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Public Tatooine Talks

Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Draco, for some odd reason or another, seemed to have a sort of attraction to desert planets… crashing on Jakku, making said crash site her home, aiding marketplaces and doing charitable work on Outer Rim desert planets… and now here, on Tatooine, wanting to learn about the culture of the planet and visiting one of the many settlements on its surface to interact with the people, and what better way than in a cantina?

She strolled in wearing a black cloak over her standard White House Io armor, easily being able to do this due to the skin tight nature of the armor, and the cloak being baggy as hell.

The draconian woman made sure to keep her tail close to her as she looked around the room with amber eyes, and settled them on a lone woman, Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa . She’d walk up to her and sit across from the woman

“Can I get you anything?”

She’d ask, taking a friendly tone and smile, offering something for some small talk, of course Jade could refuse the offer, and send Draco on her way
Jade had arrived on the planet, she had to look for some potential parts that might help her restore her mother's ship, seeing that she had not been visited by her adoptive mother in quite a while. She had recently gotten into contact with her master and had obtained a way to get around. Surely it would be wise for the young padawan to observe different areas.. for the first time.. in her life.. the young lady had slowly stepped into a Cantina and looked around. Of course, there were some shady-looking eyes watching the young female. After noticing the bar, the girl had walked up to the bar before sitting down at a table near the bar.

The young girl was soon approached by someone that seemed friendly enough, of course, the young girl had nodded towards them for a moment taking a moment to glance at them. The young padawan was sitting away from the Draco. She had long dark brown hair and a light-skinned young lady with a slight facial scar but nothing major. She had given off the presence of being connected with the force. Her eyes were emerald green and matched her appearance perfectly.

"Hmm, Well if you have anything cold like water. I would like to buy some.. or well multiple of them.." She had mentioned towards her for a second, before taking a very deep breath and rubbing her head as she smiled lightly, then proceeded to yawn as she had a long journey from her home and wished to get some information where she could buy parts without being ripped off.

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
“Cold water… I don’t think this cantina has that, but I do have access to that aboard my ship, so I could get some for you.”

Draco did sense that Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa was force sensitive, and even Jedi too, so she let her guard down to see the girl’s reaction when she found out the one offering her aid was Sith, she had no intentions of harming her

“I’ll have someone bring it here, no charge, if you can tell me a little about yourself. Who are you?”
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"Well, I am a silver jedi concord member. I am a padawan in training. I am certainly no sith." She had mentioned towards her for a second, the girl seemed rather focused on the girl for a moment as she took another deep breath, since she learned how to control her breathing. her eyes had scanned over the draco for a moment.

"I have never met a sith before. as far as I can tell. I've meet a few mando's before, and few other force sensitive around my age or in between the area's." She had mentioned softly before rubbing her head. Than turning her attention on the girl once more. "I would like some water yes, I can also pay for it."

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
“What is the Silver Jedi concord? If you’re a padawan, where is your master? Aren’t you supposed to be basically tied at the hip and inseparable?”

The questions Draco would ask are most likely payment enough, and probably annoying to answer in such a tired state. After asking her questions, she tapped away on a pad to have cold water delivered to her

Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa
"Not exactly, my master is tending to other stuff. I was sent to explore different worlds.. I've been to Naboo.. lived on Kashyaskk. However, I've come here to look for something honestly. I am searching for someone who might be a mechanic. I am trying to repair an old ship and get it going." She said softly towards her before rubbing her head and giggling softly.

"Apologizes, I tend to be alone. Not many friends... one friend I had.. disappeared and maybe she wasn't a friend at all.. " She sighed softly looking towards her for a second. Then took a moment to remove a few credits from her small bag. She didn't carry everything on her since she wasn't physically strong at all.

