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Private Talking Tech w/Junko

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

The Anshin of course, I thought to myself. It’s just open so it doesn’t look like what I would expect to see from a sphere. “Well I am impressed by the fact that you were able to hide a dyson sphere from me in plane sight." I said as she stated she would look to make space for my favorite drink. I could see the look in Junko’s eyes and I had a feeling I was going to regret making that known. But, half the time I don’t remember what happened so as long as everyone has fun and no one gets hurt…

The thought of winning a new speeder brought a smile to my face, but I wondered what she would want me to put up in exchange. After the trip to Mon Cala I was fairly confident in the fact Junko had much more to show me. Betting didn’t seem wise. She mentioned something about upgrading my arm. I looked at the mechanical limb on my right side. “This has been with me for almost half my life now. I’m sure there is better technology. But I’m kinda attached to it,” I gave a nervous laugh. I didn’t really intend to joke, but as I said it I made the connection and had to laugh. “You think I need an improvement?”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"I think mechanical limbs and implants always need to be fine tuned. Kioshi's chair and spinal implant to keep the nerve damage from spreading higher along her spine gets checked and upgraded every few months to ensure she is alright. After what happened to her it is the very least that can be done since she doesn't like the exo leg frames that were made for her. She can walk but as she says she can't dance and it is clunky." Junko said it with a look at Latyuo. She had the smile and some more of the food while she was making notes about what to order and what should be on the ship itself when they return.

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I listened to Junko talk about Kioshi, I didn’t blame the woman for disliking the feel of exo frames. Well I didn’t understand exactly, but the look of people using them made me think they were more trouble than they were worth, especially for a graceful Atrisian noblewoman. Still the point of maintaining and even updating some parts of all prosthetics was on point. “I have tinkered with it some over the years.” I took another bite of my meal pausing to look at my hand before placing the bite in my mouth. “I’m no expert with them, but nothing has gone haywire yet. I’d be willing to take some help in making it more cutting edge, but I don’t want anything with synthflesh or the like. Shiny red metal reminds me of what can happen when you push yourself too hard and make stupid decisions.”

I began to blush and my eyes lowered for a moment. “My hand must have been all over you. I hope that was ok. I mean, I wasn’t thinking straight all the time so I might have pinched you a little too hard or something? Or you just don’t like the feel of the metal?”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"I think that thign you did with your teeth was more of a surprise.... but cool metal suddenly touching hot flesh can be a good surprise." She said it with a grin while she looked at her. "You are not bad, I was not worried about it. MOre well if you wanted we could do that... sleek design, red coloring sure maybe give you one of the pocket blades we have developed. So you could pull it out and have a back up weapon for defense or a hidden blaster, I could work the force into it so that your provided a mental shield from force users trying to influence you." She said it and well tech talk and ideas.. there was so many things that they could do.

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Blushing was not the right word to describe what happened when Junko brought up vague specifics of our night together. My cheeks felt like they were on fire. If the chef delivered raw seafood to our table it would be cooked by the time it made it to my lips. That's how hot my cheeks felt. I started to calm when I realized that Junko was saying she enjoyed the surprise and that my metal hand was not unpleasant. “I’m glad that I was able to add a little surprise to the night. It was all new for me, but I thought maybe the company was the only thing that was new to you.” I gave a smile and then leaned in towards Junko before whispering. "You are going to have to tell me how I now have the nickname boobalicious now. Supisy just can't stop saying it, but she doesn't know what it means."

The talk returned to my hand. It was something that I was proud of. Not as much as the Deviant, but considering I had no formal training being able to keep both of them to galactic standards and above for so long was a good feeling. “I suppose it is about time for another upgrade. And I would never turn down advances that could help me do things better and protect myself, Supisy and our cargo. I would be more than happy to put my hand in your hands.” I smiled as I knew I meant it more than the technology.
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Junko had to grin at that... the nickname was important... it had a grand reason why... an important one. One that was life changing and world shattering... Oh yes. "Well that will just have to be something I tell you later in private." She nodded but the mention of her hand being in Junko's hand was important as she nodded. "I'll take care of you, nothing you don't want but everything that can be done is on offer." She said it but was offering only smiles and a few grins. "I'll just gloss over that one idea of new company.. never think you are interchangeable with another woman to me. Everyone has left an impression be it a statue, a memory or well some artwork it all depends on what you enjoy doing." SHe shrugged a little but took a bite and sip of her drink. "I'll just have to show you how important you are to me for as long as you want to keep me around with you."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Junko had that sexy grin on her face that always made me wonder what she was really thinking. She seemed to toe the line between royal properness and a little dirty. It was very intriguing. Luckily for the Princess I am not Supisy or she would be receiving constant barrage of questions as to what the nickname referred to. I was incredibly curious, but not enough to badger her about it in the restaurant. And if I was too eager she might hold it over my head and use my curiosity to get some more make out time.

