Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Aftermath of one night on Zeltros (Leori gets married)(Vulpesen gets sold)

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

That was a good idea and Jack was thinking the same thing... Mostly, he hated the idea of someone drugging them and forcing something but he didn't mind the after effect as he started walking back to the speeder giving some credits for the shop owners trouble. He kept a look on his face of serious thought not wanting to make a joke to break the mood heading back to the speeder and setting the destination. "Do you want to tell the others? Or just head there and see? They might find something else."
Leori shook her head. "No, let them continue with their task. This one is ours." There is no emotion... she began silently in her mind, reciting the Jedi Code before climbing back into the speeder with Jack. "We need to keep our cool, as difficult as that will be. Emotion clouds judgement." The Jedi Master didn't think she needed to say more than that. It was more a reminder to herself. She was angry. But, she would have to be rational.

"Can you do that?"

[member="Jack Harkness"]

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

He gave a nod and started the speeder up while setting the course. Then taking off and sitting in more silence while the cloud over this situation hung. Whatever happened he would have to make sure to keep his cool and think about it rationally. "Alright, is there anything I should watch for? I know jedi getting angry is supposed to be really bad but I don't know the specifics"
Leori chuckled. "Jedi separate themselves from emotion when confronting others. When emotion enters the equation, we don't think rationally, and don't react rationally. Peaceful solutions, that's what we're after."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This time, she repeated the Jedi Code out loud.

[member="Jack Harkness"]

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

"Well your not in this alone, you know I'll be there if you need to step back and take a breath. Let me get angry" He held the smile on his face for that and offered his hand upturned for her to take while turning to look and steer. "So while we drive lets have a first lesson, that code you say. What does it mean? I don't want to possibly aid in getting a jedi to break any vows."
Leori smiled a little. "I appreciate the offer, but I don't think you should act in anger either." She picked up his hand and put it back on the steering wheel. "First lesson. The code contrasts the Sith creed." The Jedi Master recited the Sith Creed so that he could hear what she was talking about. "Two very different codes."

[member="Jack Harkness"]

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

He put and kept his hand on the sheel and listened to the sith's creed. It seemed similar kind of. He was guessing whoever wrote it had known the jedi's code they would have to if only to get to that opposite point. Slowly he saw the district they had been in earlier that morning and went for the hotel. The roof would give a good access and they wouldn't be seen coming from the large guest landing pad. He was bringing it in and let out a breath... well okay he'd keep his cool as well. No anger, don't let them know yet and then... he'd Let it Go.

[member="Jack Harkness"]

Leori took a deep breath as they approached the hotel. She could do this. She could stay in control. It was just another day. Nothing out of the ordinary. There is peace....There is peace.

When the speeder landed, she climbed out of it. She walked to the other side of the car and then followed Jack. It was better that he take the lead, as it would be easier to control herself if he was doing the talking.

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

Jack gave a nod and walked taking the lead while going over what could be done in his mind. There was plenty of scenarios andwell if he didn't have a jedi if they were just a normal couple... maybe hire one of the hutts to tune him up or ask questions while he is suspended over a reactor. There was plenty of things that could still go wrong but he wasn't to worried now while entering the lift. He looked at Leori and just stood there wrapping his arms around her for comfort and because they both needed to stay calm, needed that focus on the situation as the lift opened to the ground floor. The lobby was there and one of the bell hops came to them as Jack stopped and stood there. Eye darting back and forth until he found him... now to handle this calmly and rationally. Then the man caught sight of them and his face showed it, he knew why they were there and Jack knew that he knew as he dropped a bag and started running before a words could be spoken. "Hey come back here." Jack didn't want to leave Leori standing but he took off just quickly pulling out and then running after the man.
The Jedi Master stepped into the lift behind Jack, and didn't resist his embrace. It was nice, actually. Considering how mad she was, it was nice to be around someone that understood and would lecture her about her feelings.

The lift door opened, and she stepped out, followed closely by Jack. He had already spotted the bellhop even before she'd truly began looking. When she spotted him, he'd already begun running. Leori didn't run. Instead, she raised her hand, and with it, the bellhop levitated off the floor. He wouldn't be running now. Leori approached him.

