Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tatooine to Tyhon


Destined for Greater Things
The Jawa nodded. "Use the droid, it will help." Then, upon hearing Trioc's question about his stock he spoke with enthusiasm. "I sell parts for ships, droids or weapons, but I sell the last two whole aswell. Blaster pistols, rifles, the odd vibroblade. Then I can repair anything technological you repairing. Or, I can build droids. I sell alot! But, for a person like you, I'd say mainly Pistols, Rifles, Blades and... ohh, Grenades." His speaking sounded so fast that the translator wasn't finished until half a minute after he had finished speaking his own language.

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc let out a low whistle and then started laughing hysterically, he wasn't sure if it was from the alcohol, how fast the Jawa was speaking, or the mixture of both, but something was definitely hilarious. "You presume i'm a killer then, what types of droids do you have, I happen to use droids as much as I do weapons."

Learn Jawaese so you can talk so ridiculously fast as him, it is a good idea, very good really. Yes, I know, you can stop trying to convince me things brain, i'm not an idiot.


Destined for Greater Things
The Jawa's speaking had slowed down abit, but still sounded quite fast. "Droids? Well! Training droids like the ones we are selling. Various models of personal security droids. Service droids, mainly for restaurants or lazy people though... Scouting droids, small ones, like probes, who can scout out areas or do surveillance. Then, diplomatic droids and translator droids, not your thing I wouldn't think..." Kaka finally stopped, allowing the translator droid to catch up, then he looked at Trioc.

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc couldn't help but to laugh some more, the translator droid could barely keep up. "What type of personal security droids and how much, it's rough being out here in space and sometimes it would be nice to have an extra blaster." Working with Kaka was going to be a blast, no, it was going to be even better, it would be as thermal detonators were to explosives. Actually, that didn't make much sense...

Oh, look, it's mister 'I'm not an idiot brain, stop talking to me, why are you doing this.' I don't even like you...



Destined for Greater Things
The Jawa looked like he was deciding on something first. "I have... a HK model, assassin droid, they can be programmed and used very well as a companion... Would suit you well... For 3000 credits, discount for a friend, and since the droid would help in our future jobs." Kaka stood up, crossing his arms as his merchant-mind kicked in. Business was serious now.

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc nodded, HK's weren't unheard of, infact, he was fairly sure of what they could do. And the Jawa was offering it at 3000 credits. It seemed like a reasonable price, he could subtract the pay he got from this job and then he could use up the pirate credits he had taken. "I think that would be beneficial, i'll purchase the droid off of you. Just so long as it doesn't kill me." It wasn't likely, but he'd heard of droids going rogue before.

Trioc looked at his watch, it was hooked up to the ship's systems to tell him how long a trip would last. He'd finish conducting this deal and then show his guest to the spare cabin, then they could sleep til they hit Tyhon, and maybe Trioc could start learning some Jawaese.

Careful mister genius, you might hurt yourself with all that thinking.



Destined for Greater Things
Kaka nodded. "I shall have it ready for you within a few days. It's stored in a warehouse in Tatooine, and will need me to reprogram it first." The Jawa looked down at the watch. "Time for rest?" He asked.

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc nodded at the Jawa, he was worn out and quite ready for a break. Yes, I believe it is a good time for a break a nice long break, a nice long break asleep. "Yea, I might borrow your translator for a bit and then sleep, til then, the spare cabin is down the hall and to the right, first door there, should have a lock on the inside in case you want to keep your privacy."


Destined for Greater Things
Kaka nodded, waddling down the directed way to the spare cabin. The Translator didn't follow him, and instead stayed with Trioc. The Jawa pulled down his hood, locking the door and climbing on the bed. His yellow eyes closed and he drifted into a deep sleep...

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc studied with the translator for a couple of hours before heading to his own cabin and laying down. As he began to sleep, he discussed the concept of Utinni in his mind. What a noble thing to think about, I mean really.

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