Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Atollon Vagabond - Showdown at the Black Lagoon Anchorage

Viera frowned as the jammer started and everything went various shades of red. "Seems someone decided to turn on a jammer. Makes it harder, but I am not worried. I suppose we will keep as planned then. Do we have anything that can get us around the jammer?" She asked refraining from kicking the machine. She sighed and looked to Sala'dine Sala'dine . Then she started attempting to get an look at the situation anyway, No time like the present to see if there was something you didn't know the ship could do. Hopefully in the near future she would have her own ship again. That would be nice. Yes, that was her next step, to secure her own ship. This whole situation had reminded her of her days leading fleets. She was sure Sala'dine could help her.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Viera Kisep Viera Kisep Lofdrrl Lofdrrl

The jammer was not something unexpected, the shadows sensors were better equipped for detecting stealth vessels but they were also at a distance maintaining it as the cloaked vessel continued to let the boarding craft go towards it. Locked down hangers meant little the boarding craft used a thrawn approach with mining lasers for carving through airlocks and structural weak points. "Around it not quite but we are at the distance right now and the boarding craft don't need to land in those hangers." She had a look on her face though rising up as the lighting in the bridge changed for tactical displays and she could see more attacks being launched. "Lets see who else we have here." There was a good idea aand need to know who are out there. I'd rather see the ship destroyed or fleeing then it fall into the wrong hands."
EX-B1 (the "Atollon Vagabond"), in orbit via Atollon

"Cap'n, new ships entering the system. Some more imperial types judging by the shape and transponders...."

Dac frowned, "Not what we need..."


The Adjudicator seemed to appear out of nothingness: deadly light quickly jetted out from the formerly cloaked star destroyer, surprising Lofdrrl even as the imperial ship executed the Marg Sabl - the ship's sudden appearance was enough to throw off the weapons team, let alone the decoy tactic - the newly launched ships wouldn't have much trouble landing their imperial troops onboard. However, weapons fire quickly intensified as the element of surprise was lost.

"We're being jammed now," reported another officer, "I can't raise up our fighters on comms-"

Lofdrrl growled and barked out orders which his droid translated. The wookiee gave up on verbalizing everything given how slow the droid was, and began to simply punch in commands into the command chair. The EX-B1 slowly accelerated towards the middle of the allied fleet, moving to start a classic brawl where it could bring every single one of its weapons to bear on someone - a move prompted in part by desperation, and in part to negate the clever shielding tactics employed by some of the independent spacers. While this movement made targeting with some of the Vagabond's heaviest weapons not possible, it did put the newly arrived Absolute - more distant than most of the other ships present - within angle of attack from the Vagabond's orbital autocannons. One of the massive guns fired at the newly arrived vessel's bridge.

Across the battlefield, chaos created by both sides jamming prompted the Vagabond's fighter complement engage in confusing, close quarters combat. Some of the more damaged pirate craft attempted to limp away, even as the Vagabond's predator drive hampered enemy small craft around it, making theme easier targets for its high-end quad laser cannons.

Onboard the Vagabond itself, droids were mustering to counterattack all of the boarders. Dac wanted to retake at least one hangar bay in order to secure one route of egress if possible. Aela Cohn Aela Cohn 's data spikes would work - at least for a moment - as the Vagabond had pretty basic computer systems that weren't really any more secured than most commercial computer systems - but continued unusual activity would likely invite more scrutiny soon.

Summary of Actions
-Vagabond attempts to put itself in the middle of hte allied fleet to "brawl"
-Vagabond effectively sliced so far
-Vagabond fires on Absolute
Ari Naldax Ari Naldax Sala'dine Sala'dine Ordan Vosk Ordan Vosk Aela Cohn Aela Cohn Vera Tillian Vera Tillian GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Viera Kisep Viera Kisep Lobb Kenth Berik Kenth Berik Mig Gred Mig Gred Grendel Krayt Grendel Krayt ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Rackham Rackham Mylo Thorne
Things were moving slowly, which is what she wanted. The faster she went the faster the people on the ship would know she was up to something in the computer systems. As it stood they were barricaded well, but the fact that she was on a ship crawling with battle droids was the real problem. They had several key advantages over an organic crew that she could not let come into play.

