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Private Tango For Two

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
Her attack was thrown off by the Force, her boots cutting off as she stumbled back. Frustrated, Tatiana felt this was going to result in a stalemate. This woman had her beat in size and strength, the only real equalizer was her armor, and even that was starting to be proven moot. Before she could react, she was peppered with glass that shattered against her armor and under-suit. With all the insulation and weaving she had invested into it, the glass was more an annoyance than anything, but the oncoming projectiles did distract her for a moment. Raising her arm towards the woman, feeling she had little else to work with now, Tatiana emitted a burst of fire from her wrist, as the huntress swept it back and forth along the bar, rather taken with her desire to not lose.​
Various bottles exploded at the heat, an inferno erupting from the Mandalorian's armor, it seemed this bar was going to be getting hot, and quick.​
She had no idea who this 'he' was, but Tatiana had a sneaking suspecion that it might be her father. Now she needed this woman alive to see if that might be the case.​


Nothing about the glass failing to do any real damage surprised her, but the fire was unique. She'd seen more than enough Mandalorians using it before, but it was her first time being bathed in flames. It required a fast response, because even if the flames wouldn't reach her curled behind the bar as she was, the heat was intoxicatingly harsh. Her head grew light after a few moments and she knew quite quickly that she couldn't sit there for long. To test the waters, she gathered her strength and held her palms up, pushing against the torrent with the force. Not enough to scatter anything, not that she thought one could do that, but enough to direct the fire further away.

Flinching with each bursting bottle, she felt the heat weakening around her, even from such a minor reprieve, and as the temperature dropped, she ignited her saber once more, stabbing it through the back wall, into one of the back rooms, carving a hole out large enough to pull herself through.

This Mando was becoming more interesting by the moment. Probing taunts ignited her fury and the fight seemed to draw her further in, like a self-fullfilling prophecy, she just kept coming.

How to use it, She pondered as she slipped through the hole, into a kitchen, now devoid of staff.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
She shouldn't have been surprised by the jedi hiding behind the Force again, though as she swept back and forth with her flame thrower, watching everything burn before her, she saw the woman cut through the back of the structure, allowing herself to escape into the kitchen; not if Tatiana could help it. "GET BACK HERE!" She bellowed over the crackling flames, as she kicked through the burning wooden structure, her suit long since designed to withstand the heat. As the flames began to grow around her and the bar, she moved on ahead, drawing her blaster pistol finally, as she moved into the kitchen, being mindful of the situation at hand, as she brought her flame thrower up to bare.​
She had to keep one thing in mind though, she wasn't wanting to kill the woman. She had her uses after all. Rage started to billow within the woman, as she had to know what this jedi might know.​
If there was even a chance she knew her father, she needed to take it.​


On her feet much earlier than the rampaging hunter's arrival, Saffron made sure to let the faucets through the kitchen flow. Their gentle bubbling filling the sinks around them as the hunter closed in - she was loving this.

"Who ever said i was going somewhere?" She chuckled, taking her second saber from her belt and igniting both blades again, holding them evenly out to her side, letting their molten edge carve into the cabinets around her with a groaning hiss. Looking her foe up and down, it seemed apparent that Saffron wasn't the only one looking for something, or being followed by it. She recognised the anger and the desperation in her foe, it was one she had fallen to a dozen times.

"Just know, that all i came for was information..." She began, straightening her back and breathing in deep, opening herself to the force with her exhale. Breathing in again, the various pots, pans and utensils hanging from hooks and lining the walls rattled ominously. WIth a third breath, the faucets closed off. Finally, she raised her lightsabers. One of the blades stopped at her midriff, aimed horizontally out and the other rested calmly over head. Deflect and slash, she reminded herself, letting her training back into her mind.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
Standing apart from the woman, Tatiana took in the surroundings, seeing all manner of devices that could be weaponized against her. How frustrating. If nothing else, there was a part of her that was enjoying this fight. There was a tense moment that hung in the air, as Tatiana could see in armament, she was in a bit of a bind. She acted however, raising her blaster pistol, firing at the jedi's legs, as she let loose another torrent of fire towards Saff, aiming to drive her into a corner.​
As much as she hated to admit it, Tatiana was running out of weapons to use against the jedi. She didn't know how much longer this fight could really go on for, not in her current state. "Then keep fighting, you might just get it!" She shouted, as she began her rather desperate offensive. She tried to think of any other weapons she could still deploy, but none of them would assist her in this fashion. She scowled to herself, promising that if she survived this conflict, she was going to upgrade her suit's armory once again.​


A glint of anticipation flickered across Saffron's face. She wasn't quite prepared for everything, but there were enough things in the room to weaponize against her assailant, and with a slash, deflecting the blaster bolt into a cabinet, she pulled back, but in turn she reached out, for anything liquid in the room. Like a small mote of dust in the corner of her eye, she felt the water in the sinks and she heaved at it, pulling it out of the half dozen sinks and drains and dousing herself, the room and the fire in a blanket of liquid.

