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Private Tango For Two

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
She could feel it in the air, or at least in her sensor pack, that her target was near by. The tingling in her skin under the Beskar shell was an indication of that, as well as the near ringing in her ears. There was a jedi, and she would be upon them shortly. Tightening the seal on her suit, and feeling the cycled air blast against her face, a twisted smile formed under her helmet. Yes, she was going to enjoy this little exchange, after all, it had been far too long since she had a decent fight.​
Exiting the hunk of scrap that was her freighter, she ignored the side glances she drew from the dock workers, and various other folk around. She had a mission, and intention, and nothing was going to get in the way of that. Igniting her jetboots, she launched herself up to a rusted out conning tower, and proceed along the room, dropping down onto the roofs below, tracking the all too familiar sense of her jedi prey. Hand tightening, she squeezed at the grip of her pistol, trying not to get too over eager, after the last time she got stranded on a backwater for a month. This time it would be different. That she was certain of​


As she dismounted the Shadow, she surveyed up and down the docks. The workers seemed unfazed at her presence at first, as was usually the case. To the naked eye she was a muscular and pretty woman, not too unusual in the grand scheme of things, but as she dismounted the docking ramp, twin sabers rattling on her right while her blaster sat comfortably in its holster on her left, the workers paid attention. She doubted Jedi and sith were rarities to them, but still, it was both exhilarating and worrying to watch their attention snatch as she strode past, towering over most humans, on par with many other species. Sporting her wry grin she let the docking ramp of the shadow retract as she walked away, looking for the first bar she could find.

No doubt there was a hive of drunks to poach information from because she would not let this damnable planet be without merit. She came for information and she'd leave with it. Luckily, it didn't take long to find the first sign of a drink. Near the edge of the bay, across from a set of towers and emptied out husks of shops. Perhaps it could have been a nice view if the place wasn't a cesspit. Instead, she shook her head and slunk into the bar, finding a motley mix of what was likely the local gang of ruffians, dockworkers, and a few obvious out-of-towners... though she supposed she fit the bill perfectly in that regard.

Finding a nice and comfortably stale window seat, she slid into its booth and eased in, unclipping her sabers from her belt and placing them on the table with a click, magnetizing them to the tabletop.

With a wave, one of the barkeepers, a pudgy human male came over bottle of water in hand. He deposited before her and cocked a thin brow to her blaster.

"Never get your kind in here... suppose you're lookin' for somethin'?" He grunted through a thick gravel-chewing voice.

"Can't speak for others like me. Very few of them, but you're right on the second part... it's whatever's the best you've got on your shelf," With a smile she turned to face him, though with only one eye, it didn't make her view of him any better. He seemed to enjoy the comment though and with a chuckle made his way back to the bar. While she sat and waited, a nagging tug itched at her mind, one she struggled to explain, but was most certainly a result of the force. Like a nagging anxiety, it demanded her attention and just as anxiety acted, she struggled to figure out what it wanted.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
It took a moment of prowling, but she felt she found the jedi in question; tall woman, pretty, built strong. Shame she felt driven to kill this one, if only she could be turned; not impossible, yes?​
Her lips curled into a smile at the thought, but she pushed it back down into her warped mind. She was lucky the woman brought her sabers, Tatiana's skills of sensing weren't that advanced, trying to find just one jedi was difficult; so much easier when they had the extra power of their sabers on them.​
Prowling along the roof, Tatiana grabbed onto a rusted balcony, and worked her way down to the ground below, ignoring the gasps and mutterings of the various types around her. The only thing on her mind was that jedi, and she proceeded forward, finally letting go of her grip on the blaster, and turning her gaze forward towards where the tremor in the force was.​
It seemed to be leading her to one of the smaller bars, the one closest to the docks, and Tatiana emitted a low drawn out sigh. She couldn't engage here, not without risking her weapons blowing the docks sky high; much as she enjoyed a little mayhem, she didn't need the entire planet putting a bounty out on her. Have to lure the jedi away from here, then engage.​
Moving into the bar, she wasn't ignorant of the hush that fell over the room, though she paid it little mind, as she was already searching for the tall and built out jedi. It didn't take long to find her. Slowly moving towards the woman's table, Tatiana tilted her head to the side, and reached up with her hands, as she removed her helmet, letting a sea of red hair tumble down to her shoulders. "Mind if I join you?" She said coolly, managing an almost genuine smile.​
More than one way to skin a Wookie, but you can only skin that Wookie once. Her father had told her, so she was intent on making this count. After all, just jumping to attempted murder got boring time and again.​


