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Private Talking Tech w/Junko

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Junko’s Palace | Personal Hangar
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

It had been a few days since we had arrived back in Atrisia. After the festival and the shopping and the statue and the tours of all things I took a day off. It was nice to get a bit of space from Supisy. As I understand it she went out to the lagoon with Princess Junko and took a try with the racers. I wonder if she made any stupid bets while out there. She is always overconfident. It doesn’t take much to gode her into a contest she can’t hope to win.

That gave me a chance to look over some of the material from the Sasori Research company. It seemed to be the company that did most of the technological upgrades that I had seen so far. I also took a good chunk of the day to get acquainted with the Makie Class Droid and Kirino Visual Interface that she was given. They were remarkable tools, and I know there is so much more that they can do than what I have discovered already.

Today it was Supisy’s turn to take a day off. There was no way she would ever do that. She’ll spend it harassing handmaidens or chasing down other nobles she met at the festival the other night. As for me. I’ve got a date with the princess. We’re going to hang out and talk about ships and the possible upgrades to the Verdant Deviant. If I could keep away from the Atrisian wine we could get some things accomplished and maybe our little ship would become worthy of running transport missions for the Commonwealth.
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Junko well JUnko was junko and sitting there in her chamber on the throne was her duty for the moment. Supisy had the day to herself... Latyuo and her were going to be set to discuss any number of things from ships to the technologies that were developed by the Commonwealth and Sasori. She had seemed surprised by much of it and there were always so many wonders she could show to the woman. "And that princess is the latest projections that we have going towards our trade with Alderaan." She listened to the attendant who was good at his job.. just his job was to look at spreadsheets and figures all day and inform her of trade deals and when they had excess stores of food from the farms and production houses. Which would be traded and sold to other worlds... and well they had a great deal of excess now as Production had been a priority among the Atrisians.

"THank you, make the deals as needed and send their queen our thanks they can distribute among the core worlds that need supplies after the attack on Empress Teta." She had well welcomed them to make a consulate in the IMperial city as a chance to open up relations again.. it helped that the queen's father was Atrisian a benefit as she understood a great deal how to interact with the emperor and princess. Still Junko leaned back a little as one of her handmaidens came over and stood. "Perhapos a break, so not to tire you out Cleric Mu." Phaidor said it and there was a smile on her face which he responded to with a blush but bowed heading towards the princess and bowing. "Of course princess, a break." She bowed and got the chance to clear the room out for a moment as her personal droid came down to her and brought up the display for her. "THank you, I'll go and check on her in a moment."

She said it and rolled her shoulders getting up from the seat with a smile on her face though. Going through the palace until she came to thwe room and looked at the woman who had been looking over tech and information. Junko stood in her kimono and had her hair tied up and back in a ponytail that cascaded down her back. "Find anything you like?" SHe said it and looked at her posing a little in the doorway to make it a multiple choice question. Junko waited for a moment before going in and offered a hand but speaking. "I am glad you have been finding things enjoyable here Lady Latyuo." She said it with a smile on her face that was wider as she thought about it before taking a seat. "And just tell me what wonders you would want to see on the Deviant."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Junko’s Palace | Personal Hangar
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

“Everything here is amazing,” I replied to the question of finding something I like. I was looking at the Saotome Jedi Defender we had taken to the market the other day. I turned to find the princess standing there. I gave Junko a smile, wondering how the Force made something so lovely. Her beauty, grace, and tech savvy were all so drawing. I couldn’t wait to spend time with her and now it was here. She stood there for a moment in a pose and I had to bite my lip to remember we were talking about ships, and there was no wine nearby for me to conjure up the courage for anything else.

“How could anyone spend time here and not enjoy themselves?” I asked with a glowing smile. “It seems the Commonwealth has something for everyone. Especially a tech geek like me.” I gave a slight sigh. “I think the first step will be just to get the Deviant up to par with other Atrisian ships. Our systems don’t match up to the basics from what I can tell and I want you to be proud to have us represent you. That means having a worthy ship.”

