Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tatooine to Tyhon


Destined for Greater Things
The Jawa let out an odd cry, he was obviously feeling rushed, and he was having trouble programming the second droid.
The activated droid moved to the dead bodies of the pirates, then looked through the door they came through, as a lone pirate rushed in, expecting his team mates to be alive. The Droid's command activated, and it sliced the pirate in two instantly.
Kaka finally programmed the second droid, sending it off to Trioc, until he heard another noise in the Cargo bay...
@[member="Trioc 'Quickshot'"]

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc let out a low whistle as the lone pirate was turned into 1/2 of a lone pirate. Why doesn't someone just get an army of these things. Actually, that was a great idea, somebody could totally get an army of these things, maybe teach them to dodge blasters and...yeah.

Trioc took a glance into the tube, firing a couple of shots down the other end to make sure it was clear, and then ordering the training droid into the tube and to the other side, if all worked well, they could scrap the pirate's ship, maybe even make more then expected. Trioc couldn't help but grin

He stepped over to a nearby wall comm-system and dialed the cargo bay's comm-system. "How's it going in there Kaka?"


Destined for Greater Things
The Training Droid ran down the tube, and the slashing of lightsaber could be heard, alongside people screaming. A second training droid came behind him, following suit.
Kaka was about to respond to the Comm system, until he realised the Translator Droid had gone missing. The Jawa edged around the corner of a crate, walking down the sides of the aisles to try and locate the droid. A creak came from behind one of the crates, and the Jawa moved around it's corner. WHACK. Kaka was met with a strike to the face, being knocked back too quickly to see his attackers. The only sound that escaped was a high-pitch "Aaaaaaaaaah".

[member="Trioc 'Quickshot'"]

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc waited for a response, listening to the training droids combating the pirates, no response came. Something is wrong, very wrong. Trioc loaded in some more ammunition and took off down the hallway, running for the cargo bay and calling out for Kaka the entire time, when he reached the cargo bay, he looked around frantically, but he didn't see the little Jawa, something was definitely wrong. Trioc pulled out his vibroblade and slowly began searching around the cargo bay.


Destined for Greater Things
The Jawa's eyes opened a few moments later and he shot upwards. "The Droids! Protect them!" He shouted in Jawaese, although no one could understand it.
The Pirate heard the Jawa, but ignored him, as he continued to stalk through the Cargo Bay, rifle raised, to find some other Smuggler the Jawa had hired. The sound of slow footsteps crept past him, a few crates across. The pirate, turned the corner, firing a shot at nothing to scare the Smuggler.
Kaka ran back to his training droids, immediately getting back to programming another one. The Smuggler could probably handle it but... What if he didn't...

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc listened as the Jawa shouted out something that he couldn't understand. And then he heard the shot. Trioc growled, they had just killed his passenger hadn't they. I hate pirates. Trioc walked towards the nearest crate, concentrating deeply, then suddenly and he was about the turn the corner something flashed in his mind.

Trioc turned the corner suddenly, the vibroblade now activated, he threw the blade several feet away, it struck the pirate right above the center of his chest, dropping him to the ground in an instant. He wasn't entirely sure how he had known he was there, but, he had. "Kaka, if you can hear me, call out!"


Destined for Greater Things
"Utinii! Utinii!" The Jawa cried, a word the smuggler might know is the Jawa's way of expressing surprise or shock, as it was widely known to be associated with his kind. Kaka stopped programming, waddling through the crates until he reached Trioc, raising his hands to show he wasn't a pirate (although the size difference gave it away), and looked down at the dead pirate. "Good Aim." He said in Jawaese, but tried to show as a Thumbs up.
From around the corner came the Translator Droid, saying all kinds of nonsense, as a few sparks were coming from its side. It was clear it had been shot and needed repair before it was operational. Kaka approached it, leading it to the lounge, while beckoning Trioc to follow. He retrieved some tools and got to work on fixing it, seemingly forgetting about the training droids.

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc grinned and ran over to the shouting Jawa. He was fairly certain they had won, and now it was time to reap the benefits, retrieving his vibroblade and taking the unfortunate pirate's credits, the red tied smuggler shouted out to the Jawa. "Remind me to learn Jawaese one of these days, have your droids start looting the pirate ship, we can take some profit off them too, and I know how Jawas are about scavenging things."

Trioc ran to the cockpit, checking on his droids and then pouring some Corellian Ale, it was a good day to be him.


Destined for Greater Things
The Jawa had fixed the Translator Droid fairly quickly, but left it on shutdown in the lounge while he followed the path the Training Droids had taken to kill the pirates. He cried out in joy as he looted their weapons, armour scraps and credits. Some money could be made from parts of these! He returned to the lounge with his rewards, followed by the two training droids who returned to their crate. Kaka reactivated the Translator Droid, then asked "How long until we reach Tython?"

