I apologize in advance for all of the quotes and tags some of you are probably getting
Thank you to those who called me pretty; your comments/critiques are greatly appreciated and have been taken to heart. To those of you who didn’t call me pretty, your comments will subsequently be ignored.

Seriously though, thank you everyone for taking the time to share your thoughts. I really appreciate seeing what you all have to say!
Bryce Bantam said:
No but seriously love your character, for me just the right mix of sass and heart. She is a serious character who is great at comic relief or serious stuff. The only issue I have is the lack of zethron hotties she has sent my way, but I'm sure we can fix that I'm future posts.
I’m glad to hear that you like silly Joza! I try not to take her too seriously, especially in threads that are meant to be more adventurous and less heavy. But I’m also glad that you think she can play a serious role as well. Regardless, I try to keep things feeling natural with her…and I’ll hook you up with a few of my friends soon

Might I suggest the lovely Zeltron @Elena?
Aria Vale said:
She's really well-fleshed out with an interesting and complex personality, and even with her at Master rank she makes mistakes and gets confused, so she's realistic too.
Connor Harrison said:
Real. Wonderful amount of humanity to her behind the facade of her Zeltron sass. Like a flower; when it blooms, there's beauty on the inside as powerful as what's outside and that's what's exciting to try and discover when interacting with her because there's lots more to her than just what we see and oogle.
Injecting realism into a character is always a must for me. Maybe that’s also a roadblock in a way—that I don’t like touching upon anything more out-of-this-world in personality—but it’s something that’s important to me and makes me happy to hear that others feel this way. I’ve put a lot of work into her reactions and decisions to try and give them an organic feel.
Aria Vale said:
-if I had one thing to say, it's that all her important storylines seem to have been brought about by or revolve around romance/sex, which is completely fine but is getting predictable. Obviously though, surprising your readers isn't the main goal here until you turn her story into a novel, and I know she's a Zeltron and such, so you do you.
Nima Tann said:
-Agreed with Aria Vale, her key storylines mostly include romance. Romance is a good thing, sure but it makes Joza dependent in my opinion especially since her most important storylines involves one another person she is romantically involved with, and they revolve around intimacy/romance mostly. Joza needs to get out of the "Zeltron you can sleep with, and/or always depends on what you think" status.
This is something that I’ve thought about and wondered if I was just being paranoid—but hearing it from two separate people (as well as a few others that have touched on it) confirms that I’m not just being crazy and that it’s something that others are seeing as well! Most of Joza’s romantic entanglements eventually go sour or are simple one-night stands. One of Joza’s driving forces behind her character is her on/off relationship with Sith Lord [member="Haytham Kaze"]. It started off as a typical romance when they were younger, but quickly became complicated and violent at times due to conflicting alignments, feelings and morals.
One of Joza’s fatal flaws is that she has trouble letting people go once she’s attached. Haytham was her first love, and consequently her first link to the outside Galaxy given that she’d spent her entire life on Zeltros. Despite the fact that he’s technically her enemy, she went back to him time and time again to feel loved and wanted—and in the end, that bit her in the butt. Her emotional dependency on others to give her worth is an aspect that I’ve always loved playing, and is something that I wasn’t sure if I wanted her to grow out of. Her self-esteem issues were exacerbated by her time as a slave, which I admittedly could have put more work towards portraying, especially where the fallout is concerned. But she’s always had that undertow of “Is this really what I want/who I am?” that she’s tapped into before to give herself strength, and I’d like to think that she’s been gradually finding her way out of the pit of self-despair and growing into her role as a protector.
Yeesh. I’m making her sound like a broken flower who needs to be saved.

In going forward, I think that motherhood will certainly change her. She’d realize that she can’t go run around and test her limits with the Dark Side/Sith as she used to, and put her focus into doing what’s best for the child. I don’t want to say that I’m going to use her baby as a plot device to responsible her up a bit, but that’s exactly what I’m going to do.
Connor Harrison said:
Confused. I hope she finds a path going forward. Again, this is probably part of your plan, but I have see Joza tip to the Dark with lots of dark friends and liasons with Sith. I've also seen her tip to the Light with lightside allies, and even those in between. It can be wary when it's unclear where Joza stands in the greater scheme of things and if you think she's one thing...boom...she'll flit to be the other. As I say, it's not a criticism, it may be part of her overall mystery (as said above) but if not, I'd love to see her focused in one direction at a time rather than many directions at many times that includes her sleeping with all men and women to get somewhere.
Another of Joza’s big flaws is her indecision. Given that she’s now a Master, I’d imagine that she has some important decisions to make in regards to alignment and who is her enemy. Problem is, she often tries to see all sides to every situation and sometimes tries too hard to please everyone and be everyone’s friend. That sort of thing won’t be feasible for long, and I can see her either having to make some hard choices or self-destructing in some way.
Giving Joza a solid alignment is something I’ve been struggling with ever since her first slavery story arc. Part of me doesn’t want to give her one, to have her waver between dark and light and deal with the consequences because I think it would be neat, but it could also end very poorly. She is staunchly against Sith and slavery though, so she’s got that going for her I guess?