Slicing was an art though, and she was working with a wide open canvas of bog standard equipment. Nothing advanced here as some of the behaviors of this mystery ship might have indicated. That being said, the battle droids trying to break down the door did expedite one thing she had planned to do, and that was to vent the hangar bays, which she had to struggle to input while going through the directory files.

It was nothing she could not handle for the moment, but those cutting lasers plowing through the door was enough to really concern her now. She had to work a little faster but it was risk reward. Could she manage gaining control of the battle droids before they broke through? Could she do it without having lockouts in the systems slowing her down now? If she had to she would try to extract away from this room to find a new terminal. That was the worst case at the moment though because this was fine for now. Everything was fine, nothing was terrible, and nothing was going to go wrong. She told herself that even as she continued to count down the seconds until a firefight broke out in this room.
Vera Tillian Vera Tillian | TE-236 TE-236 | Inara Basai Inara Basai | NE-1 | Nej Tane Nej Tane | Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers | Caedyn Arenais | Idariel Idariel | Aela Cohn Aela Cohn | Zyre Zyre

Watching events unfold from the bridge of the RSS Endurance, Quauhatli was stalwart, his jaw tightening as more and more ships flocked into the system. They had come to challenge the wayward ship causing havoc across the Rim, only to now find themselves amongst the chaos of several battle groups.

With a casual glance at the nearby tactical display, it was already clear this would be anything but ordinary or routine. The ships flocked like the Velsarian Crows of Xak Tharakus, each trying to fight a cornered animal who was unfortunate to disturb their nest. "Strange that we should all arrive here today," He said thoughtfully, considering the number of ships and factions involved hitting the wrong ship could have disastrous consequences for the Rimward Trade League and its allies.

"Captain, it is not my place to command your crew, but please remind your fire teams to double check their targets and calculations, I do not want us to give the Mandalorians or Hutts a casus belli," Quauhatli advised with an affirmative nod to Captain Vera. He trusted her, and her crew. "And please, if you want me to assist you let me know where I can offer my support."

Officially, he was here on a routine inspection, but also to see and share best practices. Vera's crew represented some of the best and brightest Rimward had to offer, but more than that they worked together. One of his greatest challenges on the Reliant was managing the often conflicting interests of his officers, a side effect of the multi-corporate project the Reliant had become. Striga for example, a science officer from Novean was more concerned with furthering research than safeguarding Rimwards strategic interests which very much concerned his first officer.

He had no doubts that with time they would learn to get along, but for now, he was very much interested to see Vera and her crew in action.

Coatl, his droid companion, loomed by his side recording for that very purpose.
Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul Aela Cohn Aela Cohn TE-236 TE-236 Lofdrrl Lofdrrl

"Energy torpedo launches detected!" Vera's mind was shifting direction even as the first words were spoken.

"Evasive maneuvers- reverse tractor beams." The words went a kilometer a minute and her fingers dug into the armrests as the ship shifted and jostled around her.

They only needed to evade the projectiles for a short time or hold them in a stall. Either one would work. After a moment, her ears registered Sacul's words and she quirked a smile.

"Frankly, I doubt they'd notice." The massive ship on the scanners was opening fire on numerous ships, including one that had decloaked.

"Imperial, for certain," one of the intelligence analysts said, "Likely Maw, this far out."

"Very good," Vera mused, looking over to the observer. "Can you formulate any sort of strategies to neutralize the Imperial vessels? We've issued a citation already to the Vagabond and there's no need to take them on in a fight."

She pointed at the Imperial ships that just arrived. "Those are a destroy at every opportunity target. We may be able to woo some of the other independents around to our side. The Admiralty has authorized significant payments in the Underground Credits for the destruction or capture of Imperial warships."

"Comms are jammed." That was a communications officer. "Will take some time to get through."

"We could do it the old-fashioned way," Vera said. "What do you think, Sacul? Are there any codes old enough that everyone would understand?"

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