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Private Talking Tech w/Junko

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Junko was really interested in giving me something that would make me happy. I couldn’t believe how incredibly sweet that was. Most at hearing that I enjoyed working on my ship would have just started upgrading it, she wanted to know more. And then had suggestions. “I played with the fabricator a little bit. Jubei showed it to me. I was surprised all that it could do. I definitely would like one of those. So many possibilities.” The other thing mentioned was hardlight. “I’ve heard of hardlight, but not sure exactly how it is used. I’d like to see more of it.”

Junko then mentioned the interface. I had been using that to try to get as much catalog information I could before this trip. I didn’t think to test just how much this little thing could do. “Perhaps we should just do minor upgrades to the Deviant,” I said with a smile. “You know engines, hyperdrive, cargo. I’m sure all that will mean a power upgrade. That way we can serve the Commonwealth as best as possible.”

I gave a hum and activated the interface and an image of a traditional Mirial dwelling appeared before her. “Maybe we take all my wants into personalizing a home. Near you hopefully, but a little private. You know in case I ever settle down and have a family. I’d like something that reminds me of home, but has all the Atrisian bells and whistles.” She looked over the image towards Junko. “You wanting late night calls from me Princess? I wouldn’t mind being entertained by a dance now and then.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Listenign to it, to her plans brought some interest to Junko.. the design well could go a long way. "I think a cute little private home would be doable. We can set it up... maybe on your own island off of the main... closest to the palace. Just imagine being able to go out and see... clear skies and oceans. Your own private beach with sand wrapping around, fruit trees. Would be a little place you could invite Sota to visit maybe." She said it with a smile on her face and a wink but her palace had a string of smaller islands around it and then there were the larger ones that had the other towns and cities. Still JUnko was more then happy. "And I wouldn't mind dancing for you, A god way to celebrate a job well done."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I closed my eyes and imagined while Junko spoke. A smile formed on my face as I pictured the small home, enough for me and a small family. A couple visitors in a pinch. The oasis of a personal island on the outside and the luxury of customized high tech living on the inside. It was a dream that I’d allowed myself to have only a few times in my life. And surprisingly it all seemed possible now.

My eyes popped open and a blush formed on my cheeks when Junko mentioned Sota. He was a nice man, very attractive. And we seemed to get along well. “Has Lord Sota expressed interest in visiting with me?” I asked like a gushing teenager. “I mean. Why would you suggest that I meet with someone else? You’ve been so flirty. Don’t you ever get jealous?”

I gave a shy laugh when she expressed being amiable to dancing for me. “Do you have a special celebration dance?” I asked with a sly smile. “What if I’m just having a bad day. Is there a cheer up Latty dance in your repertoire as well?”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Jealous of Sota... hmm maybe but not in the way that Latyuo might think. "Jealous... oh maybe if it was just you and me Latyuo. If we were exclusive then maybe but we are not and if I am not ready to make you my one and only... a princess and possibly later empress of Atrisia." Junko said it going over near her and wrapping her arms around. "If I am not willing to do that then why would I be jealous if my childhood friend who is a wonderful person shows some interest. I don't know if you'll marry him, he does have a lot and his palace in the mountains in surrounded by Tsura who fawn over him for protecting them."

She shrugged though and Latyuo seemed to enjoy the sound of her own home, her own island and dancing videos. "Well perhaps I shall come up with a cheer up Latty dance, lots of tenderness and careful movement as opposed to dancing for Supisy which is going to involve thrusting and bouncing." She said it with a smile and wasn't opposed to changing it up... there would always be a chance for changes. "For the islands we even have specializerd netting and shielding designed to keep away large predators so the waters are safe and able to be filled with hundreds of fish."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Even though I knew that Sota and Junko had been involved before, and I guess Junko and I were sort of involved in some way now, I was not surprised by her statement. Though I still think that even though you don’t expect fidelity from someone, it doesn't mean you can’t be jealous of other people's attention that person got. But it was also true that even if she was jealous, it didn’t make a whole lot of sense to make it known since she wasn’t aiming at settling down at the moment. “Oh you’re already trying to pawn me off on someone then?” I asked with a giggle. “Lord Sota because he is a good man, who would be good with me? Or maybe you hope a good childhood friend wouldn’t mind sharing me once in a while?” I gave a playful wink. Somehow without Supisy around to point out I was acting strangely I was a bit more open with Junko.

