Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Annual Republic Military Banquet

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
Anemone couldn't help but smile as she was led to the table. She took a small sip from the glass in front of her as she got the male's name.

"Lieutenant Turin Val Kur, Republic Navy. Paladin squadron." 'And also top ace.'

A small grin crossed her lips as she took yet another small sip. "Ah. I should've guessed. You know, I don't normally associate with my Naval personnel. Then again, I haven't had much chance to actually. So, I guess that kind of makes you the first." In truth, Anemone had very little interaction with the Navy at all. Aside from her run in with the Admiral on her arrival. Now, here she sat. having drinks with one. And he wasn't bad looking either. Perhaps this night would turn out better than expected. She lowered her glass to the table, chuckling lightly as she did. "Anemone. Anemone Nivalis. 2nd Lieutenant, Republic Army, 73rd Infantry, Medical Corps." As she awaited his response, she caught sight of his Turin's eyes trailing off, and landing of the figure of another woman as she entered. A slight laughter escaped her lips as she simply watched the woman. "Well, she's quite the looker. You know her?"

@[member="Turin Val Kur"]
She liked the idea of making their rounds and than leaving to spend time as a family. Kalia didn't want to stick around the banquet unless she had to. The last thing she needed was to be pulled away by one of the other military wives to hear gossip about what so and so was doing last Friday night. "Or we could leave the kids to their devises tonight and spend some quality alone time together just us two," she whispered in his ear as she pulled him closer to her. Since he was gone all the time Kalia didn't get to see him nearly enough. Anytime he was around was spent with the children as it should be and Kalia loved family time more than anything. There wasn't anything wrong with wanting a little quality time alone with her husband though. She couldn't really remember the last time they did something alone like that.

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted her eldest daughter, Sophia, standing at the wall seemingly chatting away with some guy. Kalia hoped John didn't see that as she knew he would want to go over and say hello. He could be quite intimidating when he wanted to be which seemed to be anytime anyone looked funny at any of the children. He was fiercely protective of his family just like she was which was something else she loved in him. It was just that they went about that in different manners. Still holding onto his arm she did her best to steer them to the opposite corner.

@[member="Jonathan Walsh"]
John loved what he heard her whisper into his ear. " What did you have in mind? " She said glad to be with kalia again, he hated spending time away from her. He kissed her not caring who saw, he loved her after all. "I heard that Sophia might be coming, do you see her? " He asked with a smile, John was firecely proud of his oldest daughter, having made it to captain already showed just how good she was. The Navy was in the Walsh's blood and it was apparant with how well Sophia had done. John couldn't be more proud of her.
" I still can't believe she made captain already. She might rise faster than I did at this rate " He smiled as they were dragged towards a table of some officers, where John made sure to give them the time of day before taking the first chance out, He hated these events, but they were good for you if you wanted to get up in the ranks, for some reason other officers cared how people behaved here, John just cared if they could command a ship.
Here goes nothing..

Standing just outside the entrance to the massive room before him, the Jedi GrandMaster pulled his long blonde hair back into a pony tail. Standing there for a moment, blue eyes searched the metallic door, looking at his reflection. His long flowing blonde hair was pulled back in a tight pony tail, and his handsome face still bore a few marks from the battle with Omni. Not even yet thirty years old, there where definite lines on his face from all the stress he had been under lately. Though still handsome, the last few battles had taken their toll, and it showed. The subtle slump of his shoulders indicated he was still wounded from the final battle, and the way in which he constantly went to clinch his stomach indicated the wound still hadn't healed. With much concentrated effort, the leader of the Jedi stood up to his full height of two meters, and pulled his shoulders back. He may be hurt, but the Jedi needed to put on a good face for this event to celebrate the end of the threat of the artificial intelligence.

One last look over, and the Jedi Master pushed the door open with more effort than he would have needed under normal circumstances.

