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Faction The Battle Begins

Eden Io

Location: Approaching Dusate Storehouse - Rampagi II
Objective: Dusate Storehouse
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Laphisto Laphisto

Eden had no need to wait for the transport to land.

Instead, the gynoid allowed herself to drop out from the side doors of the transport before the ion thrusters on her bodysuit kicked to life to send her form flying down towards the surface. Since she was faster, smaller, and stealthier than the gunships, none of the AA turrets were capable of tracking her as she dived towards the ground, a feral glint manifesting in her photoreceptors while she honed in on a group of pirates concentrated around one of the designated landing zones. Seeing that those on the roof of the building directly below her (and adjacent to the landing zone) were armed with anti-vehicle launchers, Eden immediately marked them as high-priority targets. In that regard, the gynoid had been explicitly tasked with clearing the way for the new AT-TE walkers to land. While she intended to do exactly that, she hoped to have fun while doing it, as well.

Bearing down on the pirates from above, Eden closed into range with blinding speed before unleashing a hail of slugs from the two SMGs on her left gauntlet. Suddenly, the trio of missile launcher-armed pirates were cut down with bullets plugged directly into their skulls, painting the rooftop with bits of blood as Eden passed overhead. From there, the gynoid boosted hard to her left with nigh-instantaneous acceleration, thereby evading a barrage of blaster fire from a group of four pirates on the ground. In return, Eden spun around to face the group while flying in the opposite direction, set a target lock, and fired a plasma rocket from her right gauntlet. The missile flew high into the air before whipping around to accelerate down towards its targets. Then, as soon as it struck the ground, the warhead went off in an explosion of superheated gas, turning the air within the blast radius into fire that seared, cooked, and roasted the five pirates alive.

“Splash eight pirates! Those are for Scrudge! Woo hoo!” Eden piped up over the comms, an elated giggle on her lips as she did. Nevertheless, the gynoid was far from finished. She flew on towards another building which was bordering the landing zone, this one filled with sharpshooters who positioned behind the windows on the upper levels. Opening fire with her SMGs, the subsequent hail of discharged bullets shattered the windows to shocking effect, compelling the pirates behind them to dive for cover. Then, taking advantage of the opening, Eden fired a plasma rocket through the gaps. Suddenly, the hallway the sharpshooters had positioned themselves within was bathed in flames, with the blast itself immediately roasting three of them alive. Pulling out her vibroblade, the gynoid followed in the wake of her rocket, relying on her bodysuit to protect her from the fire.

What came next could only be described as a bloodbath.

As she flew through the shattered window and into the building, Eden threw a flying kick straight to the chest of a hapless human pirate—delivered with such force that it ruptured his internal organs and sent him flying into the wall, breaking his neck upon impact. Then, boosting her way across the flames, Eden’s vibroblade struck out towards the neck of a Trandoshan pirate, removing his head before he had the opportunity to regain his bearings. Less than a second later, her vibroblade lashed out to sever the legs of another Trandoshan, before being plunged into his chest to cut through his heart. From there, Eden ripped and tore her way through what was left of the sharpshooters. Her vibroblade cut open the throats of two humans, disemboweled and decapitated a Weequay, and finally, slashed lengthwise through the skull of a hulking Barabel, thereby splitting the pirate’s head in twain and exposing both halves of his brain.

“Landing zone Besh-2 is clear! I think that’s…” Eden paused to count the bodies in the hallway. “Eighteen kills! Is that enough for a streak? How much for a gunship or a cruise missile?” She added, followed by a wicked, cackling bout of laughter as loaded two more plasma rockets into the launcher on her right gauntlet.

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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 2 capturing the storehouse

As the Lilaste Order landing party touched the planet's surface, they were immediately met with the chaotic aftermath of Eden's brutal assault on the pirates. The streets were littered with the lifeless bodies of the fallen, and the scent of burnt flesh and the acrid smoke from the fires filled the air. The landing party quickly organized themselves, their armored forms moving in a disciplined formation as they pushed through the streets toward the designated landing zone.

