Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Techno Union vs Vitae Invasion of Apatros

"Well then, we may as well get started. These are the terms we wish to be agreed:" Yart said, before reading each out in turn.

"The Vitae Alliance and the Techno Union will enter into a formal non-aggression pact;

"The Vitae Alliance and the Techno Union will establish embassies on their capitol worlds to facilitate further communication, cooperation, and dialogue;

"The Techno Union will formally recognise the Vitae Alliance as a legal governing body of worlds;

"The Techno Union will be recognized as the sole legal authority over Apatros and the Vergesso Asteroids;

"The Vitae Alliance will withdraw all personnel from Apatros, and will revoke all claims to it;

"The Vitae Alliance will be recognized as the sole legal government of all Wild Space stretching to the West of their current borders.

"The Vitae Alliance will expand no further Northward of Melida.

"The Techno Union will be recognized as the sole legal government of all space between the points of Druckenwell, Enarc, Maramere, and Zhar."
Vulpesen leaned back slightly in his chair as he listened to the terms spoken out. Most he could agree on, bu there were some that gave him cause for concern. "Over all, I must say, Ambassador Jan'lan, that your terms are fairly agreeable. However,t here are some places that give me cause for concern. You see, we of the Vitae alliance believe that we should have influence in as much as the galaxy as possible, and while we may not be in the business of ruling others, its fairly hard to hold any real influence without holding planets that are anywhere near the core worlds. For this reason, I ask that we try and find a route that both of our sides can agree on that gives us this northern point."

Once he finished defending his long term goals, the valde moved on to the more immediate matters "Further more, the Vitae alliance did work hard on Apatros and it would be cruel for me to toss away the lives and good work of my men and make their struggle for naught. We ask that we be allowed access to half of the planet for mining and personal stations. But the Vergesso Asteroids, those I'm afraid are out of the question."

Solan would let vulpesen handle this for now, but his eyes kept on the man and smiled. Vulpesen was correct, there was some bad and some good on there, it did irritate him for a moment too that they both seemed to talk about other planets like they were pieces of a pie. He kinda laughed internally though as his own position had been gained by taking pieces of a pie but that was not what the Vitae was about. He would remain silent and play the game, atleast this way and talking about planets like this kept certain worlds safe from war which was the point of this.

He blinked though, a voice in his mind and staring at the ground beside him as the Ashlan that was his made its way up on his shoulder, talking to him. It wasn't worth anything or mention past the concern for the emotions that it experienced because of solan. The bond was surely pesky for the small sapphire wolf. "As a extra note, if i may. I would like to ask that the term you mentioned concerning the northwards border be moved to the planet of Naboo. The Vitae have a number of long standing deals with the queen there."

[member="Vulpesen"] [member="Raziel"]

Jennifer Blanchard

She was here to make sure that the Obsidians and the Techno Union contracts would be properly served. Sure, she had [member="Danger Arceneau"] and [member="Draco Vereen"] to be some of the heavy hitters on the business side, which was fine. She’d listen and step in when the Obsidians needed to be defended. Sure, the Order could handle themselves, but as part of Net Zillo, she needed to be there to defend the rest. She was part of the learning and production team, that meant she was going to speak on behalf of the warriors and the spooks of the Order.
Maybe she should just bite her tongue? She might’ve been able to sense a bit of… something off of [member="Dagora-Kel"], her boss’s old Master. And he didn’t say anything.

See? This is why she should’ve just telecommuted here. She wasn’t on the Executive Council, even if she was kind of proxy representing Bright Star. Why couldn’t they have sent Token? She was… prettier, and she’d may have been the better choice.


Then the Bothan started speaking again. Right, logging that. She had her holodriver recording the proceedings. That way it could be transcribed and delivered to the Foreman. Simple, right?

And she didn’t need to worry about speaking right then. But while she was listening, didn’t some of these people fight against the Techno Union in the first battle of Geonosis? Why were they not attacking them now? Like… that was a thing.

And what was with all this talk of royalty. The Queen of Naboo was a traitor to the Techno Union. They should really like… burn her house down. At least, that was probably what Marek would say. Maybe. She missed Marek.

Right, focus, look like you’re paying attention, and smile.
Whilst the corporate machine of the Techno Union made decisions far more rapidly than those factions overburdened by bloated governments, it still took time for the wheels to turn. The first day's negotiations had gone surprisingly well as far as Yart was concerned. Vitae had not asked for too much in return. They were suspiciously agreeable. In the bothan's opinion, they either had a plan for something, or the Techno Union war machine, which had thoroughly crushed the "selectivist" rebellion at Geonosis, was swaying events.

Whatever the cause, Yart returned the next day having convened with the rest of the delegation and sent the terms up and down the appropriate chains.

"Very well then, we believe we're ready to agree to the Treaty of Apatros. All that remains is the terms or circumstances under which it may be renegotiated. The appropriate civil servants can arrange the sanctions for either side failing to comply."

[member="Solan Charr"]
Vulpesen nodded to the diplomats as he took his step to the table and the others entered into the room around him. Hooking a chair with his foot, he smoothly pulled it back while sitting down. No doubt, any jerk of the seat would have sent the Valde stumbling onto his back, but he had faith that the people around him were more professional than that. "Seems like we're on the same page Ambassador. At least, you and I are."

It was easy for him to sense the suspicion in the man, maybe that hint of pride as he guessed at the intimidation factor. Was it so hard to believe that Vulpesen's didn't want that much? The Vitae weren't rulers, they were protectors. So long as the Union didn't crush Apatros under slaver, kill its citizens, or topple governments without reason, what was he to care? So long as he could keep an eye on the system and gain an advantage against the more malevolent sides of the galaxy.

[member="Raziel"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Sabrina Kotass"] [member="Seanna Vel"] [member="Dak Canton"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Dagora-Kel"] [member="Jennifer Blanchard"]

Solan sat back and listened silently for most of the meetings after bringing up the original point, he wanted to simple see this as it was and for it to end as soon as it was possible with both groups gaining from this and neither being cheated out. It was hard especially when he was suppose to see the Vitae get a better deal but what was the spirit in that. No it was much more enjoyable to see the two of them gain and neither lose anything too great from this. And now, they were concluding these meetings, what more to come from that.
It wasn't if Seanna wasn't there she was but her mind on other things. It was the cold hard stare that came out of her green eyes of her upon [member="Solan Charr"] still stewing over what he had said to her in a way of hi. It wasn't a matter that that it wasn't true over these years but still to do this in front of all these allies. Worked so hard to build up as she had invested through out the TU with her Company and when called upon they had her blood and sweat also, being there with some of the training of her own force training.

That was for another day she was afraid it was now the working things out but she couldn't help but feel that the people that Solan keep wasn't the best it would seem even those she didn't know much about them. Which maybe she needed after this was done no she would let the higher up.

Looking over towards Draco

Raziel Vulpesen Danger Arceneau Sabrina Kotass Seanna Vel Dak Canton Draco Vereen Dagora-Kel Jennifer Blanchard

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