Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Tatooine Talks

Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
“I’m glad to help. Always good to aid others needing it, as they may come to help you in the future. I’m interested to meet your adoptive mother too, as I’ve only ever really met a bounty Hunter when I tried looking for my former master to kill him on Cloud City. They were pretty nice… though I am curious, would you like to try out what Albert can cook? I personally am rather hungry, so I could use something to eat.”

Draco could sense that Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa was blushing, and could even see it… did she have ideas involving Draco? She was interested to hear, but asking so blatantly would be embarrassing! Better to hint at it or beat around the Bush before asking directly

“What about you? Ever thought of settling down with someone? Or just helping people your whole life?”
She had glanced at Draco for a moment, before deciding to move closer towards her as she breathed in slow but calm breathing. Then exhaled from her nose and turned her attention towards Draco for a second.. "Well.. I could use anything to eat. Does matter what it is." She had said softly eying the girl for a moment smiling and giggling instantly.

"And no sadly not just never found anyone who would see me as more than a friend. I am quite sure that not many find myself to be attractive. even tho I am pretty and all just I haven't met someone to make the moves on me. I am more of the type to let them be in control but not fully." She said softly closing her eyes.

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
“That can’t be true! You’re very beautiful, I think they just were too scared to come up to you”

Draco blurted that out then immediately regretted it, staring at Jademar with wide eyes as she tried to think up of something, anything else to change the topic to

“Errr… how about some uh… bantha steak? And would you like maybe some asparagus? Or assorted fruits?”

Draco was content with just the steak, no need to eat more flora than she had today. She thought deeply on what Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa would say, her mind racing a mile a minute just like her heart. This was truly an embarrassing position to be in. Should’ve thought before she spoke
"Mmmm you know I will try some of this bantha steak and maybe some assorted fruit. However is there any dessert?" She asked softly lightly removing her shoes and moving fairly closer to the girl near flashing a silly smile

"Very beautiful?" She said softly glancing at the girl, staring more intensely at the girl for a second before responding to her compliment. "Well I* would say you just as beautiful or even more beautiful than me" She had smiled softly towards her and giggled towards her.

"I certainly say that you are fairly more attractive. but I must say thank you for the cheerful. Maybe they're not brave enough haha" She giggled softly in a cute manner.

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
“I do have some cake and ice cream, if you’d like”

Draco said, glad to have gotten off the topic so quickly and avoiding what she said all together… until Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa took off her shoes and descended upon the embarrassed dragon like a hunter having closed in on their prey~

Draco’s heart was racing, practically pounding out of her chest as Jademar spoke, and the compliments she gave stroking deeper than Draco thought her own would. She found Jade adorable though, loving how she giggled and finding herself attracted to the woman in front of her. Even then, She may as well have been a tomato with how brightly she was blushing, and stammered to get something out

“W-Well… beauty is only in the eye of the beholder, so to me, and definitely most of the Galaxy, you—… you’re more attractive than me, I mean look at that face! It’s adorable!”
"well thank you... Do you really think I am that beautiful?" She had asked blushing intensely as she took a deep breath before exhaling once more. The girl had looked at Draco. It hadn't taken her long as she still glared at the girl for a second before smiling brightly. After a short few minutes of hearing what she had said then backtracking to the options between ice cream and cake.. she licked her lips at the yummy desserts. "Mm.. how about both of them.."

Her eyes had closed for a second as she grinned at the compliment. The girl started to blush even more near the girl, her heart started to beat a bit faster as she looked at the girl after hearing the flustering compliments. "your -really think I am more attractive throughout the galaxy?" She had asked softly towards her.

However, her stomach had begun to growl as she was starting to get hungry since the food was not yet cook at all, the girl had smiled softly towards her and giggled more happily.

"Seems my stomach wants food hehehe"

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
So many thoughts racing through her head, she wondered what to do… Draco had trouble finding the words to say, and when she did, they got caught in her mouth. Butterflies found themselves in her stomach as she tried to think what next to do. This woman in front of her, Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa , had Draco wrapped around her finger! Thankfully though she snapped the drake back to reality to order the food

“r-Right, right, Albert! Could you get two Bantha steaks, a side of assorted fruits, and a chocolate cake with an ice cream scoop on top? Make it fancy too, please”

She said to her servant with a smile as her tail moved to Jade when Draco faced Albert, turning onto her side and freeing that worm that had a mind of its own! Well, it didn’t, but it might as well have one, as it moved and rested on Jade’s thigh, giving her the idea to try and pet it. Plenty of animals were sensitive in their tails, maybe Draco was too?
Her attention had focused on the incoming food and gently helped with the plates as she sat down them in front of the girl smiling then proceeding to wait for the plates to be placed down near them. The girl had carefully looked at the girl for a few moments. It hadn't taken long as she settled down for the time being. After taking the moment to close her eyes and patiently wait for the meals to be cooked. It hadn't been too long as she wondered what Bantha steak would actually taste like.

"Mm.. I just wonder what bantha steak would actually taste like. I never had very many meats before. it's going to be exciting." She had mentioned towards her, the girl had grinned to herself and smiled brightly for a moment as she drifted off into a stare looking away from Draco, it hadn't been long before she had felt something gently lay upon her thigh. Soon her eyes would drift down to take notice of the tail that had landed on her lap without thinking, she would reach her hand down.