The distant sounds of gun emplacements firing echoed through the urban landscape, indicating that the pirates were putting up a fierce resistance. Bolts of blaster fire erupted from fortified positions, seeking to halt the Lilaste soldiers' advance. The soldiers responded with discipline, returning fire and utilizing cover to minimize their exposure to the enemy's weapons.

Commander Tarian, leading the landing party, barked orders into his comms unit. "Suppress those gun emplacements! We need that landing zone clear for the dropships to deploy the walkers!" His voice was steady, and his determination unwavering as he directed his troops.

The soldiers moved methodically, taking out pirate fighters who dared to challenge them in close combat and gradually gaining ground. The gun emplacements proved formidable obstacles, but the Lilaste soldiers' training and teamwork began to pay off. Blaster bolts found their marks, and grenades were launched to neutralize the entrenched positions.

The landing party's determination and discipline began to wear down the pirate resistance as the firefight continued. Eden's brutal assault had thrown the pirates into disarray, and the Lilaste Order soldiers were capitalizing on that advantage. The occasional explosion and plumes of smoke marked the destruction of gun emplacements, and the way to the landing zone became more and more secure with each passing minute.

Despite the chaos and violence that had unfolded moments before, the Lilaste Order soldiers maintained their focus on the mission. The clear path they were creating would soon allow the dropships to deploy the AT-TE walkers, turning the tide of battle in favor of the forces of the order. But the fight was far from over, and they remained vigilant for any unexpected challenges that might lie ahead. Eden Io
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Trace Xyston Trace Xyston

Objective 3

As Sergeant Xyston's shuttle fled the station, leaving behind a trail of chaos and confusion, the pirates in the hangar bay were left in disarray. They watched in frustration as the shuttle made its daring escape through the containment field, disappearing into the cold void of space.

Inside the hangar, the pirates scrambled to regroup. The wounded and unconscious among them were hastily attended to, while the survivors barked orders and tried to regain control of the situation. Panic and frustration filled the air as they realized that not only had they failed to capture the intruder, but their own commander was now in the hands of their enemies.

Meanwhile, back in the station's control center, the frantic communications officers were desperately trying to contact the pirate fleet. They relayed the dire situation, emphasizing the capture of their commander and the audacious escape of the intruders aboard the shuttle. The pirate fleet was alerted, and ships were quickly dispatched to intercept and pursue the fleeing vessel.
Entirr did his best to defeat the enemy and protect his ships. And, he and his comrades did a good job doing that. "Good job, team!" The Ithorian said to his fellow fighters. When the friendly Basilisk starfighters damaged the enemy ships's turrets, Entirr thought that they need to completely crush the enemy. "Now that they are weakened, let's attack the parts that were protected by the turrets." Entirr fired the ion cannons of his Star Destroyer at the enemy ships.
Laphisto Laphisto Dravin macovish Dravin macovish Evvar Roxupa Evvar Roxupa
What a fool Evvar was. In the heat of the moment, he'd forgotten about his maglocked landing skids. "On it! And...I'll try not to scratch your paint."

He lowered his throttle, and changed his viewscreen from the status displays to his ventral cam. Then, carefully watching the monitor, he slowly used the attitude thrusters to bring himself down on the still-moving ship. The interceptor shuddered suddenly, but the cam showed he was latched on the Dravin. "I've got you!" he reported, and threw the throttle forward, slowly turning back to the carrier.

He had taken his first step towards redemption, but there were still many more to go.

Dravin macovish Dravin macovish

Trace Xyston

Lilaste Elghaseki
Trace stumbled up to the cockpit and fell into the copilot's seat. His back was now patched up, but it would need bacta back at the ship. If they ever got there. "Sir, enemy starfighters approaching! Our aft shields are at sixty percent!" Daana reported, voice filled with worry.