"Not in the slightest," Saffron replied, her soothing voice a natural extension of her force attunement. She struggled sometimes to turn it on or off, but it gave her a nigh lyrical twist to her tone when she was relaxed. Despite the fully-armoured woman before her, she was just that, relaxed. Though part of her wished she had been found in a manner other than halfway through a plate of... well it was something that she imagined involved fruit and the meat of... something. Surprisingly tasty all things considered.

"Fresh of the ship? Or local?" She pressed on, chewing through what seemed like a drumstick of the unfortunate creature that had once been her meal. It was strange for someone to approach her out of the blue like the woman did, but she supposed this wasn't the first time another female hunter, warrior or the like sat down by her rather than alone or by the other patrons of a bar, far far easier to avoid unwanted attention that way, or rather avoid advances. Not that the men seemed intent on approaching the massive woman.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
She had an in now at least, setting her helmet on the table, as she took the seat, keeping her eyes on the jedi. The jedi seemed relaxed, perhaps ignorant of the danger that Tatiana represented, though she declined to grow angry over the idea of it. Eyeing the woman with a hint of amusement, she took her helmet, and gingerly placed it in her lap, studying what she was eating. "Something like that, bit of a roaming sort. I'm a hunter, in case you were wondering. I like to go for rather...risky scores. Enjoy the thrill." She nodded, waving over a server and placing an order for a Telosian Ale. "What brings you to this little corner of space? Woman of your....caliber, think you'd do well in the fighting pits on Delon." She winced at the memory of having been bested by some canine type woman, and the embarrassment of that encounter she'd rather not dwell on.​
"I have a bad habit of being drawn to dangerous people, dangerous things. As I mentioned before, thrill chaser." She said calmly, leaning back, hands coming together. "And you, seem very dangerous." She added, glancing at the oncoming server with her drink, which she all to happily took in stride. It was hard to get a read on this one, but she felt that her usual method of close quarters combat would be a bad idea. What to do....what to do...​


Perhaps indeed she was a mote too relaxed, but dammit she was on the closest thing to a holiday she normally found herself with, she was going to stay as relaxed as she could

"Never quite had the stomach for the fighting pits," she said wistfully, of course leaving out the reason. Her training was as akin to the fighting pits as it got. She needn't force herself to remember her master at all times, she already spent most of her day grinding away at her memories, trying to figure out anything about him that mattered.

Taking a cue from the woman, she raised her hand to the server, beckoning forth another bottle,
"I find myself here looking for a moment's respite, and information. No bounty for me to collect today."

"But you're a hunter? Is anything good about these parts? Would have thought the chance of the entire planet running you down for it would be a bit too dangerous for solos."
Having had her fill with such misadventures, she was more than ready to sail happily past such adventures these days, though she couldn't help but feel something was somewhat off about this woman. Was she too friendly? Or too on edge? Perhaps both. But was that worth worrying over? That seemed to be the way of hunters, and one as well-kitted as the woman no doubt was quite a veteran at the trade.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
Tatiana smiled at the woman, nodding slowly. "Not everyone does. I managed to do okay, grew up with it really, so, can't break a habit." Her brow twitched at the various memories of being trained, being beaten and overwhelmed by whatever creatures her Sith masters thought she needed to be exposed to.​
Seemed her stranger wasn't looking for bounties, so much for that idea, but still the more you know about a target the easier it was to take them down. Shrugging, she took her glass and drank from it, grinning just a tad. "Nothing worth your time here. Mostly killing parasites on old freighters, and dealing with a few wild animals that get loose during customs. Nothing really suitable, but the hardware that comes through here is worth while." She stated, flexing her arm, as a vibro-knife shot out of her elbow. "Nothing fancy, just practical." She said softly, flexing arm again as the blade retracted. "If you're looking for info, Bothawui is a good place. But the price is steep." She took another drink from her glass, and frowned.​
This wasn't going to be as easy as she thought.​