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Draco took pity on the Jedi in front of her. To Draco, it looked like Jade’s master didn’t care about her and her life in the Jedi was full of neglect due to her apparent lack of physical prowess, actually quite the opposite of Draco’s muscular build and very tall figure, she was applying Sith ideology of “You’re nothing without power” quite heavily, even though the Jedi did no such thing… at least they shouldn’t. Draco pat Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa on the back reassuringly as she spoke

“Well, you’re lucky to have run into me, I could work on your ship and get it fixed up, or I can just take it to the nearest space port to actually get repaired. As for the credits, keep them. I’m much more interested in you and your past, as well as what you already know about the force… I’m not exactly too well versed in the differences between light and dark, so I’d like you to teach me, tell me what you know, and that’ll be sufficient payment”
"Mm.. well all I really know currently right now, is being able to pull stuff and push things away. I am also able to hide away from other force users but not so well. I can lift things that are normally heavy but its little on the still learning path for me. I do not exactly know any lightsaber forms as of yet. I can sense out other force users. Like yourself. I have other skills. I know how to do several things that revolved around blasters, rifles. Explosives and such. but very little. My adoptive mother had taught me a few things. I am slowly advancing through my years. " She had mentioned towards her smiling and looking towards her.

"Well, I could teach you a few things but it likely won't be very much. You look like you could use a friend?" She had said smiling towards her and extending her hand before saying it towards her.

"Well my name is Jademar Eurisa. A pleasure to meet you."

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Friends are nice! And hearing that Jade hadn’t really progressed all that far into the light side of the force was sadly a little disappointing for Draco… she furrowed her brow slightly at the thought of how someone in their right mind would send Jade out into the world alone when she clearly needs training or supervision

“My name is Draco Miles, the pleasure all mine, Jademar”

Draco said, returning the smile and gladly shaking her hand before continuing the conversation

“I’m… going to be completely honest with you Jade, I think your master is trying to get you killed. I mean they literally sent you out into the Galaxy in a broken down ship with no real way to defend yourself. What would you do against Pirates? Or an actual skilled Force Sensitive? Jeez, they seem like a worse teacher than me…”

Reminded her of any Pokémon game. Like seriously they basically send 10 year olds out to die! And they expect them to conquer god and topple underground organizations! Damn shame, and the temptation to just take Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa to train her herself was strong… but kidnapping is wrong, and the padawan chose her path of the light side, something Draco was trying to learn herself…

“I’ll gladly be your friend though, so that you won’t be in any danger”
Jade had looked up at her for a second, before rubbing her head then glancing at the girl seeing that she was talking about josh in such a manner, the young girl had sighed before speaking towards her with a brief pause in her tone for a moment, taking the second to think about her choice of words before proceeding to talk to her with a light smile.

"Well, My master and I didn't start training too long ago... Despite what you had said.. he's actually a really nice person. He was one of the select few that actually came to Kashyyyk that found me, however after founding me. "You see, I kinda suffer from some episodes on a normal basis.. I have a few select days that my mind isn't all a jumbled mess. I lost my mother at a very young age and my father. I only heard stories off... after she passed away. I had lived with the wookies around me and developed more of a life in my home. I enjoy exploring and being able to see new places. Being up against something that might be challenging.. isn't what bothers me... I plan to actually make a lightsaber sooner or later cause I would need to have his help cause I have no clue what exactly I need to do. I have met a lot of people as of late. You also seem nice." She said softly towards her before hearing her mention about her ship.

"I would actually like that, it would potentially help me get her ship back into space.. the problem is. If we are gonna do this. we are going to need to reinforce some things and get it done. that way we can get the baby flying. cause as it stands right now the ship is not capable of flight without a lot of repairs needed." She had mentioned towards her with a light smile.

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
“Well unless she needs full thruster replacement and spot welding for rust, we should be fine… while I don’t have anything for rust, if there is any holes I have a solution for that.”

Draco was glad to be helping the padawan, though her story sounded like she had willingly undertook this task, asked to be alone for some odd reason.. to build a lightsaber? What did she need, a kyber crystal? Draco could assist in this as well.