"Evasive maneuvers," Trace ordered weakly, wincing as a fresh stab of pain jolted through him. What an adventure he'd had today. And it wasn't over yet. There were certainly more 'officials' to be found. Trace had better be ready to find them. He took a deep breath and shunted the pain out of his mind.

Daana took the shuttle into a barrel roll, and a steep dive. They were getting closer to the main Lilaste fleet with every passing second-but the shields were disintegrating at that rate too. But he reminded himself, not just any average pilot was qualified to fly the Lilaste Elghaseki. No siree. Daana was the top of her class, it was just this shuttle that limited her.

The vessel shuddered, and a clank resounded somewhere below them. That wasn't good. But then, Trace knew they would make it back. The pirates wanted their commander back. So they wouldn't destroy the craft holding him. They would try to board the shuttle, or take it with tractor beams.

"Daana, take us as far away from their main warships as possible. Our greatest fear should be their tractor beams, not their starfighters. They want to take us alive,"
Trace said. He looked at the pilot, and saw understanding dawn on the Besalisk's face.

"Got it, Sergeant."

The shuttle veered off its course, going straight away from the approaching warships. Meanwhile, Trace called to Entirr Mokuze Entirr Mokuze . "Sir, we need a pickup. We have a high priority target on board."

Laphisto Laphisto
Dravin gave a small sigh of relife, leaning back in his seat and taking a few deep breaths. he had made it through another fight, but how stupid he was, if only he had seen the cruiser sooner, or reacted beter then he wouldnt be out of the fight and still be in battle with his squadron, he just hoped hsi secon in command would take the lead and hopefully no one else would die. " thanks talon one aprechiated"
"No problem, Dravin," Evvar replied as he brought his craft smoothly into the carrier's hangar. His repulsorlifts were on full, and Dravin's ship was still weighing him down. The Kel Dor's interceptor was nearly scraping the ceiling, but soon he was in a more comfy spot, hanging midair, right above Dravin's vessel. Now came the hard part.

In a millisecond, he both turned on his repulsorlifts and released his maglock. His interceptor jerked into the air and over to the side, while Dravin's rocked violently from being dropped. Evvar's interceptor settled down smoothly. He popped his canopy and dodged around the repair crew rushing to Dravin's interceptor. He would wait by the ladder for the other pilot to climb out.

Dravin macovish Dravin macovish
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 1 Naval supremacy Entirr Mokuze Entirr Mokuze

The friendly Basilisk starfighters had successfully disabled the enemy ships' turrets, leaving them vulnerable to a decisive strike.

Following Entirr's strategic command, the Basilisk starfighters, along with the assistance of the three formidable Hammerhead cruisers, unleashed a devastating assault on the pirate Terrik frigates. Ion cannon fire and turbolaser blasts converged on the exposed and unprotected areas of the pirate ships.

With overwhelming firepower and superior tactics, the pirate frigates stood little chance. One by one, they succumbed to the relentless barrage, their hulls punctured and vital systems incapacitated. Explosions rippled through the enemy fleet as their ships were reduced to floating wrecks.

The pirate bomber squadrons, already disoriented and struggling to regroup, found themselves in a desperate situation. The combined might of Entirr's Star Destroyer, the Basilisk starfighters, and the Hammerhead cruisers made quick work of the remaining enemy bombers, intercepting and obliterating them before they could pose any significant threat.
As Evvar initiated the complex maneuver, releasing the maglock and swiftly moving his ship to the side, Dravin's own interceptor rocked violently. The sudden motion caught him off guard, and he braced himself against the control panel as alarms blared around him. He could see the repair crew rushing toward his damaged interceptor, ready to cut him free from the tangled mess. Taking a deep breath, Dravin unlatched his harness and waited to be cut free as expeced his cockpit was warped and prevented him from disembarking

With the assistance of the repair crew, he carefully extricated himself from the twisted metal and wires that had once been his interceptor's cockpit. It was a relief to finally step onto the hangar deck, albeit with a sense of frustration at the damage his ship had endured.

