Abregado-Rae was currently a dictatorship.
Some time ago the planet was handed over by the Protectorate into keeping of their assassin droid HK-36, known as the Iron Knight, ever since then he ruled the Barony as the Baron Observer, their own Iron Protector.
HK was a benevolent dictator, but a dictator nonetheless, he ruled with strong presence of army on the planet, this was especially evident in the Capital City.
Now, the Old Patch, it was more or less left untouched, a patrol would be seen here and there, violent crimes would be addressed swiftly and efficiently by the Droid Observer, although he did not allowed public executions to take place.
It was a less watched district, but it was watched nonetheless.
And all the excitement the group caused, it was seen by the eyes the Metal Dictator had on the planet.
Two lighsabers activated at one end of the alley, they were blue in color and they seemed to be floating. Yep, floating lightsabers.
Two more activated on the other end of the alley, cutting off escape as with a flutter of material the shapes holding the sabers revealed themselves.
They wore grey chameleon cloaks that wrapped around them earlier, camouflaging the saber-wielders, their bodies were covered in armor from head to toe, their face hidden behind masks, large metal claws extended from their inhumane feet. Shattergun pistols seen in their off-hands, elongated silver hilts with points dangling off their belts, the blue-bladed sabers they wield were held in a Makashi stance.
Greycloaks the natives called them, the honor guards of HK.
"When I have taken the office of this planet's Observer."
A voice begun, it did not emanate from any of the armored troops,
"I have placed oaths before its inhabitants that I will maintain peace and protect them from violence."
Finally the being behind the voice revealed himself, right next to [member="Kohai Drenn"], because she seemed like a nice person, another cloak flattered as another tall armored being revealed itself, a lightsaber hilt in his hand as well, emblems of the Pyre and Barony of Abregado-Rae visible on his chestplate, among the many commendations. In shape he was identical to other armored beings that appeared, except only in commendations.
He activated his lightsaber, a white blade erupted from it, cutting through darkness of the alley, the aura of the Light Side surrounded the lightsaber he held, in soft gesture of his hand he motioned to Kohai to not attack him, he was on her side, his body and face was turned in the direction of [member="Stasya"] and [member="Davik Tren"]
"I am called HK-36, the Iron Protector of Abregado-Rae, who is it that brings violent chaos to the surface of the planet I have sworn to protect? Stand down, Anzati, and pain will be spared from you. Fight, and I will be forced to disarm you. I promise you this, however,"
The Baron Droid performed a Makashi salute to Stasya, taking another hilt from his belt, this one was elongated and had a sharpened point, he held it in his hand although his fingers opened into an open-palm stance of the Echani, a hand-to-hand technique he adapted and polished, the hilt was held horizontally across the open palm with his thumb.
"You will not be slain by my blade."
[member="Hakora Shin"] would not be able to feel any presence in the Force out of the beings, they were cold and dull, any signature in the Force emanating from them was the warming beacon of the Light-Side the Iron Protector held in his right hand.