It might only have doused the torrent of fire for a few moments, but it was enough. Wreathed in water now, Saffron leaped across the room, one saber in front of her to split the flames slightly, the water to ease the heat around her and a final layer of protection in the form of a sheat of the force, wrapped over her, or more like a pane of it before her torso and wrapped around her blade. It would be enough to dull the burn, but she was far from free of the singing heat nicking her uncovered arms as she stepped close, where her sabers sliced out, knocking against her outstretched arm, slashing her flamethrower aside.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
Her blaster rang out, fire spraying from her wrist, as she intended to push the Jedi back. Sadly that didn’t seem to be the end result, as the breaking of sinks and funnel of water towards her fire attack created an wave of steam, her weapon overheating and cutting off, leaving Tatiana wide open as the knight fell upon her.​
She swore to herself, trying to pull back when the saber struck at her flame thrower, cutting the line, and igniting the pack on her back. She had a moment of recognition as a ‘hiss’ filled the air, the red head in the process of falling backwards to withdraw from the advancing knight, when a fireball erupted behind her, the extended fuel pack she carried ruptured, consuming her in a blinding flash, and perhaps the Jedi as well, as various bits of the kitchen were turned into shrapnel.​


It was the best she could do to throw a slab of metal up, the sheat having been carved off from a cabinet as she idled not long before. The heaved her body against it, bracing as best she could against the blast. Saffron suspected that her opponent's armour would blunt much of the blast, but as the fireball overcame the woman and room, a flush of worry overtook her. She wanted answers from her assailant, and if she were dead it wouldn't matter much, so she let herself be one with the moment, melding into the force and sensing for the woman who had just assaulted her. At first this was a rather dangerous sparring match in her eyes, but now she was annoyed enough to want to capture her foe, if at least to get a brief bit of information from her.

As the blast cleared, she dropped the metal, hoping to find a survivor or to feel her trying to bolt.

Don't think of bailing on me now.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
Perhaps to the astonishment of the Jedi, or perhaps not, the Mandalorian was still alive. Her suit was breached, parts of her burnt and bleeding skin showed through breached sections of her under suit. Laying in her back, flame pocketed all about her, Tatiana wasn’t in great shape. Gasping inside her helmet, smoke billowed out as her vacuum seal had be compromised, trapping her in an effective smoking chamber as she struggled with a badly damaged hand to pry her glowing hot helmet off, sputtering and struggle to breath, a plume of smoke flowing from her helmet as she did so.​
Her helmet hit with a dull thud, the warrior herself too badly hurt from the explosion to put much more of an effort forth to fight. Her red armor was almost entirely blackened from the results of the explosion. Frankly, she should have died, but her suit had been tailored to play to her pyromaniac traits. Still as she laid there, pained and struggling to breath, there was no more fight to her eyes. Something more akin to a freighters animal now, distant and fixated on the dying fires, seemingly not at all focused on the active threat of a Jedi standing before her.​


"Oh... oh you poor thing," She said softly, looking over the badly burnt woman. She supposed this was what she deserved, but Saffron wasn't a Sith, her morals guided her attunement to the force rather than her creed. Thus, she looked over the woman with a moment of consternation. Knowing it was something she would regret, she walked over to Tatiana and despite how the helmet's metal singed her fingers, she slowly worked out how to unclasp the helmet, freeing her of the suffocation of the interior.

"Let's see what I can do for you." Saffron continued as she hooked her sabers on her hip and grabbed one of the woman's arms. With a heave, she hoisted the woman up and over her shoulder, helmet still in hand. The metal of the suit was still hot, but not enough to cause real damage as she brought her opponent with her back across the docking platforms to the Harbinger's Shadow. Her ship wasn't well-equipped for everything, but it had enough medical equipment and space to think that bad burns were possible to deal with. Thus she brought Tatiana aboard, placing her on a covered table and with a firm nod she took her saber from her belt.