With a grateful nod to the repair crew, Dravin made his way over to where Evvar was waiting by the ladder. "Thanks for the assist, Evvar," he said, his voice tinged with both appreciation and the lingering adrenaline of their recent engagement. "Let's hope they can patch her up quickly so we can get back in the fight. i am eager to show those pirates what for!"

Eden Io

Location: Approaching Dusate Storehouse - Rampagi II
Objective: Dusate Storehouse
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Laphisto Laphisto

Eden jumped out of the building and took flight as the Order’s infantry disembarked from their transports before initiating their advance towards the pirates’ fortified positions. Their discipline and persistence stood in stark contrast to Eden’s more chaotic, dynamic style. Nevertheless, just as they played off of the shock inflicted by her assault, she played off of their grinding, methodical advance by leveraging it as cover for her maneuvers. In that regard, Eden darted between buildings and obstacles with blinding speed, all while flying only a few meters above the ground so as to avoid exposing herself. Before long, she was on the flanks of the pirates’ defensive lines and soon, she was closing in to attack.

Honing in on a fortified blaster position, Eden fired a pair of 10 gauge slugs from the small shotgun on her right gauntlet, striking down the gunner and his assistant in a quick succession of headshots that blew open their skulls like a pair of overripe melons. With the shotgun emptied, a barrage of much smaller projectiles from the two SMGs on her left gauntlet followed in the wake of the massive slugs, filling the air with a hail of bullets that proceeded to tear through flesh and light armor, swiftly cutting down four more pirates in the process. While Eden’s initial thought had been to fade away after her initial strikes, the gynoid instead seized the opportunity to finish off this particular defensive position for good. And so, spinning around while mid-air, Eden boosted to her right with almost instant acceleration to throw off the pirates’ return fire. Without hesitation, she answered it with another salvo of slugs unleashed from her SMGs until both of their magazines clicked empty. By then, three more pirates were left unmoving after being struck in their heads, shoulders, and upper chests. The remainder were sent diving for cover behind a nearby landspeeder, but Eden had no intention of letting them slip away. The gynoid quickly locked onto the two remaining heat signatures and fired a plasma rocket, which arced over the obstruction before slamming into the ground behind it. On cue, a burst of superheated gas billowed out in a small radius from behind the landspeeder, burning the remaining pirates alive, while only scorching the vehicle’s paint.

“That’s position Cresh-3, clear! Let’s move up!” Eden said with a distinct, girlish pep in her tone as she descended down towards her handiwork. All the while, the gynoid let the empty magazines from her SMGs drop to the ground before slotting in a pair of new ones. Then, she loaded two new slugs into her shotgun and another plasma rocket into her launcher.

“How much longer until we get those walkers? I hope they don’t make this too easy!”

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 2 STorming the storehouse

As Commander Tarian watched the chaos below, his tactical visor displayed a live feed of Eden's dynamic assault. He couldn't help but marvel at the sheer audacity of the gynoid's maneuvers. Her unorthodox style was impressive and perplexing, but it worked effectively against the pirates' defenses.

"Eden's taking care of the blaster position at Cresh-3," Tarian reported to his squad leaders over the comm. "Keep pushing forward, secure the perimeter, and maintain cover. We need to clear the way for our reinforcements."

The commander's voice was a mix of determination and anticipation as he watched the ground assault progress. He knew that Eden's skills were valuable, but they also needed the heavy firepower of the AT-AE walkers to turn the tide decisively in their favor.

Tarian toggled a private channel to the LAET/C Gunship pilots hovering nearby. "Gunship pilots, this is Commander Tarian. The landing zone is clear for the AT-AE walkers. Send them in now."

The Gunships flew low, hovering just above the building's streets, pulling to the landing zone now that it was clear. The mad locks on the side disengaged and dropped the walkers, which fell ten feet. Landing with a loud thud, the heavy machinery cracked the pavement below as they began to advance. The gunships without a load pulled themselves up and out of the combat much faster than they had arrived

Tarian couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as the walkers joined the fray. "Walkers are on the ground," he announced to his troops. "Form up and advance with them. Let's take that pirate storehouse and end this operation once and for all!"

