Intent: Event prize
Development Thread: = ^_^=
Manufacturer: Dark Lord Velok
Model: Conqueror's Lanvarok
Affiliation: N/A
Modularity: N/A
Production: Unique
Materials: Cortosis alloy
Classification: Lanvarok
Size: Handheld
Status: Illegal
Length: 28.5 centimetres
Weight: 4.8 kilograms
Ammunition Type: Poisoned discs
Ammunition Capacity: 9 rounds
Effective Range: 5 metres
The Sith lanvarok is an ancient ceremonial weapon that, in its wrist-mounted form, fires poisoned discs towards its target, typically guided by the Force. These discs are laced with Sith poison and are very deadly in the hands of a Dark Sider. Normally they carry 5 rounds and are fired off by manipulating the launcher with the Force. Many lanvaroks are also made with cortosis alloy, making them resistant to lightsabers.
The Conqueror's Lanvarok, however, takes this to a new level. It carries a full nine rounds and, with every pull of the trigger (so to speak), launches three discs at short range, in a short cone (around fifteen degrees from one end to the other). Essentially, this is a lanvarok shotgun, firing scatter shots that are harder to avoid, making it a lethal weapon in close combat.