Perhaps a force users intuition, or perhaps a result of being hounded for much of her youth by her old master's goons, Saffron wasn't one to simply cave to the chance of reward. Nor was she one to take bait, even if she wasn't quite sure it was. Tales of small game and scraps didn't entice her, bigger fish were her cup of tea, the type that took time or raw skill to take down, rarely did she take on Jedi or sith, that was something she needed to build herself up to each time, and they were rare targets. Mandolorians, she would hunt those however, their armour was worth far more than any old saber.

"Fine gear you have," Saffron commented, eyeing the retractable blade. In truth, the key to her heart was a nice weapon, and though the armour had sparked interest at first, the blade hiked that intrigue back up. "But such a fine inventory seems out of place on such a low-game planet... if you want, you can tell me all about it while you tell me about this Bothawui." Saffron mused, bottle already drained and a hefty stick of credits in hand.

"Nothing is without price of course."

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
Eyes narrowed on the woman, watching her eyes study her, before giving her little statement. Perhaps she had failed in explaining herself to the other woman, and as such, Tatiana nodded slowly. "As I said, I'm hunting something rather important to me." She stated, eyes remaining locked on the jedi. "This is Mandalorian armor, worn by my family. It's seen many battles, and will see many more..." She eyed the credits the woman had in hand, raising an eyebrow as if she was pondering if she was being bribed.​
She had to think not, tilting her head, and dismissing the notion. "Bothawui is a spy hub, Bothans can't help but mouth off. Good place for intel, especially on others." She stated, downing what was left of her glass, she glanced back to Saff. "I find it hard to believe someone like you merely comes here for information. There is hardly anything on this world for one to speak of. Walking around with those cylinders on your hips is often asking for trouble in some parts..." She started, leaning back in her chair, keeping her gaze on Saff. She'd doubt she'd get anything from the woman about that, though she kept her eyes on woman's belt.​


With a frown, Saffron leaned back, "I do suppose i missed that. But Bothawui, there a chance you know of a location on-world? If anyone has the information i seek, it'd be a Bothan."

Sizing up the woman before her, she figured out what was bugging her. The woman had come up to her, the pretenses of a friendly drink on her mind, and now Saff was being grilled about her intentions on-world. Something here was up, and she wasn't quite certain what it was. Nor was she quite able to elucidate any greater meaning from her immediate thoughts.

She certainly wasn't one of his agents. They didn't bother asking questions. Saff was hard to miss and easier to identify, so they got right to trying to kill her. This woman was sizing her up, of that she was certain. She also was confident the woman would give her nothing if she didn't give a little first.

"I am here merely for information, or rather, i'm in the region for information. Trust me, if i cared about how these..." she started, picking up one of the ornately carved sabers, "make me a target, I'd probably be wearing a fancy set of robes too, might as well fit the picture. So I'm just here for info. If I cannot find any, then I'll be on my way to the next backwater cesspit I can find, where some criminal ring has heard about what I want."

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
She felt the guise of a friendly drink starting to erode, but that was to be expected. She probably should have just gone in for the kill, but, it was just too temping to not try another avenue. Well, perhaps she had one method of which to use here. "Tell you what, I'll tell you all about what you're looking for on one condition." Tatiana set her helmet onto her head, clasping her helmet into place, her sea of red hair being trapped within as the vacuum seal deployed.​
Seeing the sabers being messed with, she figured that this little game was at end, as was her patience. She wanted to fight damn it. "Make this worth my while, and info is all yours." Tatiana rose, kicking the table towards the jedi, deploying her leg darts in the process; ideally injuring a leg, and making her next step a bit easier to pull off. Raising her left wrist, she attempted to launch her whipcord, hoping to restrain the jedi before she could use her bulk in any threatening matter.​
Several patrons gasped and attempted to move back within the building as Tatiana instigated the fight; unfortunately for her, flamethrowers were not an option here and now. She tensed her right arm, vibro-knife deploying in the process.​
She wasn't expecting an easy fight by any means.​


Was the attack a surprise? Yes. was it unexpected? Not particularly.