Darron smiled and waved to those he knew, he could feel their eyes on him. Most of the time he was wearing Jedi robes, or the light armor that was his trademark during missions. The many faces in the room belonged to those he had worked closely with, and there were many well wishes. Others simply stared at the well tailored, onyx colored tuxedo he was wearing. Not to mention the fact that he was unarmed, if one didn't know who he was they would have mistaken him for a holovid star. Jaws back in your mouths, please ladies? The thought was a useless one, and he could only shrug to himself as he made his way through the room as quickly as he could. With the assembled mass that kept bogging him down it took nearly twenty minutes to get to the bar.

"What can I get you sir?"

"I'll take just some water if you don't mind."

The bartender looked up at him as if he were crazy for a moment before realization dawned on him. "Oh right, my apologies Master Jedi." Darron waved him off and placed a few credits in his tip jar anyways. "No need, my name is Darron Wraith. I don't feel like the powerful warrior everyone keeps calling me right now, and some simple water on my dry throat would be a lifesaver." The smile on his face was worn and faded, exhaustion showed on every fiber of his being. Just leaning against the bar took considerable effort, even his prosthetic hand and forearm were tired. Force I need some rest...

So the Jedi stood alone, trying his best to go unnoticed. A futile move at event where he was a high profile figure.
Contrary to popular belief Sophia did not get her promotion to captain based on whom her father was. She didn't get any special favors from her father in the slightest. If anything he made it harder on her because while she may not work under him military speaking he was always watching her The young lady had worked very hard to get to where she was today. Instead of going to the parties she spent her time studying and working on ships which suited her just fine. She didn't want to go to those stupid parties nobody invited her to anyway. Sophia assumed they didn't want her there because they were scared of her father. What was he going to do? Demote them for looking at her? That was super irrational but whatever she wasn't going to argue with it. Sophia couldn't exactly make them talk to her though she did of course try. She was always friendly with everyone.

"Course not,"she smiled turning her head slightly to the side. Sophia was very surprised to see that someone had come to talk to her as normally that never happened. She thought the chances of that happening here were slim to none as her father was coming to this event. "I'm trying to hide from someone though I'm not sure it's working since you found me." Truthfully she was glad he had spotted her. It was better to be a wallflower with someone to talk to than otherwise.

She found herself looking down to her name tag as he addressed her as Captain Walsh. It was so weird hearing someone call her Captain. She at first hadn't known whom he was talking to or about but than realized that was her. This was promotion was going to take a little getting used to. "Please call me Sophia. What's your name?" She smiled was a little surprised to see him here. Most of the time unless you had to you didn't come to these sort of events. He must be waiting for someone which was fine by her. She was just happy to have someone to talk to.

Sophia noticed along with the rest of the room Grandmaster Darron Wraith enter the hall. She may not be a Jedi but that didn't mean she wouldn't recognize the leader of the Jedi. She did her best to keep Sapphire eyes followed him as he headed to the bar seemingly alone for the time being. She kind of wanted to go over there and say hello but she didn't want to leave her wallflower friend behind. "I'm going to get another drink. Want something?" She smiled turning her attention back to the man standing next to her. She figured get a drink was a great excuse to say hello. Not that she knew what to say beyond that but that wasn't important right now.

@[member="Judah Dashiell"]
@[member="Darron Wraith"]

The Hound

@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]
Her question snapped him back to the situation at hand.

