Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tatooine Training (pm before joining)


Drogh was annoyed to say the least and in all truth, terrfied. He was shaking with fear, the sweat from the sun did not help to qwell his almost frantic panic as he was know forced to fight. The heat, exhasusting him of reason, his legs trembling, his fear would sooon be scent out and killed for weakness, he would not die with that weakness. However was fear such a weakness, it had kept him alive this long surely it had it's uses.

If it was the madness of fear, the exhaustion of the heat or prehaps Drogh being bravier then he usually is, a mad, insane idea came into his mind. He wanted the attention of this Darth Banshee, what better way in his mind then to kill a overseer, how powerful was this one, a Sith Lord? Unlikely, most likely some runt just another chess peice in a larger game beyoud him. He hated the camp, the slaves being forced to toil away, when they should be fighting, mercarines doing nothing but looking 'tough' and drinking, the droids having no souls of their own. He found this entire place to be a mocking of the 'sith' ways, although he didn't partcially agree with them by defualt.

However, despite how weak or strong this Overseer would be, it would be stronger then he was, but he had an advantage, surprise and most importantly a plan. He was going to further his force skills first, and he didn't come here to strave to death, be killed by Tuskans, be kileld by the others, or by any thing really. He came here to further his understanding of the force, not play with toys. His eyes hidden under his heavy hood and mask looking franitcally, he turned his head towards the dense tents, he could use that has cover for his retreat. First he needed to provoke the Overseer, this would be very easy, the easit part of his plan, which ironcially was the most deadlist.

"Tell me Overseer" Said a dry voice like the srotching desert around. "Do you feel much pride in killing those weaker then you?" "Tell me, what are you, a Sith Lord?" "I doubt it, you are just another runt, slave, pawn to a higher power you will never understand, but I do." "Perhaps, you ought to come and fight me, so perhaps I can carve that little smile of your disgusting face, and mount your head on a spike?" His voice had rang out of control there, for some reason he coundn't help it, his voice were far more harsh like cold then ever before. The chance he was a Sith Lord would either mean certain death or him running for his life, or if the Sith shown mercy he would just humiliate
, however he was counting that the sith wasn't.
[member="Darth Banshee"]

Jorryn sat as the overseer beckoned them, however she was noticeably further away from the rest of the Sith hopefuls. She knew that she would easily be able to best any of them in combat, she had previously been trained in this form before and many of the hopefuls barely managed to bumble their way through the code that dictated what the force was. They knew nothing of passion, of strength, of power. She had known them all, they were the guidelines that had dictated her entire life. And she would show them and this overseer exactly what the code meant by victory.

Jorryn stood up as soon as the overseer had mentioned separating them into two lines, one for offense and one for defense. She quickly made her way towards the line where offense started, volunteering herself to be the first to demonstrate how it was done.

The man who came up to face her was a young Trandoshan, his naivity further shown through the face of nervousness that he had. He put down his blade in front his body, holding desperately with two hands. The overseer quickly corrected him that the stance was best done with one hand, and he changed his stance looking much more weak in the off-putting stance. Jorryn assumed her position, crimson blade glowing inches away from her face.

It was over as soon as the overseer told them to begin, with a quick sweep Jorryn managed to sever the hands of the Trandoshan as he fell to his knees in pain. It didn't matter that this was practice to her, the fact that people like this boy dare call themselves Sith and attempt to mimic a style that she called her own was enough to sign his death warrant.

One more fell sweep took the man's life, carving a strike across his chest as the body fell to the floor. She crushed the blade beneath her feet and stared at the others who had been intimidated by her show of power and grace, none of them would be able to match her.

Manah ran jumped and blocked. and got bored. this was too east it was kids stuff this was something she remembered from her former host.
Most of this was almost like muscle memory to her.
she began to get bored and resorted to peaking up the robes of other apprentices.

Ajarod Shova

Again Ajarod watched and listened, and again it bore fruit. He copied the overseer's movements in his mind, ready to put them into action.

Using the power of the Force in combat was far more familiar to him than using any blade, making the Niman attack well suited to his talents. In round after round of practice he turned aside his opponent's blade and laid a hand on the other man's chest, imagining what it would be like to unleash that power and blow him clear across the room. But practice was soon cut short. Another of the Sith hopefuls stepped forward, boldly taunting the overseer. Ajarod felt his blood freeze; he had seen slaves try such displays of bravado before. They usually died slow, agonizing deaths. But this man was not a slave, he was a burgeoning Sith. It remained unclear who would come out on top.

