• Name: Tao Liu Xian
• Race/Species: Atrisian Human
• Age: Youngling
• Gender: Male
• Height: 140 cm
• Weight: 32 kg
• Hair Color: Black
• Eye Color: Brown
• Build: Acrobat/Gymnast
• Place of Birth: Jar'Kai, Atrisia
• Affiliation: The First Order; Atrisian Commonwealth
• Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
• Force Sensitive: Yes
• Force User Rank: Disciple of Ren
• Play By: Lin Quinan
• Theme: No More Heroes
[ + ] Child Mage (Speed Blitzhttp://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force_speed).
[ + ] Cute Bruiser (The Dragon).
[ + ] Cheerful Child (Beware the Nice Ones).
[+/-] Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World.
[+/-] My Master, Right or Wrong (A Hero to His Hometown).
[ - ] Berserk Button (Alliance-in-Exile).
[ - ] You Must Be This Tall To Ride This Ride.
[ - ] Just A Kid (Fragile Speedster).
A human "tweenage" youngling, Tao had a mass of jet black hair that was of shoulder length, falling no lower than his shoulder blades. The shape of his eyes marked him as Atrisian or Epicanthix, while his irises were a dark amber color typical of Atrisians. He tended to wear dark colors, predominantly black, with crimson or white accents.
• Lightsaber
• Corellia Digital Go! mobile comlink
• Corellia Digital HoloBoy Advanced (EndorMon Go!)
• Corellia Digital HoloStation Switch
Tao was just a wee child when the Galactic Alliance arrived to depose Emperor [member="Mythos"] and the rule of the One Sith from Atrisia. The resulting chaos ended in the deaths of 6 billion Atrisians, including his parents and extended family. The Imperial City of Atrisia was razed to the ground, leaving Tao with only older brother. Taken in by Imperial supporters, fleeing Atrisia in the aftermath of the cataclysmic battle to avoid possible imprisonment by the Alliance, the surviving band of orphans found asylum on Dosuum and, for a brief period of time, their lives seemed to find some semblance of normalcy. Tao and his brother, Io, remained together in the care of the Imperial families that had found refuge inside of the First Order.
Then Io joined the First Order Stormtrooper Corps, as a way to stand up against the tyranny and chaos of the Alliance. Tao, who idolized his brother, watched as he donned the white armor and deployed away to safeguard what remained of their family.
He fought at Varonat and never returned.
That was the first time that Tao was discovered to be Force Sensitive, finding solace in hatred. Respite in rage. Taken to mourn by the elusive Knights of Ren, now Tao works and trains for his own chance to strike back against the chaos and disorder that tore their family apart.
No Player Characters killed (yet).
No Player Characters collected for a bounty.