occupant's choice in music, a sentiment the raiders seem to share as they began taking potshots at it from the surrounding skiffs. That didn't make it friendly, however. Rival raider factions were all too common on planets like this, and military grade walkers weren't known for their ability at dealing with mobile, flying targets for good reason. And it had been a long time since anyone could confuse the AT-ATs in the convoy as anything remotely approaching military grade.

She needed a solution and she needed it yesterday.

"Hey kid, y
ou remember what I told you in the hallway?" Kaska yelled over the din of the battle, grabbing the padawan by the scruff of her robes with her free hand and physically hauling her back towards the controls. The raiders, suddenly emboldened by the loss of combat tension, started to surge forward to fill the gap they left in their wake. "About always minding your surroundings?"

Without explaining further, the Jedi simply turned and thrust her blade into the control console. Weathered and worn by decades beneath the hot desert sun, the chipped paint and durasteel offered barely any resistance as the viridescent blade plunged straight through the central housing. Wispy plumes of smoke rising out of the cracks in the console as whole sections were simply burned away.

Almost immediately the speeder began picking up speed.

She spared a glance over her shoulder towards the raiders, though emboldened by the sudden and unexpected retreat, struggled against the sudden increase in velocity to fill the gap the pair had left in their wake. Only the large one at the rear seemed to take a moment to question the development. His watery eyes narrowing suspiciously, his scarred mouth opening to reveal a set of brackish colored teeth, a warning poised on the tip of his tongue. She planted and bent her knees in response. Hand twisting and pulling the blade into a diagonal sliced path to freedom.


The motion was punctuated by a screaming roar that was cut off in infancy. The engines that had been running unchecked suddenly found themselves abruptly locked down as the burning embers of the skiff's diagnostic array detected a serious operational fault. With no way to verify what was actually happening, the ensuing system cascade caused the onboard air brake functionality to kick in as a last resort to avoid a suspected collision.

In that same instant, time seemed to slow as the Force filled the area around the pair. A wave of telekinetic energy surging out from Kaska's form even as it was rocked by the sudden shift in inertia, enveloping them both in an invisible
protective bubble, neutralizing the worst of what was about to occur.

Unfortunately for the goons, they had no such protection. Their feet abruptly leaving the decking as the vehicle nose dipped and the majority of the vehicle's forward momentum stopped. Those that were sent hurtling head first into the dunes were perhaps among the luckier ones. Their screams lasting a full half-second longer than those that were sent crashing into the barrier Kaska had erected. While the interior was protected, soft and almost marshmellowy in texture, the reverse could not be said for the exterior.

There was a series of sickening thuds and bone breaking impacts.

"That is why." The Nyriaanan murmured dryly, all trace of her earlier humor vanishing like water on the dunes below. The bubble shimmering for a moment before following suit. A bloody swath smeared around them, the bodies of broken raiders laying at their feet, some stirring weakly as they fought to avoid joining their more silent and motionless brethren. Brutal, yet effective. Sardun would have been proud, yet she pride wasn't what she felt as she steeled her expression. Gaze turning towards the slowly approach of the skiffs that had flanked them earlier. They would have to commandeer the first one to make the distance, dealing with the second once they got back to the AT-AT and saw to Viers and the KJ unit.

She released her hold on the padawan, giving her a gentle push. "Get ready."



//: Caravan //:
//: Kaska Arden Kaska Arden //: Thalia Senn Thalia Senn //: Ezekiel Graenge Ezekiel Graenge //:

The rope swayed back and forth and the droid’s voice came first, he seemed to want to help, but there was enough on his plate. Before Viers could shout at him to stop and that she’d just climb her way over, the ship that she had attempted to jump on swung back around. “Oh no.” Panic and dread washed over her face seeing that the ship for some reason was now targeting her and coming closer. Raising an eyebrow, Viers listened to the odd sound that was coming from the ship from over the engines. These raiders were interesting people, especially since the pilot wasn’t helping his own people below.

The rope began to move, someone or something was pulling at it and Viers instantly thought the worst, not that Kujo was helping her out. It had to be raiders that were pulling at her only means of survival.

Viers didn’t want to be in this position anymore, she looked down to try and mentally calculate how far she was going to be falling. Eyes widened as she saw how far the fall would be, not even the force would be able to save her from that. Was her journey over? Dread settled in as she felt tears welling in her brown eyes. Feeling her fingers begin to slip, the Corellian did her best to adjust her grip, hoping to stabilize herself. Maybe if she fell right she would be able to take out a few more raiders, hopefully letting Kaska and Thalia a better chance of getting back on the AT-AT.

As Viers accepted her inevitable plummet to her death, the ship drew her attention once more. A man called out to her with the loudest and oddest music blaring out from behind him. She could barely hear his voice over the chaos that was happening around them. Looking at him, her face showed her confusion, “WHAT?” She called out to him, “I CAN’T HEAR YOU.” It was a relief though that he didn’t look like the raiders, it also helped that they had turned their weapons on him in the process.