Ajarod watched and waited. Whatever happened, he would be sure to find a way to turn it to his advantage.
Noda listened to the instructor's instructions, and he decide that he did not really like the overseers. He saw what was happening at other groups, and from then on, it was obvious that Noda got the nicest one. The students of Niman were split into two lines, and Noda went to the right one. The right was offense, the left defense. He finally got to the front of the line, and drew one of his crimson bladed lightsabers. He spun it and started to do the same actions as the overseer did. His partner was a young man, with a crew cut. Noda did a high attack, and it was blocked. He did a low attck to the legs, and his partner jumped. Finally, Fir did the attack to the chest. But the other man was late on the block, and was impaled with the crimson-bladed lightsaber.

Noda then had to go in the left line, for defense. He got to the front, and was faced with a bothan. Strange. I thought the bothans were with the republic. Noda drew his lightsaber, and got in a stance for Niman. The first attack was slow, and Fir easily blocked it. The attack to the legs was faster, but still easy to avoid. But the third attack was fast, and caught Noda off-guards. Luckily Noda could block it, but if he was just slightly slower, he would be dead.
The Tusken continued to watch the strange people train with one another from a safe distance. It was clear by the way the Sabers came in contact with one another that they we're in fact weapons the sounds of them swinging and grinding against one another echoes out through the wide desert landscape. The Tusken continued to look upon them her eyes slightly wincing as the weapons collided before eventually stopping all together. It seemed that someone else was standing up to one of them the leader perhaps? She wasn't sure with how the outside worked for all she knew the leader was the former prisoner. However she could not think of such things and proceeded to move quickly yet quietly over towards another large Tent in order to get a closer look at the group of strange people.
Makashi [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]

The overseer watched as one of acolytes killed another, he then with pleasure and disdain and told her Only I am allowed to kill people here, so don't do it again! He then watched other practice the drill, as some slaves carried the corpse out to be eaten by carrion. As the drill was finished, he decide to let of the acolyte face punishment for killing another acolyte. Now I would like you all to line up over here, except her. Pointing to Jorryn, You go over there, seeing yo did not practice defence, blocking the other half of this lesson, you will get your practice now. You all get to try to land one strike at her, and she block it, she can not strike back. She looked at her and smiled, If she does I shall have her life terminated, if she survives however, I will kill the one who did weakest attack. She said this, to make sure they gave her no slack in the strikes to follow. She will learn until she advances, she can only do what he tells her.

She smiled as she watched the strikes come in bound.

Nimian [member="Drogh"] [member="Noda Fir"] [member="Ajarod Shova"]

The man looked the Acolyte who dared question him, he liked it. Though he was not going to let the acolyte go unpunished, he used the force to push away his saber, and the fired bolt of lighting at him. He would only be stunned by it, and it weaken him for practice. He then looked at the class, as if to say get on with the drill. As they finished practicing the drill, he said Now everyone sit down. He took a look at the acolyte who challenged his authority, as it say if you don't you will die.

As his students sat down, slave brought rocks in front of them, they had smooth edges. He then began to speak I want you all to study the rock, and I want you to try and pick it up using the force. When you study it you will be able to feel the smooth edges, use these points to push against. Them points will make easier to lift, as you can exert more pressure there. Now begin, and once you got the hang of this we going to use this technique against each other, whilst fighting. This is one advantages of this form, it driven by your power in the force.

He sat watched them, wonder if letting the acolyte live was choice or not.

Soresu [member="Enduri Jaii "]

As the last two acolytes came to finish the press ups, he got into a postion, and looked to see which one would finish last. It was dead heat, he just smiled and then lit up his lightsaber through both of them. Their bodies just collapsed to the floor, and slaves ran in to drag them out, the sand where they where was now wet and stained red.

This form is all about endurance, you will do press ups every day. Also each day you will add more to it, as you need to endure more.
He paused and looked at his acolytes, they where his to torment, till they got knighted or died.
Now the next stage of this is learning to block, so you can wear down your opponent, who spend there time trying to kill you.
Now to do this I want you, to keep your lightsaber moving.
Now team up, in pairs take turns one try to hit, and other keeps blocking.
Do not kill the other acolyte, otherwise I will kill you.

He then watched them try to hit and block each other, he was not expecting much. Also his blood lust was satisfied for now.

