Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Atollon Vagabond - Showdown at the Black Lagoon Anchorage

EX-B1 (the "Atollon Vagabond"), in orbit via Atollon

"Quite a number of people have found us," mumbled Dac, turning to Lofdrrl, "I really hope that I don't find out later on that you sold me out."

Lofdrrl grumbled as he tried to adjust the too small chair to his large stature. Crazy man. Stupid me. He finally managed to pull up the tactical holo-projector in the chair's armrest to activate. Light quickly coalesced to form a visage of the motley fleets forming up. He could see ships hailing from several sectors and governments of the galaxy...and surprisingly a large number of independents. The wookiee especially grumbled when he saw the presence of the Reef Home - the likely spot where one of his nemesis's was: Admiral Reshmar. Now is as good of time as any.

He barked a few orders, which his droid quickly translated, more for the benefit of Dac than for his actual crew.

"Launch all available strikecraft to skirmish and probe the enemy lines. Prepare to line up the ship to fire the orbital autocannons on the mon calamari cruiser. Fire all energy torpedoes on the Hyperion."

Dac blinked, "The mon calamari cruiser? Are you sure that's the biggest threat?"

Lofdrrl began to grumble, which always, his protocol droid was quick to translate, smooth out some "brutish" and "uncouth" language that the drug-addled pirate frequently used when thrust into stressful situations.

"The mon calamari cruiser is probably one of the best shielded warships present. Its immediate destruction should cause a demoralizing blow to the others present, showing them the futility of their cause. We must strike quickly and decisively before more of them come."

Dac smiled, "Intimidation. Yes...that is important. Some of this riff-raff among them might turn tail and make things easier...I wonder if I could bribe some of them...I'll have to think about that a little bit more."

The wookiee began to grumble, which the droid actually repeated almost word for word. "You would take the facade off your operation for that?"

"I never intended to create the just sort of happened and I ran with it. I'm not married to the idea...but it has been useful."

A gruff bothan's voice rose across the room from the bridge station, "Standby to fire first autocannon...firing now."

A great beam of light lanced out from the battlecruiser to lash out at the mon calamari-built starship, even as hundreds of blue orbs surged out of the battlecruiser to the attack the Hyperion. Small vessels would soon find pairs of droid-piloted Eta Angel-class Interceptors making quick hit and fade attacks among the allied vessels present, probing the lines to better gauge their opponents and if they were lucky, spoil any nascent coordination that might occur between those present. Other small craft from the Atollon Vagabond weren't far behind them, hoping to take advantage of any of the chaos that the Eta Angels might have brought down on their foes.

Summary of Actions
-Launch probing attacks with small craft (feel free to dogfight with them)
-attack Hyperion with energy torpedoes
-attack Reef Home with orbital autocannon

Ari Naldax Ari Naldax | Sala'dine Sala'dine | Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk | Aela Cohn Aela Cohn | Vera Tillian Vera Tillian | GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | Viera Kisep Viera Kisep | Lobb | Kenth Berik Kenth Berik | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Grendel Krayt Grendel Krayt | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar
Bridge of the Wrecker

"Sir, the Vagabond has launched fighter craft and---"

...the Officer manning sensors was cut off, several of the Bridge Crew stood to get a better vantage looking out of the view port as the darkness of space was lit up by a bright beam of light lancing towards the Mon Calamari Starship that had only come into the sector moments ago. It was awe inspiring and difficult to believe that any ship could survive such a blast with heavy damage and system failure. From the Command Chair where he was reclining Vosk took note before giving the order...

"Maneuver us behind the Fleets. The Alliance and her allies look like they're here in force, better to use their ships to screen ours."

...Crew members controlling navigation went to work; the Wrecker would start to maneuver into place at a distance using both that and the other Ships that had jumped into the system as a screen between itself and the Vagabond.

"Maneuvering into place, Sir."

...Vosk would nod, the cigarro still hanging from the corner of his mouth while he raised a hand to rub the back of his neck. As this was being done he'd have turned and grunted out...

"Patch me through on comms so that I can talk to the other ships out there."

"Done, Sir."

"This is the Wrecker. We've come to this system looking for salvage not a fight. We plan to stay at a distance however two of the Vokk-Class Destroyers accompanying us will deploy closer to watch your aft sectors. That's a lot of fighters coming out of that thing."

...some of the crew looked at him, uncertain what he was doing but nobody dared question Ordan Vosk; he'd proven himself a capable commander and ruthless individual in the past. None of his crew said a word.

As for the fleet, moments after the transmission was sent two of the Destroyers would begin positioning just like Vosk had said while the third stayed near the Wrecker both to screen and support the Cruiser.

Summary of Actions
  • Cruiser and Destroyers maneuvering at range to position themselves behind the Alliance Fleets.
  • Vosk sends out an open comms transmission
  • Two Destroyers moving closer to the aft of the Alliance Fleet to assist with Enemy Fighters
The Fleet
1x Vorr Class Assault Cruiser aka the Wrecker
3x Nok Class Destroyer

Lofdrrl Lofdrrl GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Mig Gred Mig Gred ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Kenth Berik Kenth Berik Wojtek Wojtek
As crazy as her plan was, the massive amount of fire and swarming ships was just the distraction she needed to try to infiltrate that big behemoth spewing out swarms left and right. That lumpy ship off in the distance taking one hell of a shot was perhaps even better than the initial fight as well. The speed and size of a small corvette like hers might well just be able to get up to the docking bay of the Vagabond to deposit its larcenous load.

She had a select group of fighters coming with her as well; all hand-picked, all Corellians, and all ready to fight whatever was on that ship. Aela had ordered a covert action, meaning that they had to minimize their presence on that vessel and move quickly. The only thing she needed was a control panel of some kind, then she could slice into the ship itself and work from there. They all checked up on their suppressed slugthrowers, their knives, and their first aid options. It was going to be rough if they knew she was coming but if she could dock in time then her ship could jump to hyperspace and she and her little group of cosplay commandos could solve the problems they faced as they came.

The closer they got the bigger that thing looked, and she swallowed any fear she held in her heart. She was the captain and now she was the leader of an inflitration unit once more. Just like back in Cor-Sec. It was a good thing she modified this ship for piracy because even if the docking port rejected her ship she would be through it in no time at all. Piracy was always a matter of getting into things that people did not want you to be in after all.