Sitting down he made an animated shudder at the thought of Captain Walsh as 'A looker' as he turned back to face her. "All to well." he said with a grimace. He didn't have the greatest reputation among higher ranked officers and Sophia was no exception. In fact, she was usually the one that dished out punishment. She cared not for his skill in the air, if he pissed her off he would be sent to help maintenance, no matter what situation they were in. So much, unlike her father. Sometimes he wondered how they were even related. Then again, she probably wouldn't be so hard on him if he didn't screw around so much and he left his mouth closed. "Captain Walsh, Navy...Kinda a tight-ass." he said shaking his head in disapproval with his arms crossed. "But back to you, Medical corps? That's impressive!" Being a medical officer was no joke. He could never do it, no mater what training he received Not only because he was meant for the air, but the smell of the battlefield...It made him sick.
I never really cared to much for these kind of things. Aston thought as he entered the banquet hall. He glanced around the room not really taken notice to anyone in particular other than Kalia and Jonathan. The young padawan took a deep breath and walked more into the room and moved a little more closer towards the bar, and stood with his hands resting on the bar itself as pondered what to get to drink. As he glanced around he could see the Grandmaster at which he just gave a small nod in respect towards him as he glanced along the shelves and thought best of what to get, and finally he just settled with water. The Padawan wasn't much of a drinker hardly ever at all. It wasn't something he planned on getting in the mood for.
"I'll just have a glass of water please, nothing more." Aston smirked and nodded as the glass was handed to him and he took a small drink. Just a few more of these and I'll be doing pretty well off.
@[member="Jaxton Ravos"]

"Deal, only if you call me Delila. If I hear Major Castillon one more time today I might snap.

Dealt an Endurance card, her hand was looking up but just slightly so. To be honest she wasn't entirely focused on the game to begin with. She had never really had a normal conversation with a Jedi. It was normally business or more business. Direct, short and to the point. This seemed more meandering, less urgent. Delila wasn't sure if she was quite used to it though. That speaks volumes for my personal life, she mused before getting back to their topic.

"Cato? I didn't see you there. I suppose its a large planet though and I think you Jedi were off doing your own thing. Those droids, not smart but sheer numbers nearly got to us. Towards the end we just got tired and started to blow up everything."

Delila paused before continuing.

"Were you always a Jedi?You don't seem it. Those I meet that were taken at birth or whatever have this......lost or disconnected quality from everyday life. Not you."

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
A slightly coy smile came over Anemone as her eyes traced the woman. "Captain Walsh, huh?" Hey eyes darted back to Turin. narrowing at hi she scanned him over. It was as if she was trying to look into his soul, or more so, his heart. The way he reacted as she Captain Walsh had entered the hall didn't scream 'unfriendly superior'. It seemed almost like a wanting look, perhaps even lustful to some. Though, that was simply her own opinion. Her eyes returned to the woman, a near silent chuckle emitted from her person. "She doesn't seem like a tight ass. She seems more...relaxed, and personal. Not to mention pretty. Maybe your just a bit angry because she rejected you. Hm?" Anemone was obviously enjoying herself, and poking fun at Turin just made things all the more joyful.

@[member="Turin Val Kur"]
"Oh I think you know," she seductively smiled at him before kissing him again. Kalia didn't need to seduce him as she knew John would go willingly with her. Heck he may even know where they could slip away for the rest of the evening. "She's been flying before she could walk I'm not surprised she made Captain already. She's a smart talented beautiful young lady." She could only smile as she remembered John trying to teach her how to fly before she had even learned how to walk. It had been a funny sight to watch for sure but it really wasn't long till Sophia picked up on it. She was very proud of her eldest daughter and all that she had achieved. "I spotted her in the corner trying to hide from us I'm sure. Let's not bother her as I'm quite certain you do enough of that as it is. Let her at least try to enjoy her evening." Kalia failed to mention the young man she was chatting with because well than John would be over there in a heartbeat. She trusted her daughter to make good decisions.

@[member="Jonathan Walsh"]

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
@[member="Delila Castillon"]

Jaxton chuckled a bit as Delila talked about Jedi being disconnected from everyday life. She was correct, though he didn't blame Jedi for worrying and planning against matters felt through the Force, he did notice sometimes they distanced themselves from normal perceptions. It wasn't much of an issue for him as he 'spoke both languages' so to speak, but he could see how it would be difficult to communicate, much less sympathize, from a perspective such as Delila's.