Ataru [member="TI-1027"] [member="Darth Manah"]

As they finished leaping and attacking, she said Well done. She then smiled the next part of learning this, was to learn force movement, to enhance there ability with speed. ​Now all of you, I want you to turn your feelings inward, I want you to concentrate on your muscles. I want you to try and use the force to make them stronger, make blood flow quicker. To do this I want you to all think of something you hate, and want you send that rage inwards, and towards your muscles. Her voice as she spoke was not calm, not collected. She was focusing on not killing her acolytes yet, as she new a lot would die in next trial.

She then watched as they began to try this.
The prince got a saber , which ignited a red blade. He paired with a buffer and taller guy than him , which in retrospective , wasn't a good idea at all. They mutually decided it was best for Enduri to start blocking.
Enduri stood there with his saber pointing up , and then the guy came running at him , he went for 3 quick slashes. The first one , was paired by the prince and the second one aswell. But for the 3rd one , he had to dodge , or he would have been hit in the shoulder.

Now it was the prince's turn , he didn't know how to fight , so blocking his only stab was an easy doing.
This continued , until the prince was able to hit him in one of the Phrik bracer's that the armor was made of.

[member="Darth Banshee"]
[member="Darth Banshee"]


Puhlese this was baby stuff she did as asked she performed a small dance doing a few cartwheels and flips'
just to show off as a few of the others broke bones and tore muscles.
[member="Darth Banshee"]

Jorryn gave a bow as a show of apology, but both her and the overseer knew that her actions showed her a much more proficient Sith than any of the others that had gathered. The other apprentices shakily moving up and taking their turns practicing defence and offence, most of them looking extremely shake-y; their defences wavering. There were only about three others that seemed at all likely to succeed in becoming a full-fledged Sith, the rest were just corpses waiting to be put to rest.

The first Sith was a Pureblood, obviously hoping to reclaim some pride for his race that they had lost so long ago. He was a tall and lean figure, the acolyte robes that had been passed out draped on his figure. He had easily been able to both attack and defend significantly better than the other hopefuls.

The second threat was a Miralukan woman, looking graceful instead of nervous and fidgety like the rest of the hopefuls. She carried herself like a Jedi, her face expressionless as she perfectly defended against a wookie. This only managed to make Jorryn despise her more, Sith were to use emotions that was the only thing that made them better than Jedi. Without emotion you are just another puppet of the force, simply a stage hand in the grand scheme.

The final hopeful was a massive Zabrak Male who towered over the rest of the competition. He had decimated his opponent, nearly killing him if it wasn't for the interruption of the overseer. His orange and black skin seemed to crack with the dark side seeping out, indeed he seemed to be the most intimidating of all her opposition.

Jorryn nodded to the overseer as she took her stance to defend. Most of the acolytes lost easily, their petty attacks being casually guarded before their lightsabers thrown from their hands. The Miraluka had proved stronger than Jorryn though, however. Her expressionless face made it difficult to read where her attack would go and Jorryn barely managed to block the shot heading for her ribs. The Zabrak was much easier however, simply doing a downward strike with all his force behind it. She hardly held his strike back as he pushed downwards, the blade inches from her face.

Finally it was the Sith Pureblood.

"Let us hurry this up girl, I wish to speak with the Lady herself." That comment sealed his fate. His pride and arrogance made it all the easier for Jorryn to subtly use the force to slow his attack, making it incredibly easy for her to block and disarm him. She did it in such a way that made him look like a pure novice, the most pathetic of the batch.

Jorryn passed the Pureblood's lightsaber to the overseer as an expression of realization came upon his face. He darted to his knees in front of the overseer, begging to be let live. "Sir she tricked me, used a petty ability to slow my strike! Give me one more chance I beg." Jorryn smiled, a display for all to see that she thought she was both smart and strong enough to defeat them all.


Drogh had gambled and he had lost, his skin srotched as he lay there in the sand, in no short amounts of agony. He kept quite about it, and to his relief, he got nothing more but a few glances as he was struck down by the overseer, yet he found humor as he heard that the Overseer was about to teach them about the force, which he found to assmuing to be angry about. Did he want to get back up and kill the Overseer? Certainally, Drogh would like nothing more, but if the Overseer could defeat him this easily, it was a wasted effort. Perhaps if he didn't say anything, perhaps if he didn't let his emotions get the better of him, he may have saved him self the pain, and could of constructed a well thought out plan, yet he failed to do so.

