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I don't know, the Avatar system is not concrete yet. I originally suggested a raffle to go on (when there is a faction up full of potential Gaians) that would determine who would make a new Avatar every once and a while. That may be the case, and depending on the size the group becomes I might more seriously consider multiple Avatars. For now, I shall be playing the Avatar, who shall be an old man nearing his time to leave the galaxy. This way, (first of all) I get to be the Avatar , and I can maintain a confident leadership until I'm sure we're here to stay. After that we can decided as a group who will make a new Avatar
good idea. but the raffle? im not so keen with that. maybe if people volentiered to compleat a series of tasks that they must complete to becoem the avatar. and if there is a tie between them they will have some other harder task to complete. and i agree with the multiple avatars.
I'm still hesitant on the matter of multiple, but if it comes to the majority wanting who am I to say no?
But by raffle, I meant amongst those who volunteer, and who meet a (yet to be determined) set of requirements to even qualify (i.e. post count, or length of time on the site, clear reputation of good writing [most likely to be sampled and then voted upon by the community]) or who knows? Maybe we will have a non-cannon fight to the death to figure out who becomes Avatar XD (Jk) But yeah, like I said, it isn't concrete yet. I'm still trying to finish up the Gaians and we're already talking about Faction Structure! lol
Oh no, no problem at all! I was just trying to direct your attention that I have a different agenda currently. Right now I'm more focused on the Gaians, and how they fit in. We can talk about that latter, or I could make an Unofficial Faction Proposition where we could discuss it? But yeah, right now there are too places were I am a bit stuck on, the very beginning, and the very end. Ideas for their physical/internal features would be beneficial too, but not too much on the physical since they are supposed to look as human as possible.
well ending could be that they met up with a faction known to be bad (sith or mando) and say that they didnt treat thier planet with care and want to save the planets or stop them from coming and destrying thiers. it would match with the planet/human forms and its agenst the sith/ mandos (dont know if you were going for that?)
It is certainly something I could see happening, I would make the assumption that the race would be Neutral/Light side aligned, so yeah... hostility is great for us to kick off with Other options would be good too, as I honestly don't have a clue as to how to begin the connection between these two universe. I can pretty much connect them to the force, although everything else is hard. And that is why I posted this up! After all, the best ideas come from people building upon other peoples ideas, as something coming from a single source usually comes out the way THEY want, rather than something EVERYONE can appreciate (*cough* "George Lucas" *cough* "Prequels" *hack* *cough*)
I would have to talk to the other leaders to see what they think about it, it would be a good first thread I think.
yeah other options maybe avalible.
and yes it works when there are more heads than one. that way you get everyones input on it. and i honestly have no idea on how the begining will go but ill think about it.
True, and I apologize for my lateness in the response, I didn't have the mighty internets over the weekend. But as for the beginning, I should have something to do with the force, such as a sort of 'spiritual being' or beings that came before, created their world through the force and eventually did something or caused something to happen for little itty bitty people to bend the elements, and eventually the Avatar's creation. This part I think I can do on my own if need be, but I would also like to hear what other people think even if it is on the other side of the spectrum to what I want. Because after all, if I follow through with this it won't be just me, it will be many people working together as a group. I hope that is enough to go on?
(I'm really sorry ahead of time, this is going to be an quite long post, as it is a philosophical debate with myself throughout basically. xD)
Hmm, what is your take on this? Should Bending be material specific or or type of matter/energy specific? After all, bending is everything in the Avatar universe, and if we can't bend beyond home, then we don't belong in Star Wars. So people.... Do we bend specifically Fire/lightning, H2O, Oxygen, and Rocks excluding pure metal? Or do we bend Energy (not Chi, that's Spiritual hocu spocus), Liquid (This is a bit complicated to explain), Gas (excluding water vapor for some reason), and Solid (again, excluding metal for some reason and Ice).
To be perfectly honest I think I'm going to be breaking some rules to make it simple and go with the Energy, Liquid, Gas, Solid bending argument , but put labels on what is more difficult to do, so a Legendary skilled Airbending Master could bend any form of gas including water vapor, and a Legendary skilled Earthbending Master could bend any form of solid including even the 'most pure' of metals and perhaps ice too, and a Legendary skilled Waterbending Master could bend any form of liquid including lava, and a Legendary skilled Firebending Master could bend any form of energy (maybe even mythical Chi and the Force itself).
So then that would leave for the beginners is the easiest form to comprehend. In ancient times, the easiest (Psychologically) forms to bend were simply Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. But lets say an airbender were some how born (and lived) on a planet with an atmosphere of methane, he/she would be rendered useless in an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere because in his/her head they were prepared for the manipulation of methane, not this atmosphere. Likewise for a waterbender that could hypothetically live in a world were all water is replaced with lava, and an earthbender on a diamond/metal planet. A firebender would probably be the only universally adaptable bender out of the four, being as they appear to bender all kinds of forms of energy, more specifically the energies that fall into the Thermal/Electrical spectrum.
But then there is the problem of were the benders draw their strengths, and I think I'm going to go with the psychological route with this one as well. Would a firebender be able to firebend if born on a planet without a sun or one that is constantly obstructed and/or too small to distinguish from an ordinary star? Would a waterbender be able to waterbend on a planet with no moon? I'm going to take the route of yes they absolutely can, that all that mumbo jumbo is all in their head, rather than in their actual power.
If you were faithful enough to read all of this (first of thanks xD), what are your thoughts on this? Should every weakness and boundery previously hindering, or strengthening a bender all be in their head?
I mean, we have already seen waterbenders like the Yukone family consisting of councilor Tarlock and Amon, who bloodbend without a full moon, whose to say that this can't work as well?
i like the astrobending idea. it sounds reasonable to me. and to make everything easter it may just be that the planets that you can chose have a sutabul environment for the benders type. like a water bender had to live on a planet with water/ice (ice melts people), and the same would be for the other "bender factions" air is a different story. you could make it where you can bend alot of different air types (but not all might be a lil OP) and if they go onto a planet where thier is none of thoes elements they cant use thier bending abuiltys.
and for the begining it could start as there was a part of the galaxy that had not been explored before and so the ________ (sith/mando/whatever u think fits) expored this area where the benders live. to them the new arivels are foregen and not seen before (have some one other than human like form explore the place maybe instead have something like a Zabrak) and so they question him and learn information about the the galaxy (they could have not had the tech to space travel?) and so thier technology inprovements went up exponentaly and they begin to space travel and in thoes travels discover the sith/mandos and do not like them.
and thats where the bending comes in. thier bending powers are stronger in places where there is an abundance of resorces that they can posably bend. and that is where you can intorduce the other bending types. and just another thought. what would happen if (example) an eath bender and a fire bender were to mate and have kids? would they bend both materals and make stronger benders or would they have the choice to study one? or even a combo of both to make a new kind of bender like lava? (molten rock)
Umm... At Legend of Korra, there was... Aang and Katara had three children. Non-bender Bumi, airbender Tenzin and waterbender Kya (I hope I got the name right).
I think it is best to say that it is a one or the other deal, otherwise it would degrade the supposed power of the Avatar. If anyone could do it, what's the point of having bending? It might as well at that point be the Force as we know it now. I would like to announce to everyone though that I think that any time between wednesday and friday that the Gaian race will be ready for review, and then we shall know where we have problems and require improvement.
But I have encountered something that I think will help me a great deal in the very beginning of Gaia. How do we explain the spirituality in the World of Avatar? Are the Spirits real? If this is not so, from where and whom does the Avatar get his/her power? If they are, what are they?