Drogh was annoyed to say the least and in all truth, terrfied. He was shaking with fear, the sweat from the sun did not help to qwell his almost frantic panic as he was know forced to fight. The heat, exhasusting him of reason, his legs trembling, his fear would sooon be scent out and killed for weakness, he would not die with that weakness. However was fear such a weakness, it had kept him alive this long surely it had it's uses.
If it was the madness of fear, the exhaustion of the heat or prehaps Drogh being bravier then he usually is, a mad, insane idea came into his mind. He wanted the attention of this Darth Banshee, what better way in his mind then to kill a overseer, how powerful was this one, a Sith Lord? Unlikely, most likely some runt just another chess peice in a larger game beyoud him. He hated the camp, the slaves being forced to toil away, when they should be fighting, mercarines doing nothing but looking 'tough' and drinking, the droids having no souls of their own. He found this entire place to be a mocking of the 'sith' ways, although he didn't partcially agree with them by defualt.
However, despite how weak or strong this Overseer would be, it would be stronger then he was, but he had an advantage, surprise and most importantly a plan. He was going to further his force skills first, and he didn't come here to strave to death, be killed by Tuskans, be kileld by the others, or by any thing really. He came here to further his understanding of the force, not play with toys. His eyes hidden under his heavy hood and mask looking franitcally, he turned his head towards the dense tents, he could use that has cover for his retreat. First he needed to provoke the Overseer, this would be very easy, the easit part of his plan, which ironcially was the most deadlist.
"Tell me Overseer" Said a dry voice like the srotching desert around. "Do you feel much pride in killing those weaker then you?" "Tell me, what are you, a Sith Lord?" "I doubt it, you are just another runt, slave, pawn to a higher power you will never understand, but I do." "Perhaps, you ought to come and fight me, so perhaps I can carve that little smile of your disgusting face, and mount your head on a spike?" His voice had rang out of control there, for some reason he coundn't help it, his voice were far more harsh like cold then ever before. The chance he was a Sith Lord would either mean certain death or him running for his life, or if the Sith shown mercy he would just humiliate
him, however he was counting that the sith wasn't.
If it was the madness of fear, the exhaustion of the heat or prehaps Drogh being bravier then he usually is, a mad, insane idea came into his mind. He wanted the attention of this Darth Banshee, what better way in his mind then to kill a overseer, how powerful was this one, a Sith Lord? Unlikely, most likely some runt just another chess peice in a larger game beyoud him. He hated the camp, the slaves being forced to toil away, when they should be fighting, mercarines doing nothing but looking 'tough' and drinking, the droids having no souls of their own. He found this entire place to be a mocking of the 'sith' ways, although he didn't partcially agree with them by defualt.
However, despite how weak or strong this Overseer would be, it would be stronger then he was, but he had an advantage, surprise and most importantly a plan. He was going to further his force skills first, and he didn't come here to strave to death, be killed by Tuskans, be kileld by the others, or by any thing really. He came here to further his understanding of the force, not play with toys. His eyes hidden under his heavy hood and mask looking franitcally, he turned his head towards the dense tents, he could use that has cover for his retreat. First he needed to provoke the Overseer, this would be very easy, the easit part of his plan, which ironcially was the most deadlist.
"Tell me Overseer" Said a dry voice like the srotching desert around. "Do you feel much pride in killing those weaker then you?" "Tell me, what are you, a Sith Lord?" "I doubt it, you are just another runt, slave, pawn to a higher power you will never understand, but I do." "Perhaps, you ought to come and fight me, so perhaps I can carve that little smile of your disgusting face, and mount your head on a spike?" His voice had rang out of control there, for some reason he coundn't help it, his voice were far more harsh like cold then ever before. The chance he was a Sith Lord would either mean certain death or him running for his life, or if the Sith shown mercy he would just humiliate
him, however he was counting that the sith wasn't.