Drogh was skeptcial if to get back up or not, would he be lashed out again and put into his place? Drogh just stood there, thinking to him self as he stared at the saber, flown far away into the sand. He never got a chance to test his skill, he never got a chance to kill or wound any of the others, insatead he was laying the sand gritting his teeth, as the sun does no effort to ease his sufferng. He was shocked that he was not killed outright, like so many would have been, he was not in any permentant damage that would have maimed him, perhaps the overseer was able of mercy.

After wondering if to run, fake his death or attempt another attack, Drogh hadn't the guts for it and deciecd that it wasn't worth it.
Noda inspected the rock he was to lift with the force. It was smooth and nice-looking, attributes that did not really matter. It was a grey color, and was heavy enough that the slaves struggled to carry it. He was in a sitting position, and began to meditate. He focused on his hate, his contempt, his agony. He channeled the dark side of the force, and his hatred for others. He opened his eyes, and left his meditative state. He stuck out his arm, and the rock began to move. At first it stayed on the ground, just shaking a bit, but then it was lifted into the air. Noda Fir raised and raised it, up to above the overseer's head. "I have completed my task, overseer" Noda said in an icy tone.

Ajarod Shova

Ajarod winced as the taunting acolyte was blasted away, his lightsaber flying from his hand as force lightning played across his body. He knew all too well that the Sith were capable of terrible cruelty, but witnessing it still shook him at his core. The corpses of so many of the hopefuls were being dragged away by the camp's slaves, left to bake in the desert suns before the scavengers came to devour the remains. They had been judged unworthy, and that carried the penalty of death. Yet this acolyte, despite his words, had been spared... for now.

Perhaps the overseer believed that his irreverence and ambition would make him powerful one day; that was easier for Ajarod to believe than that the man had any mercy in him. The Sith thought only of advantage to themselves. As the lightning-scarred acolyte began to recover, the overseer gave them all a new task: to lift a stone. It was something Ajarod had done countless times, the very skill that had allowed him to survive his encounter with the Tusken Raider when he lacked a weapon of his own. But the overseer had explained it differently.

Before he had always lifted with brute strength, straining at the center of the object's mass to move it. But he found that the Sith had spoken truly. When he had carried loads with his own two hands, as he had often done as a slave, he had applied his strength at angles and particular points on the cargo, lessening the burden on his knees and back. But he had never thought to do the same with the Force. Reaching out to the stone, he found the places where he would anchor his physical grip, envisioned how he would lift from there.

And the rock rose, moving with surprising ease. He had closed his eyes in concentration, but now he opened them, surprised at how easy it was to control the large stone. It was not truly about its size or weight, it was about considering how to apply his strength, whether physical power or the power of the Force. He knew that he could throw the stone, or anything else he could wrap his invisible hands around, with great and terrible force at anyone who got in his way. That was a skill worth knowing.

Yet as he looked over at the pale-haired acolyte, casually defending herself against three others, he knew it was not enough on its own.
The Tusken sat down onto the sand continuing to stare out at the group of strange people sparring with one another the lightning coming out of one of their fingers out onto one of the many strange looking men her eyes went wide as she saw the blue lightning rain down onto him. What are these people? Are they gods or are they demons? She was horrified at the display her body trembled with fear at the overwhelming power her hand began to shake her rifle she wasn't sure whether to shoot at them or to keep low. A few minutes later the voice of another began to instruct them on lifting various stones with the same power that she and the once imprisoned man used back at the battle ruined moisture farm. Her eyes followed them as they effortlessly picked the stone up from the ground and into the air. The Tusken wondering if she could pull off the same ability as them proceeded to stick out her hand out towards a lone stone and began to shake her hand around comically attempting to pick it up.

She continued to grunt and growl in anger not even attempting to keep herself hidden anymore as the stone now had her full attention. She continued to flail her arm around before eventually slowing down her arm growing tired from the intense flailing she growled some more underneath her breath before looking back over towards the familiar looking stranger who seemed calm and collected while picking up the stone easily. The Tusken huffed slightly at the display before looking back over at the stone attempting to do what he is doing. She proceeded to close her eyes underneath her sand and blood stained mask her arm reaching out yet again the same thought flowing through her mind to pick up the stone "Grrur ack gul..." (Ancestors give me strength). Eventually after much patience the stone began to levitate off of the ground with ease slowly.