The man stumbled back, causing Viers to wonder if he had gotten hit, but when he returned with his arm stretched out she figured out what he was wanting. She needed to swing and somehow gain some momentum from her stationary position. Biting her lip she looked up at the sniper and quickly removed her hand and caught the rope as the other worked the strap of the gun over her body. Both hands now held onto the rope, while Viers wiggled her body back and forth until enough momentum was built up. At the peak of her swing, she let go and hoped to the Force that it would aid her in her jump.

She reached for his hand, but as he became distracted by the KJ unit, Viers felt the tips of her fingers brush against his. Literally slipping through his fingertips, the Padawan cursed and did her best to grab onto the boarding ramp that he was on. “ARE YOU KARKING KIDDING ME?!” She continued to curse in Olys Corellisi, as she held onto the ramp and tried to pull herself up. “How are you going to reach out for someone and then get distracted?!” Up and over her shoulder, a small monkey droid chuckled and returned to his place nestled into the hood of her shirt.
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Jakku Enclave, Green Room -> Training Room

Jedi Padawan Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken
Jedi Master Aldric

Aldric's chest rose, then fell with long, languid breaths. The Enclave's green room was the most serene place he could find in the small underground facility. The irrigation systems bubbled unobtrusively all around him. Isolated vegetable crops and fruit bushes lined flower beds across multiple levels, while ferns and large-leafed vines hung overhead in a messy tangle of colours that formed a second roof reminiscent of a jungle.

Vibrant energy pulsed around Aldric. For the moment, his perception extended beyond what defined his physical self. Soft waves brushed against his conscious, carried through the Force. His breaths matched the crashing cadence, and, soon, all barriers broke down. Everything became serenity. One rhythm engrossed the entire room. Each intake of air Aldric took was offset by the exhale of greenery.

A rasping noise underpinned the balance. It was distant and quiet, almost drowned out by the rustling leaves and streaming water. But it was there. Aldric became acutely aware of it again.

His hands tightened into fists, palms and fingers slick with sweat. Tension flooded his chest's muscles. Each breath became a struggle against his own body that, now, tried to constrict his lungs. A broiling fire started in his guts and rose, engulfing the underside of his heart. It was a familiar burn, an old acquaintance.

He reached into the Force, mind drawn in all directions as the conflagration threatened to overtake his insides, and brought his mind to the source. The tiny shard, so diminutive in its size, raged with the Dark inside his body. He was no stranger to its behaviour and soon soothed its tantrum, though not without great effort. By the end of it, he was left panting on his knees, hunched over and supported by trembling arms.

His breathing steadily returned to normal. Beads of sweat ran down the side of his face. He wiped them away and stood, brushing away the dust from his tunic. Episodes like this rarely happened on their own, especially while he was deep in meditation. Something had disturbed that peace, something closeby.

He left the green room behind to wander the Enclave in search of the origin of that disturbance. The facility wasn't particularly large, and with a Jedi's senses, it didn't take long to find the source. That something had occurred within the training room. He stopped before the entrance. A muffled noise, a voice crying out, sounded from inside. He took a deep breath and thumbed the door controls.

Inside, a young Padawan stood amid spilt grains, staring at an animal, that had died to a lightsabre. Most likely his lightsabre, going by the fear he radiated within the Force.

That flame flared inside Aldric's chest again, for a moment, but he choked it down.

"I apologize if I'm intruding, but I heard someone who seemed to be in distress. Are you alright?" He asked, attempting to come across as reassuring despite the tension he felt inside his chest.

Objective 3
Inside the Jakku Jedi Enclave
Turbolift Landing Field Entrance

After stepping out of the turbolift, Vexander followed a corridor where there was a bifurcation, he looked to the right and noticed that down that hall there was a wide chamber... however; after a couple of seconds and just by glancing, it seemed that the well decorated place didn't have any further corridors to take... so instead, Vexander looked to the left and continued his journey through the Enclave.

The bearded man just traveled through the other room. He really was quite amazed at the way this was constructed just below a place where anyone would even dare to guess that they would find this type of structure. He still had a lot of questions about the place but instead he just reserved those for another time when he could meet the person... or group of people running the Enclave. Perhaps it's a small council? a trio of Masters? He didn't know, but he would surely found out.

After reaching a third wide chamber, and this one seemed different than the other two. This specific rotunda connected three different corridors to three different sections of the Enclave. It seemed like a main hub where people would defintely need to pass along if they wanted to go to different areas... although he could very well be mistaken... but this is actually what it looks like.

Slowly, the man walked in a counter-clockwise direction while touching the walls, feeling the way the Force flowed through the whole place due to the amount of Jedi present. He haven't meet any of them but he could feel their presence in different places... outside, inside... they were around and if they realize it or not... all connected thanks to this specific place.

