Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

1. Feel like making the General look like Raddus.

Raddus got chit done when the Rebel Alliance council was being useless. And he was a badarse when the Empire invaded Mon Cal.

The RG dismisses claims of Holdo's existence. Ackbar did the hyperspace ram. Not some dumb chick with purple hair and a gown.


What powers/abilities would you give Kyrric?
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
I'm thinking traditional Jedi Guardian abilities to empower himself and allies, some healing.

I think he's incredibly conflicted by turning on the Dominion. He trusts Mahtara...likely she was his master and mentor so that's why he trusts her. Need a backstory about how they got together.
Valiens Nantaris said:
I think he's incredibly conflicted by turning on the Dominion. He trusts Mahtara...likely she was his master and mentor so that's why he trusts her. Need a backstory about how they got together.

Any ideas here re Kyrric?

Also got any suggestion for a sub for the Cataphract chick who was part of Tempest's group?

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
I can't imagine the Kel'dor are common...just like Yodalings. I wonder if in the conformist society of the Dominion that he might have been excluded and even suspected.
Mahtara takes him on and this earns his loyalty.

Make her a former real Cataphract mounted on a Yazgid. She misses it a bit...but at least her mount doesn't bite her now!
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
I know, but the originals would have been cavalry Cataphracts most likely. They may well have brought in warrior groups and religious orders already existing to form the new Firemane group.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

1. That's true. Any suggestions re characterisation/personality and backstory for Cataphract chick?

2. Also ideas for backstory for Aruunzeb and Kyrric? I imagine Aruunzeb was born in RG territory.
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
I'd like to think she was a mercenary captain at one point, but had a religious experience. Perhaps she was being attacked and from overhead a Firemane strike bomber just laid waste to the Xio attacking her fort. At first she was afraid and thought it was a sign from the heavens. Later though she saw it was a sign from the goddess...but that these star people were doing Kashara's will. She signed up with them therefore and came to respect and even incorporate Sio into her beliefs as a prophet of the goddess.

Could have Aruunzeb be someone who just wanted to stay under water and not get involved. However, then the Dominion sent boats with depth charges to bomb 'terrorist camps' he mustered the Mon Cal to the Guard's banner. Perhaps he is the leader of the Mon Cal, so like with the revered Akbar they gave him command of an important force as a way to bring his people on side.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]


Oh, that could work. Maybe he was a local leader. For comparison, Raddus was a mayor on Mon Cal, but forced to fight against Imperial aggression.

What could his famil background and early years have been like?

2. Good thought re Cataphract chick. Also makes it poetic that she later goes on a quest to save Sio's daughter. Ideas for her family/social background?

3. With Kyrric I'm inclined to just start with a traditional Jedi background as a baseline but then invert it the Tephriki way. Not sure which Jedi to base him on. Ideas?
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Yes, I suspect they are rather more democratic than the Dominion, at least locally. Therefore he might have been the mayor or local headman of his people, trying to live peacefully in the swamps.
So with that in mind, probably grew up first among equals, in a situation where the wealth and family prestige gave equally rights and duties.

I'd say relatively low birth, probably joined up young. The line between mercenary and brigand is probably razor thin and depends which wars are on and who is paying.

I don't know many Jedi back stories honestly. I think we briefly discussed his pre-Jedi life. So probably was isolated because of how rare his people are and so Mahtara took him on for that and because of his physical skills.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

1. Works. The RG has democracy on a local level (though it is probably 'managed' in certain areas). Local village and town heads are elected. But the centre is authoritarian and the senate is mostly ceremonial.

2. Got a name for the merc company?

3. Perhaps his people were regarded as suspicious since they had an indigenous Force tradition (the Baran Do sages - they're a thing in Legends).
Valiens Nantaris said:
I'd like to think she was a mercenary captain at one point, but had a religious experience. Perhaps she was being attacked and from overhead a Firemane strike bomber just laid waste to the Xio attacking her fort. At first she was afraid and thought it was a sign from the heavens. Later though she saw it was a sign from the goddess...but that these star people were doing Kashara's will. She signed up with them therefore and came to respect and even incorporate Sio into her beliefs as a prophet of the goddess.

You know, technically we could connect this to the failed assault on the Underealm, where Sahal and the army of Lakish were saved by Sio/FM.

Or it could be an unrelated engagement.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

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