THe guise of a friendly passerby had dropped, and Saffron wasn't one to take a foe lightly. In a blink, the second saber shot into her free hand and she pulled her legs up. The table clattered against the base of her seat and seeing more coming, she ducked low, letting the top of the table tank the darts. The biggest problem, however, was the cord, only so many things could be dealt with by sheer physicality, and the whipcord was a damn close shave if she hadn't raised a hand, sending a blast of force back at it. If a half-second later she might have been caught, but instead the wire snapped to the side.

"So you're telling me this wasn't simply a social meeting?" Saffron asked, flipping to her feet atop the seat, sabers igniting with a harsh, pulsating hum, their deep purple glow illuminating the dull grey of the bar.

With that, the patrons who at first gasped in surprise, now bolted for the door, the owner shirking away into the back room. Saffron didn't know who this woman really was, but she didn't meet the mark of her usual tails.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
Her dart attack failed, but she had a bit of hope for her whipcord launcher; only to find it throw to the side. Huffing, she decoupled it, letting the line fire across the floor, vibro dagger deployed in her elbow as she readied a combat stance. "It's unfortunate really. You're my type." She said softly, watching the woman's blades weary, Tatiana's face tightened behind her beskar.​
She was at a disadvantage in this case, but she wasn't about to just cut tail and run. "Like I said, amuse me for a bit, and I'll let you in on what you're asking for." She started, before her jet-boots started, thrusting Tatiana forward, her left arm moved to intercept the raised saber, trying to knock it aside off her beskar plating, the right arm moving to drive her forearm into the woman's throat, and driving the blade in her elbow into the jedi's shoulder. Ideally if she could just halt one of the damn blades, then perhaps this could go her way. But that remained to be seen, given the height difference between the two, she was having to rely entirely on the momentum of her jetboots to get her into position.​


Perhaps the woman thought her a fool, perhaps she was what Saffron thought she was, or perhaps she was just something else entirely. It doesn't quite matter, she supposed, pushing down with the force and launching herself back over her seat, onto the next booth's table. With a smile she twirled her two blades, and then jumped down, dodging past the woman's jet-sent blades and limbs.

She was going for the throat, in a figurative sense at least,
"If all you wanted was a good time, that i can provide in droves."

Perhaps it was unjust of Saffron to not return the favour. Thus, with a wide grin, her stance dropped, and her blades flared to the side, preceding her surprisingly fast surge back in. Blades surged in a violent string of slashes, aiming to test the woman's armour and reflexes rather than maim or kill. She needed an idea of the woman's level before the fight really got underway.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
She dropped off her jetboots, missing her target, but carried forth via her momentum. She tucked, rolled and avoided the slashes that rained down behind her. Rolling and rising, Tatiana gave herself another boost off her boots, left arm rising, right fist bracing behind it as she brought the armored elbow into Saff's saber, as her right hand followed, aiming to strike her in the chest, her right knee flying up to strike at the woman's sides. "Oh, I couldn't tell, I pegged you for the shy type!" She bellowed, a ripple in the Force followed, as that armor was indeed Beskar, and when Saff's saber struck the armor, she'd be able to tell.​
By now the cantina was nearly abondoned, with several folks outside watching in awe as Mandalorian and jedi tussled, trading blows and tumbling about, trying in vain to gain an edge. For Tatiana however, she struggled of so badly in the urge of wanting to use her flame weapons, but held off; that would do nothing but make the situation even worse for her.​


With an ear-to-ear grin, Saffron let her saber bounce off the Beskar, as it deflected, she simply shut off the blade and hooked it back onto her belt. In the same motion, she shoved her still-lit saber across her chest, cracking aside her foe's armoured arm with the blade and using the shift in momentum to slide around her knee. With a grin, she tossed her saber to her right hand and exhaled slowly, sheathing herself in the force.