Every tense moment of her ship forcing itself onto the other was one that they were not working directly on board, but the bay gave way and into the Vagabond her unit moved. Moments later the airlock behind them closed and her ship made for its escape so that it would be out of there if the worst were to happen. She knew what she was getting into trying to pull an infiltration like this and it meant that if she did not succeed then she was likely dead or worse. They prepared to sweep out into the hallway of the vessel ready to face what they may or may not have provoked. Who knows really if they knew or if they had let her on. Regardless, she was feeling the adrenaline kick up now just like everyone with her. It was do or die now.
"I say go for it, if nothing else any data we receive would be worth it. the ship is surely going to come out of this as a wreck, might as well get what we can before it becomes one. Perhaps we can find something useful to upgrade our fleet." She helped begin the orders, while it was Sala'dine Sala'dine 's fleet, Viera helped when able. It was the least she could do for all the help that she had been given. Rescued from that nowhere world and a early retirement. The fight seemed to already be starting, so they had to move quick. After all the early bird got the worm.
The order to attack had been given, following some others to a boarding craft Grendel squeezed his massive frame into the small ship earning a few glares from the other passengers. With a rumble from the engines and a sudden burst of speed the boarding craft shot from its parent ship into the cold embrace of the void and on a direct course for the Atollon Vagabond. After several nerve wracking minutes of being thrown through the void where every sudden turn or jolt could mean the difference between life and death, the boarding craft miraculously entered the hanger of the Atollon Vagabond at speed smoking and kicking up a hail of sparks as it slide along the deck for a few hundred meters. Kicking open the boarding ramp of the now derelict boarding craft Grendel smiled behind his helmet today was certainly going to be a good day after all and with that he charged.

"VICTORY OR DEATH" Grendel roared.

Location: Atollon System
Objective: The High Regent Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's Orders: Secure the Vagabond
Focus: Open
Tags: Ari Naldax Ari Naldax | Aela Cohn Aela Cohn | Sala'dine Sala'dine | GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | Toby Russen Toby Russen | Arsenio Tagge | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Izah'zore | Kitanwarr Kitanwarr | Mylo Thorne | Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul | Roth Tillian Roth Tillian | Wojtek Wojtek | Grendel Krayt Grendel Krayt | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Lobb | Viera Kisep Viera Kisep | Vera Tillian Vera Tillian | Lofdrrl Lofdrrl | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Sorry if I missed anyone, its a lot of names


Kenth listened from the bridge as the responses came through, scavengers, freelancers and the Silver Jedi. "Thank you Captain, that will be all. Notify me if any other ship or individual of note hails you." he said before closing the communication line. The volume of idealistic crusaders and opportunists looking to destroy or seize the Vagabond as their own would prove challenging. Yet it also presented itself as an opportunity. He turned his head back down to the right pit and spoke. "Warfare, what information do we have on this Vagabond?" immediately a black uniformed officer turned to Kenth and stood at attention. "Sir. Rumours we have heard is that this ship is remarkably well armed and armoured. Our scans show it is indeed a battlecruiser, we've identified weapons ranging from turbolaser batteries to orbital cannons." he said before passing a datapad to Berik. Kenth poured over the information in front of him. It was a behemoth of a ship, something he'd expect in the arsenal of the Empire or Final Dawn, not some pirate warlord.

The enemy of my enemy is a tool to use for my own gain. "We'll let our friends here engage the Vagabond, that way we'll get a better idea of its capabilities." he said before putting the datapad aside. "With any luck they'll damage each other and allow us to swoop in and claim Sularen's prize." he stated calmly. "Have the Echo pull in near the Silver fleet and have it start analyzing the Vagabond's weapons and their impact against the Jedi." he continued. He turned to the comms officer and spoke once more. "Get me a line down to the main hanger bay." he said. The officer simply shook his head and got straight to work.

"Argyle, what's the status of our boarding teams?" Kenth asked his XO.

"Sir. All troops are geared up and are completing final checks."

Kenth nodded and took a second to think before speaking. "And the make up of our forces? We have been augmented by Final Dawn troopers if I recall."

"Yes sir, on top of the old guard we have been provided with 2 companies of Final Dawn troopers." Kenth hated being supplied additional men. He could never get round to trusting the rank and file of the Final Dawn. He already had to put up with additional crew to man his new ship, the Adjudicator.

"Have only the Final Dawn troopers loaded on the first wave of transports. Once they have cleared a landing zone we'll bring in our own." he responded. A handy way to reduce his own casualties and remove those who held loyalty to the Final Dawn over Kenth's own concerns.

The comm line was terminated and Kenth turned back to look out the viewport. In the fire distance he could just make out streaks of bright light flashing forth between the Vagabond and the fleet gathered to attack it. The battle had begin and the Adjudicators lay in wait for an opening.

Fleet Actions
The Adjudicator prepares its boarding teams and stays cloaked, letting the two fleets battle it out. The FDV Echo (Spacewitch) monitors the battle from much closer.



Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Viera Kisep Viera Kisep

She could see it and pulled up the tactical information. "It is." SHe remained neutral in her expression while directing the teams and deploying the transport from the shadow towqards the vegabond. "Looks like some are rushing the hanger." She could see parts of it before watching attacks from some of the other ships. They were a large target but stealth systems of the Jedi's Shadow were next to none. "We have Kento Class Jedi Boarding Craft set to get onto the ship. THey could latch onto the surface quickly enough." SHe directed them while watching the others. "I want two Jade Class Jedi Starfighters in that ships hanger and locking it down." She smirked to herself.. the walker mode of the fighters let them have an advantage of an armor division over the others, the boarding craft bringing troopers to the ship with their drones and... "Fire sun seekers" They had sun seekers able to be fired from nyeto launchers. Designed to fire while in stealth and seek out engines from ships and disrupt their containment to damage them.
In memory of our late CEO


EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets. per ship

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 181st Tactical Starfighter Wing "Nightwing Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Roger Powell "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Powell "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Nightwing 2-5 Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Nightwing 6-9 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Nightwing 10-13 Azazael class Stealth fighter
EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets. per ship

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Angel 2-11 Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Angel 12-17 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Angel 18-23 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Angel 24-28 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  1. Angel 29-31 Starfury class Starfighter
BOMBERS W ESCORT (10 Squadrons)
  1. Angel 32-36 Demon Class Bomber
  2. Angel 37-41 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  1. Angel 42-45 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 46-51 Cherub Transport
Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Voodoo 2-9 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Voodoo 10-14 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 15-19 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Voodoo 20-24 Azazael class Stealth fighter
BOMBERS W ESCORT (5 Squadrons)
  1. Voodoo 25-29 Demon Class Bomber
  1. Voodoo 30-32 Starfury class Starfighter
  1. Angel 30-31 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 32-34 Cherub Transport
Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

SPACIAL COMBAT AND RENDITION - SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero-G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.

SCAR WING (7 Squadrons)
  1. SCAR 2-10 Jackal Class Starfighter
  1. Ares 1-6 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  1. Ares 7-12 Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Ares 13–17 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Ares 18 Cherub Gunship
  2. Ares 19-20 Cherub Transport
SECTOR: Open Space
ORDERS: Investigate
Mig Gred Mig Gred | Gir Quee Gir Quee | Roth Tillian Roth Tillian | Mylo Thorne | @Ari Naldax | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | @Vera Tillian

Ari Naldax Ari Naldax | @Aela Cohn | Sala'dine Sala'dine | Toby Russen Toby Russen | Arsenio Tagge | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Izah'zore | Kitanwarr Kitanwarr | Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul | Wojtek Wojtek | Grendel Krayt Grendel Krayt | @Lofdrrl


What is it?

”Mon Calamari ships coming in, SJDF and Directorate Markings. Lead Vessel is ‘Reef Home’.”