“You can meet a lot of people, but not all of them will help you… can you tell me about Kashyyyk and the Wookies? I’ve always wanted to see those lush forests for myself… but we should get moving. I’ll have the cold water just get delivered to your ship. I feel too many eyes on us.”

Draco got up off of the barstool and held out her hand to help Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa get off of her’s. From what Jademar may have heard about the Sith, Draco seemed to be the exact opposite of a power hungry, dark side driven, kill on site woman… she was actually kind and helpful to those she had met.
"Well, you see it was the ship my mother owned and it had crashed on Kaskyyyk many years ago. I assume there are a few holes here and there, along with some damage to the engine. It might even have some rust you know? I am not quite sure about the thrusters. I have yet to check that section of the ship. My adoptive mother Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla was helping me repair the ship. but we didn't get very far. She had to go take care of other things." She had mentioned towards the girl before lightly rubbing her head.

"Hmm what can I exactly tell you about Kashyyyk. Well for one the wookies there live in mass tribes and such, there are endless trees that stretch far above the ground. Not only that there are giant birds on the planet that are extremely rare. I am likely the only one to be able to see them without causing them harm. They don't normally let others get close to them. I.. kinda made a friend out of one of them.. she has her own nest and my home is fairly a good distance away from the village I was raised in by the wookies. They respect strength but also can be very friendly and depending on the person... Aggressive towards them. They helped me train in self-defense as I grow up. My mom was friends with a Wookie and technically she ended up being my aunt after my mom had passed away... It's still hard to think about that she died.. when I was younger.."

The girl had thought about several things that had come across her mind as she breathed in slowly taking a deep breath and slowly taking a deep breath before grabbing the girl's hand.. before pulling herself upwards.. of course, Draco had dwarfed her in size..

"Heh.. looks like your taller than me haha, and I would actually like to meet more people if possible. Maybe who knows what we will run into. I actually like getting myself into trouble from time to time."

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
6’11” towered over Most people, even some wookies honestly. She heard Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa explain her early life with the wookies and her family, smiling warmly at the thought of her having a good life so far. A stark contrast to her own childhood of basically being a child soldier and a slave. She thought about how kind the girl was and figured her meeting Draco’s apprentices wouldn’t be so bad! Dawn would probably love her, and Bohatei was a sweetheart, he’ll make friends with Jade gladly…. Then again she was a Jedi… would she rat Draco out and have her hunted?

“That’s good to hear… is the ship on Kashyyyk then? I do have some people you can meet later, but right now would probably be a little much, since all I really know are Sith. Jedi are… well, not all too friendly, at least the ones I’ve met, didn’t even say hello before hating me… if the ship is on Kashyyyk actually… how did you get here? Do you need me to give you a ride back?”

Draco asked all these questions as she stepped out into the busy street outside of the cantina, still lightly holding onto the Girl’s hand, but if Jade got uncomfortable she could easily pull her hand back. Though with how busy it was, and even easier to get kidnapped, it’s best to try and hold on
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"Well yes, it is on the Kashyyyk. And as to how I got here. I had a lift here by transport. I paid my way here. I thought it would be best to look at on Tatooine for someone who might be able to potentially help me. But as I think about the things that I would require. It might cost me a lot. I still have to go through basic scanning on every part of the ship. Like the bridge, cargo bay. There is a lot of repairs that I would need to do to make the inner halls suitable for a crew. Once my training is complete. I plan to form my own crew, going around and helping those that need it.. My mother stole from others and was infamous for getting away with the best she could. So I am gonna make sure that I can correct her crimes. My father was a crack shot with a sniper." She had mentioned her giggling softly.

