Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Abyssal Zone (GA vs. OS: Invasion of Dulvoyinn)

Sector One
Inside the bowels of the Hungering Mynock - in the dark
[member=Vexen] [member="Annaliese Zambrano"] [member="Reinhard Baelor"] [member="Micah Talith"]

Vexen gave a gentle twist and was rewarded with a faint hum. She very slowly clambered back out of the space between two large pylons. She paused and re-affixed the cover over the top of the detonator. Vexen didn't really understand where she was placing the things, she simply followed Micah's direction. She did, however, have the sense to place them in hard to reach and out of sight areas.

There, I'll leave you in peace to make jokes with your toy, she communicated to Micah, such that Alex wouldn't hear.

"You know, I do love exploring," Vexen said as she stalked away, "and I'm not a fan of crowds, but we could swing by somewhere with civilisation at some point. At least if you could go dancing I might get subjected to it less."

That she didn't like crowds was something of an understatement. However, over the last year she'd been growing more confident when going out in public. Often she took to wearing a shirt with her goggles, just so that people could see her easily. Didn't tend to catch people off guard as much. Her curiosity had sent her all across the holonet recently. Vexen had found all kinds of interesting things. There was live music, plays, clubs where people went dancing. The latter didn't interest her all that much, but the first two did. Vexen loved Micah very deeply, but as she headed into her teenage years she was starting to think about finding some other company from time to time.

She stopped at the door, making sure she had no visible equipment on her person. Then she slunk out into the corridor. It was littered with unconscious stormtroopers. Their gleaming armour was almost visible in the darkness, so perhaps not the trip hazard they could be. The Wraith cross the corridor and pressed herself back into an alcove.

I've keep eyes and ears open.
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Location: ANS [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Fondor’s Aegis[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px], Passageway[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Allies (none in vicinity): [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Cole Katarn"] | [member="Kana Truden"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Enemies: [member="Darth Vornskr"] | (rest not in vicinity) [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Raien Keth"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Did the Tyrant truly think revisiting the death of fallen comrades would incite him to fall? Foolish. Korr could feel an undercurrent of desperation beneath the words. Was the butcher afraid? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He should be.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The Sith Lord continued to siphon energy, but the stream was small. No better than a few drops of water in the mouth of a man dying of thirst in the desert, simply prolonging the inevitable. In order to keep fighting from that dolorous blow of earlier, he would need much more.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]In the meantime, Korr continued to hound him, saber and shoto an incandescent weave. When Kaine refused to move backward, Korr would hack at the gaps at the knees, at the hips. He did not fear Zambrano’s reach, for those lightsabers were next to useless against the cortosis woven lamellar. Ryan’s head was exposed, but little else. Thus the direction of the counter attacks was predictable. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Beep, boop, beep. Beewheedodee.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Tweedling in his earbuds, his astromech updating him on the location of the blackblades. They were on the move, not that it mattered. The marines had a fighting chance against them. The Butcher King was an entirely different story. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Droplets of blood beaded down Ryan’s jaw and down his neck, face a ghoulish mask of red. Korr’s cheek throbbed, a deadened pain. He wondered briefly how that compared to the agony Kaine suffered now from broiled intestines?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Blue sabers struck, aiming to push the Sith into one of those saber locks he was so fond of, the Vahla then attempted to slide his shoto down along his enemy’s blade in an effort to destroy the weapon’s emitter. He quickly followed with a push kick toward the epicanthix’s stomach to aggravate the wound. [/SIZE]
Location: Aboard the ANS Fondor's Aegis. Stopped on the way to Life Support, Facing [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Mission: And Bring in the Cat.
Allies: The One Sith | [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Isamu Baelor"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Cole Katarn"] and anyone in the way.
For the dead.

Barrier around Darth Surtr exploded outward in overwhelming force, lightening shooting upon all surfaces, crackling potency. His body was smoking and burning from the multitude of new wounds. Faced down breathing deep upon the floor, drawing of the darkside. “Better.” His voice cut the air.

The Betrayer Stood Proud. His work was not yet done for this one. One final time. One foot in front of the other. The rising spiked form came for her, looking to remove every trace of what held her back. Her released potential shot forward piercing his stomach, “BETTER”, even as his own barrier erupted around him to nullify the energy inside, the tendrils surrounded the shield smashing into it with great force, like a punching bag for her rage, she'd need pull from deeper, find more!

Surtr pinned his feet to the ground, STILL COMING, red barrier meeting the expelled energy as ever, each tendril threatened to penetrate, to burn him or smash the shield, but this was resistance, what had she that he had not seen a million times before!


She had understanding of the past, acceptance of it, long personal journey defining her. Then HER face, his first wife [member="Hana Kae"] was ahead of him, the rage from within Keth was almost overwhelming as if it could cut Taeli’s skin from pure spite, perhaps it did as he bellowed force potential at the vision ahead. It was the signal others had waited for, a beacon to draw their spirit beside her. Three force presences shimmered into being besides Taeli, three strong force signatures in their own right. Ghosts all, they had waited so long to finish this. For someone strong, wise and sacrificing enough to open keth up and rally behind, forever tied to the lightsaber by his side, and given entry by the sheer amount of force energy now present in this one single corridor.


All three dead spirits hit his shield from every side. Burning energy across its surface, blotting out the room with erupting light, so much energy unleashed the room began to burn, not from fire, but from discharge scorching it whole. Perhaps the Master herself was not entirely spared the devastation.

Inside that shell Keth put everything into the shield, all of himself, arms thrust outward, every last part of his past he had. Till one by one those same spirits faded to be finally at peace, using up the last of their energy that sustained them to existence. Keth’s Barrier was overwhelmed by the past, the same past he drew from. Who were the apparitions, take your pick from the wives, the sons, daughters, the force Masters, the Jedi, the Sith, the thousand dead at his own blade. Giving the last of themselves to fade, perhaps ressa was among them, xion, hana, aiden, aizen, nova, raya, daniel so many others.

Two words were left upon the air, as the final spirit gave herself, “thank you.” She said to Taeli, proud, strong, so noble, but sad. Tears upon her eyes as she faded.

Taeli’s tendrils hit home, metal, vong material, black blood and red bone burst. The Sith spawn before her was shredded piece by piece. Keth taking just slow steps, pulling himself along their devastation till he was but a foot away from her, his insides turned to nothing but a memory. “THIS IS WHO YOU ARE”. Staring directly at her, eyes burning ahead even as they went dark. “LOSE THIS AND YOU LOSE THEM.” Because she would have done, it was the only reason he had lived so long too, drawing from the past as he had for purpose.