"I've actually only been a Jedi for around a year and a half now. Before then I was screwing around playing Grav-Ball. Went an academy at Corellia. I'd like to think I haven't lost touch with my Corellian side, but I'm definitely not the same man I was." Jaxton said casually, before hearing a few gawks and seeing Darron walk into the Ball, sans Rosa it seemed. Interesting . . . Jaxton made a note to talk to him about it later if she didn't come.

"As for Cato, I was following that man around." He said pointing to the Grandmaster. "Infiltrated a ship and took it over. Wasn't that bad of work I guess. Droids are stupid." Jaxton said as he noticed the Major pull out her third card, and decided to wait a second before drawing his.

"So Delila." He began, dropping her rank as he put his hand face down onto the table. "We can't really bet any money on the game because of where and who we are. But that doesn't mean we can't make things interesting. If you win this hand I'll get you a glass of wine or whatever you like. But if I win, I get next dance. Fair?" Jaxton said and pulled a third card and put it face down with the rest of his hand without looking.
A few idle sips of the water, and he felt slightly refreshed. Blue eyes examined the room, and the assembled group before him. Even the rudimentary action, such as leaning against the bar was painful, and Darron could hardly hold himself up to be honest. Instead of being full of energy like he usually was, he was just tired and not one for idle conversation today. The Jedi Master knew that a few of the Admirals and other high ranking officials would want to speak to him about the recovery efforts and what the Jedi were doing, but he had read the reports. There wasn't much else to be done that wasn't already being done, all Darron himself could do was get healthy, and continue to lead. Thankfully, having the Council set up now allowed him a little bit of freedom. His predecessor could never afford to leave the temple unless the situation was absolutely grave, now with the diffusion of responsibility the Jedi had more freedom. It allowed him to do what he did best, and that was lead from the front. Though presently that wasn't an option for him, as leaning was a chore.

"So which Jedi are you good sir?" The bartenders voice met his ears again, and Darron simply chuckled.

"I"m Darron Wraith, no one of note I promise. What's your name good man?" While speaking, he waved in Jaxton's general direction just to let him know he saw his fellow Adamant Company member. There hadn't been much said between the two after Jaxton had been infected, but Darron decided to leave him to his card game. We can talk later, straighten things out hopefully...

"So how bad was the fighting with Omni, you don't look like you are moving too well...Darron." The bartender seemed to pause at addressing him by his name, but the Jedi Master just kept the conversation going smoothly. "It was rather intense, from what I heard the machine was quite powerful." In truth, he had been right there when it had ended. That's why he was so injured, the fighting had been absolutely terrible there at the end. So bad in fact, that the GrandMaster of the Jedi Order had barely made it out with his life. "So Master Jedi, are we going to be okay?" His blonde pony tail bobbed a little as he nodded his head, "yes, we will recover as we always do."

It did not take advanced Force senses to feel the woman's eyes on him, and he noticed her approach. Without even looking at her, he laid some more credits down on the bar. "Whatever she is getting, it's on me."

@[member="Sophia Walsh"]
@[member="Sophia Walsh"]

"Sorry to out your hiding spot" A pause. "I'm Judah"

He couldn't tell if she was joking or merely annoyed for being talked to. Judah normally didn't converse with those who ran the fleets so it was hard to figure out her demeanor. He slipped into an at-ease stance subconsciously, dark eyes scanning the room. The hall was starting to fill up and the din of conversation was buzzing like a hive of insects. His gaze followed hers to the man who had just entered. Judah racked his mind trying to figure out the identity but fell short. Obviously it was a man important to everyone else but him.

"No thanks. Go ahead, I think I see one of my Sqaud mates..." Judah said smoothly, moving away from the Captain in the opposite direction. He didn't have to go far to actually run into someone in his former squadron. Maxir Din, a slightly older man a rank above him.Maxir had been one of the pilots Judah was with on the night he somehow got infected by the nanos....

"They aren't just going to flock to you...." Judah said dryly, referencing the women the other man had his eye on. The Flight Officer moved to the side of the other pilot, shaking his hand. He hadn't seen the man in quite some time.