"Mm.. if you wish. we can travel there together. Maybe this is a start of a good friendship. What do you think about that Draco? I also like your physical appearance and your personality so far." She said softly before following behind her as she was going to leave the cantina. "I asked for water because that's all I drink other eat rare fruit that comes from Kashyyyk. That reminds me I have two on me." She said softly took out a single purple-looking fruit that was a lighter pink that made it look good on the top. The fruit was pink on top and the other half was a light purple. she had pressed her nails against the fruit before splitting it in half.

"Here take this other half.. as a token of start of a friendship." She had smiled handing the other half off towards the girl hoping she would potentially accept it.

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Pirate mother and assassin father?! That’s… one hell of a combo for parents. How could two deadly people make such an adorable little thing like Jade? It’s even more heartwarming that her plan is to do charitable work throughout the Galaxy, much like House Io was planning. Even better to bring her aboard later on! If she was ok being around that much Sith, that is.

Draco blushed at the compliment to her body and her personality. She thought the cloak covered up her toned form, but then again with Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa holding her hand, the black cloak did have to part, so she could easily Draco’s her form.

Damn, she’s gonna feel bad for refusing that since she’s a carnivore… or she could do what the people who are cursed by milk do, and just eat it anyways and suffer the consequences later. She smiled happily taking the half of the fruit that was given to her and bit into it, savoring it’s taste and giving a thumbs up.

“Thank you, Jademar, it’s very delicious! Though next time do keep in mind, I am a carnivore, but I’d love to be your friend, you seem so sweet. Say, do you eat meat? I do have a cook aboard my ship that makes wonderful steaks, very juicy, very tasty too. Personally I am a fan of just water too, never got used to the taste of alcohol. As for your dream, I’d be glad to help. If your mother was indeed a pirate, fixing her ship should be no issue, since she’s probably done plenty of repairs on it herself”
Jade had breathed in a slow manner, the young girl had rubbed her head before looking at her for a second. "Do I eat meat? Well.. not so often. but I do enjoy a well-cooked meal. I am more prone to eating fruit and vegetables. however, I can eat meat on an occasion just not so often. The last time I've physically eat meat was when I caught a few creatures on kashyyyk. As for the compliments towards you. You are unique, you stand out beyond everyone here on Tatooine. That much I've noticed and dare I say it. I am pretty sure if that cloak wasn't covering you. you are a bombshell in appearance a lone. Hah" She had snickered at her for a moment, before focusing her attention on something else.

"Sorry, that's the first time I've commented on someone's else appearance. " She had nervously rubbed her head for a second before looking towards the surrounding area before smiling bright red. "Well, maybe we should travel back towards Kashyyyk?" She asked towards her staring at her more closely memorizing her appearance lightly taking a good look at the girl. Indeed she was quite unique among those that had come around the surrounding people.

"Anyways shall we head out?"

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Draco pulled the cloak down further trying to cover her beat red cheeks, the compliments obviously flustering her further as she tried to keep her more professional and friendly composure up

“Y-Yes! Yes, please, let’s go to Kashyyyk!”

Draco said with a chuckle as she picked up the pace and made it aboard her ship with thankfully no incidents. Immediately she was greeted by a Neutralizer droid, they looked scarily similar to a person with their synthetic skin, and they were carrying a small cooler of cold water

“Thank you, thank you, Albert. We’re going to be heading to Kashyyyk now though, please set the navigation for me”

Her starship was magnificent! It was rich, and looked more akin to royalty than anything, with a beautiful white interior in the loading bay that they were entering, and towards the back of it, amenities like water and other liquids were available in a wall bar as refreshments for anyone doing manual labor. Draco took off her black cloak and gave it to Albert while she took the small cooler and opened it, letting Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa finally get a good look at that ‘Bombshell’ of a woman. That beautiful toned body showing just how powerful she was with chiseled abs and defined arms with Thunder thighs. She handed Jademar a chilled glass flask of cold water

“Here, as a token of our friendship~ Welcome aboard my ship, I hope you enjoy the ride there”