Drogh had gotten up finally, his skin scrotched and pain in every bone, yet pain was just apart of life, some thing he was custom too. Standing up straight and firm, his cloak had smoke going of it and some of the fabric was burnt, which gave Drogh a ragged look. The dust was swarming around him as the wind grew. In the corner of his eye, he thought he saw some one move, he stared out into the distance sands and saw a tusken sitting there. Drogh never made eye contact with the sandy figure instead decieding to pay it no mind, hoping that a merc or droid would chase it off.

He stared at the trainng, grunting as walking with a slight limp Drogh made his way sat down and focused hard on the stone, it came natural to him, easy, he felt that he could send the rock flying into the oveerseers face, how it could break his skull against the stone, and brains spilling out into the sand. He refrained fromd doing so, in fear for a fatal shock of lighting may strike his body.
Whilst the acolytes where training, Darth Banshee had ready the next and final trial on this planet for them, though that would happen after dark. Those that survived it, would have to seek her out, if they wished to carry on there training. Those that did not want to carry on, or died in this trial would be forgotten.

Makashi [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]

There are no cheap tricks, His voice was calm, with no hint of what she planning. She passed and you failed, thats is all. The acolyte gave a slight sigh of relief, as he did his eyes flared open, and then his body slumped. She flicked her lightsaber of and on in an instant. The blade past stright through him, and then it was off. He then turned to her acolytes, as slaves picked up and dragged off his body for carrions to eat.

Now all, this is your last lesson today, lightsaber is only one aspect of the skills you need. The force is the other, now I am going to show the basics of telekinesis. Once I have shown it you, practice till your ready for break. Then head get something to eat, and get some rest but be ready for anything. He then ushered them all into a circle, and rocks where placed around them. Now feel the rock through the force, feel every point of it, you feel flat parts and curved parts. The flat parts are the bit's you push against, using the force as you gain more momentum. This is same with anything, try keep your projection of the force on the flattest part of it. This will give you more an effect, with less effort.

He then sat down and watched them, she would help each one if they asked or looked like they where struggling. Though she knew this was there last lesson, as tonight they would be up against it.

Nimian [member="Drogh"] [member="Noda Fir"] [member="Ajarod Shova"]

He looked as the acolytes did the task, most got a few struggled, he did not care. As long as one got it, he had done his job. Now all of you, do the same training as before, except this time, I want you to use the force to push one another. Also try and stop it, keep going till you run out of energy. When you need a break take one, but try and get this nailed before tonight. He knew the last trial on tatooine was tonight, he also knew Darth banshee was already setting it up. Doing this would help them, even if it killed a few of them. He sat down watched ready to give pointers if need. Though he hoped the fear and hatred of him would be enough to fuel them, this was how sith where born, so this was the way he taught them.

He sat and watched them train.

Soresu [member="Enduri Jaii "]

As they practiced he smiled at them, he then taunted them Faster, or I will show how it is done! He was trying to fuel them, with fear of him. This fear will help the force goto there muscles, and make them stronger. He kept hitting the odd one, as he passed them. He could see them getting faster, unlike the other tutors, he was going keep them doing this until one dropped. He knew what was coming and he did not care, if this lot failed or not. They choose a path of endurance, the all way to improve it, was to brought to breaking point. Then they had to do it again and again, there was never any let up. As that was how you improved endurance, by keep breaking yourself. You only rest before you do it for real, he waited for one to drop. Then he would let them go for a break, tonight most would die or not bother coming back.

Ataru [member="TI-1027"] [member="Darth Manah"]

She watched them get the hang of it, using the the force to make there bodies stronger, and most importantly faster. Good now I want you all practice jumping at one another again, and again. Do not land blows, take water breaks when you want. If you need any help ask, but most off all I want you to practice. She waited for them to line up, they would take it in turns to fly at one another and strike, this time they would have to be faster, and more aggressive, accidents where expected. The slaves would clear it up, and put the dead out. She sat back if any one to ask something or get help with part of lesson, she would help them. They would need it for tonight's trial.
The prince was getting tired of running and doing the same exercise over and over again. An hour had passed, or it seemed like it, and there was no sign of a break or pause. He was getting tired, and he could notice it in the other acolytes aswell. Everyone in their group seemed like a zombie who hadn't eaten in three days. He got so tired at one point, that his finger got out of the button unpressing the Dead Man's switch, and his partner hit him in one of the Bracer's, before the big guy fell to the ground without sign of getting up.

