Bluejay Ungolfen
Broken, but mending
Lefty sidestepped as a rock sailed towards her, neatly missing and clattering uselessly to the ground. A second later, the mutt who threw it received the much more effective present of a stun round to the chest. "Apparently he was out of ammo." She commented, methodically moving across the battlefield, stunning the poorly armed and armored civs. Scythe, who'd switched back to killing shots, was concentrating her efforts on the Sith within the attacking force. Bluejay alternated between killing shots - right hand - and stunning shots - left hand - spreading the hurt around for any and all who decided it might be a good idea to attack the small force of clones.
When the pilot mentioned they should get going, Bluejay jerked her head at Lefty, who dropped back nearer to the pilot. Keep him covered and keep him alive, Lefty. Because I don't like wasted missions. "He's right." She called over to Galaar via the comms, ignoring the music coming over the circuit. "Scythe and I can keep you covered from the back while you take him" - she gestured to the pilot, not knowing his name - "and Lefty and blow the karking tower into molecular space dust."
Okay, so it sounded a bit desperate. But Bluejay knew what she was doing - and she was certainly not desperate. Lefty would stay with the main group as insurance. Bluejay and Scythe were best suited to staying a few meters behind the group and keeping any nasty surprises from jumping out at them. Lefty would provide extra firepower in case something jumped out at them from ahead, which it most likely would.
Now, the do-it-all-herself mindset must be forgiven a little on her part, since she was so utterly used to working on her own, or with only two others, that she nearly forgot the others could take care of themselves.
@[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="Galaar CC-252"] @[member="CC-827 Tauranov"] @[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"]
When the pilot mentioned they should get going, Bluejay jerked her head at Lefty, who dropped back nearer to the pilot. Keep him covered and keep him alive, Lefty. Because I don't like wasted missions. "He's right." She called over to Galaar via the comms, ignoring the music coming over the circuit. "Scythe and I can keep you covered from the back while you take him" - she gestured to the pilot, not knowing his name - "and Lefty and blow the karking tower into molecular space dust."
Okay, so it sounded a bit desperate. But Bluejay knew what she was doing - and she was certainly not desperate. Lefty would stay with the main group as insurance. Bluejay and Scythe were best suited to staying a few meters behind the group and keeping any nasty surprises from jumping out at them. Lefty would provide extra firepower in case something jumped out at them from ahead, which it most likely would.
Now, the do-it-all-herself mindset must be forgiven a little on her part, since she was so utterly used to working on her own, or with only two others, that she nearly forgot the others could take care of themselves.
@[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="Galaar CC-252"] @[member="CC-827 Tauranov"] @[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"]