This is what happens when you tap the glass
"Good to go Sir!" Oddball hopped on his comm unit and began doing his job, the LAAT was going to touch down any second at the tower and they had a job to do. A job that involved keeping communication open and cutting off the enemies. For that he would need to be inside the tower to either gunk op their communication network or get a class three sweeping jammer. Which he didn't have any of those he could pull out of his butt so the first option was it. They had to get all up in that and plant their white little selves so far deep into their stronghold they wouldn't have a chance to do anything. Oddball's writer enjoyed making vague sexual references to things and that would have to come to a halt unitil after they linked with the other clones in the unit.
Oddbal had heard of what force users were capable off, and it did not sound fair at all for a man like him to be fighting a person who could crush his lungs with the flick of a wrist. "Clone Dome this is Hellboy breaking off now, good hunting." He said the other LAAT going go help out the other clones make the push further into the city. They would have this by the end of the day and nothing would stop them! Except maybe death! But other than death nothing would top them!
Oddbal had heard of what force users were capable off, and it did not sound fair at all for a man like him to be fighting a person who could crush his lungs with the flick of a wrist. "Clone Dome this is Hellboy breaking off now, good hunting." He said the other LAAT going go help out the other clones make the push further into the city. They would have this by the end of the day and nothing would stop them! Except maybe death! But other than death nothing would top them!