"Don't run off. We should chat."

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

Well that was useful, he would have to remember he had a jedi helping. He could let her do the heavy lifting as it were and handle the problems as they came if it got physical. He was looking at the man though and spoke. "So you know why we are here and I am guessing you don't want to be dropped on the floor or thrown into the walls several times.... So come clean and I promise I'll try not to let my jedi companion throttle you."
Leori looked stern, but let Jack do the talking. He had given her a few ideas, but for the moment she was restraining herself.

"I'm going to ask you a question, and if I don't like your response, you'll be in a world of pain." She waited for him to acknowledge that he understood before making her inquiry. "Why did you drug us?"

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

The man gave a nod and continued to float there while he looked at the jedi, Jack could see the wheels turning because.... not every jedi who got angry went sith and drugging them was not a wise idea. He crossed his arms and waited while people made room for them. "I... I.... I wanted to get pictures to seel to the hololoids, the chancellor and a group of jedi on zeltros... I would have been rich but when I had the pictures the man who I sold them to stiffed me said they were useless. I just wanted the credits I swear."
[member="Jack Harkness"]

"So you drugged us so that you could take photos of us? Did you need five days worth of pictures? You could have killed us."

Leori was calm, and as serious as a heart attack. "Do you realize that I am a medical professional and you've just hurt my credibility as a healer? Do you realize that I'm a Jedi Master, having dedicated my entire life to serving the people, and you've depicted me as a drunk whore?"

She continued with her lecture. "Was our marriage of your doing?"

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

The man was helpless and scared now as he stammered. "I..... might have suggested it, you jedi are always so uptight and the ones who were there with you. The one master kept going on and on about how flirting wasn't proper, this is zeltros I wanted to get you loosened up. The drugs wore off.... and your fine. I can return the negatives of the picture it ins't like people haven't seen the photo's from the party..." He didn't mention that it was his idea to trade the one jedi or the rin he had wanted to see if he could get it to happen.
"You might have?" Leori repeated, clearly not satistied with his response. "No. You did or you didn't. There's no might about it. If I find out that anything else happened, YOU will be held personally responsible. You drugged us. You strongly suggested that we get married. You more than likely were the one to suggest acquiring a ring by trading one of our companions for it. So, what do you think that we should do about it?"

She was still as serious as the grave he likely wished he was in. He hadn't been harmed yet, but that could change at any moment as far as he was concerned. Leori was surprisingly in control.

[member="Jack Harkness"]

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

"Ah let me go." The man looked at her now because she was a jedi.... that was what they did right let the people go and didn't do harm they were like doctors. Jack only moved to stand near Leori and whispered. "I am fine with whatever you decide."
Leori looked to Jack. "Are there not laws to prevent these kind of actions on this planet? Or perhaps we should inform his employer of what he's been doing to guests of the hotel?" She tilted her head. He wouldn't be getting off without consequences, but it was not her job to enforce the law. Or deal with him as an employee. And she certainly wouldn't take her anger out on him.

[member="Jack Harkness"]

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

"There are laws and they can be harsh depending on who is doing it. Usually it is to offworlders and they don't want to come." He let it trail off but the meaning was clear, trying criminals when the victim left the planet for anywhere in the galaxy was harder. "But telling the hotel and us being local means we can easily be here to make sure he in handled." Jack looked at him with a smirk though and walked off speaking at the front desk. "I need the police, need to report several crimes."
Leori kept the bellhop suspended in the air as Jack went to contact the local authorities. Now he would have to answer for his actions. Perhaps they would get a hold of the one that hired him, if he chose to snitch and save himself that was. Either way, she'd accomplished what she hoped to. Now she could relax and enjoy the rest of their visit to Zeltros.

"Is there anything else you'd like to tell me about before I turn you over? I will mention whether or not you've been cooperative when I speak with the authorities. Why don't you tell me exactly what happened my companions and I left the hotel the day we arrived."

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