"I think my partner just fainted.", Enduri said towards the overseer. Things weren't looking well, as some of the other acolytes were falling aswell. As the overseer looked at the others, he sneaked away and started drinking water, and that gave him some of his breath back. "*Pant*, *pant*, are we done , *pant* yet?".

[member="Darth Banshee"]
Noda jumped up from his knees and prepared for the next part of his training. As the others got up, Noda began to stick out his arm, and chose a target. A young acolyte with distinctive blue-green hair. He channeled the dark side of the force, and as soon as the other acolyte got up, he unleashed the force. The acolyte was blasted off of his feet, and fell down into the sand. Noda then proceeded to attempt to use the force to push another acolyte. He believed this one's name to be Shova, and it was a youngish man with a beard.
[member="Darth Banshee"]

Ajarod Shova

[member="Noda Fir"]

In the brutal world of Sith training, there was precious little downtime; releasing one's guard, even for a moment, was a recipe for swift death. Ajarod knew this, but he had near-continuous reminders all the same. The overseer had scarcely finished talking when one of the acolytes launched another through the air with a brutal Force push. Flush with success, that same acolyte turned his invisible hand against Ajarod.

In typical Sith fashion, the overseer had taught them how to attack, but not how to defend. Even though he saw the Force burst coming, Ajarod had no idea how to brace himself against it. The Force push threw him violently into the air at bone-breaking speed. So he did what he had always done to survive: he adapted. Rather than holding himself rigid, trying to push back against the energy, he let it carry him.

He flew nearly ten meters, but as he flew he twisted in the air, letting agility take over where strength was not enough. When he landed, he landed on his feet, using the Force to slow his fall into a gentle, controlled descent. Then he let his emotions roll over him. The other acolyte, the one he'd heard called Noda Fir, had assumed he would be easy prey. That made him angry, and he drew on the well of his anger.

He charged, letting the Force increase his speed as he closed the distance in seconds. Raising his lightsaber, he struck out just like the overseer had taught them. He was sure his opponent would block; they were going through the motions of the Niman drill they had been shown. With his other hand, he reached out and directed a Force push of his own, hoping to throw his opponent back and prove himself to be Fir's equal.


Drogh had gotten up, his charred rope now filled with sand had left him annoyed. Competely taken off gaurd, which was rare for him he was sent flying, like a ship into a pit of sand, his mouth began to fill with the grit of the sand. Drogh had hit the ground with a force that was almost bone breaking, burnt and beaten. In an attempt to climb to is feat, ready him self again to seek revenge another powerful gust of wind had blown him off his feat, smacking hard into the sand, his metal mask smashing against his face causing his nose to bleed.

He began to hear laughs, mocking laughs that ringed out like the loudest bells, how they mocked him, how they said he was weak and desvered to die, the oveerseer should put him out of his suffering they all said, pointing their frail fingers at Drogh. Drogh had enouth, he was at his limit his breaking point. He was shamed fine he could live with that, he tested some one far greater then he was, perhaps he was admired for his bravey.But this was just mocking blows, the sith had found their weakling or so they thought.

Drogh got up, standing straight ahead of him was a man, a human of sorts eyes oddly yellow, skin paler then it should be espcially under this sun, and a mockery of what hair he once had remained on his rotting head. Anger was often drowned out by fear but that had long passed, fear was a distance memory at this point as he felt the dark side beat on him. Facing the pale man that was choking on his laughter he rached out his hands, Drogh with all his might did not merely push the man but the sound of bone snapping began to sound.

The man was crying out in agony, the others had fell slient while he clentched his fists, watching the man become a twisted broken body of him self as blood began to bubble in his mouth. He was told to push but rather he crushed. He was still alive, the bones must have broken and stuck into the mans organs, soon he was dead, a painful death for all to see. He was humalited and had carried a shame on him that would not be easily forgotton, but at the same time he had shown a level of hate and fear that would not be easily forgotten. Yet it did not end there.

Drogh filled in his rage walked over to the large body, grabbing what little hair the man once had as bones poked out of his flesh he began to pull. Pull as hard as he could as firmly as he could before a tear like paper was heard. His head was now loose and he was carrying it. Most had either went to the camp or the few began to watch Drogh, as he walked over to the overseer dropping the acolyte's head on the sand infront of the overseer. He said in ghostly hollow words: "The way of the ambassdor".

He turned to face the tent.

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