Sounds like Admiral Reshmar is joining us. Send him our information.



What is it?

”The Ship over Atollon, dubbed ‘The Vagabond’ opened fire! We have multiple incoming torpedoes!.”

There was a general, understandable, panic on the bridge, many of them had never seen a situation like this but in simulators. It just got real.

Sound ‘General Quarters’ and take us to ‘Red Alert’(He knew that they were the same thing, but did not know these officers’ levels of education), arm all weapons and target the torpedoes with flak and point defense. This is what you trained for.

The officers were inexperienced, so they were still afraid, but it was clear that the Admiral had a calming effect on them.

”Con-Holo. We have a Hutt group contacting us claiming only to look for salvage. They clearly want us to cover their butts.”

Or they could mean it and watch our backs. Send this to the Concorde Dawn and The Reef Home as well, let us coordinate.


Two torpedoes hit the tower and the level below the bridge, safety protocols initiated and the blast shields deployed.

”Direct hit, Deck Two. Casualties reported.”

Helm, keep us moving. I want those missile launchers targeting their fighters.

”Not the BC?.”

Nope, it will throw them off and free us up to get the Marines onto that thing. Put our forward batteries on their heavy guns.


[SCARS! Breach the landing bay and secure it. I want it clear for Marines to land.

[1:1 Copy!]

The SCAR Team were in their advanced Jackals screaming towards the Pirate ship until a klik off where they bailed out. The advanced fighters were now able to be remote piloted by the Overwatch Department on the ship, where they were pulled back to safety. From there, they would use their vacuum sealed suits to “zero-g” outside of the landing bay and shut down the protective field. Once inside they would mount the “all clear” and Marines would be transported in. Marines and SCARS are both in suits capable of operations in space so this should work on their side. The question is, did the pirates have a counter?

If everything went to plan, the SCARs would return to their Jackals once the landing bay was secured by Marines.

What is the status of that potential rescue op?.

”Sir. Checking now.”


All units were on alert, prepping weapons and preparing to board this rumored ship on the horizon.

  1. Flak cannons and point defense putting up a screen against incoming torpedoes.
  2. Jackals moving in to breach and enable landing parties.
  3. Marines on alert preparing boarding parties if necessary
  4. Interceptors sweeping sector.


All other ships on alert status and not more than one jump away






*All information disclosed in spoilers


ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Reef Home
Moving towards the Vagabond
Mig Gred Mig Gred GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Sala'dine Sala'dine Viera Kisep Viera Kisep Lofdrrl Lofdrrl Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk Lobb Kenth Berik Kenth Berik Vera Tillian Vera Tillian Aela Cohn Aela Cohn Ari Naldax Ari Naldax Grendel Krayt Grendel Krayt

Reshmar watched as the shape of the battlecruiser began to grow larger as Reef Home accelerated towards it. Directly behind the large Mon Calamari vessel, the nine pickets which had escorted it to the system formed up in a straight line using the shadow of the vessel to protect them from incoming fire. As the group accelerated Reshmar turned his chair to face the communications station.

"Lieutenant, send word to Angellus and Gred to move to fire on that things port flank as much as possible. We will draw fire and take care of its starboard flank. Let them know if they are putting troops on her to have them get to the center of the ship and stay away from the outer flanks. I recommend they rig out for vacuum cause we're gonna rip it open on both sides." said Reshmar to the officer at the coms station The man nodded then transmitted the orders to the two other commanders. Reshmar looked at the hologram of the battle over the table noticing a small icon appeared then disappeared. "Tactical, what am I seeing?" asked Reshmar as the small icon appeared then was gone.

"Admiral, The Crystal Grav Trap caught it in one of its sweeps. A large vessel is hiding out there. We can see it there when the sweep hits it but can not scan it until we get closer. said the tactical officer. Reshmar nodded then swung his chair closer to the hologram. "Very well mark it and keep an eye on it. I doubt these Pirates have the tech to hide anything that big, but I also would not have thought they would have a battlecruiser sitting around out here either." Reshmar looked around that area and noticed a smaller vessel near the cloaked ship. "There, that contact nearest to it, what is that" asked Reshmar watching the small craft on the hologram. the officer looked over his data and then back.

"IFF has it listed as a survey vessel out of the FDA, the transponder has her identified as FDS Echo." answered the officer. Reshmar watched it a moment longer then replied. "Tactical, Tag that ship and watch it also" ordered Reshmar. He looked around the rest of the holographic map at the other combatants on the field. "Sir, some of these smaller ships are tagged in our database as hostile privateers." said the captain of the Reef Home as he ran over the list of craft in the System. Reshmar nodded then turned back to look at the battlecruiser. "We are not here hunting for the scarps captain we are going for the main course. Ignore the privateers, for now, they are here to scavenge," said Reshmar as a klaxon began to scream.

"Sir, the battlecruiser is powering up its main guns." said an officer manning the sensor stations. Reshmar turned and began giving orders. " Shields to full, All projectors set to overlap. Have the lateral controls shift the shields to full forward. Enable all concussion field generators and shunt extra power to them from the second reactor. Bring the Aura Pressors online and put a field up in front of us." Ordered Reshmar. The crew hustled to carry out his orders as the massive autocannon projectiles sped towards the Reef Home.

As the deadly weapons barrage struck the pressor wall the Reef home began to shutter. The Pressors quickly overpowered as the kinetic energy of the weapons pushed upon then slowing the Reef Home then continuing to impact the one hundred and ten layers of shielding the Delphus.6 shielding system had erected in the path of the incoming fire. the impact penetrated the shielding impacting the forward ablative armor crumpling it then forcing the ferrocarbon condensed matter frame to bend then bow under the energy of the impact. The power of the weapons barrage penetrated into he hull of the forward section of the Reef home damaging most of the forward decks.

The Reef Home shook violently then stopped. Reshmar looked around then at a screen to his left which listed the damage to the ship. An officer stood from the floor and returned to his chair and began reading off the damage. "Sir we have taken a direct hit. The systems did what they could. It looks like decks fifteen through twenty-two back to section C are damaged and were open to vacuum. Automated seals are in place and damage crews have been routed to check on the integrity of the hull in the forward sections. Reshmar listened then returned his attention to the ship before him.

"Helm, flank speed. Get us in there before they can charge those guns again. Tactical, have our long-range weapons open fire, Target those autocannons, when we are within range of standard weapons have then open as well on the main guns. When we are at five kilometers fire a spread of Nagnol torpedos then a barrage of charge canisters as we slow us down. Helm, bring us up beside them for a broadside run. Once we pass then use the Auras. We will use our inertia and the pressors to swing us out and flip our hull around behind them. Read for high inertia maneuvering. HAve all stations restrain as we begin the maneuver." said Reshmar as the image of what he was about to do flashed through his mind.

The Mon Calamari cruiser sped towards the massive battlecruiser opening fire with its long-range weapons and readying for what might be its last fight.