A smile grew on my face as I knew Junko wanted more than that. “That being said, of course I would like to install some of the top of the line storage options. We are a transport vessel after all. I’m open to suggestion as to what specific modules you think would benefit us the most. I did a lot of research, but what was a good fit for a light freighter wasn’t immediately apparent.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She looked at her and frowned only for a moment. "Latyuo, these are offered not required. My opinion of yuou will not change if you turn down upgrades from Atrisia... you are already worthy to represent the Commonwealth." Junko looked at her though and her wanting storage worked. "For storage though we have the Cold Storage Module ass the beginning... it is made for holding ships in storage and one of the things I use here in the palace hanger for the many other designs I have acquired. For a larger ship it might be better though." Junko was using her interface with a tap to send the information. "Then you move onto the advanced Modular storage which is the most common for ships and storage among the citizens. The Storage Compartments are larger but less used same with the Violet system though we have adapted that for the storage compartments on the survival kit allowing the packs to hold shuttlecraft and other equipment." She brought it all up and showed it. "We then of course also optimize compartments for better storage as a standard."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Junko’s Palace | Personal Hangar
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

When Junko frowned I did as well. I hope that I didn’t insult her. I almost panicked until she let me know that she was only offering upgrades. I guess I put down my own ship a little hard. Maybe she thought I thought she was looking down on the Deviant. “I appreciate the upgrades offered,” I said with a smile now that I understood where the frown came from. “When we arrived here I thought the Deviant was on par with other freighters. And maybe she is outside of the Commonwealth. But I’ve seen the advances that Atrisia can offer to a ship and I’m very excited to have them added. The Deviant is a great ship. I won’t ever trade her in. But that doesn’t mean she can’t become better.”

I listened to the princess’ suggestions for storage. I was amazed at the storage that was used to pack as much as possible into the cargo hold for the trip to Eisei, but she supposed that didn’t have to be a permanent part of the cargo bay as Junko suggested with the larger Storage Compartments and the Violet system. I gave a nod. “Ok. Let’s hook the Deviant up with a Cold Storage Module and Modular Storage just to make things all tidy.”

I looked at the Saotome Jedi Defender again and then back at Junko with a smirk on my face. “You said that you would show me what the Defender could really do. I’d like to see that. Especially if that was something that we could incorporate into the Deviant.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

SHe seemed to understand after a moment and Junko sat there as a smile crept across her face. "You want to see what it can really do?" The grin was there in full and she moved to stand up in a fluid motion and grasp her to come and go with her. Taking Latyuo by the hand. "I think when you see some of the things that can be done you are going to be making out with me cause you will think you are drunk." She said it but was leading the way through the palace and towards the hangers. "Keep looking over things on the defender, there might be some other systems you like and I'll pilot the ship." She said it and was at the garden to lead the way further towards the hanger.

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Junko’s Palace | Personal Hangar
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Junko understood that I wanted to see what the Defender could do as it was currently equipped. A shipbuilder could look at specs in a catalog or on an engineering document and know what that would translate to in real life. I had read all that I could on the Advanced Saotome Drive and Advanced Whammy Drive that I had come to know were installed on the Defender, but unlike a ship engineer I needed to actually feel it to know what a difference it made over the Aurora Crest Drive engines and standard hyperdrive that came with the Deviant.

I blushed mightily at the mention of making out with the princess because the journey would make me feel like I was drunk. Did she know that a little liquid courage was all that it took for me to let go of my traditional hang ups and give into the attraction I felt towards her? I hoped not. If that was the case I would have to be careful when I drank around her. Or I’d just have to accept that a little wine and a lot of Atrian Princess Junko Ike was a good thing and get over it.

“I’m a pretty stable gal,” I said with a smile. “It takes a lot of action to knock me off kilter when it comes to ships. I’ll tell you what though. If this thing is as impressive as you say I’ll give you a kiss that will have you seeking a glass of wine.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"Well then we shall have to see how things hold up." She had a grin on her face when she went back into the hanger and towards the ship. Using her interface to open it up and some of her handmaidens joined them to act as back up and stick around. THe makie droid coming along and into an alcove as the smaller repair drones roamed around the ship. "Take a seat, and I'll show you what Supisy wasn't able to do just yet." She said it and a wider grin was on her face when she went towards the cockpit. The zeltron avatar appearing. "Start up the ship, lets get it up and out into space... we're going to show how awesome you are."