With the exertion of force power that he demanded she use to end him, could she ever put aside this connection, the darkside tapped into so deeply? Because he persisted, staring her down until possibly she had thrown all her rage, all of her power at him, drawing from all her reserves, and at the end....

For Taeli’s mind
She might find a much younger Echani boy walking up in her mind, laying his sword at her feet, and smiling, silver hair, silver eyes, a lonely distant young lad. If she would follow the boy’s urgently tugging hand, she could look out upon a black landscape crawling with insects, large and small, a shifting mass of the darkside, temples made of such. Bodies slowly being taken inside the mass one by one. The boy would point frantically at the shifting mass, but he was fading, his time was drawing near, and then he was gone. As he went, six other faces looked up from below.

The scrolls of Taiden Keth, #Entry 302. So died Raien Keth, son of wodenstam, gladiator, jedi, dark jedi, general, serenity of the flame, betrayer, thrice cursed husband, sith warrior and sith knight. A day the galaxy might breathe a little more easily, but perhaps not Taeli Raaf, because she alone had seen the depth of his work first hand, and what his acolytes would now claim as their own.

Fin for Raien, for ten years, it was a pleasure to write with you all.

Edge of Truth lightsaber | Heavy Vong Spiked Maul grown in place of his left hand (wounded) | Krayt’s Reborn Armor
Fluff: (30/250) Biodroids MK2’s - Byss Hive, using GA DNA Templates
Biodroids: Will be mentioned in [member="Natalya Selanne"] 's post.

Location: Aboard the ANS Fondor's Aegis
Objective: Knock over the Grandmaster's Sand Castle

  • The One Sith
  • [member="Isamu Baelor"]
  • [member="Raien Keth"]
  • [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"]
  • [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
  • The Alliance
  • [member="Ryan Korr"]
  • [member="Taeli Raaf"]
  • [member="Kana Truden"]
  • [member="Cole Katarn"]
  • Two Battalions of Zero-G Blackblade Guardsmen

The Blackblades did not go very far.

They ascended upward through whatever decks remained between their master's struggle and the outer hull of the warship around their original entry point, taking care of any straggling marine opposition that had moved in since their original push deeper into the ship. Barricades were deployed at chokepoints to stem the tide of any large Alliance force that sought to overwhelm their comparatively inferior numbers, deploying automated E-Webs that would lock onto anything within their visual range in whatever direction they were pointed at, and trip mines to ward off any foolhardy charges. Not long after the deployment the gun would already buck and thunder with rapid fire as Alliance marines already moved in to attack the Blackblades as they moved up through the decks. Squads of Blackblades traded fire from around corners and behind the hastily erected barricades which quickly became peppered and marred by layered volleys of enemy fire.

As was common for any boarding deployment, the Blackblades had brought sapper specialists along with them to break through the outer hull of the ship and to demolish any internal systems they may have come across. Now those sappers set down their explosives for another purpose, layering deck after deck with primed explosives with enough wallop behind them to punch straight through the durasteel separating each deck from one another and the outer hull of the ship. The only level that was not decked out with explosives was the one Vornskr and Korr currently traded blows on, and that was already a trashed battlefield of gashes and corpses.

Now they only had to wait for the order.

Back down at the battle Vornskr continued to block and parry Korr's attacks, but letting some of his defense slip so that Korr could get in a little hit on his person. Nothing so damning that it would debilitate him, but enough to give the Jedi Master confidence that his strategy was working. Finally all of it paid off as Korr engaged Vornskr in a tight saberlock, and slide his own blade down to sever the emitter of [member="Gabriel Sionoma"]'s stolen lightsaber, the scarlet blade fizzling out into nothing only to be replaced by a shower of sparks that exploded out from the sliced electronics. Vornskr's hand was saved because of the beskar, but now Vornskr was bereft of one saber against an opponent still armed with two.

It wouldn't matter though as Korr sought to deliver a devastating kick to Vornskr's wounded midsection, the impact bursting open cauterized flesh and sending a spiral of agony straight through him as if he had been skewered all over again, and that was when he sprung the trap. With one hand free of a weapon he reached down with the speed of a striking tree viper to latch onto his shin, tightening his grip with the awful crushing power of a shuk'orok to hold him in position. Vornskr's gaze never wavered from Ryan Korr's eyes as he delivered this apocalyptic statement and magnetically sealed his boots to the floor: "It is over." The command was given, and a fraction of a second later the explosives placed in the decks above were detonated simultaneously, blasting apart entire corridors and opening a massive gap that now began to vent the shattered ruin of several decks directly into space.

Including the one Vornskr and Korr had been fighting on, the tremendous loss of pressure sucking out the bodies that were strewn about like a slug from a slugthrower. And perhaps the only thing holding Korr in place were his own application of the Force, and Vornskr's crushing grip on his leg.

And Vornskr let go with great and mighty toss directly upward.
ANS Fondor's Aegis
Allies: [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Cole Katarn"]
Enemies: [member="Raien Keth"] (that's what you get) [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Isamu Baelor"]

NPCs: 40 Harbinger Droids, 8,591 Alliance Marines (they're having a really rough day already)

Taeli watched, smug and vicious satisfaction on her face, as the Sith Raien fell in front of her. Then an image blossomed in her mind, faces and a corrupted landscape swarming with insects and other monstrosities. They were dragging captives below, the bodies disappearing into a foreboding dark mass. Taeli took a step forward, looking at the six obscured faces that watched the young boy fade away.

Just like that, the vision vanished and Keth's body moved no more. Blinking, she could feel the familiar darkness trying to goad her to use it again... sweetly whispering in her ear...

"Sliuz... ruonis," she whispered to herself. The Marks around her eyes turned red again, and with a groan and wail only heard by her, the dark side was drawn back into their prison. The Marks turned back to black, slowly fading away as Taeli put the illusion back on her face. She slid down the bulkhead, shivering and shaking her head slowly. The feeling of the dark side still clung to her once again pure heart and soul, a last gasp of the darkness before it too faded back into the background of all the death and destruction in the battlefield.

She knew he had damaged a memory of her sister, she couldn't recall which, but she would need to employ mnemotherapy once the battle was over to restore it in some way. Wavering as she got to her feet, she felt a massive rumble in the ship and the sudden snuffing out of multiple lives. She needed to keep going, the fight against the Sith wasn't over yet.

"Master Raaf, we have an emergency," a Marine yelled, running up to her. "Sith forces have breached multiple decks with explosives, we're venting atmosphere. Master Korr was in that section, facing against a Sith Lord."

