Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking Stock of the Market [Open]

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Davik boredly walked down the alleyway rather boredly in fact, as he supposed not much would happen this late in the afternoon when most were tired from a long days work. The girl clung to his hand rather nervously as they walked, and he smiled slyly as he enjoyed the girl's company to a certain degree. Though as they rounded a corner, it was abundantly clear that the evening would not be as relaxing as once thought. Two men with Vibro-Knives rounded the corner and began to run at them. Davik thought nothing of it but pushed [member="Stasya"] behind him and pulled his blaster from it's holster. Firing several rounds in the direction of the men, he managed to down the both of them without much trouble. After they fell, the spacer quickly dragged the girl onward and further down the alley to the next square, as getting involved with the authorities on this planet was a hassle that Davik had no need of.

"Damn poaching bandits... Are you alright?"
Blood leaked from the bodies of the corpses and spread in large puddles across the ground. Stasya's large, turquoise eyes looked on, wide and seemingly terrified. Before Davik could lead them fully out of the dark alleyway she took the blaster from his hands and stared at it.

"You... you killed them," she looked up at him, then dropped the blaster on the ground. It fell with a hollow ring of metal upon permacrete. She traced his chest with one finger and pushed him backward until he was pressed against the wall of the alleyway. She grabbed both of his wrists and pinned him to the wall behind, smiling. She leaned in slowly, mouth puckering, eyes staring into his.

"My hero."

Suddenly, she struck out with her mind in a telepathic assault meant to overpower him and make him pliable and complacent, willing to do whatever she wanted. The 617 year old Anzati would not be denied her meal. His mind was not imbued with the Force and thus would present no challenge in subjugating.

Hidden pockets in her cheeks flared open and long proboscises snaked out, rushing from her face toward his nostrils with alarming speed. Her grip on his wrists was unnaturally strong, ridiculously powerful for a woman of her size. More akin to a professional weight lifter's strength. If all worked as planned, her proboscises would enter his nose and begin feeding on the delicious soup of his brain.

In this dark alley, none would come to interrupt her feeding. Gone was the sweet, confused, slightly coquettish girl. In her place an Anzat smiled wide, wickedness gleaming in the huntress's eyes.

[member="Davik Tren"]
A small wet thump shook Kohai from her distraction. Looking around, her eyes fell to the ground in the direction of her bags. One of her juicemelons was rolling away!

"Oh NO!" Quickly stowing her datapad, the girl took off in a hasty crawl after the wayward fruit, her movements awkward due to the weighty equipment hanging off of her. It came to a stop after a short distance.

With a sigh, she reached a hand out to retrieve the rebellious snack when... it started rolling again!

"No you don't!" Kohai was not bothered by the display of telling off rolling edibles. Whatever strange event was taking place here, it had messed with the wrong person!
[member="Hakora Shin"]
Hakora giggled as he continued to mess with her. He then made it stop a few yards away and reached out with the force to truly feel the apple. He smiled and the apple made a popping sound. It appeared Hakora made the skin pop off in certain spots making the apple now have eyes and a mouth. The skin tangled form the mouth and wind made it look like the apple was sticking it's tongue out at the girl, and Hakora died of laugher which cause his connection to the apple through the force to become unstable and the apple shot in the air like a rocket which made Hakora stop laughing. "Oops."

[member="Kohai Drenn"]

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Davik nearly thought he was going to get a reward for his small bit of courage in the alleyway. He only saved the girl's life from being gutted like a fish in the dark passageways of Abregado Rae. Though it was soon quite evident that he was not being subject to a present, but rather his own demise. As the snakelike tendrils were produced from the maw of Stasya, Davik panicked against the wall at which he was held. He had expected the girl may be leading him on, but he had not expected a brain sucking beast like this. Luckily, being a bounty hunter always left one prepared for situations such as this, and with a grip on the girl's wrist while she held him against the wall, Davik released a small electro shock through his gauntlet and onto her arm. If anything this attack would not kill her, nor would it paralyze her for long, but it would give him such an opening as to escape back into the crowds of people in the next square.

