Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tatooine to Tyhon


Destined for Greater Things
@[member="Trioc 'Quickshot'"]
The Jawa sat impatiently outside the hangar on Tatooine. His homeworld's heat didn't bother the Jawa, but the fact that he had to wait for the smuggler he had hired made him want to leave quickly. Kaka didn't like waiting, and he didn't like flying in other ships. His own ship wasn't big enough for this job, a batch of training droids for the Jedi academy on Tython. The Jawa wasn't in any way an ally of the Jedi, but if they were paying, he was willing to sell. However, most of the money he would make from the sale would go to the hired smuggler, and the translator droid he had brought along, in case the smuggler didn't speak Jawaese...

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc landed the rented YT-1300. Well, technically his small squad of droids had landed the ship, but Trioc was there so it counted right? Now, what am I supposed to be smuggling?

Trioc exited the YT-1300, searching the hangar that was the rendezvous point. The customers name was...Kyle? Kris?...It starts with a K! Trioc continued his searching as he fiddled with his red tie and saw a jawa standing next to a translator droid. That would be the customer.

Trioc approached the Jawa and the translator droid, doing a slight bow. "I assume you're the one who i'm shipping? The name's Quickshot" The man stretched out a hand to shake with the Jawa, wondering what fun the day would bring.


Destined for Greater Things
The Jawa looked up blankly at Trioc, then looked to his outstretched hand. Kaka brought out his hand from the length of his sleeve, revealing a fur-covered hand which he used to awkwardly handshake the man. He then turned to his translator droid, spoke in a flurry of odd words, which must have been Jawaese, to which the droid spoke: "My name is Kaka. The droids are in the back of this building, we must load them, get them to Tython's Jedi Academy, Yes?". As the Droid spoke, Kaka gestured to a door behind him, which was the building he said the droids were in. He then raised his hand up to a number-pad, in which he inserted a code and made the door open. "Come, come." the Droid spoke after the Jawa, as he beckoned the man into a large room full of boxes labelled simply "Training Droid" then a series of numbers corresponding to each Droid's model. There must have been atleast 5 or 6 boxes, that looked like they had four droids each in. "Big shipment, must hurry!".

@[member="Trioc 'Quickshot'"]

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
The red tied man stepped over to the building the Jawa was typing his code into and then watched as the door opened, revealing, multiple crates. Trioc let out a whistle, so, he was transporting droids, training droids apparently, maybe for some sort of military order? Meh, I won't ask questions.

Trioc stepped over to the hangar officer and asked if he could send some people to help load the ship, the hangar officer took a little bribing but a few moments later there were multiple humans and aliens moving about, taking the crates into the YT-1300. I really gotta name that thing, and meet the Jawa. "So, what's your name Jawa?" he asked casually.


Destined for Greater Things
"Kaka." Replied the Translator Droid after the Jawa had spoken. He seemed to be running around alot, pointing to certain boxes and directing the loaders to place the boxes in specific locations. Despite his apparent occupiance, the Jawa asked. "Your name, human?". But it wasn't long before he was running and pointing again, until the boxes were finally loaded onto the ship. "You do good already human, I like you.".
Kaka ran to the ship, shouting words of his language to fellow Jawa's who were working at the hangar. The translator droid had a hard time keeping up, but managed to reach the ship entrance just after the Jawa. "Come, come, I have droids to sell.".

@[member="Trioc 'Quickshot'"]

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc grinned at the Jawa and chased after him. The translator droid seemed to be speaking a gibberish as he tried to keep up. Gotta remember to try and learn Jawaese later. Trioc boarded his ship, and ran for the cockpit. "Threesy, Double, get this thing in the air and turn on the pilot!"

Trioc ran back to the Jawa, watching as the ramp slowly began to close. "By the way, you asked my name, most people call me Quickshot like I said, but, my actual name is Trioc." Trioc stepped into the ship's lounge, motioning the Jawa to it and hoping he would follow. He called out behind himself. "By the way, this stuff is legal right?"