[member="Trioc 'Quickshot'"]

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc watched as the Jawa looted the pirate ship, he himself gathered a few drinks from the captain's quarters as well as an E-11. Well that worked out well. Trioc went and rubbed a burn patch on his singular wound before going back to the Jawa. "We're warping now, should be there in a few hours." The ship lurched slightly as pseudomotion took over, blue light filling the cockpit and the windows of the ship.

"So, since we have nothing else to do for a while, how about we re-package those training droids and you can tell me a little about yourself?



Destined for Greater Things
The Jawa simply nodded, waddling to the cargo bay behind the training droids, and leading the Translator droid to follow him. Upon reaching the cargo bay, he herded the training droids into the crate, and started wiping their memories so the buyers could program them to their wishes. "Not much about me, I grew up on Tatooine. Was captured by evil people. Freed by Jedi." Kaka nodded, fiddling with some controls. "I guess there is more to you, smuggler?"

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc nodded, popping the cap off of one of the drinks he'd collected, he wasn't entirely sure what it was but it smelled delicious. "I grew up on Bakura, single child, odd thing there, I didn't really get along well with the culture, but most people didn't mind so much. My mother was poisoned by an envious neighbor, and i'm half-way certain my father shot her, the neighbor that is. He and I started 'transporting' goods and did some work for some nasty people. Eventually, he refused to transport a crate of poisons. The boss sent bounty hunters, they ambushed us in a cantina. Trioc paused, fighting back emotions that were still strong at the thought of his father's death, even after all these years. "They...they killed him, and I...killed them. And that's my story." Trioc looked down, gulping down a large glass of the drink and slowly shaking his head. "It was such a waste."



Destined for Greater Things
"But, necessary." Kaka said as he finished clearing the first droid. He moved onto the second, playing around with its controls again. "I would have done the same." The Jawa nodded, noticing a scratch on the droid which he swiftly got to removing, he couldn't sell a scratched droid to someone! "No reason to regret, or be sad. You did the right thing." The emotion would seem unclear coming from the translator droid, but somehow it was clear that the Jawa meant what he said.

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc shook his head, the drink slowly starting to take effect, apparently it was stronger then he had thought. "The whole thing was a waste, the boss could have just found someone else to take the job, instead he lost out on a great man and two heartless scum to do his bidding." Trioc smirked at the Jawa, shaking his head. "Hated bounty hunters ever since." Trioc stood and walked over to the Jawa, starting to look over the second droid, searching for scratches or marks. Yes, be angry at the hunters, they killed your father. "How are the droids?"


Destined for Greater Things
The Jawa looked over the droids after sorting out the scratch. "All good, cleaned and memory wiped." Kaka tried to think of something to lighten the mood. "Good as new, as you humans would say." He smiled, but it wasn't visible under his hood.

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc looked at the Jawa carefully, he was very humorous really, and Trioc realized he'd be happy to do business with him in the future. "Good, wouldn't want them to have gotten damaged, especially since it takes away from my paycheck." Trioc grinned, showing that he wasn't that greedy. "So tell me Kaka, what sort of business are you running?" And more importantly, how many transportation trips would you like to pay for...


Destined for Greater Things
Kaka could tell where this was going, so he played along slightly. "Anything in demand, I buy and sell on straight away for more. For example, droids." The Jawa pointed to the droids, now closing the crate on them. "Of course, always long distance, which means I need to hire people like you everytime, it becomes tiring finding someone of your skill everytime." He smirked, turning his back to check his repairs on the translator droid. "If only I had someone on call for everytime I needed a smuggler."

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Glad to see you caught on too. Trioc thought about what it would be like to work for the Jawa, maybe things wouldn't be so Feast or Starve all the time, and the Jawa was certainly paying well. "I think I could assist you in that." Trioc reached into his pocket for a datachip, which contained his contact. "Just call whenever you need something shipped and i'll be there."

Yes, this trip had gone well indeed, though he couldn't shake the slightly odd feeling he was getting from the drink, so he put it down.



Destined for Greater Things
Kaka nodded, taking the datachip then waddling back to the lounge, with the translator droid behind him. "I'll hire you, you come whenever available. One condition, you eventually learn Jawaese." He saw this as a reasonable condition, as if he spent less on a translator droid, then he could pay Trioc more. The Jawa sat down on one of the lounge chairs, playing with what seemed to be a screwdriver.

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc nodded to the conditions, and came to the same reasoning about the translator droid. "Sounds good, maybe I can spend a few hours with your translator here and start picking up the basics?" After all, if he was going to be working for the Jawa, then he might as well start now. Maybe you should try to buy some stuff off of him too, ya never know! Trioc thought for a moment, why did his own mind try to convince him of things? Maybe he was a little crazy, but usually the disembodied voice of consciousness was right.

"Tell me Kaka, what sort of things do you sell that I might be interested in?"

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