Reef Home
5 x MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Pickets
4 x Intersector-class Patrol Pickets

Accelerated towards Vagabond
Opened long range fire
RRS ENDURANCE & RIMWARD TRADE LEAGUE: Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul TE-236 TE-236 Inara Basai Inara Basai NE-1 Nej Tane Nej Tane Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers Caedyn Arenais Idariel Idariel Aela Cohn Aela Cohn Zyre Zyre
Lofdrrl Lofdrrl Lobb Kenth Berik Kenth Berik Mig Gred Mig Gred ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Ari Naldax Ari Naldax Viera Kisep Viera Kisep Grendel Krayt Grendel Krayt GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Sala'dine Sala'dine Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk

"We have confirmation on the ship's identity," the sensor tech said, looking up from his station, but then a deep frown etched itself across his cheek-flaps and the Sullustan looked up in concern. "No registration or transponder, but it matches evidence files. And we have a transmission from the Spacewitch from the Lothal Port Authority."

"Place it on hold," Vera said, double-checking a file on the datapad in the arm of her chair as she finalized the paperwork, adding her signature, badge number, and authority granted by the Rimward Trade League Council via the Admiralty Court. She cleared her throat for a moment and recorded the mission. "Unidentified vessel, externally identified as the Vagabond. I am Captain Vera Tillian of the Rimward Rescue Service. We have conclusive evidence tying your vessel to numerous infractions- including unsafe reversions, violation of space lane safety regulations, and alleged incidents of grand larceny in both deep space and territorial space. Please depower your vessel, present identification, as well registration." She pressed a button to send the dispatch directly to the vessel.

"Multiple warships arriving! Mandalorians, Concord, Alliance, Hutt-based salvagers, and more!" That was one of the sensor techs as the message from the other small vessel passed through Vera's helm. She frowned and composed a response.

"Negative, Spacewitch. This is Captain Vera Tillian of the Rimward Rescue Service on a law enforcement mission. Please present credentials and identification for secure communications."

"Weapons charging!" The Sullustan's voice was taut now and he ran a hand across his cheek-flaps. Vera's response came instantly.

"Shields to max, double front. Take us to general quarters. Rangers on standby for launch." It was automatic as her mind shifted perspectives, assessing the ships present. The warships were undoubtedly communicating and that was fine with her. Her mind calculated as they maneuvered.

The displays lit up as the battlecruiser opened fire with its big weapons towards the Mon Cal cruiser and fighters deployed.

"CorelliSpace fighters?" That was one of the tactical techs, studying the readouts from the forms and measurements. Vera laughed.

"We know all about those, don't we?" The Endurance carried a squadron of the Zerek Zenith fighters, piloted by members of the Ranger Corps. "Take our tactical readouts of all the fighter capabilities based on training operations and field tests and send them to the Concord and Alliance vessels." The rest, she was unsure about. That would give them a full readout on the capabilities of the CorelliSpace fighters.

"Our own fighters ready to launch in thirty seconds." Vera nodded, considering.

"See if we can impound any that get close," she gave an ironic smile at the words. "Any words from Cohn?"

"Negative, they are running quiet and trajectories suggest a close approach to the BC. Likely a stealth approach."

"Very well, maneuver us to cover their trajectory." Vera considered, studying the identification of the ships as they appeared. "Get me in touch with the Wrecker. Salvage ships tend to have heavy equipment. Let's see what we have to work with when it comes to... unorthodox tactics. Perhaps they have some mag-clamps."
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Fleet: 1x Agitator-class Artillery Cruiser (Agitator), 1x Tra'verd-class Line Cruiser (Concord Dawn), 2x PS-1 "Tagger" Corvette/Escort, Talyc Squadron, 3x GF-4 Stinger Multirole Fighter squadrons, 1x HF-2 Jair Kyr'am squadron.

Mig heard Resh send the message to move to the port side of the large warship out there, but something else caught his attention. Dawn may've been an A.I., so there wasn't really a need for her to show her feeling like the organics on the ship, but she couldn't help but have her eyes go wide in the holoproctors.

"She's waking up! Torpedoes inbound on Hyperion and fighters launching!" Mig turned and looked, quickly running to a seat.

"Open all flak and point defense batteries and help the Hyperion! Concord Dawn to Agitator, open fire! I repeat, open fire! Tels, can the Blackouts hit at this range." A Mandalorian woman would nod, quickly setting up firing solutions.

"We should be able to, Alor." Mig nodded.

"Vaux, get the squadrons on those fighters. Dawn, keep flak firing, fire control, get the Blackouts raining fire on that BC, and helm, stay close to the Hyperion." Multiples calls to follow orders would come to Mig's ears as he looked out at the weapons fire.

Meanwhile on Agitator, the young looking A.I. watched from the new ship's bridge. He looked at the captain, not getting a chance to speak before hearing the captain give the order. "Fire the main cannon." The A.I. gave a smirk before vanishing to focus on the cannons targeting system. The sound of energy charging could be heard around the ship as the hyper particle cannon charged before unleashing the high powered bolt at the Vagabond.

At the same time, Vaux would quickly send a message to all the fighter craft. "Ok, vod. Watch the rain, and give'em all you've got!" Her TwinTail would turn hard as she went for a for an attack on the Etas. They might've been faster, but being in the SJC had the advantage of seeing these girls up and close. Vaux knew that, almost ironically, her larger fighter could pull a tighter turn than the Angel's and had heavier firepower, but they had speed and small size. She took a breath, her wingman keeping up with the maneuver as TwinTails and Stingers dove into combat. With the raw speed these interceptors had Vaux had to rely on quick shots or rookie pilots to get anything. She soon found a mark though. Turning hard, she pulled the blood red fighter in a good line. She took a breath, focusing on the target. She wasn't Force sensitive, but she had a feel for these things. The way her fighter moved, and the way enemy pilots would react. It was what made Vaux... well herself in her opinion. Now though, she had to keep the Angel in her sights. Then she pulled the trigger, opening up with her four Uur's.

  • Concord Dawn opens fire with flak, point defense, and Blackouts while staying Hyperion.
  • Agitator opens up with her main cannon.
  • Vaux and the fighters engage the enemy Eta Angels.

Lofdrrl Lofdrrl Kenth Berik Kenth Berik Viera Kisep Viera Kisep GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Vera Tillian Vera Tillian Aela Cohn Aela Cohn Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk Sala'dine Sala'dine Ari Naldax Ari Naldax

Location: Atollon System
Objective: The High Regent Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's Orders: Secure the Vagabond
Focus: Open
Tags: Ari Naldax Ari Naldax | Aela Cohn Aela Cohn | Sala'dine Sala'dine | GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | Toby Russen Toby Russen | Arsenio Tagge | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Izah'zore | Kitanwarr Kitanwarr | Mylo Thorne | Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul | Roth Tillian Roth Tillian | Wojtek Wojtek | Grendel Krayt Grendel Krayt | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Lobb | Viera Kisep Viera Kisep | Vera Tillian Vera Tillian | Lofdrrl Lofdrrl | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Sorry if I missed anyone, its a lot of names


The Caridian had remained standing at the front of the ship, his arms crossed. This motley fleet had begun their response to the Vagabond. As Kenth stood their the warfare officer looked up to the man and spoke. "Sir, reports from the Echo indicate some of the ships have or are preparing to launch fighters and boarding craft."

