Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Tatooine Talks

Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
“You… do not wish to be together?” Draco said with slight confusion, not really understanding what exactly Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa was talking about. For her training though, Draco could easily take that mantle up if need be, but if she wanted to stay with the Jedi order where attachment was forbidden, so be it
"Thats not what I mean.. I am afraid you get for being with me.." She had said softly running her hand against her cheek and pulled her close holding her close. "You mean a lot.. your the first to actually help me as things got better." She said softly giggling softly and poking her nose. "besides.. your mine, don't confuse that got it?"
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Draco smiled softly, leaning into the affection and brushing before softly kissing Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa nose. She giggled with the Jedi padawan and hugged her back while she whispered softly into Jade’s ear* “As are you mine too~ I will never confuse that, and I hope you don’t either”
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Draco moved and sat next to Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa so she could give her more of a side hug as she listened to all the Jedi padawan had to say. She wasn’t exactly keen on what exactly they couldn’t do, so she thought Jademar was just hesitant* “Oh, hun… I want you~ I won’t get hurt, promise”

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