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'Terminator: Genisys'

Another movie about a man who can't even say the state he was once governor of.

Yet he can perfectly say "Git tu da choopa!"

Nah I'm good. I already had my fill when he was a cop shooing a machine gun out of the back of a school bus.

Stephanie Swail

If this time travel to shake up the 1984 timeline is true and seen in the trailer, it's going to be such a huge risk to get right without being laughable.

Stephanie Swail


So....thoughts on the return of Terminator and a new alternate time-line being toyed with...?

Stephanie Swail

I don't got worse as the trailer progressed.

Started really well and great to see the future war, but lots of the effects need serious work to avoid being laughable and still makes me thing Arnie isn't going to be in this as much as we think, a very light appearance for him here.

I want to like it, but it's proving hard at the moment....ugh.

Stephanie Swail

Still not sold on this after a night sleeping on it.

Linda Hamilton channelling is all good with me, and I think Emilia Clarke will do fine....

...but when nearly all her dialogue is a horrid nod to previous films "Come with me if you want to live!" (yawn), "Now, soldier!" and "RUN!"...I just felt, I don't know...ripped off.

And alternate timeline, why was everything the same with Kyle going back but now the new T-1000 happens to be in the same place at the same time in the same context as the black officer from 1984?

And it just dissolved into a generic action film for me after that with sub-par effects and horrible body doubles for Arnie. What the hell was all that about him dressed in leather carrying a young Sarah Connor? So he literally is a father figure? Why is 'Termaintor' now going for sentimentality in the story?

With less than 10 seconds of Schwarzenegger featured after all the whoo-haa about him "being back", and a god-awful 'Die Another Day'-esque free-fall CGI Arnie from da choppaaa, I feel this is going to be another disappointment.

Don't get me wrong, the opening minute looked great with the Future War and the foundations that set up the 1984 original, but then this timeline screw all goes over my head. I mean...ugh. I don't know. Not happy myself sadly, but I really wanted to be. I'll try watching it again later.
Terminator 2 was my favorite movie as a kid, and pretty much remains my favorite movie to this day.

I will always object to Terminator sequels in principle, because the first two Terminator movies were just that good. They were literally perfect films in pretty much every way. T2 was the textbook example of how to execute a sequel, and will probably stand the test of time as the best sequel to a movie ever made, forever.

Aside from the fact that it will be impossible for a Terminator sequel to ever live up to the experience of T2, the movies we have been given since then haven't even been remotely passable. They have been awful. They have taken the Terminator franchise, with a story that logically concluded in the most perfect way possible at the end of T2, and added on two more abominable sequels (soon to be three) that ruined the franchise.
I’m not sure who wants this sequel, but it looks extremely dull and generic. T1 and T2 formed a perfect, self-contained universe which did not need any additions.
T3 was a decent film, but it wasn’t really needed. Its biggest issue was that it was already drifting so far into self-referencing that it was becoming a parody. Terminator Salvation meanwhile was aggressively dull and unpleasant. It just served no purpose.

And now we have ‘Genesys’, a movie which is replacing/rebooting the series for…reasons? And like so many of them it’s filled with self-referential nonsense. I cannot see any way this will be good.

Stephanie Swail

I feel every film post 'Terminator 2' has wanted to shake up the series and bring more to the time travel story but they keep messing it up, making it so much more complicated than it needs to be, and just missing out golden opportunities.

I'm not hopeful for this, as it looks like a fan-boy collection of Terminator nostalgia and ropey SFX.

Connor Harrison

New trailer released today:

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