I leaned into Junko’s embrace by instinct. She was so warm and inviting, and I enjoyed being close to her no matter what the reason. “For cheering me up I would agree it would be a much different dance than one that Supisy would get,” I said laying my head on her shoulder. “But for a celebration dance, I don’t mind a little thrusting and bouncing.”

I gave a smile when she explained that if I were to get my own island it would be secure and the waters full of fish should I want that. “You give too much Princess. And I haven’t even fulfilled the first contract you brought us in for. When I follow through on Eisei and we figure out what has gone on, then we’ll talk private island.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"Perhaps." She said it in regards to Sota, there was a lot with him and well she didn't know if Latyuo and him would be more then flirts... he could certainly charm anyone at court. "And as you wish... after Eisei we can discuss and find you an island. Or just a room in the palace to relax. Never know." She said it with a grin on her face. Junko looked out at the waters and the city. "But for now at least we can eat some food, then head back whenever you wish to. There is something that should be a surprise enough for you and the hyperdrive has more surprises then just being fast." Her smirk was important to foreshadow but offering a hand and her arm.

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I gave a little bit of a smirk at the vagueness of Junko’s answer regarding my question about Sota. My mind wandered to what it might be like to be shared by them during a night of pleasure. I knew that Junko was quite exhilarating already. And Sota was kind and attractive and the two of them together, wow comes to mind for certain. Even if I spent some time watching them play with each other.

“I am not greedy Princess,” I said with a gentle smile. “With Supisy and I becoming more of a fixture in the transport businesses of the Commonwealth I think living on the Deviant shouldn’t be necessary. Any place will be appreciated. And I assure you that we will work for everything we are given.”

I followed Junko’s eyes out into the seas of Mon Cala and the city nearby. “Food would be nice. I usually enjoy seafood. I suppose that is just food on Mon Cala.” I took her offered hand to follow her into the city and enjoy a good meal as I processed her comment about surprises. “I have learned my lesson about doubting your surprises’ impact. No bet this time. You want another kiss you’ll need to buy me a good drink.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

A smirk was on her face at that. "Well then only the finest I guess is going to be for you." WIth a smile on her face she was leading the way through it and the cities on the planet that were seen were wonderful... sleek and smooth metal with clean pristine storefronts. She was going to one of the areas that ushered them in. The smells of different food that was there and tanks of different creatures that they could pick out for themselves. "Welcome back Princess Junko, It has been sometime we thought you might not come back with all of the unrest." Junko nodded and she stood there for a moment. "Yes the sith and Bryn have been trying but we have a chance to come back here at least." Her grin was there though and she pointed. "Pick out which ones you want to eat and I'll get us the table."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I couldn’t help but continue to be amazed at how many people recognized Junko right away. I knew that she was royalty, but to be able to pick out a specific human one had not seen in some time meant she made an impression. As she spoke to the restaurant host and made her way in to find a seat and me here to find our meal. I couldn’t help but think some of the crawling little crabs on the bottom of the tanks were too cute to eat. But that was a bit ridiculous. Luckily some of the things swimming in the cases were just downright ugly. I pointed to a couple hoping that they would not disappoint Junko and then found her sitting at a table.

“I’m not really sure what I chose,” I admitted with a blush. “Mon Cala words that I didn’t understand. I would like to order some crab puffs. I hear they are great from here. But I couldn’t bring myself to pick out one of the live ones to eat.” I smiled as I took a seat. “People know you all over the galaxy. But you have been at home more these days. Do you miss getting out and adventuring?”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Junko had found a table and Latyuo had chosen the food, joining her soon enough as she remarked about how much Junko had explored and gotten around. "Sometimes, after Mythos and the one sith attavcked Atrisia many of us fled to protect and scatter potential leadership. My father stayed with the resistance, my brother was transported to our chiss allies, my mother went to of all places Zeltros whom we were trading with and apparently for the time aided their investigators... Me I was sent to a far off colony in this region of space so a lot of these worlds I was able to visit. The silver jedi being out here also helped as I was part of their order and could do all of my duties as needed."