Kenth turned to the man with a raised eyebrow. "So they want to board the craft." he said before pausing. "Well we certainly can't let them beat us to the prize." he looked out at the battle ahead of him once more, various scenarios racing through his head. The vagabond wouldn't hesitate to shoot down Kenth's own transport craft and he had a strong feeling that this mixed fleet would be more than happy to fire at Final Dawn ships. To get his troops on intact, he'd need to launch his ships as close to the vagabond as he could.

"Prepare the thrusters to bring us to full speed, have our power begin cycling to the shields." He said, breaking the silence of the bridge.

The Engineering officer spoke up in protest. "But sir, our stealth capabilities would be ruined! The Stygian core can't retain a proper cloaking field for a ship this size moving at full speed!"

"The time for stealth is over, the time to strike has begun." he responded without batting an eye. "Helmsmen, I want us on a course that will put us directly above the vagabond." Even with the ship Kenth had, bringing it that close to the behemoth was dangerous, especially with his clear lack of allies. A back-up was always in order. "Until then charge the microjump capacitor."

"And of the Echo Sir?" The warfare officer asked. Kenth had nearly forgotten about them. "Have them maintain position for as long as they can. I want this fleet under constant surveillance."

Immediately the ship lurched forward, its ion engines in full thrust. As the ship hurtled towards the Vagabond its cloak began to stutter. From viewports pilots would watch the vague shape of a star destroyer shimmer in space, becoming more pronounced as it moved forwards, confused sensor arrays indicated that there was both a ship there and not at the same time.

As the adjudicator broke from its position the Echo remained tucked in the fleet. They now had the dangerous game of trying to fit in for as long as possible. The Captain of the small vessel immediately replied to Vera Tillian Vera Tillian "This is Lothat Port Authority Vessel Spacewitch to RRS Endurance. Demanding credentials of local forces so far from your own sector of space certainly is odd." he said. The crew hadn't originally planned to get so close so no proper identification had been sourced having only thought to spoof their own IFF. "We are simply here to monitor the Vagabond, not get in the way of your own mission." he said in an attempt to divert the attention away from the vessel.
EX-B1 (the "Atollon Vagabond"), in orbit via Atollon

"Well," started Dac, "I can't blame you for trying...I really thought that it'd knock that Mon Cal ship out. Better pepper it with a second round, shouldn't we?"

Lofdrrl growled a few choice words, thankfully he muttered them so poorly that his droid wouldn't be able to translate it. Doubtlessly if he did, the one-time CEO would probably be drawing a blaster on him. Yet how to deal with a back seat captain with hundreds of battle droids at his beck and call was something that Lofdrrl would have to be very careful about it. He calmed himself but for a moment, before speaking in clear but firm Shyriiwook.

"My master states that the Mon Cal ship is moving too fast now to accurately target with the orbital autocannon, though the data from the attack does gives us a good notion of their defensive abilities. He thinks it may be a worthy prize, and would accept its capture as a prize for his use as payment for any services rendered."

"An interesting proposition," smiled Dac, "That is something I can work out. I'll start dispatching boarding parties then."

Lofdrrl hesitated. He really thought that was a poor idea right now, but at the same time, it might get rid of some of the droids that might otherwise be used to try and kill him and his entourage. Within moments, the one-time CEO had redirected the escort shuttles and fighter gigs to try and force their way aboard the mon calamari ship. TO help even the odds, Lofdrrl started an intensive turbolaser and ion cannon barrage strike against the incoming mon calamari cruiser, primarily to keep the enemy occupied with other thoughts aside from attacking the boarding craft.

"We have enemies trying to get into the hangar bays," stammered a rodian.

"Oh, I think we can easily deal with them," said the corellian, "I've thought about that a lot, especially since I've had to run this thing on less than a skeleton crew. Let's start the lock-down procedure..."

Across the ship, blast doors closed and locked down while large portions of atmosphere were simply vented out many rooms and corridors - making simple advance very difficult if the boarders had not come prepared with vac suits or some other form of life support. Deep in the bowels of the ship, a horde of FLTCH-series Battle Droids stirred and prepared to fight back: dozens already met the boarders attempting to make their way via the ship's hangar - an obvious point of ingress, while a number of Colicoid Infiltrator-series droids were off to investigate the abrupt access of the airlock by a group of corellians dropped off by a corvette. Other old but still potent droids moved to take up positions to impend the advance by any intruders deeper into the vessel.

"One of the autocannons still is fully charged..." mentioned Dac.

Fine, you can play captain...

Lofdrrl selected the Hyperion as its target, largely because it seemed like the easiest target for the slow-moving guns to hit, and because its commander seemed wily enough to understand the importance of at least the psychological effects of the weapon. The wookiee barked a few commands, which caused the shield operator to try and reinforce the shielding around the massive weapons by drawing some energy that otherwise would have been used to protect its engines.

Lofdrrl scrawled through the Vagabond's system list before promptly issuing a new order which his droid customarily translated, "Jam all enemy sensors and communications."

The massive dishes of the 220-SIG Tactical Sensor Jamming Devices turned to face the enemy vessels, turning their power against the allies as best as they could. Countless other weapons fired back at the vessels, all operated with the cold, synchronized precision that had become such a hallmark of automated systems. Red flashes of light erupted to tear into the Reef Home while the energy torpedo launchers began to pepper the smaller ships from distance even as the orbital autocannon launched its first strike against the Hyperion.

Summary of Actions
-Vagabond shifts shields to better protect its heavy guns from attack at the cost of having less shielding around its engines
-Vagabond's turbolasers shift fire to the approaching Reef Home (and any other capital ship that tries to close distance (possibly the Adjudicator if/when it uncloaks)
-Fighter Gigs and Escort Shuttles attempt boarding runs on the Reef Home
-Vagabond fires orbital autocannon on Hyperion
-Vagabond's Energy Torpedo Launchers shift fire to smaller allied vessels present, such as Wrecker, Endurance
-Vagabond attacks boarding craft with Fast-tracking turbolasers and quad laser Cannons
-FLTCH-series Battle Droids in docking bay and airlocks immediately start attacking Aela Cohn Aela Cohn and her corellians, Grendel Krayt Grendel Krayt and his team, GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. 's SCAR operators
-Vagabond goes into lockdown mode: Blast doors are sealed shut; some corridors are entirely emptied out of breatheable atmosphere; large numbers of FLTCH-series Battle Droids patrol ship, occasionally backed by small numbers of Colicoid Infiltrator-series droids, Droideka Mark IIs, & V2-series commando droids.
Ari Naldax Ari Naldax | Sala'dine Sala'dine | Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk | Aela Cohn Aela Cohn | Vera Tillian Vera Tillian | GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | Viera Kisep Viera Kisep | Lobb | Kenth Berik Kenth Berik | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Grendel Krayt Grendel Krayt | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar
Aela furrowed her brow as he progressed through the ship's intial entryway. The hangar was directly left of where they had landed but was at least somewhere beyond the bulkheads where no life seemed to be. She figured a ship of this size would have had a crew all over the place considering they should be handling battlestations and other essential tasks related to keeping a warship functioning while it was under attack. That was when the alarms hit and her suspicions were put to rest.

