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The Ballad of Leroy Jenkins (CIS Dominion of Toong'L 100 posts)

Lefty sidestepped as a rock sailed towards her, neatly missing and clattering uselessly to the ground. A second later, the mutt who threw it received the much more effective present of a stun round to the chest. "Apparently he was out of ammo." She commented, methodically moving across the battlefield, stunning the poorly armed and armored civs. Scythe, who'd switched back to killing shots, was concentrating her efforts on the Sith within the attacking force. Bluejay alternated between killing shots - right hand - and stunning shots - left hand - spreading the hurt around for any and all who decided it might be a good idea to attack the small force of clones.

When the pilot mentioned they should get going, Bluejay jerked her head at Lefty, who dropped back nearer to the pilot. Keep him covered and keep him alive, Lefty. Because I don't like wasted missions. "He's right." She called over to Galaar via the comms, ignoring the music coming over the circuit. "Scythe and I can keep you covered from the back while you take him" - she gestured to the pilot, not knowing his name - "and Lefty and blow the karking tower into molecular space dust."

Okay, so it sounded a bit desperate. But Bluejay knew what she was doing - and she was certainly not desperate. Lefty would stay with the main group as insurance. Bluejay and Scythe were best suited to staying a few meters behind the group and keeping any nasty surprises from jumping out at them. Lefty would provide extra firepower in case something jumped out at them from ahead, which it most likely would.

Now, the do-it-all-herself mindset must be forgiven a little on her part, since she was so utterly used to working on her own, or with only two others, that she nearly forgot the others could take care of themselves.

@[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="Galaar CC-252"] @[member="CC-827 Tauranov"] @[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"]
Kage offers a nod to Lefty. Always good to have someone close by who was a better shot. He pops off another five or so shots, stunning the one target he was aiming at. "Well, lets get a move on then." He continues his duck and cover forward, popping targets every now and then when he was able to hit them.

Once we're in the tower this'll be a bit easier at least.

The clone pilot looks up, blinking as a civ moved to run him through with some kind of farming tool. He empties his clip into the figure, gritting his teeth behind his helm. "I still hate the ground.." He mumbles mostly to himself, but it can be easily heard over the com.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
"We'll be quick, ner'vod." Galaar cut into the comms. The Commando was already advancing, he seemed intent on wasting as little time as possible. He soon stopped using the rifle and as one citizen charged him with a vibroax the Commando quickly disarmed him and threw him to the ground with a non-lethal take down before moving to the rest. Right as he went from cover though 3 light blaster bolts screamed from the mind-controlled Civvies position and scored Galaar straight in the chest and shoulder in a diagonal pattern.

The Mando staggered back and fell back into cover, clutching his chest for a moment. "Haar'chak! It hurts worse than Bralor's glares or Vau's lessons! Blast you all!" He pulled a stun grenade and threw it at the position he took the fire from. He wasn't really hurt, the pain smarted, but his retrofitted armor too the brunt of the fire. Not the first time you've been hit. His Strill was at his side again, growling and hissing. It's time to push forward again. And I have an idea.

"Dread Sisters! Move to the left. I have the right, box them in like wurpa worms in a bantha pie. Ka'ika." He was refering to Kage. "You're with me."

@[member="Kage CC-743"] @T:N1:LDR @[member="CC-827 Tauranov"]@[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"]
Kage looks over and nods. He pulls his gun up, firing another couple of shots to take down one more civ. "I got your back then." He keeps his gun up, close to Galaar. He trusted the big man more then you'd think he would. He continues to pop the civs with stun rounds, never going to lethal. He wasn't a good enough shot to fire at the sith and not hit any 'friendlies'.

Man I should of gone to more gun training when I had the chance.. The clone frowns behind his helm, firing at another wayward farmer getting too close with a pointy stick. "I hope this'll work!"
"That works too." Bluejay muttered, as Lefty raised an eyebrow, shrugged at Kage, and followed Galaar's orders. The three of them moved to the right, Scythe still pouring blasterfire into the Sith, helped along by Bluejay's right hand and occasionally Lefty, who would sometimes stun a particularly nasty one so a killing shot could get through. The three of them fanned out along the left side, Lefty closest to the LZ, Bluejay in the middle, and Scythe on the far side. Then they started pushing forward, slowly, driving the enemy towards Galaar and his men.

@[member="Galaar CC-252"] @[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="CC-827 Tauranov"] @[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"]

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Galaar was quick to act, slowly moving along the right blaster blazing. It wasn't long at this rate before their defenses on the desert ridge were opened up and the Dread Sisters, Galaar, Kage, and the rest of the clones broke down the last defenders. The Sith troopers hoping in a speeder and trying to make a hasty retreat to the Citadel-like Controller that towered in the sky. Vong tech was odd and they could use it even more effectively than the Sith with their new enhancements. Painful experience being Vong-Shaped. Never again.