When she told me that she would take care of me, give me what I wanted, take only what was offered I blushed. I never wanted to be a kept woman. Even in eventual marriage and family I wanted to be an equal. “I did not mean to insult you by,” I responded with pleading eyes to her comment about skipping the new company. “I merely meant that being with a girl was not something new for you. I really didn’t expect I could bring something physically that would surprise you. I can tell that you cherish all of your…I’m not exactly sure what to call any of us to be honest…paramour?” I gave a bit of a grin. The word was fancy, but had a bit of a naughty meaning to it. “Though I won’t prevent you from showing me how important I am. So long as you allow me to reciprocate and show you your importance to me.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"Concubine... you can be my concubine, or bedmate or hmmm." She tapped her chin to make it a joke but she nodded. "Paramour would be fine if that is what you wish. My handmaidens don't really call it anything they are just there. SOmetimes they do things with me and sometimes they do not.. they have their own relatins among each other and outside of the palace. Maybe not as much as some of them would want but they do enjoy themselves." She said it and Latyuo seemed to have had something there when Junko said she was for making sure she knew she was cared for... "Well I will not oppose you showing me how important I am to you."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I can’t imagine what Junko thought when my eyes popped open at the use of the term concubine. Like paramour it was a fancy word for something with less fancy meaning. The difference being a concubine was more of a kept woman. A paramour could keep some independence. I blushed and gave a nervous giggle when I realized the princess was joking. “I like paramour, something sorta romantic about the sound of it.”

Junko went on to talk about her handmaidens and how they live their lives. “All the handmaidens seem quite happy with their situation. I must admit that I found that a bit surprising at first. To serve any mistress and split time with so many seems like it would be very stressful. Even when the mistress is as wonderful as you are.” I smiled at the princess.

“I am enjoying this meal,” I said with a smile. “Perhaps I will purchase a bottle of Menkooro whiskey and when you next impressive surprise you have for me if we’re alone maybe I’ll be in the right mood to do thing I did with my teeth,” I said it with a wink, surprised how flirty I had become with Junko. And more surprised that I meant what I said, though the liquid courage was going to be necessary.
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Everything sounded like a wonderful promise to top off the meal and Junko nodded. "Perfect then, I expect a whole lot of surprise on your face." She was prepared to keep surprising her.. she was ready for showing her a lot more what the ship could do as well as some of the other wonders. She had seen the massive Anshin and that was something that they were building over each of their worlds. "You have no idea the amount of things that I can show you and that is before I reintroduce you to the castle of the swans." SHe said it and sat back a little. "It is a beautiful sight to behold though I will warn you first hand. The Tsura of Atrisia are beautiful, and ancient and males among their race are rare. So you have to prepare yourself for seeing tall, pale skinned, women all around Sota. His father went through much the same but they are some fo the most wonderful beings... so kind and their tears can heal."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Junko seemed happy with my suggestion of finishing the meal, visiting a liquor shop and then showing more surprises. I just hoped that I could remember exactly what I had done with my teeth. Or which thing the princess was referring to. I guess if one doesn’t set her off I can try another. “Though I would very much like to see Sota’s home and see him again. I am enjoying being surprised by you today. Let’s keep that going shall we? Another day we’ll figure out if I’m lying when I say that I’m not a jealous person. Besides. Sota and I spent a small portion of one night together. There isn’t a lot for me to be jealous about at the moment.”

I finished up my meal as we continued small talk. When the plate was cleared I placed my silverware on top and smiled to Junko as I wiped my lips. “So is there a place to pick up my bottle on the way back to the ship? I think I’m ready for my next surprise if you don’t have other matters to see to here.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"I know him and he would likely very much want to see you again. He and the crane general's son are friends so you would have Phaidor to talk with but a good person to know. Kioshi would also welcome you, she would likely want to talk business with you. The twins well they didn't mind you but lets just say Supisy caught their attention more. Their personalities are a little more aligned." She said it with a nod of her head though providing a moment. "We can get your liquor down the street, there is an emporium made to sell alcohol and drinks from across the galaxy. Then we can return to the ship and give you a chance." She said it and rose up finsihing as the servers came to get their things and were all heading away with the plates. Junko offering her arm. "There is well also the empress who liked meeting you,"

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I was quite surprised to find that I made an impression on that many people. Well except for the statement that the twins and Supisy were much more compatible, that was no surprise at all. Something told me one could lock those three up in Junko’s palace for a year and they’d have enough fun that when you let them out they wouldn’t have even realized they were trapped. But the others mentioned who would like to see me were quite the coup for a down on her luck smuggler not two weeks ago. Now high nobility and even the empress were familiar with my name and willing to talk over affairs with me. And Lord Sota. There was a whole different kind of affair I’d be willing to discuss with him. As long as it didn’t make me pull away too quickly from the princess. I wouldn’t admit it to anyone but Junko, but I was actually looking forward to what might happen after two or three shots of Menkooro.