She said it with a smile and while it was sad she had met hundreds of people who were out in the far regions well away from Atrisia. "I do miss going out and adventuring getting into ruins, training padawans and working weith some of the jedi but now I train others and adventure on Atrisia. My duties haven't diminished they have just been refocused somewhere else." She said it and ordering in her mind what she wanted as the waitor came up. "We will get the crabs that were picked out, some of the smaller cakess, one of those platters made for two and hmmm I want one of the specials. Tell Nebica that his princess is here if he isn't already aware."

She got a nod and they were heading off as she spoke. "When I was with the silver jedi in this region I spent a lot of time with the admiral who was from here.. He showed me around and introduced me to many of the people to know on his homeworld. I introduced him to many forms of Atrisian cuisine and technologies that could benefit and help Mon Cala technologies. It is how we developed such strong shielding for our ships."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I listened to the short history of how her family was spread out during the time of Mythos. They were spread throughout the galaxy it seemed and she ended up in the Outer Rim with the Silver Jedi. That was not so much of a surprise. I knew much more about the Jedi aligned with the Galactic Alliance, so hearing she was with the other major group made sense. Sometimes I forget that she is a Jedi. She didn’t seem to use the Force in my presence, and her personality was different than I expected. But maybe that was just from stories. Not like I spent a bunch of time smuggling for Jedi before.

I gave a smile when she expressed that she was content with her current duties despite missing old times some. “You do seem to keep quite busy,” I responded with a smile when the waiter appeared and Junko ordered the crab cakes I had requested. She also name-dropped to the waiter. I had to smile wondering if my work with the Commonwealth might make it so that my name would mean something.

“Diplomacy at work,” I said with a smile. “And as a result you got to meet the people who make the best food and drink on the planet. I know the goal of a smuggler is to avoid confrontation, but I would welcome a bit of an upgrade to defenses. We’re legit now right? Part of caravans maybe. Not always having to sneak in and out of places.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"Yes you have the chance to be legit but I don't do caravans of ships... easier target and can be tempting. THey usually have to stay together or have specific areas where they leave and arrive. Can do all of the prep work in the galaxy, have all of the plans and back up plans but if where you are going to be is known it goes out the window." She said it offered a grin though as she was busy... she was working hard on some things that they were doing. "We have been trying to build up a Community within the Commonwealth... after we finish terraforming the system we'll expand to the worlds and upgrade the networks that we use. Slowly but if we can aid out neighbors more then we already do it will bring them back and we'll be able to support them."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

The plans hit my ears and my eyes shined with admiration for Junko, but also for the whole Commonwealth. And to think this was something that I was going to be part of now. It seemed like the defensive upgrades to our ship would be a luxury if planning was as good and they continued to act as a solitary ship in their transportation jobs.

“That sounds like a wonderful plan Princess,” I said with a nod and a smile. “I hope that the trust you have shown in my plays out and I am able to help you to help more people.” I looked around the restaurant wondering what other surprises might be coming. “So you have eaten here many times than I assume. What is their specialty? I hope that I chose a good meal.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"I think you will do more then fine." There was a smile and she looked at her about the food. "What you ordered is good, the specials are great but there is something to be said about getting the more flavorful as well." A smile on her face while the food arrived and she slipped her hand to the fork while getting the knife. "Plus when it comes to food all is good.... I will not lie that I only buy what sounds good to me rather then what might be the most expensive. Sometimes you just want a good plate of hot food." She said it with a smile though taking a bite. "Plus you got to pick out your food here and that is always soemthing to point towards taste."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

“I appreciate your confidence Princess,” I admitted with a blinking smile. “I promise to work hard and do my best. Sounds like that isn’t what I normally do maybe, but I truly mean it. I plan to go the extra mile and prove your confidence is well placed. I already owe you for what you’ve done for me and Supisy. We’re going to pay back every bit of kindness.”