"If only they knew what they were missing out on Dash" Max grinned over at the ladies before turning his attention to the other pilot. "So where have you been? Droids uprise and I don't see anyone for weeks on end"

"Funny story about that. Leave your prey alone and I'll tell you." Judah disappeared onto the balcony. It was time for a cigarette and some catching up. At least he wouldn't have to act so formal around another pilot.

The Hound

Rejection? Turin? The two words didn't compute in his brain. He shook his head. A chuckle escaped the young man at the notion. "Nah, nah, she isn't my type." he answered. "My squadron and I just got transferred under her command." he started. "She looks all friendly and happy now....But when she gets on her ship..." as he spoke the image of some strange devilish woman began to build up in his mind. He continued his small rant, telling her about all of the bombers he's waxed and the boots and basically every punishment she had dished out to him. Mostly it was for slight insubordination, but he didn't tell @[member="Anemone Nivalis"] that. Besides, he knew what was best for his own squadron, he knew their capabilities better than anyone!

"And who tells their Lieutenant to wax the floor? We have mouse droids for a reason." He said finally as he nodded in approval of his own statement. There was no way in Hell he would even consider her. Mustafar would have to freeze over before he even considered it.
@[member="Jaxton Ravos"]

"I see. Sadly I don't recognize you, I'm more of a smashball fan."

Delila heard the commotion and regarded it lightly. She recognized the form, some Jedi Master. Their leader if she could remember correctly. Jaxton continued on with his conversation about Cato. He had said enough that she could put two and two together, the Jedi who had entered apparently was their boss. Quite...interesting. To be honest she would have expected someone much older, perhaps with more of a calming presence. This one seemed to have a more magnetic personality than others. Perhaps because of his youth....

Her musings stopped when he mentioned a bet.Delila was always up for a bet, especially with such terms. "Deal". The card was flipped and it edged her numbers out, but just slightly. The Jedi in front of her had gotten a lucky draw.

"Looks like dancing it is. I apologize for my two left feet in advance"

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Jaxton watched her flip her cards and flipped his own eagerly, to find that he had edged out the Major in score, only slightly. He began trying to remember the dance lessons he took for attending parties and weddings when he was in Corellia, and thought he had at least the basics down.

"Looks like dancing it is. I apologize for my two left feet in advance" Delila said, and Jaxton chuckled. He had danced with the friends and families of politicians and teammates, and it wasn't two left feet that would worry him, but the difference in height between the two of them.

"Don't worry about it. It's all good fun." Jaxton comforted. "I apologize for my uhh, grip." He said and paused for a second. "I'm not quite used to my strength yet." He said before the song ended and a jazzy tune began to play. "You ready?" He said and extended his left hand to the girl, then made his way to the dance-floor. He put his right on her shoulderblade and met his gloved left hand to her right. He was careful not to grip her hand very tightly, but she still would have been able to feel the metal fingers of his prosthesis through the fabric.

Slow-Slow quick quick Jaxton kept the rhythm of the song in his head as he began to dance with the woman.They were a bit of a site, the large multi-colored Zeltron dancing with an officer he had about a foot on, but he didn't care. In the last few month's his definition of fun had been workouts and saber-duels. Social time was nice, and he wasn't going to let a few glances ruin it. "So, what do you enjoy doing off duty Delila?" He asked in a friendly tone, trying to keep her attention on him and not the eyes of other guests watching.

@[member="Delila Castillon"]
"It was nice to meet you Judah," she offered a smile as he left to talk to one of his ship mates. Sophia didn't mind much, she was kind of used to that by now besides she was looking forward to meeting the Grandmaster. He looked awful worn out and tired from where she was standing. The battle must have really taken a toll on him but there he was still standing in all his glory. Best part was that he was still unoccupied as nobody had yet come to jabber away at him. Ok, she was planning to do that exact thing but not about anything important. She did care about the revitalizing efforts on her home planet but not tonight.