"Get some Zero-G men out there with environment suits, seal off what we can," she said, still staring at the corpse of her defeated enemy. "Inform Admiral [member="Sieb Tevv"] one of the Sith that got on board is dead."

"Right away!" and the Marine ran off, shouting into his comlink. Taeli followed, throwing one last look over her shoulder at the corridor her battle had been fought in. So much to think about because Raien Keth's legacy was still out there and was probably going to rear its head sooner rather than later. With that, she raced to go find where Master Korr had been fighting.

At the bridge, several of her Harbinger droids had taken their positions to protect the place while fighting raged against the Sith forces still on board.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Location: Bridge of the Solo-class Star Defender Lancer - Dulvoyinn system
Objective: Sector 2 Fleet
Enemies: One Sith
Allies: Galactic Alliance
Shields 100%
Status 100%
36 @ OS-G1 Guardian-class FIghters
12 @ OS-G3 Paladin-class Fighters
24 @ OS-I1 Ranger-class Interceptors
16 @ Inimica Heavy Gunships
28 @ M32 Argevant Dropships

Shields 100%
Status 100%
Valourous Hammerhead-class
Shields 100%
Status 100%
12 @ OS-G1 Guardian-class FIghters
4 @ M32 Argevant-class Dropships

Shields 100%
Status 100%
24 @ OS-G1 Guardian-class FIghters
2 @ Inimica Heavy Gunships
4 @ M32 Argevant Dropships

Shields 100%
Status 100%
24 @ OS-G1 Guardian-class FIghters
2 @ Inimica Heavy Gunships
4 @ M32 Argevant Dropships

The deck below Reshmar's feet shook as the first volley of fire found its way to the Lancer. The Directorate had been assisting the Galactic Alliance in training and crew support when the order for the fleet to jump to Dulvoyinn. Reshmar had been aware of the operation and agreed to assist the Alliance as did the other leaders of the Directorate. It was a rare occasion when all three of the founding members of the Directorate fought together in one place. The Directorate and its holdings were spread out across the galaxy and generally so were its founders.

"Captain Lanc, you may return fire." said Reshmar as he looked out at the ship sin the distance. The Solo-class vessel was not what Reshmar would have preferred going into battle in, but it was a good vessel. The command deck lay out was like many other vessels its size. The outer edge of the deck was a pit of control consoles and stations for the vessels operations officers to carry out their duties. in the center a raised platform housed a small tactical hologram table which now displayed a three dimensional hologram of the battle. Admiral Quee was moving in to engage the formation while the remaining ships engaged at long range moving in slowly to standard weapons range. The sith ships in the distance now fired on all three groups utilizing their long range weapons. Such was their standard tactic of late. Their designs favored long range weapons and the Sith commanders task them well.

"COMMS, inform the Redoubtable she may release the Strikes." said Reshmar looking over the tactical hologram. A moment later two new friend or foe transceivers came to life as the two smaller vessels released their berthing clamps and launched. The icons turned green indicating they had been identified as friend, and were taken off the threat list. The icons moved away from the light destroyer and labels popped up below their icons identifying them as the Gambler and Juneau. Slowly they came into formation flanking the Redoubtable. Behind it a fifth icon sat labeled Valourous, the lines frigate, which was positioned at the rear of the line formation Reshmar now had the group in. The larger Star Defender sat at the formations point soaking up the long range fire now being sent at it. Behind it the smaller light destroyer , which lacked any long range weaponry, sat locking down the hangers where the two smaller vessels had been docked. To the port flank, the Hammerhead-class frigate sat now laying down a barrage with its long range weapons. The two corvette sized vessels now flanked the light destroyer behind the protections of the larger star defender.

"Group in position sir, all vessels await orders" said a man sitting at the communications station below him. Reshmar looked over the tactical hologram once again them turned to the officer. "All ahead full, Gun free." Reshmar said tot he man waiting for a moment to watch him transmit the order to the other vessels of his Line. The ships accelerating and moving closer to bring their much heavier standard ranged weapons online. Reshmar knew the way to kill the beast which was the Sith fleet was to strike straight into the heart of the Sith battle lines like a sword through the chest of a dragon. Take the fight to them as fast and as close as possible. That was how to fight monsters and today Reshmar would slay this beast which had set its sights on he and his allies. Today the world of Dulvoyinn would be released from the tyrannical grip of the sith.
Location: Mess Decks of Titan
Allies: About that....
Enemies: [member="Crystal"]

Decompression. FETH. Gulping air just as the kinetics was thrown, knowing he could talk the hit or maybe bring the Sith down, he scrambled for the helmet and grabbed it, slamming it to his head. Not much would help, but a brief flare of the Force and he vanished from her view. Her friend wasn't the only one with a few fancy tricks here and there. The distraction had booted her from his mind, and when he appeared, it was a vicious, cold smile that graced his lips as his burning silver blade arced quickly across the non-injured thigh, held in a reverse-backed grip, so he spun into her as he stabbed, with the MP 1 in his hand from [member="Rusty"] from so long ago.

All of his Sight told him that this should produce a wicked injury to the Sith Lady, and leave her quite wounded, if not, the general danger sense most sorcerous types collected would be so overwhelmed by his erratic presence and mind she might not sense the exact way or moment he pulled the trigger on the gun aimed at the knee closest to him. One way or the other, she would either earn quite a healthy amount of respect, or come out at least a little slower. Or he might just embarrass himself. A smile flitted across his blue-grey eyes, a smirk twisting his lips as he whistled suddenly when he struck, high pitched and continual, the annunciator making it clear he was imitating a kettle boiling.

Sorry lady, no time for crumpets...
Location: Aboard the Hungering Mynock.
Objective: Defend the carrier, use any captives in experiments later on.
Allies: The Os.
Enemies: The GA, [member="Meeristali Peradun"], [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

His Lightsaber, Tonka Amulet, His armor, Ring of Hrafnar.

Accompanied by: Red & Blue

Well like always the jedi had a flair for the dramatics as always but for this time Erebos simply stood up and was about to take out his lightsaber when the other master came at him. With his sight inn the force he sometimes saw what the energy of his enemy was moving to where his enemy was going to. He saw that Meeristali was going to go in for a punch but not even Erebos was fast enough to block it and instead he took the blow to hiss gut, using the force to lessen the blow just a little to avoid puking or the like. However while the fist was still against his gut, Erebos gripped the arm at his gut and seemed to look at Meeristali as he reached out to grip around his mouth. "Bad idea." He said in an eerily calm manner, Among the sith Erebos was known to have mastered obscured forms of force lightning and was almost the undisputed champion when it came to the skill.

