Makashi[member="Jorryn Fordyce"]
The few acolytes in this marque, the overseer listened to them all recite the code. As the last of them finished, he gestured they sat down. As they sat down, he rose on to his feet, and walked in front of them. He was slender man, dressed in robes, he was not however sith. Like all overseers, he failed become sith, but did he was strong enough to teach. He was stronger than acolytes, but weaker than the ones who advance beyond this point.
Makashi, is the most graceful of lightsaber forms. So I wonder why you chose it, as I doubt any of you are graceful.
His last remark was almost snorted out.
This form is designed to help you duel other force users, something you may do very little of, after your first encounter.
He was implied they would die, if they faced a Jedi.
Though one of you may be worthy of training, though I doubt that very much.
He was saying this was waste of his time, and they should just go home or die know.
Reality was this was his job, and see so many die, he no longer cares.
Now the first thing to learn about Makashi is this, how to block.
As if you don't block,you die.
​Now to learn to block, you must imagine a pyramid in front of you.
The point of that pyramid, is your lightsaber.
The further your opponent's lightsaber gets towards you, the further you must move your lightsaber to block it.
Now your opponent will probably be faster than you, so to protect yourself better take step back.
Now form to two lines, one line will attack, and one line will defend.
He sat down on his seat, waited for the Acolytes to begin.
Nimian @Drogh @Ajarod Shova [member="Noda Fir"]
As like the other overseers, he to had failed to advance but survived the trials. He however did not care, he enjoyed being an overseer, he had power, but as long as he did his job, no one would cut him down. He ample amount of food, which was telling on waistline. He was no fool though, and knew most of them in front of where dead already, his job was to make sure the strong survived the day, the rest did not matter.
He lowered his arms, and signaled for them all to sit. As they did he got up, quite fast considering his weight.
Now you decide to learn the way Rancor, or to the Jedi the way of the diplomat.
There is nothing diplomatic about lightsaber, proving the Jedi lie.
There was nervous giggle in his room, by an acolyte that one would not be living long, he thought to himself.
This form is the most versatile of all the lightsaber forms, no strengths and no weakness.
This means every form is weaker to it, in some way, but conversely every form is stronger than it in some way.
The only thing we don't incorporate into this style is the fancy pancy Makashi form, which is purely dueling.
Now the main purpose of this form, is to block and attack, until you can use force power at close range.
His voice was quite jovial, despite the fact he was going to execute one of them, at the end of the lesson.
Now I want you to form two lines, and practice this in turns, and do this.
He then bekond a student over, not the one he was going to kill, but another.
Now do a high attack, then low and then aim for my chest.
The acolyte gave quick bow and then did an overhead attack, he moved his blade to block it.
Then he swept his blade low in one motion as he was order, the overseer jumped over the blade.
As he landed the acolyte went to strike his chest, he blocked it, and then put his hand on acolytes chest.
He then let of a spark that blew him out of tent, he then gave the acolyte a quick of respect.
Now you have not yet learnt to use the force, so stop once get your hand on his chest.
Now begin!
He sat down and watched them practice, keeping an eye on his victim to be, he did enjoy killing the odd acolyte.
Soresu @Enduri Jaii
The overseer for this class was not human, but a near human Arkanian. He did not display emotion, his face was like muscles where like granite.
He got up and then said, Sit.
They all sat down immediately bar one, as he was getting down. He was force pushed out of the marque, and his own lightsaber was thrown against him, killing the acolyte instantly.
He then turned back to class and said, The last obey my command will die, as slowness means death.
Now soresu is not about fancy maneuvering nor outright attacking, it simple they ability to outlast your opponent.
To do this you must be strong, and have endurance, not speed, not agility and not brute force.
Your first task of every day is to a one more press up, than you did on your last day.
Starting with a hundred, the last to complete a hundred press ups, well they are dead.
He sat down and grinned, waited to see who was last.
Ataru [member="Darth Manah"]
The overseer here was a woman, she was slender, and build of aerobics instructor.
She listened to them all recite the sith code, this now bored her, she heard so often she no longer cared.
She then rose from her seat, and said Everybody sit down at the edge of marque.
As the students did, it made room in the middle of it for her.
This form is about speed and aggression, to do this you need room to maneuver.
Hence you are all sat at the edge of this marque, now I going to signal each of you one by one.
I want you to run and jump each other, and block each other lightsaber, whilst in mid air.
She then started sat down and started pointing to random people in tent to start the ball rolling.