The shock zapped at the Anzati's right fingers and she hissed, drawing back that hand, but still keeping him pinned to the wall with the other hand. Foolish child. She had been hunting his kind for over half a millennia. Such a trick would warrant the soup bowl just a few breaths more. She redoubled her efforts of the mental assault, which had apparently been next to useless in the first attempt and not affected the human one bit.

A being which had survived for centuries, and overpowered the minds of greater prey than this, found herself frustrated at his lack of response. So she pressed far harder upon his mind, attempting to void him of the effort to resist. This was no Jedi Mind Trick, which would only work on the weak minded. This was the ancient ability of the Anzati of legend, the so-called snot vampires who terrorized children's nightmares. The Anzati mental prowess could bring even Jedi to their knees. A mere smuggler presented no real threat.

Stasya followed it all up with a knee directed at his groin to add both injury and insult.

All these actions happened simultaneously with a speed beyond that of any normal human.

[member="Davik Tren"]

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Davik swore silently to himself as his vision began to fog due to the intense mental attacks and the physical attacks as well. He still held a degree of sense about him throughout, due to the fact that he had been through numerous influences of the force, though this was indeed much stronger than any force he had been subjected to. He had one more trick up his sleeve however, and this was his true last resort. The spacer slammed his boot onto the ground which deployed multiple blades wich had been stored in the toe. The blades would be employed to have a bit of a suprise assault on the thigh or groin areas of the alien to ensure he had some chance of escaping back into the crowds. This at least would allow him to get into contact with his crewmate. Even if he did not escape, the slight moment of freedom would allow him to slam the comlink on his arm and call his crewmate who was only down the alley, just out of earshot.

Kohai wasn't sure how to process what she was seeing. Is that... a face?

Before she could follow that thought to its horrific answer, the subject of her rapt attention launched itself up into the sky. Staring up after the mysterious fruit, the engineer could only scratch her head at the strange occurrence.

After a moment she slowly returned to her previous spot. It was at this point that she realized that she couldn't see Davik anywhere.

With a huff, Kohai put her hands on her hips, pouting to nobody in particular. "Off with a woman... leaving me with the bags." She could never find decent help!

Abandoning her groceries for now, the girl took off looking for her hired muscle. After a relatively short an unsuccessful search, she found herself moving towards a rather dark alley. Taking a peek inside, Kohai saw... something doing... something to her crew mate.

Stepping into the alleyway, the girl puffed out her chest, planted her feet, and spoke out. "Hey! Leave my buddy alone!" She reached a hand back into a heavy bag, taking a firm hold on a deactivated plasma torch.

[member="Hakora Shin"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Stasya"]
Hakora watch as the girl he was messing with left and shortly after an apple fell from the sky and splathed on the ground. "Well so much for that fun.." He got out of his hiding place place until he heard quickined pace sounds and confrontation and he turned and ran for the alleyway, but stopped mid track. There was a guy being attacked by a beautifull woman, well not sure it was a woman, but they needed help. He had no lightsaber and he only knew force push, but his force push was powerful and he was Echini. Hemade a fist and concendrated the force and released it making it shoot past Kohai and at the woman, but he didn't stop there. He ran as fast as he could using the force and once he was in range he jumped up to run on the wall near Davik and pushing off with his right leg he used that momentum to send a round house kick to the woman's face. He really hoped he was entering battle against the bad guy....girl....beast.
[member="Kohai Drenn"]
[member="Davik Tren"]
Gleaming darts peppered Stasya's thighs, piercing through the soft, exposed flesh and drawing forth rivulets of blood. The darts were more an annoyance to the Anzat than anything else, as they were not particularly large - one could not fit knives of any sizable sort inside a boot launcher. Before any further action could be taken, two other beings, a man and a woman, entered the alleyway and made themselves known through much shouting. She hissed, proboscises retreating swiftly into her cheek pouches.