The woman was sure to keep her blows raining in hard and fast, she liked it close as much as any other. So, why not give her that? With a splayed hand, she threw a wall of force across the bar at her foe, aiming to destabilise her. THen, she closed back in, using her saber less as a duelist's blade but more as a club, to break apart her guard while she aimed to grab the woman by the scruff of her neck.

"Shy? Hardly. I just like to have my moment of queit."

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
Tatiana had a few skills in her life to call upon, but very few of those skills related to the force. Being parried once more, she leveled to try and deploy another volley of her leg darts towards the woman, and caught a force shove that knocked her a step back. Staggered, she let out a grunt as her arm was knocked aside, her rockets not going exactly where she had planned.​
Her head was still spinning as she found herself grabbed by the neck, her left arm blade deployed, and a sharp pain burning through her right elbow from where the saber had managed to brush against her heat tempered sealant. Taking a moment, she ignited her boots once more, intending to use the thrust to drive her knees into her for, hoping to at least break the hold she was currently in.​


The downside to a good gloat, was the number of openings it left. She intended to finish this quickly or to analyse, but the moment got to her head and her grip had been broken with a rocket-propelled knee. Normally, she didn't image the woman had the strength to break her grip, but that armour of hers was certainly useful for evening the size difference. So, with a grunt, and a wince she was pushed back, a small ache forming in her gut, where the armoured knee had connected. Though all it had done was force her back a step. Giving the bursts of the melee another pause as she lowered her stance once more, keeping her saber out to her side.

Instead of surging forth again, she changed tactic and started creeping to the right, beginning to circle the Mandalorian, aiming to move so that the glass of the bar was behind her foe and her back was to the bar.

"You think fast, but aren't used to the force. You're certainly not one of his." She said in a near whisper, smiling all the while.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
Managing to break free, the Mandalorian’s chest heaved up and down as she steadied herself, catching her breath. This was indeed a nice warm up, though as she was watching the Jedi circle her, she was growing irritated by the manner in which this fight was playing out.​
She had no real counter to the Force, not really. Most of the weapons she had to deal with Force users were used up, but the words of the Jedi were grating to her. “You don’t even know who I am.” She growled angerly, moving towards her belt and drawing her dagger, a spurting of fire erupting and wrapping over the blade. Keeping herself with the Jedi, one rule of a warrior’s training was to stay aware of the environment, and the jedi’s mention of usage of the Force seemed like a red flag to her. Crouching now, blade in her hand, Tatiana intended to keep herself low, and attempt another rocket guided lunge towards the Jedi; she couldn’t do this forever, even her boots ran out of fuel eventually.​


Like a moth to a flame, her taunts drew the Mandalorian in. Upon seeing the woman's reaction to the force, she shifted from her... usual tactic. She could overpower the smaller woman in close combat, it wasn't impossible, but she had a quick wit, and her armour provided too many covers against her sabers. So she shifted her tactics. If she couldn't simply blitz through her defense, she'd chip it away until she was facing a much more malleable and agreeable foe. She had even made it much easier to face her with her response, she needn't deal with an anchored foe, instead she brought up the energy of the force within her, letting it pool as much as she could in a small moment before throwing it out, hurling both hands forth and slamming the force against the jetting foe. It wasn't strong enough to completely stunt her trajectory, but what it did well enough, was shatter the glass of the windows behind her. Opening the floor to the excess of nature beyond them.

"I know enough. You're not one of his."

With another breath and a moment extra, she reeled it all back in, catchinmg the sea of glass in a net of the force and throwing it all back, like a swarm of a thousand small projectiles. No doubt they would do nothing to her foe's armour, but perhaps enough punishment could break through the gaps where her saber was unable.

While she pulled though, she threw herself back, flipping over the bar as the glass, while mostly aimed at her opponent, was not a perfectly accurate projectile. And soon much of it would scatter against the walls.

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