With little to no effort Erebos used his own hands to send forth a force shock into Meeristali's head before backing away to turn on his saber. "I see you are still the coward Jacen, not wanting to face me alone like our first meeting or are you just waiting for the chance to run away again?" He said mockingly as his secondary hand began to move in intricate symbols while he kept it down and his other hand pointed his saber down to the side as he waited for either of the masters to come at him.. This time he would control the flow of combat, this time he would keep Jacen and his allies on the defensive. The last fight with Jacen had been scared into his mind and most of his training had been to counter that fight or rather to make it his own overwhelming victory. To that end he had even fixed his old armor despite the fact he was working on a better one.
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Location: ANS [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Fondor’s Aegis[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px], Passageway[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Allies (none in vicinity): [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Cole Katarn"] | [member="Kana Truden"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Enemies: [member="Darth Vornskr"] | (rest not in vicinity) [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Raien Keth"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Cruel malice washed over Ryan’s senses, malintent flashing before mind’s eye in an instant. Implacable fingers curled around his foot, holding him in place, then they began to squeeze. The cortosis-woven durasteel greave shrieked in protest, metal beginning to buckle and press sharply into Korr’s shin. Intense, compressing pain ratcheted up steadily. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Reaching out, he seized those crushing fingers with the Force and kept them from snapping his leg like dry wood beneath a docking clamp. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]A sudden sense of dread rolled over him and he gasped at the same moment Ar-Nine screamed a warning through the earbuds. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“It is finished.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The deck rocked violently. Back the way the Iron Tyrant had entered, the hull peeled open. Not enough to cause major structural damage to the ship, but enough that the howl of sudden wind drowned out all else as atmosphere vented out the passageway and through the gap in the bulkhead at the other end. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The crushing grip on Korr’s leg vanished blissfully, but now he found himself tumbling head over heels toward the massive hole. Nothing but inky blackness on the other side. Deactivating both lightsabers, Korr expelled the air from his lungs lest the sudden loss of pressure to vacuum cause them to burst. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Desperate fingers stretched out as he flew toward the end of the passageway and he caught the lip of the door. Pulling, straining, Korr heaved himself bodily into the passageway, then slammed the emergency panel with the heel of his other hand. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The door into the passageway slammed down and sealed tight. Warships were engineered to be able to take damage from battle and keep fighting. The easiest way to prevent total loss of atmosphere due to a single hull breach was to compartmentalize everything. The flat slab of a door that now stood between Korr and the cavity in the hull would be enough. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Kaine Zambrano would have an entirely different set of problems to face. While the magnetic soles kept him rooted firmly to the ground, the rest of him would not be so lucky. The hole in his stomach presented the immediate danger. The decompression would likely rip out whatever remained of his intestinal tract through that hole in armor and skin, disemboweling him. And unlike a lightsaber, the vacuum was not so forgiving as to cauterize any wounds it caused. Squeezed out like paste through a tube, the blood loss alone would be catastrophic and the trauma unbearable. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Rising from his knees, Ryan gasped for breath, sweat streaming down his blood caked face and leaving tracks. The passageway slowly repressurized. As Ryan stood, sharp pain shot up the leg that had nearly been snapped in half. He could still put pressure on it, but he suspected hairline fractures webbed the bone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“No, Tyrant,” he coughed, throat raw. "It's just begun.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]~ ~ ~[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The compromised sections of the ship were sealed off. More Alliance marines were diverted toward the threat of the blackblade strike force. They set up E-webs and trip mines along possible points of ingress from the locations of the explosions. The Blackblades might be an elite unit, but they did not have overwhelming numbers. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Besides which, there were any number of reasons for why boarding a capital ship could quickly become an infantry commander’s worst nightmare. The bitter close quarters fighting had an incredibly high rate of attrition on both sides, staggering losses. Determined defenders could fight for every passageway, every hatch, every compartment, every inch of deck. Taking each of their entrenched positions - a necessity in order to get to vital locations of the ship - was a grueling task, hindered by ambushes, auto-turrets, booby-traps and blast doors. [/SIZE]
Location: Near the Immortal Titan Bridge
Mission: Seeking prey.
Allies: The OS
Enemies: Any trespassers.
NPC Allies:
5 Black Hssiss Pack Sisters | Living Gear in sig.

Onboard the Titan @ Anyone who wants to fight a hunting pack.

Dark black and grey robe, prowling around the titan's bridge related decks, her sisters and her, hunted invaders to their territory. The titan ship nested as their current hunting ground, complete with their own personal habitat compartment aboard, fancy room big enough for the 6 of them. Outside their quarters repelling trespassers, gnawing and ripping alliance troopers they came across. Hssiss darkside dragons were horrifically violent sith spawn creatures at the best of the times, six of them moving as one entity, one mind here. Though even for her getting five of these beasts to work together was a feat in itself, lucky they had other food to gnaw at!

Something struck her causing her to stop, death of her Master rippled across her body, his control fading! Force bonded parasites controlling her legs, arms and now her body, all dug into her in desperate attempt to remain, drawing their own blood from her in battle for their survival. Bloody vengeance burned in her bold copper eyes, she had hated him, loathed everything he was, but she was his work, his care, attention, effort that had shaped her. Large part of our huntresses world was taken from her in an instant, not only that but she'd never claim vengeance on keth herself! Leaving her vacant of expression, until more trespassers were sensed. All she had left was claiming his work as hers, and her hunt...

Elsewhere in the spacebattle - Biodroids [member="Sieb Tevv"] | [member="Lucius Varad"]

Keth's Biodroids were cleverly disabled in space, by not only ion fire but also netting! Ion weapon use was exceptionally clever, not only to keep the Alliance prisoners alive where possible, but also fry most of the droids! Netting protectively sealed the deal. No more DNA would reach the hives this day at least, not directly, unless bodies were elsewhere left aboard their sith capital ships. The alliance fleet had to just somehow get those shuttles out of the firefight or make sure they weren't hit! Any breaching might be done carefully, none of those crippled droids had any care about suiciding on approaching threats, as demonstrated previously aboard their capital ship.

Fin for biodroids, prisoners probably saved.

Near Raien Keth’s final resting place: [member="Taeli Raaf"].