The avatar spoke looking at her and nodded. "Alright, we'll get everything ready." She presented it for Latyuo while she was going to the pilots chair. Ther ship starting up and broadcasting for the monitoring systems everything needed. Junko slid down itno the chair and it adjusted to her. "SOmething might not have been noticed were the crew chairs... designed to shape to your body, keep you cool when it is hot and will insulate heat when it is cold." She said it and the seats were one of the features but also bringign the ship up and out of the hanger as it was more seamless with the sensors making it automated. "The sensor packages make for navigation better in tight spaces as the ship can react and its repulsors switch to ion engines when out of atmosphere."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Junko's Palace | Personal Hangar
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I followed the Princess and droid into the ship. I was able to pick out more things than what I had identified by memory in the catalogs. And the interface helped with other parts that I hadn't noticed on my own. Junko led the way to the cockpit and urged me to have a seat. It didn't take much urging at all. It seemed like the ship was taking care of all the boring system functions that Supisy always complained about on its own. Not hearing the grumbling would be worth living with whatever visual form Supisy chose for the avatar.

The seat did seem to fit me better now that it was pointed out to me. "Supisy will like the ship taking care of preflight, but I'm not sure she will want to relinquish control of any part of in flight," I said, even as I was amazed at how smooth the exit of the hangar was. "So does the ship impress all on its own or do you have to take control when things get truly interesting?"

I knew that there were ships that could handle everything but I had to admit that I would rather trust Supisy's skills if things got too dicey. "The engines on the Deviant have been optimized as much as they can be. There is still room for improvement. How adaptable are the engines on this craft to other models? Hyperdrive is different application than actual sublight engines. Hopefully you aren't going to impress me so much I have to go ship shopping."
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Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She had a grin and rtaised eyebrow but stayed in the pilot seat. Her hands on the controls before she was speaking and making the pathway up. "You can take control and do as much or as little as you want. The interface functions so that it can respond to your verbal commands." SHe was looking at her but bringing the ship up into the atmosphere there was a look. "THe engines are made to be interchangable with a wide range of ships. You have seen the different models that is only a handful of the normal ones and were from different companies at one point in time." THey had many of the designs but she was also bringing the engines up on the display to show it.

"Once engage they will start to build up a charge, the charge is for the predator interdicition system so you can create an interdicition pulse when chasing someone down or to throw off missiles if you switch it to a pressor. For a brief moment you could repel missiles or even ships throwing them off course. Timing would be important but the computer can aid you in it... then you would have to rebuild the charge again but the engines themselves have the slam drive built in. So it will accelerate and have higher functionality... but speed wise we can get most freighters to fly like starfighters and on some of our smaller vessels well..."

She said it and the speeds could be seen as the sensors were going but Junko was in space quickly and smoothly. Her hands dancing on the controls. "There is also a whole lot more to see." The smile was on her face while she brought the screen up for the hyperdrive. "Now where would you like to go?" She said it but was bringing up destinations... she was bringing up grequencies for the moment. "Just give it a moment." She said it and had it programmed for a location. "HOw about... Mon Cala." She said it and raised an eyebrow at the destination was on the logistical suite... the galaxy map plotting the course across the galaxy.

"Preparing to engage sub-hyperspace drive."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Junko’s Saotome Jedi Defender
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I knew the ship didn’t have to keep control, but I was a bit more than interested as to what the ship was capable of. I wasn’t sure if the Supisy would always want to be a smuggler. She loved to fly. And she was loving Atrisia. A time may come when I would need to find a new partner, or handle the Deviant on my own, at least part time. I could absolutely see Supisy becoming a fighter pilot in one of these sleek Atrisian ships that would make for adventure above and beyond flying cargo. I knew we shared a love like sisters and I knew she loved the Deviant, but she was still figuring out who she was. It would be ignorant to think she was going to be around full time forever. So if the ship could couple with my own skills to form something almost as good as Supisy that would be a good thing.

More good news came when Junko confirmed that they would likely be able to make the Sasori engines work with other ships. Having to choose between new tech and the Deviant would have been a hard decision. I was very glad that I did not have to make it. I watched the display eager to get to work on the Deviant after I got my demonstration of what the engines could do.

“Woah,” I don’t know how I missed the interdiction part of the engines in the catalog. Must have been too obsessed with the specs. “Interdiction could be very helpful. Your engineers continue to impress. Even though I don’t have hopes of using the Deviant as a patrol vehicle.”