Slowly, the man continued to his next corridor that he encountered and reached a fourway corridor in perpendicular directions. To the front, Vexander could feel nature, vegetation and a nice smell... it was even slightly humid due to the nature that it represented; to the left, he didn't hear anything at all, but when he looked over, it seemed like rooms where people could rest and attend to their personal needs. However, to the right; he noticed voices... someone was talking to another being in that direction.

Hoping to find who was in charge of the Enclave, Vexander took that path that would inevitable lead him to the training room. Eventhough he didn't know that was the chamber he was walking to...
A roundhouse kick sent a Trandoshan over the edge and into the sands below. Thalia finished the kick and bounced on her toes feeling the energy of the fight. She was sweating hard now but even though her breaths were coming out ragged she felt like she could go on for hours more.

"Hey kid, you remember what I told you in the hallway?" Kaska yelled over the din of the battle, grabbing the padawan by the scruff of her robes with her free hand and physically hauling her back towards the controls. The raiders, suddenly emboldened by the loss of combat tension, started to surge forward to fill the gap they left in their wake. "About always minding your surroundings?"

"What?" She felt herself yanked into a close hold. Her eyes bulged when she saw what the Jedi Knight was doing. "Are you kriffing cra-" Her sentence was cut off as the skiff accelerated and events began to unfold faster than she could really comprehend. She shut her eyes tight by reflex as the skiff lurched forward, sending the raiders flying. The cracks of skulls against the Force barrier forced her to open her eyes though. She wished she hadn't. The broken and bloodied near corpses were all around them. She felt the bile rising in her stomach, all of her earlier momentum and excitement draining from her.

"Get ready."

Thalia swallowed down her sudden nausea and attempted to ready her self but her knees were shaky and her booted feet felt oddly heavy.
Look buddy, I'm an engineer...

Scene: AT-AT Convoy in the Jakku Desert
Starring: Ezekiel Graenge Ezekiel Graenge | Kaska Arden Kaska Arden | Thalia Senn Thalia Senn | Viers Connory Viers Connory
Current Objective: Save the damsel in distress ( Viers Connory Viers Connory )

Zeke's eyes darted to the monkey with a huff before those sharp emerald orbs focused back on the woman hanging on the edge of his boarding ramp. "Do you want to quit complaining long enough to get the karrablast inside?" He asked with no shortage of snark to his tone. He ducked down as the blaster fire came in at the extended walk way they stood on and reached down, hooking his arm under hers to pull her towards the airlock of the ship. He took a few unaimed shots down at the raiders below as they moved with the quick trigger in his hands, holding onto her just long enough to slam the blaster pistol against a button that made the door close with a hiss. The roar of the drive engines were muted as the bulkhead locked shut.​
He looked into her eyes for just a moment. And then he shamelessly looked down her form and back up. Maybe women on Jakku weren't so bad after all.​
"You'd better follow me and get that cute butt into a seat. I've had enough things flopping around in my ship for a day." He barely gave her time to process that statement, already half-jogging down a curving hallway up ahead. Half-jogging because the curved spring he wore as a replacement for a lower leg didn't seem to be quite as efficient as one.​
. . .
As Zeke came into the cockpit, he flopped down into the pilot chair and span around, manning the controls. To his left was what looked like the 'head' portion of an astromech peeking out from the console and rotating freely. To his right was a co-pilot's seat, staggered slightly back towards the entrance with it's own set of consoles and what looked like a gunnery station.​
If Viers followed him, the astromech in the socket would beep in a manner suspiciously similar to a wolf-whistle.​
"Not the time, Cutie!" Zeke would say, shooting the astromech a dirty look as he checked the integrity of the shields.​
Seemed like the blaster weapons the raiders had were pretty much incapable of doing a blasted thing to the Queen Amelia. He'd checked out of reflex more than anything, it wasn't like they had a tank or anythin---​
BFFVVVT! The ship trembled for a moment as out of the harsh shadow of the ruins ahead an ion bolt struck the ship. He checked the shield integrities again.​
Alright that wasn't good.​
New Objective: Destroy the ion cannon.​
"Oh, bloody—"

The rest of the exclamation was drowned out by the immediate sound of the explosion that Aaris Kolden had triggered. Cotan rushed forward alongside the other two; where Bastard Bastard held aloft the collapsing hallway, and Auraya Irath-Ur helped the commando up, Cotan stood in front of all of them, blue training saber ignited. The bolts that had been trying to drill through the trio disappeared, as the others that came were deftly deflected and redirected by his blade.