Beside Raien one lone Massassi stirred, dragging both it and its very dead Master out of the corridor. The only thing Taeli had overlooked in her valiant defense of her sisters memories, was not throwing Krayt’s armor shards out an airlock! Then how could she know the nature of the armor, which she had once again returned to pieces. Keth was well and truly obliterated. Many shards of the armor, which Krayt’s tomb guardians honored, were scooped up into a nearby box, and taken with the red giant. Talgrath made his way carefully and cunningly to one of the many shuttles that had landed, for departure with the more senior fighting units aboard when the time came. Tales and stories to come for another day.

Fin for the armor, for now...

Lightsaber | Light Natural Fabric Robe covers her in two layers | Sith Spawn parasite growth on hands, legs, and hips. (Minor Armor) | Divvik In Pocket | 2x Large Edan Tigers (Back in Quarters) | Sandhawk (Back in Quarters)
Location: Near the Hungering Mynock
Objective: Being a good wingman and stuff
Allies: Galactic Alliance, Rogue Squadron. [ 2: Aedan Lochlan | 4: [member="Berric Kelso"] | 5: [member="Loske Matson"] | 7: [member="Choli Vyn"] | 8: [member="Encouragement Gets"] | 9: [member="Asmus Janes"] | 10: [member="Areiana Slayer"] | 11 [member="Alexandra Russo"] | 12: [member="Lucius Varad"] ]
Enemy: The One Sith
Equipment: T-70 X-Wing Fighter

Aedan had a bad feeling about this. For one he didn't recognize the fighters, and as if that wasn't enough his system was acting up. He was in the middle of getting a status update from his astromech droid when [member="Asmus Janes"] chimed in on his comm. So it wasn't just him. Their signals were dropping out and neither of them could get a lock. Kark. Rogue Nine's quick thinking however saved them a lot of time and trouble. After a little assistance from the Star Defender the red blips returned to his sensors and stabilised.

Aedan broke away with Asmus maintaining formation.With no lock on the hostile fighters they passed without receiving any fire, nor did they dish out any of their own. These were confident. But was it the confidence of their new technology, or skilled pilots? On Rogue Nine's cue he broke right. Again the enemy fighters danced out of range, out of reach. They were teasing. He wondered if they knew they were antagonising Rogue Squadron, and if they would've been as playful if they had. Adrenaline was pumping. This was what he lived for. He would not be outclassed by some second-rate Sith pilot. Aedan had nothing against the citizens of the One Sith empire, but they did not breed pilots like him there.

Rogue One could watch for another group of fighters. Rogue Two had set his own mark now. He was just about to break away to do his thing when he heard the voice of [member="Loske Matson"]. Well that was a pleasant surprise. By throwing one more Rogue into the mix their chances improved significantly. "Copy that, Rogue Five. Let's show them what Rogue Squadron can do" he could feel himself getting cocky, but he liked it. It was when he felt like that he performed his best; confident enough to know what he was capable of and executing it quickly. The risk was slipping into arrogance and biting off more than he could chew.

Aedan had the need... The need for speed. When the OS starfighters turned in an arch to return for a second pass, Aedan angled his X-Wing to intercept. The T-70's four fusial thrust engines got turned up to max power as Aedan raced after the small squadron. It was go fast or go home. Neither party had the other within their 3-9 line, but that would soon change. Seeing the Rogue coming in to try and cut them off, two of the fighters broke off in perfect synchronisation. While those two went high, the remaining two maintained course. Aedan had to make a call quickly: go after his initial targets but risk the other two dropping in on his six, or taking up pursuit of the two that broke off, sacrificing a clean shot. He wanted to stay on course, he knew he could take them out of commission. But for that plan to succeed he would need his wingmen to cover him. It placed his life in their hands. This was his first mission with them. He knew this was Rogue Squadron, but they weren't magicians. If he put himself in danger he couldn't be sure someone else would swoop in to get him out. The only one Aedan could truly trust to watch his back was Aedan.

"I'm going high" Aedan announced simultaneously as his T-70 moved after the fighters that had broken off. They had darted off upwards and to the left. He was cutting into their angle but his position wasn't as good for these two. They still think I'm chasing their buddies, Aedan thought to himself when he saw one of the fighters sliding into his crosshairs. He pushed down the trigger, letting the KX12 laser cannons roar. In the moment before, as if they had read his mind, the two fighters broke to starboard. "Feth!" Aedan shouted, shaking against his pilot's chair. His red lasers hit nothing but empty space. The Rogue's presence had been no surprise. He broke hard to starboard as well, diving after them again. They had bought themselves a few valuable seconds, however, and were trying to circle around and get a shot off on him.
Location: Sector Two
Aboard the Paladin
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="Gir Quee"]| [member="Irys Arist'lar"] | [member="Reshmar"]

9290 Total Length
Class Name Shields Status
  • Wyyrlok-ClassInvincible 60% Firing upon Majesty
  • Wyyrlok-Class Savage 100% Firing upon Majesty
  • Gula-ClassMalevolent 95% Releasing Fighters/Bombers
  • Gula-Class Scorpion 100% Releasing Fighters/Bombers
  • Vanguard-Class Paladin 100% Engaging Atropos/Co.
  • Vanguard-Class Aster 100% Advancing, Firing upon Lancer
  • Talon-Class Falcon 100% Escorting Invincible
  • Talon-Class Savant 100% Escorting Savage
  • Boneshatter-ClassTerror 100% Advancing, Firing upon Beacon
  • Boneshatter-Class Hunter 100% Advancing, Firing upon Beacon
  • Boneshatter-Class Predator 100% Advancing, Firing upon Defender
  • Boneshatter-Class Vulture 100% Advancing, Firing upon Defender
  • Corsair-Class Loyalist 90% Flanking Starboard of Enemy
  • Corsair-Class Brawler 100% Flanking Starboard of Enemy
  • Corsair-Class Valiant 100% Flanking Starboard of Enemy
  • Corsair-Class Heroic 100% Flanking Port of Enemy
  • Corsair-Class Gallant 100% Flanking Port of Enemy
  • Corsair-Class Monster 100% Flanking Port of Enemy
  • Fighters 272
  • Bombers 120
  • Gunships 48

The brutal and violent firefight being conducted by giants was an inconsequential action when one looked upon the galaxy as a whole. The flashing lights of enemy turbolasers crashing against absorbing shields which momentarily blinded anyone watching were probably not visible to anyone watching from a far off alien world. When one zoomed into the small fleck of dust within the sky however, they would find that it had evolved into a massive fleet combat with large numbers of moving parts was being conducted into a symphony of warfare by the individuals upon a handful of vessels. Commanding the One Sith fleets of the engagement stood the blue-skinned explorer, frantically grasping at new statistical data as it arrived upon the bridge, and allowing his more experienced officers to direct many of the ships to optimal positions.