An undulating wave rippled from the fist of one of the beings and slammed into her, causing the Anzat to stumble backward several steps. The attacking prey used the time to literally run along the wall and attempt to leap off, whilst kicking Stasya. The 617 year old Anzati female pursed her lips. Foolish prey. She reached up both hands and caught the incoming kick before it landed then, with strength beyond what any woman of her size and appearance should have, she attempted to swing the human soup by the leg into the wall. Hopefully that would dash his brains against the permacrete and leave him either broken or severely concussed.

Stasya stepped back, kicked up [member="Davik Tren"]'s blaster from the ground, caught it, and fired two shots at Davik's stomach, then pivoted and fired another three at the female.

[member="Hakora Shin"] [member="Kohai Drenn"]
Hakora was not prepared to be grabbed, he was only 14 after all so he wasn't that skilled at fighting, but much better than most people. As he swung, unable to get out he looked around trying to think of what to do, but the spinning wasn't helping. As he headed for the wall, he rotated so when he hit the wall he hit it with his feet and for a spilt second he was crouching on the wall. He used the force to launch himself back at the beast with more force and speed then he left. He focused his mind as he shot, remembering his training. When he came in contact he sent one jaw breaking punch to her face and then continued to deliver a flurry of open palm attacks That were famous to Echani fighting style. He had no idea what he was fighting or who he was trying to protect, but he agreed with the Jedi that it was his job to protect.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Abregado-Rae was currently a dictatorship.
Some time ago the planet was handed over by the Protectorate into keeping of their assassin droid HK-36, known as the Iron Knight, ever since then he ruled the Barony as the Baron Observer, their own Iron Protector.
HK was a benevolent dictator, but a dictator nonetheless, he ruled with strong presence of army on the planet, this was especially evident in the Capital City.

Now, the Old Patch, it was more or less left untouched, a patrol would be seen here and there, violent crimes would be addressed swiftly and efficiently by the Droid Observer, although he did not allowed public executions to take place.
It was a less watched district, but it was watched nonetheless.

And all the excitement the group caused, it was seen by the eyes the Metal Dictator had on the planet.

Two lighsabers activated at one end of the alley, they were blue in color and they seemed to be floating. Yep, floating lightsabers.
Two more activated on the other end of the alley, cutting off escape as with a flutter of material the shapes holding the sabers revealed themselves.
They wore grey chameleon cloaks that wrapped around them earlier, camouflaging the saber-wielders, their bodies were covered in armor from head to toe, their face hidden behind masks, large metal claws extended from their inhumane feet. Shattergun pistols seen in their off-hands, elongated silver hilts with points dangling off their belts, the blue-bladed sabers they wield were held in a Makashi stance.

Greycloaks the natives called them, the honor guards of HK.

"When I have taken the office of this planet's Observer."
A voice begun, it did not emanate from any of the armored troops,
"I have placed oaths before its inhabitants that I will maintain peace and protect them from violence."
Finally the being behind the voice revealed himself, right next to [member="Kohai Drenn"], because she seemed like a nice person, another cloak flattered as another tall armored being revealed itself, a lightsaber hilt in his hand as well, emblems of the Pyre and Barony of Abregado-Rae visible on his chestplate, among the many commendations. In shape he was identical to other armored beings that appeared, except only in commendations.

He activated his lightsaber, a white blade erupted from it, cutting through darkness of the alley, the aura of the Light Side surrounded the lightsaber he held, in soft gesture of his hand he motioned to Kohai to not attack him, he was on her side, his body and face was turned in the direction of [member="Stasya"] and [member="Davik Tren"]
"I am called HK-36, the Iron Protector of Abregado-Rae, who is it that brings violent chaos to the surface of the planet I have sworn to protect? Stand down, Anzati, and pain will be spared from you. Fight, and I will be forced to disarm you. I promise you this, however,"

The Baron Droid performed a Makashi salute to Stasya, taking another hilt from his belt, this one was elongated and had a sharpened point, he held it in his hand although his fingers opened into an open-palm stance of the Echani, a hand-to-hand technique he adapted and polished, the hilt was held horizontally across the open palm with his thumb.
"You will not be slain by my blade."

