Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Arms Race

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
@[member="Selena Halcyon"]
Might be intrigued? *quirks eyebrow* Anything you want to know/hear that will change that might into joining?

@[member="Seth Shorn"]
Good to have you on board.
Not really. This will be a feel thing. When it starts, what I'm doing. Towards the end of this week and beginning of next week I'll be doing this whole setting up my apartment thing sooo yeah. Kind of hinges on where things fall around that.

But espionage and finding stuff is something that I'm interested in.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Okay just a quick update. I'm writing down information and getting the first post of GM exposition up. Also i think each mission depending on if you win or not you'll get a "Prize" which will help your faction in the next mission and possibly beyond.

Elias Arna

Sirella Valkner said:
Do you have a faction/side you want to participate on?
Ill take the place of ether side that can fill in the last spot. if its all tied up then Ill be the Sith. (Very unexpected.)

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Alright guys. I'll probably start this tonight. I'm about to go outside and move 2 tons of pea stone. That means I may be utterly exhausted by the time I get done and don't want to do anything. We'll see. Right now the intent is to get started tonight.

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