Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Avatar needs help...

Ruye Etarn

So then who would be interested in a Kro Var faction that is similar in culture to the Avatar the Last Airbender series?

Ruye Etarn


Okay, so the above is all the work we need to do if we want to edit the application for the Gaian race. To the left is all the original writing that I wrote myself.
To the right is all the borrowed material I copy or adapted from the Avatar Wikia.
So pretty much anywhere from 35% to 45% is non original. He says he could possibly accept it if there was an original unique spin to these fellows.

So then what can we do to help replace roughly 5 pages off the App to make it more acceptable?

The vaste majority of what was borrowed (actually pretty much all of that material) was the culture, and a tiny snipet of history that needed changing. So basically what needs to be done is remove the word 'bending' all together, and I think we could remove to limitations to H20, the air we breathe, the ground we walk on, and the heat we feel, and just say they can manipulate all liquid, or all gas, or all solids, or all energy/plasma. Though we would be missing a lot of our weaknesses (i.e. no moon for waterbenders, or solar eclipse for firebenders, ect...) and it would also take away some of our strenths (i.e. Sozin's comet for firebenders, full moon for water benders, ect...).

But I actually think that part could potentially be all set. Where the real work needs to be done is completely remove the Hundred Years War, I think I need to remove the word Avatar, and possilby the reincarnation aspect (although I'd like to keep this detail if possible) and I need to redefine the four nations (five counting U.R.N.) and make the races and cultures different than what is found in the Avatar universe.

I've done a lot for this to happen, and I think they deserve one last shot. What do you guys think?


Disney's Princess
Name: Gaien.
Description: Near-Humans born with cool Tattoos.
Force Sensitive: Yes.
Homeworld: Gaien World
Difference from everyone else: Cultural Perspective.

BAM! Done. Submit. Approve. Start roleplaying. Push the "That was easy" button. Moral of the story: Keep it simple enough that even an idiot could use it. :D

Ava Solborne

Avatar Haru said:
The vaste majority of what was borrowed (actually pretty much all of that material) was the culture, and a tiny snipet of history that needed changing. So basically what needs to be done is remove the word 'bending' all together, and I think we could remove to limitations to H20, the air we breathe, the ground we walk on, and the heat we feel, and just say they can manipulate all liquid, or all gas, or all solids, or all energy/plasma. Though we would be missing a lot of our weaknesses (i.e. no moon for waterbenders, or solar eclipse for firebenders, ect...) and it would also take away some of our strenths (i.e. Sozin's comet for firebenders, full moon for water benders, ect...).
But that's what Avatar is... :(

Ruye Etarn

I know, and I'm going to see if I can get away with just changing the names of everything, but if I can't that is unfortunately what needs to sacrificed, and if that is the case I'm not sure it's worth trying to make Gaians a reality. Apparantly I was not clear in my initial announcement that this was intended to be a cross over, otherwise Tef would have told me not to try it. But we'll see what happens.
On a related note, I would be interested in knowing if we can shape elements using the force. I want to know if eventually Daxton can send a geyser of dirt shaped like his fist later on.

Ruye Etarn

Yeah I guess, lol. But yeah, I'm going to (unfotunately) abandon trying to directly cross over the Avatar universe to star wars via species, as the Kro Var pretty much cover it. I made an unoffical faction proposition, (which I'm making official today as I post up the new faction). It will be straight Kro Var, but perhaps in these hundreds of years they have evolved to a certain degree that they are more accepting of technology, and are thriving?

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