[member="Hakora Shin"] would not be able to feel any presence in the Force out of the beings, they were cold and dull, any signature in the Force emanating from them was the warming beacon of the Light-Side the Iron Protector held in his right hand.
An open palm took Stasya in the face snapping her head back, but she managed to whip the stolen blaster up and fire point-blank at [member="Hakora Shin"]. Right before lightsabers snapped to life at the other end of the alley. The Anzat hissed. In over half a millenia of life she had grown to hate that sound. It meant... interruptions.

Without a further word, she dropped the blaster and dashed out the other end of the alleyway with the speed of a professional sprinter. She rounded the corner and put on a burst of speed. Stasya did not constantly train for this sort of thing. She was a lounging feline, who slept ninety percent of the time, but could, for a short-time, perform incredible athletic feats under duress. As she sped into the nearby road pedestrian traffic engulfed her and she became just another face.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

Problem with Stasya trying to run away was that the Greycloaks deployed in two groups of two, and the alley had only two entrances, so when Stasya would decide to turn around and escape, she would see a pair of blue light-sabers on the other end of the alley as well.

Should she continue to attempt to escape by running away, she would have to face either one or the other group of the two Greycloaks with blue lightsabers. She was surrounded, unless she knew how to climb a wall, it would not be that easy to simply dash away.
The Greycloaks swung their lightsabers, but in the confines of the alleyway saber combat would prove extremely difficult. Stasya dropped into a shockball slide that took her underneath the thrust of the first blade and right between the Greycloaks' feet. A slash came at her from the second guard, she sidestepped out and in, barely missing getting cut in half. She grabbed the next incoming thrust by the cylindrical hilt and redirected the thrust into the second guard. At which point, she kicked the other one away and then moved into the crowd.

Hakora saw the blaster coming and was going to use a disarming move to remove the threat, but he was too slow and merely had tim to pivot and dodge the shot before she ran off. The police like people seemed to have the situation under control so Hakora change roles. He went up to the man who was being attacked. "Are you hurt any, sir?"
[member="Davik Tren"]

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Davik gave a look of relief as two people appeared from around the corner, apparently to his rescue. One of them seemed to be Kohai, his fellow crewmember, and the other one he did not recognize. His relief was short lived though as the fighting began and he was blasted twice in the chest from his own weapon. The sting of the impact sent Davik tumbling to the ground and his vision blurred moments later.

In the coming moments, Davik could see the intense fighting between the beast that had nearly taken his life and of course the young one who appeared to be everywhere at once with his flying kicks and spirals. Though even during these moments the smuggler fell in and out of consciousness.

When he came to, he was looking at the young one who had so viciously kicked the poodoo out of the now fleeing Anzati and he was saying some garbled nonsense, so naturally Davik took it upon himself to groan like an ignoramus, largely due to the wounds he had sustained not minutes ago.

[member="Hakora Shin"]
[member="Kohai Drenn"]
Hakora listened to the man groan and looked at the wounds. They didn't look really bad, but they didn't look good. Hakora knew you could heal using the force, but he had never tried it. He tore some of his own shirt and wrapped the words to stop the blood loss. He then placed his hands over the wounds and closed his eyes. Teaching out with the force he tried to use healing, but it wasn't working. He calmed his mid and steadied his breathing and continued to try to heal the man, but wasn't sure if it was helping.
[member="Davik Tren"]

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Davik did feel like the wounds to his body were healing, though the wounds in a sense had taken away the spacer's ability to gain his own consciousness for the time being, due to the simple fact that his body had been put through so much strain. It was very likely that he would heal, with the assistance of bacta of course.

[member="Hakora Shin"]

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