Spencer shook her head slightly. She didn't explain herself fully to her Master. She didn't want to eradicate death from the world, she fully understood where things would go if someone interfered with the cycle of life. The last thing she wanted to do in this world was create more conflict. Still playing with the end of her tunic, Spencer started to explain herself again. She tried to remember the teachings she had gotten from class about the force technique she had wanted to learn.
"Master, with my abilities with feeling emotion...I desire to learn battle meditation. I want to master it, because with that skill I will be able to prevent many conflicts! If I can do that I can stop people from blindly killing themselves. I could save a lot of Jedi and everyone in general. People should live long happy lives and not have horrible deaths! If I could do that, if I could change the galaxy into something peaceful...the cycle of life would still flow, but without the chaos of war."
"Master, with my abilities with feeling emotion...I desire to learn battle meditation. I want to master it, because with that skill I will be able to prevent many conflicts! If I can do that I can stop people from blindly killing themselves. I could save a lot of Jedi and everyone in general. People should live long happy lives and not have horrible deaths! If I could do that, if I could change the galaxy into something peaceful...the cycle of life would still flow, but without the chaos of war."