Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: My name is Tera-Zulia, that is all you need to know.

FACTION: I aided The Sovereignty once in it's effort to protect the galaxy from pirates I now return home but my attention will likely turn to the Confederacy and the Outer Rim.

RANK: I am the captain of the Hapes Battle Dragon Ta'a Chume - named after the Queen Mother of the Hapes during the Galactic Civil War.

SPECIES: I am a Hapan from the planet Hapes.

AGE: I am twenty five but more than capable. I assure you.

SEX: I am female, by all obvious means of observation.

HEIGHT: I stand at four feet and eleven inches.

WEIGHT: My weight is none of your concern, but I'll humor you. It's roughly one hundred eight pounds.

EYES: My eyes are brown, though the hue changes in varying light.

HAIR: I have shoulder length brown hair that appears lighter in certain environments.

SKIN: I have fair skin, despite my time spent on my home world.

FORCE SENSITIVE: I am not Force Sensitive. Nor do I wish to be.


+ Capable commander: Having spent years of my life tracking, hunting and killing pirates I have learned to be an effective captain to my crew aboard the Ta'a Chume.

+ Combat trained: While my family forbade that I train for any kind of combat, I spent years training with the warriors of my home world to better defend myself.
+ Innate beauty: As a Hapan I was born with the innate natural beauty of my kind. It has served me time and time again and is something I take advantage of if the situation warrants.
- Matriarchal: Like the majority of my people's women, I believe strongly in the matriarchal system that governs us. While I do not immediately impress that upon others, it often reflects in my actions towards men. Especially those in my crew.
- Small in stature: While I am a capable fighter I lack extensively in the size department. A big enough foe who can keep pace with me is likely to be my downfall in close range combat.
- Poor night vision: As with the rest of my kind, due to our extended time in the Hapes Cluster, I have poor night vision and am virtually blind in the dark.

Standing at four feet eleven inches and weighing in at one hundred and eighteen pounds, I am short in stature but slender in build. My shoulder length brown hair compliments my fair skin and brown eyes, adding to my already outspoken appearance as a Hapan. I do not express greatly in the area of curves, though I dare say you should say I have none.

On the side regarding injuries, I have a blaster scar on my palm, a scar on my right shoulder blade and a scar along my lower right jaw.

From the moment I was born I have known the life of luxury. I was not born into the monarchy, nor was I born into the lower class of the Hapes society. One might say I was born privileged by being the daughter of the woman who served the former Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium but I would say that it provided me with the means I required to follow unruly dreams.

While my father, a man who hardly spent a single week on Hapes unless pressed by my mother, was a soldier, my mother was an assistant to the Queen Mother. Due to this, I was more often exposed to the political and dignified side of life than to the side of life that I desired above the rest. While my mother taught me politics in public, my father taught me combat in private.

The course of my life took a dramatic shift the day my father died. A soldier killed in combat serving the Republic against the One Sith. While I would have turned my attention towards the One Sith, their radical beliefs and their evil, I quickly learned that it was not the One Sith that had killed my father.

His death had come at the hands of a group of pirates raiding the hyperspace lanes of the Republic. It was then that I decided who I wanted to be and what I would have to sacrifice to become that person. My mother disapproved, the majority of my family standing by her, she forbade me from pursuing my vendetta until I produced names.

Too young to fight alone, too hard headed to wait for permission, my mother gave me a pair of ships and a crew. It has been years since that day, years within which I have been able to learn.

With the Battle Dragon Ta'a Chume, I turn to the newly founded Sovereignty to help them in their fight to clean up the galaxy though in time I found returning home to be a far more prevalent desire.

A single Hapan Battle Dragon - the
Ta'a Chume

Crewed by 1,390, 1,112 of female hapans and 278 male hapans.
A Nova-Class Battlecruiser - the Queen's Corsair
Crewed by 1,790, 1,432 of female hapans and 358 male hapans.

None to speak of.

None to speak of.


None as of yet.

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