They knew she had gotten on board and that just pissed her off more than anything. As doors began to close she and her squad began to sprint through them toward where the hangar bay was located. None of them needed their quiet gear anymore so it was all loud and loaded for bear. As she loaded shells into her scattergun they rounded the corner into a main convergence point and were halted by droids. Battle droids were the last thing she wanted to see now and she spat venomous curses as she fired off the first shot into the chest plate of whatever it was this ship used to defend against boarding actions. They now had to find another terminal somewhere, because the priority became slicing the droid controls and shutting them down. While that was up, she had no hope of taking this ship back to League space.

Doors closed off the bulkheads behind them though, so she and her squad had to fight through the droids that blocked the way. Heated blasterfire and scattergun shots crammed the room with smoke and noise as she and her group took cover against the bulkheads themselves as the droids advanced. Her heavy gunner Crom put up the mobile blast shield and provided the cover they needed while pushing in. Several loud exchanges later and the shield was depleted but they had stopped the initial jam of droids without much incident, but who knew how long that would hold while they checked their gear and patched up things.

As they gathered up and moved out of cover they looked around cautiously and went to the doorway the droids had come from, stepping over the wreckage. It was a good thing they were equipped to fight, considering the whole ship knew what was going on now. Who knew how many biological parties were around. What she did know was that the one she and her crew walked direclty into was now their prisoner and that was a fortunate turn. He was an engineer, which was a fortunate turn, considering she needed to find a terminal to hook into. They had an in and that was luck more than anything. Maybe being Corellian had more benefits than not this time, but as he kept swiping through closed bulkheads with his security clearance he grew increasingly uneasy with her scattergun at the base of his spine.

There was the boon she needed, a room. He swiped them in and even had the common courtesy to sign into the terminal before she splattered his spine across the room. That was a shortlived triumph though as the sound of clanking battledroids came down the halls. They had to set up a defensive point while she worked her slicing magic on this stupid ship. Her first goal was to link into the root access hubs and block off any attempt to keep her out of the more pressing command files and nodes. Every single port that could hold a data spike had one, and every single chance she had to change a password or access code she took, even if it meant only temporary reprieve. This was a good time to try out her data flood protocol though, so she loaded that up on the targeting computers if she could manage it so she could overtask the radar system and targeting computers with bum data that would hopefully throw the weapons off their targeting parameters. Anything to get their attention off of her work to try and shut down the droid control center.
Maneuvering to the rear had been largely successful. No one had attempted to stop the Wrecker which positioned itself somewhere in the aft of the Hyperion using the larger ship to screen itself against enemy fire. As it were the Wrecker and the Nok-Class Destroyer that remained with her as an assisted screen had little to fear outside of long-range weaponry and fighters; they were well outside of conventional fields of engagement.

"Incoming fire!"

...called an Offcier on the Bridge. It drew the attention of Vosk who was already staring out one of the viewports...

"Adjust shields to---"

...but those energy torpedoes moved damned fast. It would be difficult to hit the Wrecker with anything substantial but that didn't mean it went unscathed. Explosions penetrated the deflector shields fore with several striking as deep as the exterior plating of the Assault Cruiser and causing the ship to shake violently.

On the Bridge several of the crew braced themselves, Vosk lost the cigarro from his mouth and finished his last thought...

"Readjust shields to the fore completely."

...they'd strengthen themselves against further attack still having not gone on to show their hand, an Comms Officer would report...

"Sir, our comms are being jammed. They have some high powered equipment on that ship." made him grumble but he remained stalwart...

"We maintain our current tactics and make good on our earlier promise. Offer additional fire support to the rear of the Alliance Ships."

...with that the Bridge was abuzz with energy as the crew primed several weapons systems. Point Defense Lasers and Concussion Missiles would target ant Fighters or Bombers that managed to slip the aft of larger vessels like the Hyperion, Concord Dawn or the Endurance. At worst it should provided another layer for the enemy to penetrate, at best it could free more of the Alliance spacecraft to engage the main enemy battleship.

The Nok-Class Destroyers would follow suit, especially the two that had positioned themselves closer to the front. Likewise they would engage the Vagabond with the Heavy Turbolasers and Ion Cannons they came equipped with seeing as how they were closer than their compatriots.

Summary of Actions
  • The Wrecker and Nok-Class Destroyer accompanying it complete their maneuver so that they are somewhere in the aft of the Hyperion and can use the ship as a screen against incoming fire. This puts the Wrecker at mid range with the Alliance Fleet but long range against the Vagabond.
  • Energy Torpedos deal minor damage to the hull of the Wrecker accounting for its range, defenses and positioning.
  • The Fleet makes good on its promise to act as a rear guard. Point Defense Lasers and Concussion Missiles are used to support the after of the Hyperion, Concord Dawn and Endurance against enemy fighters.
  • The Nok-Class Destroyers (2) closer to the action fire their Heavy Turbolasers and Ion Cannons at the Vagabond for additional battlefield support.
The Fleet
1x Vorr Class Assault Cruiser aka the Wrecker
3x Nok Class Destroyer

Lofdrrl Lofdrrl GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Mig Gred Mig Gred ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Kenth Berik Kenth Berik Wojtek Wojtek
In memory of our late CEO


EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets. per ship

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 181st Tactical Starfighter Wing "Nightwing Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Roger Powell "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Powell "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Nightwing 2-5 Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Nightwing 6-9 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Nightwing 10-13 Azazael class Stealth fighter
EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets. per ship

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Angel 2-11 Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Angel 12-17 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Angel 18-23 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Angel 24-28 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  1. Angel 29-31 Starfury class Starfighter
BOMBERS W ESCORT (10 Squadrons)
  1. Angel 32-36 Demon Class Bomber
  2. Angel 37-41 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  1. Angel 42-45 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 46-51 Cherub Transport
Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Voodoo 2-9 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Voodoo 10-14 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 15-19 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Voodoo 20-24 Azazael class Stealth fighter
BOMBERS W ESCORT (5 Squadrons)
  1. Voodoo 25-29 Demon Class Bomber
  1. Voodoo 30-32 Starfury class Starfighter
  1. Angel 30-31 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 32-34 Cherub Transport
Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

SPACIAL COMBAT AND RENDITION - SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero-G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.

SCAR WING (7 Squadrons)
  1. SCAR 2-10 Jackal Class Starfighter
  1. Ares 1-6 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  1. Ares 7-12 Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Ares 13–17 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Ares 18 Cherub Gunship
  2. Ares 19-20 Cherub Transport
SECTOR: Open Space
ORDERS: Investigate
Mig Gred Mig Gred | Gir Quee Gir Quee | Roth Tillian Roth Tillian | Mylo Thorne | @Ari Naldax | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | @Vera Tillian

Ari Naldax Ari Naldax | @Aela Cohn | Sala'dine Sala'dine | Toby Russen Toby Russen | Arsenio Tagge | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Izah'zore | Kitanwarr Kitanwarr | Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul | Wojtek Wojtek | Grendel Krayt Grendel Krayt | @Lofdrrl


What is it?