Setting her half empty glass down on a table she left her safe corner to venture out to the bar. On her way there she spotted Lieutenant Val Kur chatting up some lady she didn't recognize. She was sure he was trying his best to charm his way into her bed tonight. He had just transferred under her command and was honestly a torn in her side. She had to admit though he was a great pilot however that did not mean he could just disrespect her authority and do whatever he wanted. If he could stop acting like a hot shot for like five minutes perhaps they would get somewhere. She was open to listening to his ideas if he would straighten up just a little bit. Giving a little wave in that direction she continued to the bar.

She spotted her parents in the other corner of the room but they had their backs turned to her which was fantastic as the last thing she wanted was her dad coming over and embarrassing her here. He did that enough as it which Sophia got he was just looking out for her and loved her but sometimes it could be smothering.

She was a little taken back by his offer to get her drink. "Just water thanks," she looked to the bartender for a moment before turning her attention to Darron. "I'm Captain Sophia Walsh, it's an honor to meet you in person Grandmaster I have heard so much about you." She paused as the water was brought over to her to thank the bartender and take a sip. She realized in that moment as well that she was sounding like some crazy fan girl. "I'm sorry, I'm sure you get that all the time. I'm surprised to see you here tonight. I figured you would be resting up after the battle. How are you holding up?" He looked terrible but it would be rude to say that and maybe he was feeling better than he looked. She doubted it but she was hopeful.

@[member="Darron Wraith"]
@[member="Jaxton Ravos"]

Confusion crossed her features when he mentioned his grip, it was too rude to even ask what he meant. It wasn't until he took her hand before they started dancing did she understand what he meant. Delila had shook enough hands of wounded shoulders to know he had a prosthetic hand.A result of the recent droid uprising? The Major was too polite to ask the how, it wasn't her place to really.

"Off duty? I go home and..." Do what Dells?"...and I'm afraid to say not much.Not anymore. I've slowly turned into a workaholic without realizing it."

She tilted her head up at the Zeltron, ignoring the rest of the military in attendance. "You've probably picked the most boring Officer out of the room. I feel you should get some type of prize" She chuckled a little before continuing on. "What about you? I imagine the life of a Jedi is hurry up and wait. Surely you must get time do what you wish"

Delila continued to follow his movements, the Jedi was a fairly decent dancer. At least she hadn't tripped and created a major embarrassment of herself.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
@[member="Delila Castillon"]

"You've probably picked the most boring Officer out of the room. I feel you should get some type of prize" The major said jokingly with a chuckle, and a smile lit Jaxton's face. "What about you? I imagine the life of a Jedi is hurry up and wait. Surely you must get time do what you wish"

"Between assignments, teaching, learning and working out I haven't really had that much spare time to be honest." Jaxton replied, neglecting to mention his new duties on the Jedi Council. He doubted he would remain there long after the events on Mon Calamari anyways. "I try to make a trip to Corellia every month or two and see a game, but I can't always make it." Jaxton continued as he took a slow step to the side and raised his left arm slightly.

"To be honest this is the most fun I've had in months." Jaxton admitted as he stepped forward and released his right hand from her shoulder blade and pulled gently with his left, hopefully leading her into a spin as he walked very slightly forward to meet her. "If you continue to be 'the most boring officer in the room' I just might ask for the prize of doing this again sometime. Minus the pomp and circumstance of course."

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
Anemone simply blinked as she sipped on her own drink. She listened to him rant on and on about various punishments that had been handed down to him. It almost sounded to her as if he was attempting to convince himself that he wasn't the slightest bit attracted to her. Though it was quite obvious to her that he was. She took another swift glance over her shoulder at Captain Walsh before returning her glass to the table, and her attention to him. Anemone leaned over the table slightly as a coy smile came over her face. "She's not your type, huh? Well, what about me then?"

It was meant to be a fun night. She hadn't been pulled away for anything military related, nor had the hospital contacted her for some type of emergency. Things were going well, and she was going to enjoy it while they lasted.

@[member="Turin Val Kur"]

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