Before gently petting her tail and smiling before glancing slightly up at Draco, wondering what her reaction might have been when she gently petted her tail, the girl had smiled softly giggling towards her waiting for the responses. Of course, maybe the girl wouldn't have anything towards being sensitive. Of course, jade was looking for any kind of response from the woman.

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
A response she certainly got, with her tail stiffening as Draco gasped slightly, finishing the order before turning to face Jade with her face still tomato red

“U-Um… do you… want to wait in my bedroom? The food is going to take 30 minutes, and I’d like to change out of this armor…”

Draco shot her shot, hoping Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa would accept. She still kept her tail on the woman’s thighs, resting it there and enjoying the feeling of her soft hands gently brushing along her smooth scales
She had glanced at the girl for a moment, before nodding her. "Mm yes, I can do that. Go ahead and change out of your armor. I am gonna use the bathroom first. Do you have one Draco?" She asked softly turning her attention towards the girl for a second. Then smiled towards her as she giggled softly even more and moved her head down during the process.

Yet she did not move at all during this question towards her, instead, she continued to pet her tail back and forth as gently as she could without missing a beat. During this process, jade would smile even more and proceed to think about several things that she had done in the past from practicing with a rifle and a blaster. This would probably be the thing she wasn't really that good with. Of course, after a few moments of thinking, she had remembered how she and another experience with two other girls that became her friends.. but the other two had rather quickly vanished on her. She hoped that wouldn't be the case with Draco.

"After I use the bathroom, I'll wait in your room. Sound like a deal?" She asked towards her with a large smile that felt warm to be around.

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Draco and Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa slipped out of Hyperspace in Kashyyk’s orbit, the two of them having spent some time bonding and ending with Draco holding Jademar close and smiling

“Alright, we’re here… though I’m pretty tired, let’s rest before we head down there, please?”

Draco said with puppy dog eyes, begging for more time with Jademar before they had to go take care of business
Jade had smiled softly towards her nodding and held her close smiling at her as she looked at the girl

"its lovely spending time with you~" She had mentioned towards her as she breathed in deeply

"You been quite nice dear"

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Draco smiled warmly and bundled up under the covers as she relaxed with Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa

“As have you, Jademar~… thank you for everything”

She began drifting back to sleep, and would do so for a couple hours if undisturbed with Jademar being used like a teddy bear. When she awoke, it was explosive, jumping out of bed and rushing to get her clothes on without a word. Pretty surprising to be honest, and it definitely woke Jademar up
Jade had smiled softly seeing that she had woken up, it didn't take long before she had realized that Draco had gotten up out of the bed rather quickly, surely it wasn't something major. She had taken a deep breath before putting her clothes on then began to exercise. She had started with push-ups, pushing it herself up as she started to breathe in than as she went back down she exhaled from her nose

"Now.. I need to prepare for something.." She had thought about the things that she would need to get through if she needed to improve "maybe it be easier for me to make the saber, after I gain a kyber crystal" She thought to herself while lifting herself up and down repeatly. she had leaned up stretching her arms and legs.

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
For Draco, lifting multiple times her weight was an easy feat, so body weight workouts didn’t exactly do it for her. That’s why she had a personal gym with all the weights she could ever need! Draco nodded at Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa and spoke

“A kyber crystal? We’ll go find one together~ I know a place.”

She was happy to take Jademar to Ilum, in fact she was already planning to take the padawan there in the first place, but the search for a kyber crystal for Jade’s lightsaber may just take prevalence due to Draco caring about her. While she did her workout, Draco went to her little gym to try and get something done as well
"Well, I suppose we could try and go look for one, but I am not sure how long it would potentially take" She had mentioned towards her, a few thoughts had currently ran through her mind as she looked at the girl. These thoughts weren't exactly towards Draco. She was thinking Ilum might be a good choice for her to get her first crystal. However it needed to be on her own, the girl would need to go through the trail that every padawan would put them through, it meant that if she could pass her trails and become more familiar with the idea of being a jedi.. the girl would need to separate herself from everyone and focus solely on that task alone.

"This might be slightly harder than I thought." She had thought to herself before saying outloud towards her.

"Well let's go and see I suppose."

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Draco nodded, kinda weirded out by the vacant stare into her soul that Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa gave while she was lost in thought… but Draco wanted to know more about the Jedi Padawan, since they were going to be together more.

“You had something on your mind, hun, what was it?”

She said as she began her own workout, focusing on abs and doing weighted crunches
Jade potentially looked at draco for a moment, thinking extremely hard on several things that did come to mind for her. She had looked at the female, pausing her work out routine that she would normally do. "Well honestly, I am going to Ilum.. but I won't allow anyone to get my way..or get hurt.. I need to find my first kyber crystal so I can push myself and make my first lightsaber. I want it to be unique." She had mentioned towards the girl smiling bright red.

"Do you potentially have any goals ya like to achieve?" She had said towards her smiling a bit

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
“Goals… I guess to see my master happy? To live my own life? Find a lover… well, already did part of that”

She smiled and hugged Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa as she thought for a moment

“though I am not sure on Ilum’s exact location… and there are others I’d like to bring along on the trip. Perhaps you can help me find it?“
"That sounds nice, I suppose.. I am not sure on any of that.. my training keeps me away from such things.. I doubt anyone would want a girl like me?" She had explained before stretching her arms for a second before sitting down and closing her eyes leaning against the wall. Rubbing her skull for a second, the woman had yawned lightly.

"It only means that I will have issues to tend to or well.. a potential lover that might have to worry about and I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me.. my training hasn't even got to the point of making one of these light sabers" She had mentioned softly.

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