She said with an inviting smile, figuring she’d accept this token of friendship since Draco took the fruit
Jade had looked towards her as she blinked a few times as she breathed in taking a very deep breath, before taking a look around the starship, it had indeed looked quite fancy. She had taken notice of the droid. This was actually the first time she had run into a droid. it didn't seem like it was capable of killing anything from her sight of view. However, the young girl has always been taught that looks can be deceiving. She had remembered an encounter in her life that she wouldn't take for granted.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Albert." She had mentioned towards the drone before lightly bowing, it didn't take long before the girl to take notice of draco looking into the cooler and her eyes had scanned over the girl for a moment admiring all features of her body. The girl didn't exactly say or compliment those parts because she and her were now friends. for now, she would nod her head and take the cold flask of water that was given to her

"Thank you, it quite wonderful to have some fresh water. So tell me more about yourself Draco. I would love to hear more about you." She said softly towards her rubbing her head lightly and sitting down or briefly waiting for a spot where she and Draco could sit in and get comfortable.

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Draco led Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa into the starship after she took the bottle, bringing her to a lounge like area with comfortable couches to lay on. When Jade asked to hear about Draco, she gladly spoke

“Well… I am a Sith, currently an apprentice, trying to learn more about the technical side of the force. In my early years my previous master used me mainly for assassinations and… companionship. My new master though I could go on for hours about her and all she’s done for me, she’s the reason I am here, with this ship, after all. Her name is Arianna Belasko, and she is the Countess of Khemost. I am practically a master when it comes to combat with the force and lightsaber combat, though as of late I’ve been wanting to step away from that… I’m tired of killing people, I want to make friends, have a family, a lover even as well…”

She sat next to Jademar as they talked, relaxing into the couch as she spoke and spilling out what she was willing to share. She’d rather not talk about her past outside of her escaping from her former master due to disgusting reasons, she didn’t really have anything good to say about the guy, nor did she even want to think about him too hard. When it came to her admitting she wanted someone to hold close at night, she said it with a stutter and a blush, finding it embarrassing to admit such a strong and powerful woman was… well, not some brute, but a softie. It seemed the exact opposite she should be, but it couldn’t be helped, it was what she desired.

“Currently with my master and our faction, House Io, we’re working on uniting the outer rim and helping those affected by the wars with the maw and all that… jazz… it’s sad what the people have gone through, and I hope our efforts do help them. Maybe some day you could join me, eh?”

Draco was glad to talk on more brighter tones of what she was doing, helping people was a much better feeling that tearing their life away from them… though her help had often also involved taking lives of those who had done wrong. Cartel men, murderers, drug and sex traffickers, so it wasn’t really too bad for her to kill them, at least how she saw it.
Jade had listened to the words that came from her, the girl had taken a deep breath trusting Draco.. taking a moment as time slowed down.. the girl had finally blushed hearing what she wanted. It was nearly exactly what she wanted than some.. she had never thought about a family, but of course, she had from time to time thought about having her own lover that could potentially keep her happy. Surely her master wouldn't exactly shun her for falling in love with someone cause as far as she knows she could meet someone that the silver Jedi concord could approve of.

"Well, there's always a chance for you to start over from scratch. I do not mind that you are a sith. I don't usually have problems with others. I have yet to meet a sith that was hostile with me. I've always met people between sith and Jedi. There were a few people I'd met before.. two being bounty hunters. Which were my adoptive mother Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla and another bounty hunter I didn't get to see very often. or at all after our first interaction and they were mando's. After a while, I came into contact with a few more people like myself than another experience through another as time went on." She had mentioned as she had sat down against the seat and turned her attention towards her newest friend.

"I do want to say thank you for helping me. Your newest master seems a little more lenient on being careful and stopping people that cause harm and kill others. even murders, thieves, and a few others. House of lo? My adoptive mother has a house name but not quite sure what she says it could be." She had said rubbing her head lightly.

Draco Miles Draco Miles

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