With that he dolled out orders again. he turned to the lead Dread Sister and removed his helmet for a moment. The dust in the air burned but he hardly cared. "Alright, ad'ika. We use your plan. You and your sisters take Sawtooth and his men and take the tower down on the signal. I'll take Kage here and we'll get to the mainframe and get any info on it and deal with whatever is on top. Still no sign of the Sith commander. The Demogolka Hut'uun must be scared of us ramikad. Lets push forward, Sisters, you're on point. Ka'ika behind me."

@CC-325 Sawtooth @Kage CC-743 @T:N1:LDR @CC-827 Tauranov
Kage keeps quiet, holding his gun low. Smart plan, hopefully it'll work. He ignored the dust with his helm still on. He glances over to the sisters, watching them through Galaar's speech. He had no idea what to make out of them, but he trusted them all the same. They fought insanely well and it was enough for the pilot. So long as they pressed forward the rest of the Sith guard would focus on them, leaving Galaar and himself a clearer path to the mainframe.

At least there I can be of actual help..
Bluejay nodded once, helmet still on. She didn't know why Galaar had taken off his helmet, but he had, so she wasn't going to argue the point. No need to issue orders to the other sisters. They knew what to do.

Lefty on the Left. Scythe on the right. Bluejay in the center. A quick gesture from Bluejay told Sawtooth and his men to follow - not like he needed it.

@[member="Galaar CC-252"] @[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="CC-827 Tauranov"] @[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"]
Caico was having a very bad day. The Commander of the 117th Legion stood in gray slacks; a black leather jacket with dark green lines down the sides, and old dusty boots. His beard had been freshly shaven, and he still smelled of bacta. Calico was leaning over the main bridge terminal; syncing in to the multiple squads deployed ground-side. His back still ached from the cannon round that had thrown him out of commission in the last operation, but he was up an moving.

"Sigma squad deployed at point Bravo." He mumbled to himself, flicking through the multiple up-links to each team in the field. From his position; the Commander could observe the entire battle situation and provide support when necessary.

"Cee-Cee-Two-Five-Two. This is Commander Two-Four-Seven. I'm taking the reigns of our fleet here. Just crawled out of the tanks." He paused to sync in with the team's HUD icons; observing their life signatures and armor conditions. "I'll be your advisor for the remainder of this Op. Give me a Sitrep."

@[member="Galaar CC-252"]

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Galaar watched the sisters move and took one deep breathe before sliding his helmet back on. It was moments like these that reminded him of his old life. I miss you brothers... He then moved like he rarely ever did with serious intent. It was time to get slag done.

They took minimal fire until they arrive at the Coordinator and its Sith Guardians opened fire with red blaster blots. Now it was going to get serious, most of the enthralled civilian defenders were per-occupied engaging various Squads of the legion that had deployed at Galaar's will. The troublesome thing is that three red lightsabers were drawn, one for each of the Dread Sisters as the White Jobs took on the soldiers while Galaar moved toward the door and began interacting the odd Vong tech with Kage behind him hopefully. "Kark! Ka'ika! Get this door open before the Sith spot us!" He looked down at his strill. "Lor'ika watch our backs." The Strill barked and did just that as Galaar replied to Calico. "Right sir, good to hear your voice. Oh... We're in front of a giant Vong tower getting our shebs shot and cut at."

@[member="T:N1:LDR"] @[member="Kage CC-743"]
Kage moves to the control panel, moving Galaar to the side. "Give me just a moment.." He pulls out his datapad, hooking it up to the access point. His screen flashes to light and the pilot works his slicer skills, starting to hack into the doors mainframe. Flashing lights show up on the door and he keeps at the working. After another moment, the door hisses open. "Got it, get inside." He unplugs his datapad and hooks it back on his belt. He pops into the door way, his gun no longer on stun. He pops a sith guard in the chest several times at close range.

Three Sith. Three Dread Sisters. It was almost an even fight.

Bluejay took the center Sith - Scarface. Lefty, the one on the left (of course) - Blackie, for the black hair. And Scythe took the one on the right - Third. Okay, it wasn't the most creative name, but whatever. They didn't need to be creative.