Abelain watched as a chorus of long-range turbolaser fire slammed into the Invincible, blinking harshly against it's faltering shields as it hastily returned fire towards the largest target it could plainly identify; the Majesty. The Arue'tii glanced at the screen for several moments, looking towards Captain Jones for guidance in the critical planning. Jones spoke with an authoritative manner that had escaped the examination of his Sith commander previously, and Abelain wondered where it had been in previous times of difficulty. "Allow the Savage to open fire upon the Majesty." He maneuvered his hands around the tactical screen before speaking his next orders with a voice of crisp confidence, "Have the Falcon escort the Invincible, and the Savant escort the Savage."

The Arue'tii glanced at the large tactical representations of the Gula-class vessels as another volley of combined enemy firepower crashed into the Invincible. "Launch the fighters and bombers from the Malevolent, and the Scorpion, and have them form up into a line behind the Wyyrloks" He ordered, his voice rumbling outwards from his frame and echoing in the voices of Bridge officers as they relayed his commands. The Savage and the Invincible released a volley of firepower towards the Majesty, and soon space was filled with starfighters and bombers. "Split the Corsairs into two groups of three and send them opposite of one another, port and starboard." The quick corvettes swerved, beginning to fly away from the main battle to assume their new positions.

As his own orders were relayed, Captain Jones finished with his own orders to the Boneshatter ships, and to the Aster. The only ship that had not received it's next move in the giant game of Dejarik was the flagship itself; the Paladin. The enemy column was approaching quickly, and Abelain was determined to defeat them using only his ship without the assistance of the others for the sake of diverting as much firepower as possible towards more threatening foes. Suddenly, the lead vessel of the column let loose with several shots which promptly exploded into the debris, scattering throughout the space between the enemies and covering their approach. Scanners had difficulty in tracking them as jamming equipment was utilized, and the Arue'tii simply ordered that they open fire within the debris and hope for a hit.

He could not have known that the ships would change direction, but Captain Jones had been in space engagements previously, and it seemed unlikely to him that an opponent would disperse a covering cloud and then proceed to follow that direction. He pointed to a route opposite of the one that the ships had previously been flying upon, and ordered that the gunners open fire near that area for the maximum chance to hit their targets.

If I missed anything, feel free to let me know. I apologize, it's been a busy past few days and I rushed out a post so that you didn't have to wait on me, especially since the Invasion ends in a few days.
Immortal Titan
Lower Weapons Deck
[member="Kyber Salurra"] | [member="Aela Talith"]

Cameron had endured telekinetic attacks of the Force enough to, more or less, notice at least right at the moment of initiation. This was especially true when the user made a rather large motion to bring it about. Still, it wasn't an action that Cameron could just laugh at and not be effected by.

It was the strength of the action that caught the Sith Lord by surprise, it having been so long since he'd last interacted with Aela. Dropping his weapon, the Sith Lord was blown rather unceremoniously off his feet, but he managed his flight path and orientation through moderate applications of the Force to the best of his ability. It didn't take him very long at all to travel nearly fifty meters backwards before he was able to wrestle enough control of the Force to leave his body levitating just over the steel grating of the weapons deck, calling his sword back to his hand.

As Cameron hadn't seen Aela drop the grenade down into the capacitor shaft, he was somewhat surprised when the Force whispered a warning into his mind's eye. His silver-green gaze diverted rather immediately to the location where the danger was whispered to emanate from. Purple-white tendrils of raw dark side power began radiating around the Sith Lord's knuckles as he sheathed his weapon. As soon as his feet touched the ground once more, the grenade exploded.

The overpressure from the compressed gases coalescing with the energy of the capacitors was felt well before flames had a chance to truly travel very far. The Sith Lord's back was roughly shoved up against the pillar behind him, no doubt causing some amount of damage. Though, the fact he was able to stay on his feet was a...not bad sign. It at least meant he wasn't damaged beyond the point of adrenaline keeping him going.

Raising both his hands at the highest point of the nearest bulkhead, Cameron grunted loudly as he forced the energy cascading around his knuckles and lower arms completely down to his palms, shaping the energy into a medium-sized ball of kinetic energy bearing the strength of the Force. The process took less than a second, and within the next second, two volleys rocketed towards his point of aim. At the very least, it would punch through the durasteel bulkhead enough to give the massive build-up in pressure and flame...a path of least resistance to follow.

Exhaustion was steadily beginning to creep into Cameron's body as his very human cells were being pushed to the point of failure by the constant use of the Sith Lord's body as a conduit for an energy field that was, honestly, more powerful than anyone could truly wield with impunity for very long.

He just wasn't about to show that to the children.

The Sith Lord's feet moved slovenly at first, but he willed himself past the pain, gradually picking up speed in the direction of retreating forces. Handling the alleviation of pressure and flame was one thing, the weapons deck was still very much unsafe. Dangerous electricity cascading around the multitude of metal surfaces was evidence enough of that. It was all Cameron could do to absorb energy with the crimson blade of his Sith Sword in small amounts.

He was not 100% successful, and it hurt like a mother.

((OOC: I'm presuming some level of forethought in the ship designers not to have the weapons control room share a bulkhead with the skin of the ship, but I didn't read a lot of your earlier posts. If you guys had already set it up to be such, then I guess...he just punched a hole in the side of the vessel. Get 'er done.))
Hungering Mynock
Allies: [member="Lilin Imperieuse"]
Enemies: The Sith

Ignoring the pain from her back competed with the hyper-awareness of a fight. In a way, it was a blessing, not having to think about much else. This situation didn't bear thinking about in her frame of mind. Far better to just act and save thinking for another time.

Lilin was uncertain about her; despite the awareness of this, she didn't care. What she cared about were the unfamiliar corridors of this monstrosity of a ship. Surviving the situation mattered and she held her hilt in her right hand. For now, it remained unlit, but danger was lurking.
Aboard the Alliance Carrier - ANS Belshazzar
Objective: SmAcK mY sChUtTa Up!!!

Allies: [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Matthew Robinson"]
Enemies: Anyone coming to the Alliance Carrier from the One Sith [member="Kylath Connar Amadis"]
NPCS: Doing NPC Defensive things like defending against whatever One Sith NPCS are attacking, breaching, trying to do near engineering, bridge, whatever --- Expect whatever proper things, blah blah blah. Really, just pretend it is a super neato background cause I can't be arsed to do npc work. Too much of a headache!
My amazing personality is my number one weapon!
And my right hook.


They came at each other like two vicious forces of nature clashing against the other.