"This will hurt." The burns came second to the cuts, and the best cauterising tool she had was her finest weapon. Igniting her saber, she quickly dipped it against each cut with one hand while using the rest of her weight and her other arm to press her opponent down, onto the table as she scorched away the wounds.

From there, the burns were easy enough to deal with. Some bacta, some gauze and the force were all she needed. And once she had that sorted, she would need some cuffs.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
Tatiana was in a bit of shock. She seemed a bit lost, as within her own mind she battled with phantoms of the past. No longer a hardened Mandalorian warrior, she found herself a young teenage girl, clad in armor that hardly fit her, and throwing herself into seemingly never ending mass of Sith droids. She wasn't in the kitchen, after math of her skirmish, she was on Mandalore as it burned, the flickers of fires burning at what was left of her long dead clan members from another life.​
She didn't snap out of it until she felt herself being taken, snapping to violently at first, before the pain brought her to heel. Hissing through clenched teeth, she shot Saff a scowl, before realizing it was futile. She had lost, the woman now held her helmet, and Tatiana had nothing she could do about the situation; no matter how furious she got, she had lost.​
When she was set on the table, she hissed in pain, the burns and cuts from the battle stung, but what brought a hint of fear from within her was when Saff went for her saber. Her eyes locked with Saff, teeth clenched as she awaited what was to come. She had been conditioned to torture from a young age, but the idea of having a saber brought so close to her was enough to make most people sweat.​
As Saff began her work, Tatiana hissed in pain, clenching her body, doing her best to not jump at the agony of her skin being sheared by the jet of plasma; doing so would nearly be a death sentence. When it was done, she clung to consciousness, her body throbbing nerve of various burns, stings, and sores. She steadied her breath, palms resting against the table, as she spoke. "Why?"
She didn't understand why she was still alive, but regardless, unless Saff stopped her, Tatiana began to remove the bits of her blast speckled armor. Saff might have noticed that the fire in this woman's eyes was gone. She had no fight left in her right now. The pain of Mandalore had snuffed that out.​


Saffron was no torturer, as much as she had once been trained to be, she did not care for trying it. So she allowed the woman to pick apart her battered armour, far be it from her to let the woman escape her battered suit.

"Why?" She replied quickly, letting the word mull over for a second, "because i see no need for death where life serves. You're hotheaded, but can think clearly enough in a fight to not be a fool, and if i didn't have the force on my side, you'd have me. But, I was on my game today, I was able to break through your guard. I won, should i kill everyone i beat in the future? Should each game of Sabat end in bloodshed?" She continued, ignoring the need for cuffs and simply pulling herself up in the corner of the hold, hitting the button for the docking ramp to raise.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
She kept her eyes on the woman, head slowly turning to the side as if she just didn't understand what she was saying. It honestly went against everything she understood. "It should if you are both looking for the same prize." She said softly, wincing as her injuries stung at her, each movement of her arms and legs rewarding her a series of pains. Feeling a shift in the floor, she had to assume she was a captive, and given the state of affairs, she felt it. Yet, there seemed to be no torture in her future. It was so very different from what she had known before.​
"Where I come from, if you do not kill those who challenge you, they kill you when you are weakened." She said calmly, though she herself did not mean it as a threat. "I will not do such a thing however, Mandalorian honor dictates I owe you a debt." She kept her eyes on Saff, setting her battered breastplate on the table, frowning as she realized she had no other clothes past the damaged under armor she wore. That would require a bit of improvisation on her part. "So, what do you intend to do with me now?" She asked, turning back to face the woman, wincing as she crossed her arms.​


"Loathe as i am to admit it, I'm a jedi, killing people for sport, fun or otherwise doesn't suit me. Killing to defend myself or others or for a good damn reason does, and you've not yet given me one." She finished with a huff, dropping down onto a hanging rack that served well enough in height to be a seat. In truth she didn't know what she was to do with the woman. She had no intention of keeping her, nor killing her.