The walkers began shelling the compound from a distance with their Mass driver cannons, the remaining gun emplacements being taken out by the walkers in their advance.

Trace Xyston

Lilaste Elghaseki
Trace clenched his teeth as Daana took the shuttle in a series of loops and sharp turns. Sure, the fighters weren’t trying to destroy them, but accidents could happen. And then he got confirmation from Entirr Mokuze Entirr Mokuze that his ship was on the way to pick them up. Through the viewport, the warship grew larger with every second passing.

Daana reduced the intensity of her evasive maneuvers, and Trace sighed in relief.

A few seconds later, the fighters began to be harassed by Lilaste Phoenix interceptors, and peeled off their attack.

Trace breathed for the first time in minutes, it seemed, when the shuttle landed in Entirr’s warship.
Evvar grinned. "As am I, comrade. For now though, I'll be enjoying a ration bar," he said as he pulled a small rectangular package out of his flight vest. He tore it open, revealing a small brown cookie. He bit into it. Eh, it was alright.

Dravin macovish Dravin macovish

Trace Xyston

Lilaste Elghaseki
There were ten army soldiers waiting before the ramp when it lowered. The center man stepped forward and offered a salute to the limping Trace. "Sir, I see your mission went well?"

"Indeed. Here he is," Trace replied, stepping aside on the narrow boarding ramp to allow the Twi'lek pirate to pass. He was scowling and cursing, but Gryon gave him a hard shove and that quieted him.

"Excellent. We'll take him from here," the leader of the group said, saluting again and cuffing the pirate. Then the left.

The rest of the Elghaseki filed out of the shuttle and faced Trace. Rhomma asked, "What next, sir?"

"Next? For you, it'll be bacta. And for me. But we'll probably only get several minutes' rest. There are still two officials left to capture," the sergeant said, caressing his wound. "Let's head to the medbay."

Minutes later, they arrived to an empty room. Other than the med droid, of course. "Welcome! I am-".

"Yes, yes. Could you possibly hurry, please? We have to get back to the fight soon," Trace cut off the robot. The droid paused, servos whirring for a second, then started taking bacta from a cabinet.

Eden Io

Location: Approaching Dusate Storehouse - Rampagi II
Objective: Dusate Storehouse
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Laphisto Laphisto

After reloading her weapons, Eden flew to the top of a nearby building while the walkers were dropped off. They were massive hexapedal war machines, reminiscent of the ancient AT-TE walkers from the Clone Wars, but with far more armor and a modernized armament. With their presence on the battlefield, the Order would be able to break through the teeth of the pirates’ defensive lines in a way that Eden herself couldn’t do. While her plasma rockets were capable of taking out many types of armored vehicles, they couldn’t bring down reinforced walls the size of buildings.

Before long, the walkers initiated their advance and Eden moved to join them, intending to protect their vulnerable flanks as she did. However, it was only then that her sensors registered a number of heat signatures emerging from within a building adjacent to one of the roads that the walkers were traversing.


“I’m going ahead. Cover me!” Suddenly, Eden flew ahead, honing in on the building in question. Locking on to the signatures inside the building (all of which were concentrated in the upper two floors), the gynoid accelerated hard to her left as those inside the building opened fire on her, causing their shots to miss. In turn, she unleashed a hail of fire from her SMGs to shatter the windows, followed by a salvo of plasma rockets that screamed towards their targets. Suddenly, a pair of explosions erupted as the floors were bathed in superheated gas and flames, incinerated six of the would-be ambushers almost immediately. From there, the gynoid breached through the lower of the two floors, at which point her shotgun gave a pair of loud, booming reports, sending two 10 gauge slugs towards a pair of dazed Trandoshans. The massive projectiles turned their skulls into mush, yellowish chunks of bone, and bits of brain matter, while splattering the wall behind them with greenish blood. Then, the gynoid boosted over the flames and took the stairs to the top level. There, she found nothing more than a row of charred corpses, all of which had been caught by her rockets. With that, Eden smiled and boosted out of the closest window, leaving the top two floors of the building a smoking ruin in her wake.