"Grrrah!" her growl spat out, sapphire fire in her eyes as her leg swung back, barely missing the strike to her shin. Powerful strikes of her attacks were parried, blocked. His training expressed itself in the fluidity of his counters. In the swiftness of taking her head on. Aeron was fast, but even then, she couldn't be that fast. He managed to land a strike. A stab of pain lashed across the right side of her ribcage, and as his fingers curled in a deadly squeeze, the amount of pain that the Icarii was subjected to made her cry out.

Twin electric blue orbs glittered through the sheer blonde curtain of her umber and blonde hair that covered her bloody face, and if looks could kill, the one that distorted the hardheaded Prex bloodied features would have struck [member="Kylath Connar Amadis"] with a lethal blow. The shove of the grip sent her crashing against the bulkhead and the two bodies strained under the force of their clash.

Shattered ribs under the pressure of that grasp sent shards of bone into her lung, puncturing one. This wasn't even including the sensitive organs underneath that could very well pop much like a grape if the rest of her ribcage took more damage. The armor offered some protection, but it would not last long. She had to get him off of her, fast. Already she felt the strain at taking a breath, in the internal bleeding of her lung that was filling the tiny air pockets.

"One hour all you got?!"

A snarl went curling over bloody teeth, voice half wheezing due to the damage of her lung. Aeron summoned every ounce of strength she had to jerk and pull away his grip and arm away from her body. The result was an agonizing cry that resulted in a sudden Force repulse to send the man flying back and her staggering. If successful, she was going straight at him again, bolter at her back jingling with her movements. Every intention at swinging that bolter from the carrying strap back into her hands; and just maybe, smash the butt-stock right up against his visor.

Just how pretty was the pretty boy?
Location: Near the Bridge of the Alliance Carrier ANS Belshazzar

Mission: Taking Stock of Butts

Enemies: On the Carrier
[member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Matthew Robinson"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"] |

Allies: [member="Lyle Baelor"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] (Possibly Later)
Fluff Surviving Forces:
769th Coruscant Own Regulars: Breaching/Boarding Regiment. (740/2000) 20 More Lost Aboard | 20 Lost to wounds.
660 Survivors Landing on Sith Flagship for medical care.
80 Survivors Cut off on Carrier, Surrendering or being Captured.
*Included in overall number.

[member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Matthew Robinson"]​
After saving the bridge, possibly the carrier, and maybe then the battle going after that bomb: Matthew staggered out catching breath. Force repulse would indeed throw Kylath, this time keeping his footing, force momentum carrying him high but sending him back a distance again. Only making Matthew's job of helping probably harder! Not least of which because the blond bombshell might be in the way of his shots, unless she wimped out, or matthew got closer himself. Then there was that pesky ray shield left in the way, stopping energy! Did Matthew have any other non energy weapons lying around or would he join the brawl himself? They were piling up now along the floor, including Amadis’s own gun!

Broken Gate Physical and Force Ankle Lock, Leg Throw, with twist.

Bloodied both, rifle butt hitting his jaw, and smashing crystal glass, cutting along Kylath's cheek and exposing skin as crimson lines ran down his face. Amadis was already moving to counter. “Depends.” Always the pretty ones that gave the hardest buttstocks. The young sith went to grab any part of her body, arms, back, trying to wrap his right arm around her left side, “can you dance.” She was coming in hard again, so his technique promised to body smash her one more time, beginning a throw.

Forward facing, Kylath stepped forward between her legs as she charged, his weight forward to press also. He moved to assist her own oncoming weight forward, by aiming to lift her right leg up with his left hand, and trying to drop her body flat to the ground, leaving a simple, hopeful grip on her right ankle under his arm. With one twist, he moved his body around, looking to cleanly break it by the turn of his body, grip of his crushgaunt, and dull force ankle lock. Break, tear, rip, fracture, all possible outcomes. Her rushing forward again had perhaps assisted his choice of throw, but he also had Matthew possibly aiming at a now free standing body, making Kylath or his shield unit at the hip, a much easier target! [member="Matthew Robinson"]

Aeron would almost definitely not realise it by the rising amount of injuries, unless she looked into his motives, but the young Kylath had developed a healthy respect for her bravery, and was trying to take her out of the fight, at this point.

Wherever he ended up, sensing the second threat from [member="Matthew Robinson"], Kylath's saber was drawn back toward his now free left hand to point at Matthew. “Not too late to surren….,” some dark humor in his voice given the situation of their retreat, but it was humor that faded. Sure it had been rough till now, lots of good men not going home, war, three soldiers intent on winning, but with growing passing respect for them and their bravery. Respect which might get a metal boot up the bum or worse from our non too happy heroine [member="Aeron Kreelan"] likely now behind him either way. Who may or may not now be able to dance, but was forever not as pretty as he was.

From afar Kylath also sensed the death of Keth, with some relief truth be known, but also being reminded at just how many the alliance had killed, their faces, and now his was on the line, glass across and partially in his jaw, a nice break along it from blondies butt. Now ANOTHER master of his dead and he wasn’t even there to stop it. AGAIN. First Lord Vengeance and now Keth. He spat the crystal shards out of his lip, and pulled off his helmet if he could, hair free, gash across his cheek red to match hers, just so they could see the mood had changed, see the again ice cold eyes of the man they were fighting. Rage began to flow through him, veins on his neck bulging, If he was going out, it was on his feet. Little backup left, carrier mission a bust, they wouldn’t have his honor. His connection to the darkside grew.

Aboard the Belshazzar, those few holdup finally surrendered or were captured. While aboard the sith's flagship the immortal titan, the medical shuttles poured into the Sith capital ship’s huge hanger bay, what did those men do when the medical ships touched down? Again 770th defensive clones disembarked in a hail of fire at anything in their way, sacrificing themselves to get the 769th wounded back as ordered, and they likely did, if the capital ship survived the battle, more than likely the wounded would too. Besides command needed every available man to repel their borders! Fin for the 769th Boarding Regiment

Personal Gear:
X1 Officer Armor | MRS-1 Modular Assault Rifle (Dropped) | 4x Mixed Grenades (1 dropped) | Lightsaber in hands | Personal Ray Shield | Crushgaunts on Hands | Jack Knife Pistol on hip

Actions: 660 survivors of the 769th landing aboard the sith flagship in 770th Loyal Sons medical shuttles, joining flagship defense. All remaining 769th aboard the Belshazzar surrender, except one.
Location: The Belshazaar
Allies: The One Sith
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance, [member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Abel"]
Objective: Fight!
Gear: First post

Quite the handiwork he and his squad had done. No one was shooting at them, no hostile soldiers were marching towards them, no troubles at all. But his silent work was somewhat noticeable when he saw the IFF tag on his HUD of a sole enemy that was meters away from the grave of the six fallen Alliance Marines. How was his cover compromised? The moment when Abel activated his lightsaber it disclosed information to Lyle that he was dealing with a probable Force User. Having a lightsaber mislead people into believing that they had access to the Force. But the words that the Jedi Padawan said from his mouth made the Agent believe that he was a Force User.