Destined for Greater Things
"It depends where you are asking about," The droid translated. Despite the Jawa's language sounding like gibberish to the Human, it was easy to tell the Jawa wasn't too bothered about whether they were or not. "Not the most trustworthy model of droids, but not my fault if the Academy chooses bad model to buy.". Kaka had entered the lounge now, choosing a seat and jumping up to it. His gaze followed the walls of the room, as he examined it's features. "How good are you at killing, Trioc?". The translator droid had positioned itself next to the Jawa, facing the Human. The question sounded oddly casual.

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc grinned as the Jawa talked about how the model wasn't so wonderful. I understand that sentiment pal. As Trioc slid into his seat, across from the Jawa, he cringed at the next question. Well, how good are you at killing...I wouldn't say i'm good at it am I, I mean...I certainly don't pursue killing. "That's...a strange question pal, in a simple answer, I don't pursue others to kill but...when it comes down to it." Trioc frowned, looking at the ground and remembering the death of his father in vivid detail as well as the aftermath. "When it comes down to it, I can kill just like any other man."


Destined for Greater Things
The Jawa examined the man as he answered, watching him pause for thought. "Good," The translator droid seemed to perfectly mimic the Jawa's nonchalant reply. "Some people would kill for this stock, I need someone willing to kill to protect it.". Kaka kept looking at the man, seemingly eyeing up his physique, as if judging whether or not he was good enough. It was too late now either way, and this human wasn't bad. "Be on your guard.".

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc eyed the Jawa warily, he didn't know of many people who would be willing to kill for training droids but, if Kaka said it, then he might as well believe it. Maybe the droids were stolen, he'd heard of Jawas doing that before. "I'll be honest with you Kaka, i'd rather not kill, even for cargo, I haven't killed in a long while, even with all my time out 'transporting goods'. Also, I don't remember anything about people trying to kill us for this cargo, who's willing to kill for a bunch of training droids?"

Trioc took a deep breath, that had felt good to get off his chest, he blinked away memories as he spoke, his father's lifeless figure on the ground, and near it, two more figures, blaster wounds still smoking. Yes, I can kill. With that Trioc walked over to a nearby cabinet and retrieved a bottle of Corellian Ale, pouring it into two glasses and handing one to his visitor. Maybe he'll be good company, never know with people these days.



Destined for Greater Things
"Sith." The Translator Droid replied casually. "Sith also have a use for training droids, and denying them to the Jedi would be a side-bonus. But the Sith don't pay as much, so I dont sell..." The Jawa accepted the glass, taking a sip before speaking again. "Not to worry you, I doubt the Sith themselves would come get them, No... Mercenaries, maybe.". Kaka seemed very casual about the risks of all this.

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc nodded and took a sip of the Ale. Makes sense that a bunch of force sensitives would want training droids. "I doubt the Sith will try to stop us, unless they're looking for us already." Trioc stood, taking another sip and walking over to the cockpit. "Threesy, Double, anything on the scanners?" The droids let out various beeps and whoops, looked like it was all clear for now.

Trioc left the droids with the coordinates of Tyhon and then returned to the Jawa and his translator droid, he sat down, wondering what he would do if a Sith actually did attack them, probably not much he could do, he was a sitting duck in space and in a one on one fight, a blaster wouldn't help with the chokey things the Sith apparently did.

"If we get attacked by Sith i'm going to want a little extra." Trioc said with a smirk, taking another sip of his drink and kicking his feet up onto a nearby chair.



Destined for Greater Things
"I knew you wouldn't be able to defend us from a Sith, but if you use your brain, there a crate-loads of training droids programmed to wield lightsabers and fight Jedi," The Jawa tapped his head, symbolising his brain although it was out of sync from when the translator droid said it. "Set them to the highest training difficulty and a Sith won't stand a chance...". Kaka took another sip of his drink, leaning back in his seat. "Although, if we were attacked by a Sith Master, you wouldn't be alive to get any extra." He let off a funny little laugh, obviously highly amused by his remark, although it was true.
@[member="Trioc 'Quickshot'"]

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc thought about the chance of a force user against a small army of training droids and decided he liked those odds. "I suppose that would work, we should be getting ready to jump to lightspeed in a few minutes." Trioc stretched his hands behind his head, this would turn out to be an easy mission after all.