”Sir, it appears that they are attempting to jam comms of everyone in the sector. All signals are coming from that ship.”

We have an Oracle-class Communications Package, let’s use it. Turn the jam back on them. Keep the ship from talking to her fighters.

”That will remove our ability to communicate, sir.”

By normal channels, yes. However we can use encryption codes with our running lights if our friends are paying attention. Nothing detailed but enough so they know where we are moving.


The purpose of using “Encryption codes” (think Morse Code) used through the running lights were for just those instances. The messages used by randomly turning on and off those lights could not be detailed, but enough so that “Firing” or “Moving left” could be understood.

Take a side of “The Reef Home” and move in with them, put all guns on their big gun.

”Conn-Tactical! Orbital gun shot incoming!

Redirect power to all shield systems!

It was almost too late as the huge cannon-shot slammed into the Avalon, sending it temporarily listing to her starboard side before righting herself.

Damage report!

”Direct hit! Damage to decks three and four, casualties reported. Anti-Concussion system currently off-line. Shields holding at 64 percent.”

Meanwhile out among the dogfighting, “Voodoo 3” was getting tired of being outnumbered. Allied fighters were falling and 2 of his own squadron needed to return for repairs.

[Mustang! This is Voodoo 3! We are holding our own but they are launching more fighters, release the Jackals and get us some help, please!]

”Conn-Tactical! We’ve lost two Interceptors to repairs. They can be sent back out, but it might take some time.”

Hitting a few buttons, Angellus shut off some personal systems. This was also a signal meant for “The Guardano.” It did not take long for 4 more squadrons of “Super Angel” Interceptors to jump into the system. This was protocol to send the outermost operating squadrons for reconaissance purposes. Though they tried to contact “The Hyperion” to no avail, the pilots had the luxury of hand signals with each other and jumped into the fight. Those close enough were going to use their GDAMM Guided bomb on “The Vagabond.”


As transports screamed across the skies dodging cannon fire, gunships were returning fire and entering the landing bays to act as “Security” and secure the area. Anyone “not” “Silver” or “Mandalorian” gets addressed and eventually fired on if not satisfied by a response.

  1. Following Reef Home inward
  2. SCARs breaching.
  3. Marines on approach to board Vagabond
  4. Interceptors sweeping engaging enemy fighters
  5. Nightwing squadrons 2-5 from “Guardano” jumping in to assist

All other ships on alert status and not more than one jump away






*All information disclosed in spoilers


Mylo Thorne


Hunt for the Atollon Vagabond

Location: ANV Tython, Hyperpsace, En-route to the Atollon System
Objective: Unclear
Equipment: X-Wing Starfighter
Temp Callsign: Gray Leader
Izah'zore | Ari Naldax Ari Naldax


"Excuse me, where can I find the Command Deck?"

An azure-skinned Duros male naval officer narrowed crimson-red eyes at him, judging him, trying to figure out who he was. It was only natural, Mylo thought. The Revenants, by way of their pedigree and being part of Starfighter Command were one of few squadrons, like Nemesis, who weren't assigned a permanent station on a ship. So, as luck would have it, many of the encounters ended up like this, with Mylo annoying the crew because he had no idea where he was going. One incident came to mind when he was attempting to reach a briefing room, and some ground crew had thought it was funny to send him to the latrine. Mistakes were made that day.

Luckily, the officer, pointed down the hallway, where two vast blastdoors cut off the passage at the end. Hopefully, the officer wasn't feeling in a vengeful mood. His jet-black boots making a metallic clunking noise as he jogged down, he adjusted his uniform and held his helmet under his arm. Mylo was about to meet the commander of the vessel, first impressions were everything. Thumbing a couple of numbers into the keypad to the right of the doors, there was a satisfying ping as he was transported into the chaos of the flight deck, overworked crew members sitting at stations dotted across the circular deck made verbal back and forths, relaying all sorts of orders across to each other. The pilot didn't always see capital ships up close, and it really made him appreciate how much it took to run one.

Scanning the area, he spotted a flightsuit-clad figure standing near the main viewport which portrayed the blue-white swirls of hyperspace. Judging her to be Major Ari Naldax, he hurried over, stamping his foot to attention which made the Balosar comms officer next to him jump. Mylo quickly snapped a salute, putting his hand back to his side rigidly. "Captain Mylo Thorne, reporting as ordered ma'am. Gray Squadron are all accounted for and on standby ma'am." He spoke, trying his best to look the Twi'lek naval officer in the eye. It felt sort of strange saying that. After all, it was his first command, even if it was only temporary.

It had all been quite sudden. Commander Chaar, just as he usually did, had framed it like a punishment, but he viewed it as a challenge and good experience. He was to temporarily take command of an ad-hoc starfighter group and transferred to the ANV Tython for a patrol mission in the Outer Rim. Mylo had spent the past few weeks training "Gray" Squadron, a motely crew of mostly rookies and reservists who'd been called up the bolster the Starfighter Corps' numbers; which had been severely depleted during the course of the war. They were good pilots, but one crucial thing they lacked was experience. And he knew that experience could add years onto the life expectancy of a pilot.


ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Reef Home
Moving into standard weapons range of Vagabond

Mig Gred Mig Gred GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Sala'dine Sala'dine Viera Kisep Viera Kisep Lofdrrl Lofdrrl Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk Lobb Kenth Berik Kenth Berik Vera Tillian Vera Tillian Aela Cohn Aela Cohn Ari Naldax Ari Naldax Grendel Krayt Grendel Krayt

As Reef Home moved forward at top speed, her shielding rippled under the fire of the Vagabond's weapons. Reshmar watched as the red bolts of Reef Home's long-ranged weapons reached out toward the giant ship. the beams struck the vessel in the distance as the beast struck back with its own long-range weaponry. "Admiral Moving into standard weapon range sir," said one of the tactical officers. Reshmar nodded then spoke.

"Very well target the Vagabond with standard weapons, bring all EWAR systems online, and jam their targeting. Have the Sea Hawk batteries begin pounding her with Plasma Assault Missiles, once we are within five kilometers change the loadout to Ion Assault Missiles," ordered Reshmar. A moment later the turbolasers and ion cannons of Reef Home opened fire followed by the massive assault-grade missile barrage. Reshmar watched the forward screen as the ship grew in size soon stretching across the full width of the large forward display.

"Commander Gurpin, Ready your wing for deployment," said Reshmar to a Mon Calamari officer standing to his right. The mn nodded then turned and walked to a console on the right side of the CIC. Reshmar turned from watching the man walk away and back to the forward screen.