Great, he and his unit were no longer had that incognito cover over them.

But that didn't discourage him to deactivate the di-chrome. Indeed, his position was unveiled, but there attacks would be hard to parry when it was hard to spot them. Then something from the distance was hurled at him and his unit which he could use time and see what it was, but he acted out and thought that it was a grenade coming at them. "Grenade," he shouted to his squad which caused them to move out of harms way; however, some did got stunned and their di-chrome devices were disabled. That proved to Bryce that they weren't ghosts at all. The Baelor's next move was to draw out his pistol and begin shooting at Bryce in three bursts when the trigger was pulled.

Payback time.
Location: Secondary Bridge
Objective: Give Sith Lord a spanking
Allies: [member="Meeristali Peradun"] [member="Lilin Imperieuse"] [member="Ayme Katash"] [member="Trix Bastin"] [member="Dagon Mor"] [member="Nia Siroc"]
Enemy: The One Sith. [member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Equipment: Vanguard Armour, CC-13, Occluder Handcannon, Saber, Smoke grenades.

If being the size of a small airspeeder wasn’t enough to garner Jacen’s attention, the wealth of Force-imbued artefacts with a clear dark side signature did the trick. Meeristali seemed to have taken the initiative to get stuck into Erebos, so Jacen turned to face the new threat just in time. The initial strike can in hard and fast. Not a clear Djem-so manoeuvre in itself; many sith tried to use overwhelming force to bring a fight to a close quickly regardless of style. What followed, however, was classic Djem-so.

Jacen had already dropped his weight a few inches and settled into a defensive posture. He met that first strike head on, taking the strain and pressing back up. His lowered postured gave him the springboard to shove back upwards, whilst the weightless blade of the lightsabre was ill-suited to pressing an advantage in raw upper body strength with a downwards strike.

Jacen was forced to give ground as the flurry of blows came in. His opponent going through a smooth transition between powerful, sweeping blows. Jacen focussed on his footwork and economy of motion. His feet never cross each other as he needed to be well grounded to aggressively parry and keep the saber at bay. A myriad of coloured sparks bounced across the metal deck beneath them, before settling and fading away. As they moved Jacen was seemed unaware of their surroundings at key moments, his saber passing through the consoles around them on its way to a new position, rather than avoiding the resistance. A lapse in concentration and a sweeping strike sent jolts of pain up his arms. His form half-collapsed and the scarlet tip of the blade skimmed his left shoulder.

A grimace was all he would reward his opponent. Jacen stepped back smoothly and called upon the Force. There were no overt gestures, just the sound of a databank detaching itself from the wall to one side. It launched itself across the bridge towards the Sith’s left hand side. It was accompanied by a sudden change of pace from Jacen. A wide sweep to gain himself space was followed by several quick low jabs. He aimed to keep the Sith locked in place and to prevent him from bringing is blade up for the trademark downwards slashes of Djem So.
[SIZE=12pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Near the Hungering Mynock, DANGER ZONE
Make an entrance
Allies[/SIZE]: Galactic Alliance, Rogue Squadron: [ 2: [member="Aedan Lochlan"] | 3: [member= [FONT='times new roman'][SIZE=12pt]Tela Uolmi] | 4: [member="Berric Kelso"] | 5: [member="Loske Matson"] | 6: [member=[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]Alicia Frost] | 7: [member="Choli Vyn"] | 8: [member="Encouragement Gets"] | 9: [member="Asmus Janes"] | 10: [member="Areiana Slayer"] | 11 [member="Alexandra Russo"] | 12: [member="Lucius Varad"] ]
The One Sith
Equipment: [/SIZE]TX-100 X-Wing Fighter

[SIZE=12pt]Asmus let Aedan take the high road, but he took advantage of his vector to try and throw off the fighters. He’d once used the trick before when flying with a convoy of smugglers and some Ugly fighters had come at them hard. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]As Rogue Two passed between him and the enemy fighters he fired his engines in reverse, arresting his moment and falling into line behind him. Staying in his shadow for a moment with a sudden burst of heat was step one. He then cut thrust, coasting behind Two for two more seconds, using his basic manoeuvring thrusters to re-angle his vessel. Keeping the voltage high across the ion engines allowed him to push the engines back up to full power by simply opening the nozzles and pushing more matter through them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]His fighter shot out at a different vector to the one he’d been on when he first passed behind Two. The effect was instant. The automated sensors of the enemy vessels clearly when haywire and his pair broke apart in panic at his sudden and unrecorded change in direction. Asmus picked on the nearest. His fingers carefully controlled the main cannon, but he could have done with a gunner in the second seat right now. His first four second burst from the heavy secondary cannon went wide. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Come on!” he protested to the enemy fighter which juked from side to side. He watched for a moment longer and didn’t even think on his next action. He twitched the controls and pulled the trigger, the next burst cutting across the enemy and lighting up his shields. Now that the ship could lock onto. The next burst of fire devastated his target, but his own computer warned him that the second bogey was now in pursuit. [/SIZE]
The Admiralty
Location: Aegis
Allies: Alliance People, and the whiner [member="Kana Truden"]. Probably.
Enemies: [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]

"There was no need to call him out in front of his men like that, Truden." Cole chastised softly while they moved out and into the depths of the Aegis. It wouldn’t be a good thing for moral when the NCO was being dressed down in front of his men. Loss of focus and respect could be the difference between death and survival out there.

In the distance they could hear the sound of fighting continuing unabated, explosions rocked the ship every once in awhile and Katarn could feel people dying all around them.

It was distracting.

"Contact!" One of the soldiers whispered immediately prior to the cascade of blaster bolts and gun fire raging through. They had finally encountered resistance: these weren’t the regular Stormtroopers of the One Sith or other Sith Troopers, no… this was worse.

The Blackblade Guard that signified the presence of the Black Iron Tyrant himself.

"Fight as one, Truden. Don’t let yourself get separated."

His blade was ignited just in the nick of time to deflect a stray blaster bolt back to its owner. He could feel the presence of the Sith amongst the deadened essence of the Blackblades.

This wasn’t good at all.

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