Two years of writing, give or take the however many months you were gone.
Two years OOC, and I think I've gone with about ten IC.
That's how long Sarge and Cira have known each other for me. Why ten? Well, that's simple. The huge amount of skill he's built up, plus his rise through the ranks and - most importantly - the changes he's gone through necessitated a longer timeframe than 'two years.'
And really, I wasn't aware how much [member="Cira"] had changed both herself and him over all this time. Going back and looking at what went down and how they acted, it's almost funny how much they've become alike. In a way, they've almost met in the middle. The first time they met, Cira was so frigid she'd put Hoth to shame. She was pure business, no-nonsense, utterly devoid of any discernible emotion beyond 'get the job done.'
For her, that job was running her company to the best of her ability.
For Sarge, his job was watching her. For his part, he started out a cocky, brash little shite. Immature, somewhat experienced, but overall just a kid.
And then they kind of just... fell together over time. She at her extreme of pure business and he at his of ingratiating himself through annoyance. It worked, though, so I'll give it that.
I've enjoyed watching her go from 'please get this idiot out of my office' to 'what would I do without him there behind me?' Because he's always been right there for her, in some manner or another. Hell, even when he resigned he went to Dagobah to save her people. It wouldn't be a stretch to say he helped build her dreams with his two hands, and although she never really showed it overtly.... her growth as a character more than made up for that.
Because eventually she sort of grew to like having him around, and she seemed genuinely hurt when he came back to her on Eriadu after having been dead. Like his death was a personal affront to her. She'd never admit to it, and I'm heavily reading between the lines on that, but in her own way I think that's an apt descriptor. She's gone from wanting him out of her life to being unsure what would happen were he to leave.
It's been a hell of a ride seeing her change ever so subtly, and her influence on Sarge has been even more profound. Nox had it pegged when he said;
Someone probably fethed him over bad. Kid ain't who he used to be, that's for sure...
Because she did. She screwed him over bad. But really? He'd have it no other way.
Now, post.