“The route ahead is clear!”


Trace Xyston

Lilaste Elghaseki

Once the bright red crosshair was directly on the Nikto's head, Kavir squeezed the trigger. A blast rang out, but no pirates were left to hear it. The had delivered once again. "Nice shot, Sarge," came the voice of her second in command, Taron.

"Thanks. Let's move in. Breach the door on my mark," Kavir ordered as her troops climbed over the ridge they were taking cover on, and slid down the steep decline towards a small bunker. In the distance to her right, the Lilaste Army was brute forcing their way towards the warehouse. That was a good distraction, as most of the pirates were defending against the frontal assault, allowing Team Two an easier time in.

Kavir was now to the left side of the entrance, a wooden door.
"Go," she whispered, and Taron kicked down the door. Four Elghaseki then bolted into the room, blasters held upright.

"Clear, Sergeant Kavir," one of them reported.

"Good. We'll use this as a sniper's nest to prevent any reinforcements from showing up. Taron, take two troopers with you and advance on that building straight ahead. Take out anyone inside and find out what its purpose is," Kavir instructed.

Taron nodded and exited the bunker, two Elghaseki trailing her.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 2 Eden Io

Commander Tarian observed the situation through the tactical feed in his visor as he led the AT-AE walkers forward. Eden's swift and deadly actions were a sight to behold, and her announcement that the route ahead was clear came as a welcome relief.

"Excellent work, Eden," Tarian commended her over the comms. "Keep an eye on our flanks as we proceed. We're making good progress, and the storehouse is within reach."

The massive walkers continued their ponderous advance through the narrow streets, their armored hulls providing security to the infantrymen marching alongside them. Tarian couldn't help but admire the walkers' impressive design, blending ancient aesthetics and modern firepower.

As they pressed forward, they encountered sporadic resistance from the remaining pirates, who were caught off guard by Eden's lightning-fast response to the ambush. The walkers' LO-35Rs tore through enemy infantry relatively quickly, turning a few pirates to red mist as the 30-06 slug rounds tore through armor and walls. with the LO-26R mounted machine guns began supporting the walkers on the sides, ripping through windows and buildings of any pirates that the infantry may have missed The Enforcer Mass Driver Cannon made quick work of the pirate barricades and fortified positions that had once seemed impenetrable.

"Stay vigilant, everyone," Tarian reminded his troops. "We're almost there. Once we breach that storehouse, we'll end this pirate operation and secure the valuable intel we need."

With the gynoid Eden providing vital support and the AT-AE walkers leading the way, the Lilaste Order's ground assault was proving to be a formidable force, steadily advancing toward the heart of the pirates' stronghold. Victory was drawing nearer with each step, but Commander Tarian knew they couldn't afford to let their guard down until the mission was successfully completed.
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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 3 Trace Xyston Trace Xyston

Inside the building that the pirates had converted into a communication center, the atmosphere was tense but focused. Pirate operatives sat at various terminals, intently monitoring their communication channels and coordinating their forces.

"What's the status on the west perimeter?" one of the pirates asked, his voice low and serious.

"Quiet for now, but keep an eye out. The Lilaste Army's making a push on the warehouse, so they might try to flank us," another pirate replied, eyes darting between screens.

The pirates continued their work, unaware of the impending threat that was about to descend upon them. Their attention was fixed on the screens, relaying information and giving orders to their fellow pirates scattered throughout the compound.

As the Elghaseki Team Two readied themselves for the assault, the pirates remained focused on their tasks, completely oblivious to the danger that was about to crash through their wooden door.
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