Junko I quickly found was a talented pilot as well, it was hard to focus on the displays while her hands were moving around so gracefully, pressing here and there. It almost made me blush. I almost missed the question of where I wished to go. Or maybe I did as Junko suggested Mon Cala. “I’ve never visited the planet. It’s a long way off, so it should be a good representation of what the hyperdrive is capable of. Any other business to take care of? I would hate for you to make such a long trip just as a demonstration.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She looked at her. "Have you anything?" A smirk was there and one of the handmaidens snickered. "Sorry princess... ahh sub-hyperspace drive is ready." Junko nodded as it activated, thick reddish lines and swirls of purple as she spoke. "When the first order discovered how to use quintessence energy... dark energy from the universe itself and produced by stars. They also learned about sub-hyperspace.... it allows the energy to be anywhere in the universe at any time and well it allowed them to attack Hosnian system from across the galaxy in a matter of minutes with the entire galaxy being able to see the attack coming."

She said it and the timer counted down as the ship came out of the sub-hyperspace path that they had created. Sitting over the blue jewel of a world and JUnko leaned back a little. "JUst one of the things we have in it... the hyperdrive has several dimensional paths allowing you to visit or hide if need be in pocket dimensions that allow many things to be found." She said it with a smile on her face though and held a hand out. "So am I impressing you already?" THe grin.. the look but there was also more... always more. "Granted what I am showing you here is only so much, the defender has something else but it would only be fore jedi models of the ship... but still impressive."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Junko’s Saotome Jedi Defender
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Junko explained a little about sub-hyperspace travel and quintessence energy. It was incredibly sexy to hear of it. A catalog could only give you so many insights. Lots of mechanics were like cooks. They didn’t care how the egg was made that they put into an omelet, they just cared it was a quality egg. I wasn’t wired that way. I like to know how things worked. I don’t know that it helped me in keeping them working, but that’s the reason I gave myself. “I didn’t know quintessence could actually be used to transport ships,” I said slightly disbelieving what I had been told. “That would be amazing to see.”

The red and purple of this manner of travel was just as beautiful as the blue hue of hyperspace, if not more. We came out of the tunnel and sure as heck right there was Mon Cala. The trip should have taken us hours if not days and we did it in less time than it should have taken to get to Coruscant. I stared and blinked for a moment at the planet that should have been much further away. Or I guess it would be more precise to say it should be something I should be looking at for a long time.

Junko’s voice brought me out of my stupor. Though I didn’t believe what I was seeing was possible, I still was quite stable of thought and body trying to figure it out. There was no wishy-washy feeling of disorientation. Just a desperate need to understand. I had however been quite impressed and I am a woman of my word. I took Junko’s offered hand and stood from the co-pilot’s chair walking over to hers. As she explained that there was more the Guardian could do I sat straddling the princess’ lap. “I am absolutely impressed. And that means that you have earned a kiss.” I leaned forward and locked lips with the princess. Nothing platonic about this kiss at all. My hands pressed against the princess’ shoulders bringing our bodies together.
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

There was a grin on her face as she kissed Latyuo and being this close was something fun... staying there as she reciprocated and leaned back in the seat taking her hands from the controls to hold Latyuo. "Well this is a great development... I must say." The smile was on her face but she tapped her butt so she could get up and show her around. "They can bring us downt ot he planet... the Mon Calamari are friends of the jedi and valued but well a chance to see the vast beauty of the world." Junko was looking at more of Latyuo just holding her hand and walking as she went towards the observation window of the ship to look out. "When we head back, well maybe a stop over somewhere... any world you want to go to or.. well I'll leave another surprise."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala | Junko’s Saotome Jedi Defender
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I couldn’t help a smile with the grin that the kiss brought to Junko’s face. I was very aware of the fact that anything developing with the princess wasn’t serious and wouldn’t last. But I had to admit whatever was happening was kinda fun. Whatever happened I don’t think I was going to regret anything done.

I smiled at Junko’s statement about the development, giving a slight shrug of my shoulders. “Just paying up on a bet,” I answered before giving a slight yelp as she patted my butt. I wasn’t prepared for that. I took the meaning of it however and moved off of the princess’ lap so that we could walk around. Junko offered to show me around Mon Cala. I had to admit it was very welcome. A planet full of oceans and floating cities. It must have been like a dream. “I would very much like to see the sights as long as I’m not keeping you from business. Business before play I tell Supisy all the time.”