More of the cultists fell, joining their near-incinerated brethren, though a few close calls left Cotan with more than a few new holes in his shirt as some bolts even grazing along his skin; he grit his teeth, bolstering his own will to resist the pain with the Force, and falling back with the others as the rest of the hall collapsed. "Well, at least that thinned the numbers," he grumbled, turning back around to the others. "Next time, if there is a next time, let's plan. No heroics, all right? If we're getting to the bottom of this—or even getting out of here at all—we need to think, prepare, and actually work together."

He wasn't entirely sure if Aaris had even realized that it was fuel, and not oil, that was being poured into the hallway. If he had, then firing off the flair was profoundly poor decision making, in Cotan's view; if not, then it was just an unfortunate accident. Either way, at least the four of them were all still alive. "How badly did that rattle you? I can't see anything with all that phrik in the way, and unless you're still good to go in there, we're going to retreat back to a defensible position and stop so that you can recover." He turned, catching the youngest of the party in his view.

"Same goes for you, kid. This day isn't turning out anything like what you ought to be dealing with, and I don't want to push either of you harder than you can take."


LOCATION: Committee Room J-31, Senate Building, Coruscant
OBJECTIVE: Objective I - Decide the Fate of Jakku
ALLIES: Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Julius Loghain Julius Loghain | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Faith Organa Faith Organa | Annasari Annasari | Maou Maou


The debate continued over the potential membership status of Jakku, with the Member for Alderaan noting that Associate Membership as an opportunity for both the Alliance and Jakku to assess one another and define their relationship. From an economics perspective, Tithe was fully in support - it was rare that he could to test drive an investment before committing to it.

“Having carefully considered the matter, we’ll put this to a vote,” Tithe explained. The sixteen members of the committee took a moment to consider their voice before inputting their decision into the holoterminal in front of them.

The Senate computer system took a moment to count and validate the results before transmitting them to Tithe’s console. The outcome was clear - Tithe and eight of his colleagues were in favour of granting Associate Membership to Jakku, with four Senators voting for full membership and the four remaining committee members recommending to not extend membership.

“The votes are in. On behalf of the Subcommittee on the Admission of New Members I hereby grant Jakku Associate Membership of the Galactic Alliance.” It was undoubtedly not the outcome Jakku was looking for, and the road to full membership would test the fledgling government. An official certificate of membership would be transmitted to the Office of the Chancellor for signing. “I’ll also refer the request for assistance to the Subcommittee on Planetary Development.” The Vice Chancellor knocked his gavel on the table to signal the end of the session.

“I now call forward the representatives of Bardotta to lodge their petition…”

The wheels of democracy continued to turn.


//: Aboard the Queen Amelia //:
//: Take out the Ion Cannon //:
//: Kaska Arden Kaska Arden //: Thalia Senn Thalia Senn //: Ezekiel Graenge Ezekiel Graenge //:

Viers didn't fight him pulling her up. She was grateful, up until the point he looked at her. There was an awkward pause that felt like a millennium as his emerald eyes peered into hers. Maybe there was something wrong with him like he struggled to see. It was possible he accidentally looked into the sun when he went to lift her, or a blaster had gotten him in the eye. Either way, the Padawan suddenly felt a brief moment of self-awareness, which suddenly grew when she watched his vision move from her face to the ground. What was wrong with this pilot?

"What?" She questioned as she looked down at her own attire, wondering if it had been damaged in her leap. Nothing seemed out of place, and there weren't any wounds on her. What in the Force had he been looking at or for? Luckily there wasn't much time for Viers to continue to ponder this odd phenomenon. There was still chaos outside of the ship, and it seemed like it was now the target.

The pilot called out to her to take a seat but called her something other than her name. An eyebrow rose as she moved to the chair and strapped in. This man was an interesting person and apparently liked the word 'cute' from the name of the droid she saw and his comment.

"It's Viers." She let him know, at least he could use her name now and hopefully would return with his - or he'll just be called scruffy nerf herder. As the ship twisted and alerted them of their crisis, the Corellian smirked. This was something more up her alley; looking at the console in front of her, she pushed a few buttons. Having the ability to manipulate machines through the Force was helpful in quickly deducing a console. The gunnery equipment came to life as she took control of the primary weapons system.

Her eyes darted around the HUD to try and find the source of the shots; the raiders weren't the main attackers in this sense; their blasters shouldn't have damaged the hull as it did. She saw it, the Ion cannon. A calm washed over her as she focused and began to open fire with the Queen Amelia's main gun.

As the chaos happened, the small monkey droid crawled out of her hood. After a brief moment of checking his surroundings, it ran along the backside of the chair. Its focus was the small droid that had whistled earlier. Deco tilted his head as he looked at the other droid, then mocked the wolf whistle.

The whistle quickly reminded Viers of the monkey as she continued to fire but spoke to the pilot who had saved her life. "Deco can repair the shields. Just tell him where the panel is located!" Deco, hearing his name, looked up at the scruffy-looking nerf-herder, awaiting a command.
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