“Well then,” I said as I also stood and took the offered arm with joy. “Let’s go finish up our business here. I’m looking forward to my next surprise.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She grinned and yes giving them the chance to go as they left... down the street with all of the people milling about well worth it and into the store. "Hello." SHe said it and was looking at the counter and the droid. "We would like as much Menkooro as you have." She said it with a smile to mostly let them check over some fo the things and it was a bigger grin for herself. "We have three cases in the back and four bottles on display." The droid said it and looked at her as JUnko produced her hand with a credit chit. "Perfect, have all of it delivered to my ship in docking bay twenty two." She said it and paid looking at Latyuo... "Now is there anything else you might want to get? I was planning on a little string of pearls so that you could remember it here or some of those sea shells they sell."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

The exit from the restaurant and the walk down the street had several eyes upon us. I wasn’t sure if it was seeing an Atrisian and a Mirialan walking arm in arm. Or two women, or if there was something about the way we walked down the street, but I found being noticed to be a surprising rush. I wouldn’t let Junko know about that surprise, though she had a sixth sense about these things. We walked into the liquor merchant and greeted the droid.

I couldn’t help a laugh when Junko offered to buy the store out of Menkooro. That didn’t really surprise me as I was starting to get used to just how far the wealth of the Commonwealth exceeded that of the rest of the galaxy. I just hoped the merchant didn’t have a couple pallets on hand. That would lead to quite a few wild times. “Three cases plus four bottles?” I questioned Junko with a smile. “By the time I go through all that, maybe surprises will be enough to give me courage to act,” it was not an impossibility, but I wasn’t confident that traditionalist voice in the back of my head was ever going to go away. No matter how much I truly enjoyed Junko.

After the transaction was complete and they were free to be on their way again Junko asked if there was anything else. A suggestion of a memento of sorts. There was no way I would ever forget having a meal with Junko on Mon Cala after jumping halfway across the galaxy in no time. But something to look at to remind me wasn’t a bad idea. “Pearls. I like that. Maybe something for each of us? We can each remember this when we see the other wearing their piece?”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She gave a nod of her head to that idea... Latyuo had a good one and they might be able to make it work if they did it right... hmm she would just have to think of the right thing. "I like the sound of that." She had a grin on her face and was prepared for it as the transaction was fully finished and the creates and bottles could be delivered. Heading to find a jewelers was the next best thing that they would be able to do. "Matching pieces would be perfect and might have just the idea." She went into it and looked holding a hand out. "Lets see what we can find shall we." Turning towards one of the people behind the counter she spoke. "I am looking for a twin piece, something we can both have and wear to remember out time here." SHe said it and the women looked at her before going into the cases and taking out a few things. Junko drifting to look at one or two pieces.

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Everything I said seemed to be lining up with Junko’s thoughts as well. She continuously was giving me sly smiles. Just the thought of her mind working made me blush. I know I am not the only one, but garnering a princess’ attention is quite flattering. The liquor was paid for and we were off on our way to another shop for some pearl momentos. Again I was ecstatic to hold her hand as we made our way between shops. When Junko started looking through the store a brief thought of pearls similar to the body chains I wore in our posing, and Junko’s previous mention of a pearl dress had me blushing, but when the hair pieces seemed to catch the eye of the princess I smiled. “You think those would look good in my hair?” I questioned. “I do like to change the color from time to time.” Currently it was my natural black on top with reddish tips.
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"Oh yes." She said it with a smile "It would look good on you no matter the color of your hair and there are a number of different color pearls. Which is what can make it even more endearing." SHe said it with a smile on her face though and picked it for herself while looking at it and she adjusted it with them to really work on it. It was made so that hers would fit within her hair and JUnko was looking at the different pearls they had. SMaller then some of the ones on Atrisia but they were made to be beaded so harvested early. "Oh these are nice, with some of the standard white and some fo the golden pearls it could go a long way."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Junko looked at me and I blushed again. It was becoming a trend that I very much wanted to stop. At least the darkening of my cheeks, the butterflies in my stomach weren’t all that bad. Sort of made me feel alive. “Since my natural hair is dark, should probably stick with the lighter colored pearls for me,” I said as I looked at the piece being placed in Junko’s hair. “They could all be the most glimering gold and I wouldn’t look as radiant and regal as you do. But I think this is a rather good choice. Something that I will think of fondly whenever I put it in my hair or even just see it displayed in my closet.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She looked at her and listened... interest in what was happening as the princess held a hand up for the one workiing on her hair. "Pause." SHe said it with a smile on her face before she was coming forward and looked at Latyuo for a moment bringing her hands up to grasp her softly. Just barely with the finger tips and she was offering a smile on her face. "Shhh hush now my sweet Latyuo." She said it and brought her hands around her waist to stay close and allow their cheeks to be close. "If only you could see yourself as I do, Beautiful eyes, hair black and tipped with red...." She said it working to give small kisses. "Green skin and...." She brought her hand up holding the mechanical one kissing the knuckles. "Every inch of you beautifully perfect."

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