"Status report?" asked Reshmar. a moment later an officer replied. "Shields holding sir. The forward hull is being reinforced by DC parties and holding but everything forward of E section is out of operation. We have lost two Auras and a dozen weapons of varying classes. Early reports have the count at thirty-seven dead and nearly one hundred wounded and in sick bay." said the officer. Reshmar sat quietly thinking over the report. There was nothing to be done now, later they would grieve but for not they had to fight.

"Admiral, the Vagabond is launching boarding craft sir. On a course to intercept us." said an officer from behind Reshmar on the sensor stations. Reshmar eyed a side screen that was not following the incoming boarding craft. Captain, Have the Knights prepare to engage borders. Tatical, focuse all defensive fire on those boarding craft. Launch micro proximity mine canisters into their path then reload the interceptors with a mix of CHaff and Flak canisters deployed fifty meters behind the mines. As the surviving boarding craft get through that have the canister launchers deploy a barrage of Knifefish Cannisters. What makes it through that the Knights will repel." said Reshmar. Reshmar put the incoming borders out of his mind. The internal defenses and the Knights would deal with them. His job was the Vagabond and the Wookiee hiding within her.

Reef Home
5 x MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Pickets
4 x Intersector-class Patrol Pickets

Continued towards Vagabond
Open Fire with standard ranged weapons, Assault Missiles, and EWAR weapons.

Showdown at the Black Lagoon Anchorage


Fleet Composition

"Exiting Hyperspace in 3...2...1." As soon as the officer spoke, the FDS Absolute reverted to realspace escorted by two smaller ships, the Judgement-Class Light Cruiser, FDS Vindicator and the Invector-Class Monitor Frigate, FDS Stalker. Standing on the bridge of the Absolute was the individual in charge of the small task force, Director-Admiral Dorian Sevenar, the head of the Final Dawn's secretive intelligence agency known as the Politorate and one of Sularen's closest and most loyal subordinates. The Final Dawn like most of the factions present such as the Rimward Trade League, the Galactic Alliance and the Silver Jedi Order, had caught word of the rampage of the Atollon Vagabond and were actively seeking to take control of the warship seeing the potential of reverse-engineering it's technology for future warships designed for the Final Dawn. Already Colonel Kenth Berik, a close associate of Sevenar and by extension Sularen, had been sent to retrieve the Vagabond with Sevenar close behind to reinforce him as to further distract the Vagabond and eliminate the forces of the other factions when the ship would inevitably fall into the hands of the Final Dawn.

"What's the status of Colonel Berik's Forces." the Director-Admiral asked as they arrived in the Atollon System. "It seems like the Echo has blended in with the rest of the forces engaged with the Vagabond, but we cannot detect the Adjudicator." the Captain of the Absolute said in response. "Then it is most likely that Berik has engaged the stealth systems of his ship and is trying a more covert approach. Nevertheless, our objective is clear we lie in wait until Kenth Berik has secured the Vagabond and engage the others once he has secured the Ship." the Director-Admiral proclaimed. "With a battle of this magnitude it is likely that the various other factions present might send their own boarding parties to secure the Vessel themselves, and Berik will need all the support he can get." Sevenar said evaluating the current situation of the battle. "Is Captain Torson and his Strike Team ready for deployment?" he asked. "Yes sir, they simply remain on stand-by for further orders." the Captain replied.

"Good. We'll wait for confirmation that Berik has boarded the Vagabond before sending Torson's team in. In the meantime keep the fleet at a considerable distance from the main zone of combat while having the Stalker eavesdrop on their communications. For now, we'll sit, watch and listen as these fools weaken their fleets like predators stalking their prey. Soon that ship will be ours, regardless of the opposition we will face." the Director-Admiral proclaimed.

  • A Second Final Dawn Task Force this time lead by Director-Admiral Dorian Sevenar arrives at the Atollon System
  • It remains at a considerable distance from the main battle and awaits confirmation that Berik and his Forces have boarded the Vagabond
  • The FDS Stalker begins eavesdropping on the communications of the other factions present via it's Communication Interception abilities

Tags [SJO/Directorate] | GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Mig Gred Mig Gred
Tags [RTL/GA] | Aela Cohn Aela Cohn | Vera Tillian Vera Tillian | Ari Naldax Ari Naldax | Mylo Thorne
Tags [Others] | Sala'dine Sala'dine | Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk | Viera Kisep Viera Kisep | Lofdrrl Lofdrrl | Grendel Krayt Grendel Krayt | Lobb
Tags [Final Dawn] | Kenth Berik Kenth Berik


Location: Atollon System
Objective: The High Regent Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's Orders: Secure the Vagabond
Focus: Open
Tags: Ari Naldax Ari Naldax | Aela Cohn Aela Cohn | Sala'dine Sala'dine | GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | Toby Russen Toby Russen | Arsenio Tagge | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Izah'zore | Kitanwarr Kitanwarr | Mylo Thorne | Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul | Roth Tillian Roth Tillian | Wojtek Wojtek | Grendel Krayt Grendel Krayt | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Lobb | Viera Kisep Viera Kisep | Vera Tillian Vera Tillian | Lofdrrl Lofdrrl | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Rackham Rackham | Sorry if I missed anyone, its a lot of names


As the ship moved forward Kenth remained at his position, his steely gaze fixed on the vagabond. The ship remained unmolested even as its stealth core wore off, a gamble which seemed to have paid off. The engineering officer turned and looked up to Kenth. "Sir, Stygian Core is operating at 12%. If we keep it active we risk damaging it." Kenth turned to the man and nodded. "Very well shut it down. Redirect all power from the core to shields and turbolaser batteries."

The adjudicator which had been approaching from another angle from the misfit fleet continued closing in on the vagabond, now in full view to any and all present. As the ship got closer Kenth turned to the warfare officer and spoke. "Status report." he barked out. The young officer was quick to reply "Sir, turbolaser batteries are charged and shields have been cycled."

"Good. We have closed the distance we need, helmsmen turn us port and turn us 90 degrees on our axis." the warfare officer turned up to Kenth with slight confusion. "The
Marg Sabl sir?" Kenth turned down and looked at him with a slight grin. "Yes, only for a briefly. We're going to do our best to suppress the vagabond to get our troops on board." he said. The ship very quickly broke off from its path, now orbiting the vagabond with the top side of the ship facing the behemoth battlecruiser.

"Cycle deflector shields to the top half of the ship. Have all of our turbolaser batteries locked onto the vagabond." he continued. Across the hull of the ship each battery moved in sync towards the direction of the vagabond, inside the turrets, eager gunners awaited the order.

The warfare officer who had his eyes glued to a screen spoke out once more. "All turbolasers set sir."

"Very well then. You may fire when ready." he said and all at once a barrage of green lasers arced from the adjudicator and towards the vagabond.

Blinded by what was now going on outside his ship the officer turned to a large screen to his right where cameras from across the ship broadcasted the blindspots. Kenth watched carefully as his ship began to engage the vagabond. "Launch our boarding craft. I want those Final Dawn Troopers off my ship." he said. The ships hangers were soon flooded by the noise of engines from the transports roaring. It was now time to board the Vagabond.

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