There was only one real option left as a result,
"consider this your debt cashed in. Why are you after me?" She asked, folding her arms under her chest and leaning into the wall. She might have been trained into a killer, but it didn't mean she was going to be one at a whim. The way she beat her master was by denying him the satisfaction of making her into something he wanted. She would be her own person. Yet it still left her with more than enough concerns regarding her new friend.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
If her face lacked a hint of amusement before, it was entirely devoid of humor now as Saff spoke of Jedi things. She felt insulted now by her words, that the Jedi hadn’t considered her enough of a threat to be killed? Well that was just degrading. Her shoulders dropped slightly, shaking her head in disgust. She should have just taken ritual suicide when she had the chance.​
“That’s not how that works.” She corrected at the mention of her debt. No one really understood how Mando honor worked. Sometimes not even other Mandalorians. “I felt your presence, and I’m trained to eliminate said presence. That’s what I do.” She said as if that would explain everything. “That Force stuff your people have, it bothers me, it messes with my head okay? Only way it goes away, is if I leave, or kill them. There’s never another way to make it stop.” She hated to admit it, but being near force users had become something of an issue as of late.​

"Whether it is how it works., or isn't. That is all i will ever cash it in for. I'm not interested in killing you, nor am i well-acquainted enough with your condition to treat you, but if we're both alive, then that's the best outcome i could be hoping for here," Saffron concluded, dusting off her hands as she hopped down from the bench before walking back over to the woman.

"Now, you're not sent by my old master, this i know. But if there was something from me you wanted to know, ask now and have at an answer." She spoke calmly and softly, avoiding patronization, but likely edging close to it with her softer tone.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
“You can’t cash it in like this-“ She stopped, realizing this woman wasn’t going to listen to her. Sighing, she waved it off. “So I’m not a captive?” She asked, wincing at the surge of pain in her arm.​
“Your old master, who is he?” She asked, wondering if they might have had a similar enemy, and if so, she might overlook the whole ‘jedi-ness’ of this woman. “The man who trained me, I’ve been trying to kill him for years now. But I can’t find him. Maybe we hunt the same man.” It was a long shot, but possible.​

Saff considered the woman for a moment. She might have been the same type of student as her once, but it seemed highly improbable, but more important to her quarry, it didn't do her any good to reveal the identity of the man - hard to do so when you didn't know the name.

"I'd love to share, but I'm afraid we have the same issue. I know neither name nor the location of the man i seek. Makes tracking him remarkably impossible you see." She mused, the bruise beneath her ribs starting to form in the most irritating spot. Perhaps there was some semblance of fate between their situations. Two apprentices seeking their masters, perhaps they were the same foe, or perhaps they weren't. It was beyond her for the moment.

Tango For Two
Location: Volik, Loading Docks
Tags: Saff Saff
Her eyes lingered at the tall woman, seeing that they both appeared at an impasse. Tatiana knew of her own power in the force, though it had been left to rot and decay on its own, her only real service was to be that of a warrior and killer of other force users, never to control that power on her own. Though she had to wonder what hardships this woman had endured, and if they mirrored her own. “Did he twist you into what he desired, rather than what you wanted to be?” She asked, her posture seeming to relax. She brushed the side of her head, injuries to her arm and shoulder caused her to wince for a moment.​
“He did something to me. In my head, as a child. It hurts sometimes when I try and think about it. I was only made to destroy what he wanted me to, but then he left, and now I just….” She trailed off eyes sinking to the floor, as she seemed to lose herself for a moment. “If I don’t kill, the voices come back to me. It’s what lead me here. He hurts me when I ignore it. I’ve tried.” She stammered, shaking her head at having to admit her own condition, but she truthfully just needed to share with someone. She looked to Saff, waiting for something to come from that, but she hadn’t a clue what.​

She would have been a liar if she said she hadn't been twisted in her youth. Oh she had, but she hardly had spent her time as a saint of her own volition. No, perhaps an example would do some good for the woman.

"He made me into what I am. Whether that is something i would have become on my own, or without him, i do not know. More than likely, i would have found myself in a more respectable school for force users. Not that it's hard to do that compared to him." She spoke with a constant exasperation, as if the memories tired her more than they hurt. But the example no doubt would sell the story better than her words.

"Give me a moment," she said, walking from the hold for a moment into one of her rooms, a small workshop for her sabers and firearms. On the wall a delicately carved wood and metal saber hung. SHe plucked the weapon from its stand and carried the weapon - as long as her forearm - back out to the hold. Once there, she ignited the top saber, letting the crimson blade burst forth.

"This belonged to my friend. I do not recall her face, but i remember she smiled when i killed her. Just as i remember nothing of my master's face, but i remember his terrible smile."

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