I welcomed the holding of hands. Even though the previous kiss just moments ago suggested something between us, and heck if I know what is actually going on in my head right now. But Junko was a friend and mentor of a sort, even if that was the extent of it. I would gladly hold her hand. But I have to admit that her touch makes me feel special. It couldn’t last, but this closeness was very welcomed. “I hope you don’t expect me to say I want to head off to Zeltros for a Bespin Breeze on the beach,” I said with a smirk. “That is more Supisy’s style. I’m an adventurous girl. I’ve always wanted to see the colorful jungles of Felucia.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"As you wish." She said it with a smile on her face, Felucia was well... Felucia was beautiful as well and they had built for the jedi a protected structure there for secured landings. Junko walked as they ship was docking and she turned to look at Latyuo with a grin on her face. "And I have done a great deal of business now it is my time to play and have some fun." She of course had all of the things that she needed for protection. She also had Latyuo who could shoot things trying to harm them. Offering a smile though while she walked and the airlock opened as it was touching down in the small port. The dockworker looking at her and nodding. "Welcome back princess." A smile was on the mon cala's face as good as it could be and she shook his hand while walking. "Here, a world of water and glass with gliding monsters just below the surface and some of the largest pearls across the galaxy."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala | Junko’s Saotome Jedi Defender
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Very little surprises me about Junko, but when she didn’t even bat an eye at my mention of wanting to see Felucia was a little shocking. Not that I thought anyplace would intimidate the princess. But it was an odd request I would have thought. I gave a bit of a gulp when she mentioned that this was all for fun. I am all for fun, just wasn’t sure that the kiss was the tone I wanted to set for a fun trip. Or maybe it was and I just needed to relax like Supisy always tells me to do.

I returned the smile and followed alongside Junko as we exited the ship. The dockworker greeted Junko, I wasn’t sure if he actually knew her, or just knew who she was, but I always found it impressive when someone at a dock addressed someone by anything other than “Hey you”. Junko spoke of Mon Cala as we made our way further from the ship. “Is it strange that swimming with the gliding monsters is as exciting to me as seeing the giant pearls? Though I do think that you would look stunning decked out in pearls.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She offered a smile on her face. "Well I wouyldn't say no to being decked out with pearls... a good idea for a dress maybe... my next one." She walked and went to a balcony standing there. "But swimming with sea monsters can be interesting.. it just depends on what they are and what world you are on. The ones that are usually this close to the cities here for instance are large and mostly harmless unless you are not careful." She was looking at some more here but also enjoying the sight of Latyuo. "Now lets talk more tech and fancy gadgets... tell me what you really want? Not from a catalogue though that can help but what excites you what sort of gadgets would make you happy?"

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I looked at the Princess imagining her wearing nothing but pearls. I had to admit the idea had possibilities. For someone like Junko. I doubted very much it would fit my style. “You would look fabulous. But I’m not sure it would be a look that would be for everyone.” I gave a smile as I followed her over to a balcony that saw more of the waters of Mon Cala. She gave a lesson on the sea monsters and I gave a nod. “I guess if I get a chance to go swimming on Mon Cala I’ll have to remember to stick close to the cities. And mind not pissing off any of the bigger swimmers.”

She caught me off guard with the next question. I loved talking specs and such over tech products, but I had never had anyone ask me what I would like conceptually. “The possibilities are so many,” I muttered as I thought. “Supisy is the flashy one. The logistic miracle of sub-hyperspace is something that appeals to me, but the powerful engines and such are all for Supisy’s sense of adventure. I am much more tinker than engineer. I like something that I can get my hands on.” I gave a bit of a laugh. “It sounds like I want something that is going to break. That’s not the case. I don’t really care what the component is. I just want something that is interactive. What system it works with is less important to me than how much fun I can have playing around with it.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Hmmm she tapped her chin. "Well we do have hardlight simulators that you can spend hours playing with and our fabrication technologies you could spend just as much time designing specs for it to produce if you really wanted to make it a strong material." She said it but was also looking at Latyuo. "And the interface I gave you can do a lot while letting you interact with it. Even if you didn't upgrade your ship you could have it set to the specs so you would be able to find problems and work on them or even use your makie droid to do smaller repairs where others wouldn't be able to reach." She had a grin. "Or you could just use it to holocom with me and when bored I could dance for you."

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