
The Galactic Alliance has fought a desperate war to hold control of the Ado Sector, but with its supply lines cut off, it has begun to struggle under the logistical weight of war. While the Jedi Strike Force meant to cripple the Sith’s own infrastructure had been broken in their vain attempt at breaking the war machine, the First Legion, Darth Empyrean’s own force led by the Mors Mon, began to move its fleets on their preordained warpath.
First came the breaking of the Var Hagen sector, as its numerous worlds were subjugated to the dead Emperor’s might. Vondarc and Alakatha burned, each in their own right, as they were stripped of their freedoms and subjugated to the wake of Empyrean’s dreadnought. The Inquisition followed closely behind his Legion as it marched from planet to planet, driving entire populations into subservience to the Sith and their goals.
It was at Woostri that a fallback force had formed, carefully drawing a line in the sand of the Rimma Trade Route. The Alliance held vast amounts of equipment, manpower, and ships in reserves - for years it had been the dominant power in the galaxy, and it called upon its resources to stop the Sith surge north. The Woostrians, intelligent and industrious, aided in this effort - as they saw the chaos of the Sith’s Empire, that lack of order, the violence in every step it took from the shadows.
Automated defenses had been activated, great towers of protection domed their cities in shields for the coming bombardments, and orbital cannons calibrated their aim in the final moments before the battle began. The 10th Sector Armada 'Dawnflower Star' stood poised and ready to stop the Dead God’s Chariot in its tracks, and all the Alliance and the Empire looked to Woostri for the first signs of where this war would go.
A victory could mean a short war in the Sith’s favor, but a loss spelt out that this would be a long and violently costly war fought tooth and nail for the inch.
Both prepare their ships, and as the last mechanisms begin to come to life, the Force began its screech - a terrible sound, victimized and abused the Force wretched as the Mors Mon ripped reality in its favor. One hundred and twenty kilometers of war trudged from a gash in space that stood even larger, white tinged and frayed as it struggled to sustain itself. Around the great ship, a storm began to form as large as a moon, and its docking bays began to release its battlecruisers.

Objective Three: Knowledge
Woostri has only a few cities still on its surface, and each is populated by billions of automated servants and industries. As a result of its great efforts in automation, Woostri has formed itself into the pleasure world of its sector, only challenged by Alakatha. Until Alakatha burned, and the Sith stood on their doorstep.
Now, they’ve come for more than the Jedi, but the archives of the Woostrians. Data slates in the counts of trillions - Woostri had positioned itself as one of the greatest worlds in the galaxy for research, recording critical data, and pulling many thousands of years of census information. It is critical infrastructure for any Empire to have, and the Sith intend to take it even if they do not take the world.
The hurricanes in the oceans have built up to their highest categories, and their edges have begun to rip at the cities that yet remain above water. Rain falling like bullets, winds that could strip the skin, there was no comfort to be found as it roared eternally over the sounds of orbital guns firing in desperation. It was only the sirens, moaning and drawn out, that told those gathered in Gopsthal that the Sith had used the cover of the storms to drop transport ships onto the city.
Adonis Class Transports flew in by the dozens, First Legionnaires fought violently the second they took their first steps onto the world. All these combined attacks, fighting automated emplacements and droid soldiers, pointed in only one direction - the Central Archive and Computation Building. It was a complex many stories tall, nearing the edges of the world’s atmosphere and holding the largest of Woostri’s administration Mega’puters.
As more guns come online, more droids are deployed, and more streets are turned into warzones - the armies of the Alliance and Sith begin to meet.
Sith: Within those walls lies the greatest cache of information in the Galaxy second to Coruscant - and it must be taken. So critical is this information, that even the failure to hold the world would mean nothing by comparison to holding that data. Uplink the facility to the Mors Mon and the super AI ‘Typhojem’, and seed the Alliance’s death in the research covering thousands of years.
Alliance: The Sith have embarked on Gopsthal to take its leadership from the source. They are moving to the central control units that govern the world, and with them - the databases of trillions. Entire worlds across the Galaxy used this facility as a means to keep themselves efficient. The loss of this information could give the Sith an advantage that will be hard to get back - but more importantly, the eradication of this data could mean the Alliance would face an economic crisis as thousands of planetary stock exchanges and trade networks would go dark.
OOC Notes:
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