And then came the alarmed whirr of Double and Threesy, apparently, a ship was gaining on them. This is why you don't open your mind you idiot.


Destined for Greater Things
Kaka shot up from his seat, looking to the human. "Time to earn your money!" boomed the Translator Droid, while the Jawa kept looking around, as if expecting to be jump any second. He then started moving towards the cargo bay, instinctively wanting to protect his stock. "What do we do?!".

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc ran back to his personal cabin on the ship, retrieving a DL-44 blaster. He then undid a small piece of floor and retrieved a vibroblade that was probably not legal. Trioc moved to the Jawa, walking side by side with him to the cargo bay. "If it's pirates then they'll try to disable our engines and board us, we'll save them the trouble and cut our own engines." Trioc had a blatant feeling that that would sound very strange.

He ran over the thoughts on protecting his ship, and groaning slightly as he remembered that he never actually installed any real defences. And then, an idea came. "They'll be boarding us, that means an entryway that goes both ways, we can turn on some of your training droids and set them to there highest, I doubt the boarders will be expecting it, and if any get destroyed you can take it out of my paycheck."

Trioc ran to the cockpit in time to hear the hail from the other ship, it's captain had a rough voice which ordered for the ship to slow to a stop and await to be boarded, or else. The red tied man was happy to oblige and cut the engines. "Threesy, Double, watch the pilot and the cockpit. With that Trioc moved to find the Jawa.



Destined for Greater Things
@[member="Trioc 'Quickshot'"]

Kaka nodded to Trioc's suggestion of turning the training droids on. He waddled off to a crate, opening it up with his small, furry hands, to reveal four silver droids that looked to have holes where their hands should be. The Jawa approached one, reached out his hand to turn it on, but stopped.
He turned around and waited for Trioc to return. "Human, my plan... It maybe wasn't very good... These droids, they aren't programmed, so they will attack EVERYONE they see..." The Jawa shook his head, trying to rethink his plan. "Unless you can hold them off while I program a few? It'll take... a few minutes for each one..." Kaka looked to the human for his opinion. He knew it wasn't a great plan, but it was the only thing Kaka could do to be useful.

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc grimaced and nodded at the Jawa. "Then start programming, we probably have about five minutes before they board, i'll try to hold them off as long as I can." Trioc ran out of the room, heading to the ship's docking port and waiting. This is going to be fun ole pal isn't it No, it wouldn't be fun at all really, someone could get hurt, Trioc could only hope it would be the pirates and not him or his passenger.

After six minutes had passed there was a faint clicking noise from outside as the docking bay connected with the other ship, Trioc could hear men and aliens walking around inside the tube, heard the familiar click of powerpacks readying themselves. Trioc flipped over a nearby table and waited behind it, yes, this might be fun after all.



Destined for Greater Things
@[member="Trioc 'Quickshot'"]

Began programming the first droid as soon as Trioc left, inputting codes and placing commands for its targets. By the time the pirates were about to board, the first droid was ready. He activated it, turning it to the difficulty labelled "Jedi Master", and sent it to support Trioc. On it's way there, it ignited a yellow lightsaber from its arm, readying itself for a fight. Kaka wasted no time, working on another droid as fast as he could.
The activated Training Droid reached Trioc just after he flipped the table, standing there until a target presented itself...

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc nodded to the droid as it stepped over to him. Time for a party. The airlock hissed open revealing a human and a rodian, both carrying blaster rifles and growling, the human was covered in tattoos and the rodian was just plain ugly.

Trioc's instincts kicked in, he drew and fired in the span of a second, dropping the human, the rodian aimed up and fired, the blast coming close enough to sear Trioc's arm, he yelped and fired, dropping the Rodian. "First two are dealt with, but we may have more incoming!"

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