I had to sigh in relief when Junko said the creature for lack of a better term that I chose for our meal was a good choice. I just didn’t want anything that was cute and figured they probably wouldn’t have put it in the tank if they weren’t confident they would be able to prepare it to someone’s taste. I hoped that my own palette would match up well with Junko’s. Her statement that sometimes you just wanted some hot food. “Well luckily I’m usually a try new things type of girl. So we’ll see what happens. I am looking forward to the crabcakes though. Did you order us drinks to go with this meal? Mon Cala is not famous for any drink that I’m aware of.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"There ar enot many famous ones but they are good." She said it and looked at the waitor was coming. "To compliment the food princess." A nod of her head as she looked at Latyuo. "They will take orders for drinks but they are also good at picking out what will compliment the taste of the food you are ordering." She took another bite. "And don't I know you like to try new things.. I am just lucky I was one of those new things." She laughed for herself and offered her fingers. "I am glad it didn't freak you out or scare you away... I would have been worried I came on too strong." She shrugged though and smirked a little using the fork to get a bite. "Plus it is quite nice to have some private time even in the middle of a resturant in a city."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

My knowledge of alcohol was not exactly universal, but Junko confirmed my statement about nothing being typically Mon Cal when it came to drinks. I had no doubt that good drinks could be had, but if they had a signature drink I wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity to experience it. “That is good practice. Better to let someone with knowledge make the choice to avoid a terrible pairing.” Truth was I didn’t know the first thing about pairing. Usually my eating and alcohol consumption were done at different times.

I blushed a lot when she brought up being one of the new things that I had tried. “New things with you were several fold. I was quite nervous. I hope that I was not too awkward. Perhaps the drink made me more natural.” I too grabbed for my fork and knife and started to eat the meal that was put before us. “You were not too forward at all. It was what I needed to get over my own neurosis to do what I wanted and have a good time.” I made a sound indicating that I was enjoying the food. “There are indeed more ways to spend time together than just business. I have enjoyed this little trip. Hope it isn’t going to be ending soon.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"I have no plans for it to end anytime soon." She said it with an almost sinister glee to her voice... oh the plans that she had and things that could be shown. SHe knew what to do and more then that well they had a clear schedule to do it which would be the most important. "We will just have to see how much you plan on drinking after I show you some of the larger wonders of Sasori and Atrisian technologies... that is before you get to see we helped fund a dyson sphere on the edge of the galaxy housing dozens of worlds." She let it slip but The Ancilla was well lesser known and governments didn't have stake in the areas of dark space.

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Mon Cala
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

A smile formed on my face as Junko offered her assurance that their day was nowhere near ended. I wasn’t sure why I was so drawn to Junko, as a friend and more. I wasn’t the only one though so I should be glad if I’m going to choose to be with a girl at least I have good taste in that. Her grin had me a little worried, but the princess had never done anything to put me in jeopardy and she had never made me do anything I didn’t want to.

“Why Princess are you trying to get me drunk?” I asked with a wink when she brought up the wonders that she was going to show and how she thought we should celebrate those surprises. “I’m going to probably regret saying this, but if you want to make that happen I suggest having a case of Menkooro whiskey handy. Once I take a shot I don’t seem to be able to stop. That story that Supisy tells about dancing on the table. That was Menkooro’s fault for sure.”

A dyson sphere was a theory that I was familiar with, but had no idea there was one in the works. “If you show me a working dyson sphere…” I stopped before I made a promise that I would have to pay up on later. “I would be very impressed.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

A laarge grin on her face. "Well technically the anshin where you docked your ship is a dyson sphere, a spherical megastructure in space enclosing a celestial body." She said it and well it was with it closing using the shielding system but they had one made that enclosed an entire section of space and used the stars within to fuel massive forges. "But I will note the alcohol needed to get you dancing on a table..... the palace has more dais for different ranks but I'll find a place for it." She took another bite and inwardly chuckled at Latyuo not making another wager about being impressed... oh there were so many other things she might be able to impress her with. "I'll just have to step up my game on the wonders, maybe wager making you something like a new speeder or. "She took a moment and looked at the mechanical arm. "If you wanted we could apply some of our biot tech. Would be biomechanical and able to upgrade itself like the rhion."

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