They attacked simultaneously, Bluejay switching to a knife in her left hand. Three shots to the face, three shots blocked. Bluejay dropped into a crouch as Scarface swung at her, letting the blade pass over her head. The Sith drew back his arm for another swing, but Bluejay stepped in, seized his wrist, and sank her knife into his throat. Lefty had taken care of hers in a different fashion, slipping around behind Blackie and shooting him in the head. Scythe took a more tactical approach, luring Third closer, then dropping her rifle, sliding under his guard, and stabbing him in the neck with her sword. Then she retrieved her rifle and the three of them continued on.

@[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="Galaar CC-252"]

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Galaar was quick to move into the tower and was stunned by the sight. The building was odd, it was made of what seemed to be living material. It was oddly home-like and he felt at ease inside of it. Vong-shape. It was his only though, on the other side of the large circular room there was a lift and the room was rather empty.

Galaar broke into a dash across the room and to the lift, waiting for Kage before hitting the buttons. "Up, up, up."

@[member="Kage CC-743"]
The Commander brought a hand up to his temple as he lost himself in thought. "Alright." He began, sucking a breath in over his teeth. The bridge seemed eerily silent for whatever reason. "I'm rerouting Sigma squad to provide you with assistance. They should be there shortly." Calico flicked his fingers across the Tac-map; sending the redeployment orders to Sigma Squad's Sergeant. A faint smile formed on the Commander's tired features.

"Move into a bombardment position." He roared to the soldiers gathered around their respective consoles. He had no idea where the Colonel was; but Calico could do this himself. "We'll scare them into submission. Galaar, the frigate is ready for a bombardment if things move sour. We certainly won't do it, but if they see us like this; it may put them on a nice scare. Mark hard targets if you feel the need."
Kage was quick behind Galaar. He popped another guard in the chest, six shots fired. He noticed the Vong-shape himself. And it was intimidating to him. A terrible feeling of dread washed over him. "You think a Vong'll be up there to fight? That would be interesting at least. It would be like fighting Jango." He grunts, on the lift and quiet again.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
The lift stopped at the control room and what was inside was not a pretty sight, there were three Vong chained to the command console working for a rather intimidating Zabrak Sith knight who grinned at the two clones and drew two red bladed sabers and activated them. "Welcome to your doom, Mandalorian scum." Galaar was quick to act drawing his rifle and unloading as he moved out of the Vong lift. "Well Ka'ika... We may die." He stated over the comms.

Since slaying the Sith Apprentices more Sith Forces were arriving to defend their master, they were hosing down blaster fire and killing quite a few of the Fett Clones who were now taking cover by the door, trying to keep the foes out.

@[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="T:N1:LDR"]
"Legion taskforce." Calico boomed through the entire 117th's comm system. His voice was rough and haggard; like someone who had just awoken from a deep sleep. "This is Commander Calico. Congratulations ladies and gentlemen, you've earned the grace of my holy presence." The Commander huffed a rough little laugh. "You're doing an admirable job soldiers. The frigates are ready to provide support where needed." Heads were turning to stare up at the Commander as he spoke from the bridge. "We almost hold the planet. Fleet targeting has synced with every one of your HUD systems."

He took a moment to confirm the release of a small patrol of fighters over the AO. They were little things, enough to poke holes; not enough to really kill anyone. "A squad of fighters will provide close air support. If it is absolutely necessary the frigates can fire on hard targets. Killing civilians is highly discouraged, but you men and women hold precedence. The planetary blockade will begin soon; mark your targets soldiers!"
Kage follows shortly after, emptying his pistol mag at the saber wielder. He moves after Galaar, then switches to a private com to his brother. "Keep him busy. I'm going to try and set up some sort of trap. Or something. Bah I hate sith." He moves to flank the Sith, reloading and firing for him again. He switches to a speaker so the sith could hear. "We'll be taking this tower down. A single sith isn't enough to stop a couple of Fett clones."

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Galaar nodded to his brother and slid his rifle away before drawing his vibrosword at his hip. With a loud war-cry in Mando'a he rushed the Dark Side wielder who was taken off-gaurd by the fact he couldn't sense Galaar or Kage's intentions. The Commando held his own with the Sith for now, their blades slinging back and forth in an intricate dance of death that would end of one side a mistake. "Kage, hold hurry it up di'kut... I don't wanna die rather violently with saber through my shebs. It'd be embarrassing to show those Dread Sisters... And Calico."

@[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="T:N1:LDR"]
"Very optimistic, Galaar." Bluejay called over, trading back the knife for the blaster, which she now flicked to the kill setting. The three Dread Sisters fanned out, found cover, and poured blasterfire into the oncoming Sith troops, distracting them from the remaining Fett Clones. Okay, it wasn't spectacularly sophisticated. But it most certainly worked.

@[member="Galaar CC-252"] @[member="Kage CC-743"]

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